Cast and Crew of Friends


In the beloved television show "Friends," six young adults from New York City form an unlikely but tight-knit group as they navigate the challenges of young adulthood. The characters include Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green, a fashion enthusiast and Monica Geller, played by Courteney Cox, a chef and self-proclaimed "Queen of Clean." The other members of this iconic friend group are Ross Geller, Monica's older brother and a paleontologist; Joey Tribbiani, a struggling actor and food lover; Chandler Bing, a sarcastic and witty IT procurement manager; and Phoebe Buffay, a quirky and eccentric masseuse and musician.

The show follows these six friends as they deal with the trials and tribulations of their personal and professional lives. From job searches and dating woes to apartment hunting and roommate disputes, the characters rely on each other for support and guidance. They are always there for each other, whether it's to lend a listening ear, offer advice, or provide a shoulder to cry on. The companionship, comfort, and support they find in each other serve as the perfect antidote to the pressures of the real world.

"Friends" is not only a show about the struggles of young adulthood, but also about the power of friendship. The characters' relationships with each other are the heart of the show, and the love, laughter, and support they share are what make "Friends" such a timeless and beloved series. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the show, "Friends" is sure to bring a smile to your face and remind you of the importance of friendship in your own life. With its relatable characters, hilarious humor, and heartwarming moments, "Friends" is a must-watch for anyone looking for a feel-good show that will leave you wanting more.

Friends ran for 11 seasons.

Main Cast of Friends

Jennifer Aniston as Rachel Green

Jennifer Aniston

as Rachel Green (228 episodes)
Rachel Green is a stylish, socialite turned career woman over the course of the Friends series. She starts off waitressing at Central Perk and eventually makes her way into the fashion world. She is known for her iconic hairstyles and sense of fashion.

Quotes from Rachel Green

  1. I'm full, and yet I know if I stop eating this, I'll regret it.
  2. No, you weren't supposed to put beef in the trifle. It did not taste good.
Courteney Cox as Monica Geller

Courteney Cox

as Monica Geller (228 episodes)
Courteney Cox's portrayal of Monica Geller in the hit television series 'Friends' is often celebrated for its depth and comedic timing. Known for her meticulous and competitive nature, Monica's character is brought to life vividly by Cox, who masterfully balances her obsessive-compulsive tendencies with a heartwarming sense of empathy and loyalty. Cox's performance highlights Monica's evolution throughout the series, making her one of the most relatable and endearing characters in the ensemble. Her on-screen chemistry with the rest of the cast adds to the charm of the series, contributing to its long-lasting appeal and success.
Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe Buffay

Lisa Kudrow

as Phoebe Buffay (228 episodes)
Phoebe Buffay is a quirky, free-spirited musician and masseuse. She is known for her eccentric personality and unorthodox beliefs, often entertaining her friends with her unique worldview.

Quotes from Phoebe Buffay

  1. Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
  2. Oh no! My eyes! My eyes!
Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani

Matt LeBlanc

as Joey Tribbiani (228 episodes)
Joey Tribbiani is a lovable, charming and dim-witted actor who loves food, women and his friends. He's a classic ladies’ man who is always down for a good time! Despite his simple personality, Joey's endearing qualities and his iconic catchphrases never failed to put a smile on our faces.

Quotes from Joey Tribbiani

  1. Joey doesn't share food!
  2. Joey doesn't share women!
  3. How you doin'?
  4. Joey's apple!
  5. Joey doesn't share clothes!
Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing

Matthew Perry

as Chandler Bing (228 episodes)
Chandler Bing is a lovable character from the TV show Friends. He is known for his sarcastic humor and witty one-liners. He works in data processing but dreams of something more fulfilling in life.

Quotes from Chandler Bing

  1. Could I BE wearing any more clothes?
  2. The funny thing is, on the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook.
David Schwimmer as Ross Geller

David Schwimmer

as Ross Geller (228 episodes)
Ross Geller is a paleontology professor with a passion for dinosaurs. He is Monica's older brother and is often portrayed as being smart but socially awkward. He has a complicated romantic history with Rachel Green.
James Michael Tyler as Gunther

James Michael Tyler

as Gunther (145 episodes)
Gunther is the manager of Central Perk, where the gang frequently hangs out. He is hopelessly in love with Rachel and often struggles to express his feelings.

Quotes from Gunther

  1. 'I love you'
  2. 'Welcome to Central Perk, how can I help you?'
  3. 'Yeah, I work here. Did you want to order something?'

Secondary Cast of Friends

Lisa Thornhill as Kristen

Lisa Thornhill

as Kristen (1 episode)
Kristen is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a colleague of Rachel's at Ralph Lauren. Kristen is kind, friendly, and supportive, and is seen to have a crush on Joey.

Quotes from Kristen

  1. 'You've got a cute butt.'
  2. 'I was hoping we could sit around and eat some cheese.'
Steve Zahn as Duncan

Steve Zahn

as Duncan (1 episode)

Steven James Zahn (born November 13, 1967) is an American actor and comedian. His films include Reality Bites (1994),...

Michael McKean as Mr. Rastatter

Michael McKean

as Mr. Rastatter (1 episode)
Mr. Rastatter is a minor character on the TV show Friends. He is Phoebe's strict and demanding boss at a Wall Street firm. Though he can come across as tough and demanding, he has a soft spot for Phoebe's quirky personality.

Quotes from Mr. Rastatter

  1. 'Miss Buffay, it has come to my attention that you are taking excessive personal days.'
Jana Marie Hupp as Mindy

Jana Marie Hupp

as Mindy (1 episode)
Mindy is a recurring character on Friends, portrayed by Jennifer Grey. She is introduced as Rachel's high school best friend who later dates and marries Rachel's ex-fiancé, Barry.

Quotes from Mindy

  1. Ex-O, ex-O
  2. I cannot believe I'm finally getting married
Carlo Imperato as Roy

Carlo Imperato

as Roy (1 episode)
Roy is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. He is the ex-boyfriend of Rachel Green and the father of their daughter, Emma. Roy is depicted as a young, handsome and somewhat reckless person who often gets into trouble with the law. He has a charming personality that attracts many women and has had multiple relationships throughout the show.

Quotes from Roy

  1. I thought we weren't exclusive
  2. I didn't know it was a big deal
  3. That's hot
Brittney Powell as Jade

Brittney Powell

as Jade (2 episodes)
Jade is a minor character in Friends who appears in season one episode 'The One with the Butt'. She is a professional dancer who is hired to perform in Joey's musical.

Quotes from Jade

  1. I'll start dancing, they'll keep watching.
  2. Just so you know, it's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it IS a big deal!
Lea Thompson as Caroline Duffy (uncredited)

Lea Thompson

as Caroline Duffy (uncredited) (1 episode)
Caroline Duffy is a recurring character on the hit TV show Friends. She is a successful businesswoman who dates Joey early on in the series. She is portrayed as being very driven and independent, but also a bit manipulative.

Quotes from Caroline Duffy (uncredited)

  1. 'Well, Joey, I’m just not interested in sleeping with you.'
  2. 'You know, it’s okay to not know everything.'
Isabella Rossellini as Isabella Rossellini

Isabella Rossellini

as Isabella Rossellini (2 episodes)
Isabella Rossellini plays the character of herself in Friends. She appears in three episodes of season 3 as Joey's (Matt LeBlanc) girlfriend. She is a famous model, and Joey gets the opportunity to date her, but their relationship falls apart due to Joey's jealousy.

Quotes from Isabella Rossellini

  1. I'm not your babe. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not your anything.
  2. I know, I catch you basking in the afterglow when I wake up in the middle of the night.
Alec Baldwin as Parker

Alec Baldwin

as Parker (2 episodes)
Parker is a quirky and eccentric guy who briefly dated Phoebe in the show Friends. He has a passion for endangered animals and is very enthusiastic about his work as a biologist.

Quotes from Parker

  1. Endangered is my middle name! Well, actually it's Marcus, but I try to work it in whenever I can.
  2. That's so cool!
Elinor Donahue as Aunt Lillian

Elinor Donahue

as Aunt Lillian (1 episode)
Aunt Lillian is the crotchety and demanding aunt of Ross Geller, who is usually very critical of everyone and everything around her. She is known for her fits of rage and sarcastic comments.

Quotes from Aunt Lillian

  1. You call this coffee? This coffee tastes like dirt.
  2. A piñata? For a girl turning 29? Good luck finding candy that doesn't make her fat.
  3. I haven't had a good night's sleep since Reagan was in office.
John Allen Nelson as Paul

John Allen Nelson

as Paul (1 episode)
Paul is a minor character on Friends, a short-term boyfriend of Rachel. He is portrayed as a sensitive and caring person, often helping Rachel with her problems and being there for her in times of need.

Quotes from Paul

  1. Hey, it's okay. You're gonna get through this. I'm here for you.
  2. I'm just happy being here with you right now.
Anita Barone as Carol Willick

Anita Barone

as Carol Willick (1 episode)
Carol Willick is a fictional character from the TV show Friends. She is a lesbian and the ex-wife of Ross Geller. She is also the biological mother of Ross and her partner Susan's son, Ben.

Quotes from Carol Willick

  1. 'I started to wonder if I was still a lesbian.'
  2. Susan!
Jill Goodacre as Jill Goodacre

Jill Goodacre

as Jill Goodacre (1 episode)
Jill Goodacre is portrayed as a beautiful and successful model. She is also known as Ross Geller's girlfriend on the show Friends.

Quotes from Jill Goodacre

  1. Oh my God, I am so sorry
  2. How long are you going to punish me for?
  3. This is not why I called you

Jason Graae

as Casting Director (1 episode)
Taylor Negron as Allesandro

Taylor Negron

as Allesandro (2 episodes)
Allesandro is a minor character in Friends. He is a customer who frequents the coffee shop Central Perk, where the main characters hang out. He is known for his flirtatious behavior and attempts to hit on Phoebe.

Quotes from Allesandro

  1. Don't worry, I'll buy you a coffee.
  2. Hey, pretty lady. Let's you and me get out of here.
Lilyan Chauvin as Grandma Tribbiani

Lilyan Chauvin

as Grandma Tribbiani (1 episode)
Grandma Tribianni is Joey's fun-loving and wild grandmother who often brings chaos to his life. She is known for her youthful spirit and love of partying.

Quotes from Grandma Tribbiani

  1. Let's party like it's 1969!
  2. I may be old, but I can still boogie!
Jennifer Grey as Mindy

Jennifer Grey

as Mindy (1 episode)
Mindy is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. She is an old college friend of Rachel's who briefly dates Rachel's ex-fiancé, Barry.

Quotes from Mindy

  1. Hey Rach, long time no see.
  2. But Barry was engaged to you twice and left a message telling you he was in love with another woman.
  3. I think you have a real problem with me dating Barry.
Nicky Katt as Arthur

Nicky Katt

as Arthur (1 episode)
Arthur is seen in only one episode of Friends, where he is portrayed as Joey's hand twin. He appears quite happy, though he doesn't say much.

Quotes from Arthur

  1. I'm sensing an unspoken bond here
  2. I think I can feel what you're feeling
  3. Hand twin powers activate!
Audra Lindley as Frances

Audra Lindley

as Frances (2 episodes)
Frances is a briefly seen character in Friends, appearing in the episode 'The One with Ross's Teeth'. She is Chandler's co-worker whom he considers asking out, but eventually decides not to due to her resemblance to his dad.
Dina Meyer as Kate Miller

Dina Meyer

as Kate Miller (3 episodes)
Kate Miller is a recurring character on the popular TV show Friends. She plays a role of Joey Tribbiani's girlfriend who is an actress. She is portrayed as kind, smart, and a great match for Joey.

Quotes from Kate Miller

  1. It's starting to feel like a real relationship, isn't it?
  2. Break a leg tonight.
  3. You were incredible today.
Kevin McDonald as Guru Saj

Kevin McDonald

as Guru Saj (1 episode)
Guru Saj is a spiritual advisor with a calm and soothing demeanor who appears in the show Friends. He provides advice and guidance to the character of Phoebe in her quest for enlightenment.

Quotes from Guru Saj

  1. Relax, breathe deep, let your spirit soar.
  2. Everything happens for a reason.
Zen Gesner as Dave

Zen Gesner

as Dave (1 episode)
Dave is a character in the TV show Friends. He is Phoebe's boyfriend in season 9. Dave is a sweet and caring guy who is a music composer. He develops feelings for Phoebe and tries to woo her with his love for animals, including a hurt pigeon he took care of.

Quotes from Dave

  1. 'I just think someday I'll finally meet someone who likes me for me. Someone who doesn't just tolerate my love of 1860s women's hats.'
  2. 'I feel like we really connected today. You know, like the first time you really get intimate with someone.'
Emily Procter as Annabel

Emily Procter

as Annabel (1 episode)
Annabelle is a minor character in the popular TV show Friends. The show doesn't provide much information about her, but she is briefly mentioned in one episode as being Ross's girlfriend, who he broke up with because she didn't shave her legs.
David Arquette as Malcolm

David Arquette

as Malcolm (1 episode)
Malcolm is a minor character in the television show Friends. He appears in the episode 'The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work' as a male nanny who takes care of Ross and Rachel's daughter, Emma. He is known for being highly qualified and attentive to Emma's needs, but is ultimately fired by Ross when he begins to feel threatened by Malcolm's close relationship with Rachel.

Quotes from Malcolm

  1. 'I'm like the dad around here, except I'm young and fun and you're old and restricting.'
  2. 'I take care of Emma like she's my own. Except she's not. Because that would be weird.'
Christina Applegate as Amy Green

Christina Applegate

as Amy Green (2 episodes)
Amy Green is the sister of Rachel Green in the TV series Friends. She is portrayed as being a little airheaded and not very perceptive. She is also superficial and is mainly interested in material possessions. She becomes a temporary love interest of Ross Geller, but they ultimately break up.

Quotes from Amy Green

  1. 'I am not very good at advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?'
  2. 'I am SO good at this game!'
Melora Hardin as Celia

Melora Hardin

as Celia (1 episode)
Celia is a minor character in Friends, appearing only in one episode. She is a journalist who interviews Joey for a Soap Opera Digest feature. She is very flirtatious and tries to seduce Joey throughout the interview.

Quotes from Celia

  1. 'So, what do you like to do when you're not acting?'
  2. 'I'm sorry, something about your mouth.'
John Lehr as Eric

John Lehr

as Eric (1 episode)

John Lehr was born on November 25, 1967 and is currently 57 years old.

Bob Balaban as Frank Sr.

Bob Balaban

as Frank Sr. (1 episode)
Frank Buffay Sr. is the father of Phoebe Buffay and Ursula Buffay. He is portrayed as an unconventional and eccentric character who leads a bohemian lifestyle.

Quotes from Frank Sr.

  1. 'You know what kids do, they grow up and they leave. You'd think parents would know that.'
  2. 'I couldn't have a stodgy old lawyer for a son-in-law.'
Paul Rudd as Mike Hannigan

Paul Rudd

as Mike Hannigan (16 episodes)
Mike Hannigan is a lovable goofball who becomes Phoebe's husband in the later seasons of Friends. He works as a pianist and later a children's book author, and brings a quirky energy to the group.

Quotes from Mike Hannigan

  1. 'I just got.. CHANDLERED!'
  2. 'If we were in prison, you guys would be like my bitches.'
  3. 'Oh man!'
Max Wright as Terry

Max Wright

as Terry (2 episodes)
Terry is a minor character in the show Friends, who is one of Phoebe's massage clients. He is known for being extremely vocal during his massage sessions and often makes inappropriate comments.

Quotes from Terry

  1. That's the spot!
  2. Oh baby, whoa!
  3. Oh yeah, right there!
Beth Grant as Lizzy

Beth Grant

as Lizzy (1 episode)
Lizzy is a recurring character in the ninth and tenth seasons of the show Friends. She is a nanny hired by Ross and Rachel to take care of their daughter Emma.

Quotes from Lizzy

  1. 'Oh my god!'
  2. 'That's so sweet!'
Christopher Liam Moore as Hotel Clerk

Christopher Liam Moore

as Hotel Clerk (1 episode)
The Hotel Clerk is a recurring character on Friends, portrayed by various actors. He appears at a handful of hotels throughout the series and is often flustered or annoyed with the main characters.

Quotes from Hotel Clerk

  1. 'You can't take the chair, it's glued to the carpet.'
  2. 'So Ross, what can I do for you? Other than continuing to talk to you of course.'
  3. 'Why don't you go visit our museum of depression?'
Nancy Valen as Lorraine

Nancy Valen

as Lorraine (2 episodes)
Lorraine is a minor character who appears in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a flirtatious woman who hits on Joey and Chandler at a club.

Quotes from Lorraine

  1. 'Howdy fellas!'
Beverly Garland as Aunt Iris

Beverly Garland

as Aunt Iris (2 episodes)
Aunt Iris is Chandler Bing's aunt on the television show Friends. She is known for her strange behavior and occasionally makes inappropriate remarks.

Quotes from Aunt Iris

  1. Oh, Chandler. I always forget you're here.
  2. I'd rather die than stay with you two losers.
  3. Isn't he cute? I would go out with him if I were 50 years younger and 100 pounds lighter.
Corinne Bohrer as Melanie

Corinne Bohrer

as Melanie (1 episode)
Melanie is a paleontologist and the girlfriend of Joey in the show Friends. She first appears in the episode 'The One With Rachel's Assistant'. Melanie is intelligent, witty, adventurous and has a good sense of humour. She shares Joey's love of food and appreciates his simple, straightforward attitude towards life.

Quotes from Melanie

  1. I'm going to kick your butt at this game. I'm very competitive, and I really like you!
  2. The one where the words are way too big.
Stan Kirsch as Ethan

Stan Kirsch

as Ethan (2 episodes) , Ethan (1 episode)
Ethan is a minor character that appears in a few episodes of Friends. He is the younger brother of Ross's ex-wife and is portrayed as being somewhat naive and gullible.

Quotes from Ethan

  1. 'I don't believe in divorce. My parents are still together and they hate each other.'
  2. 'Kathleen Turner, Chandler. Vrooooom!'
  3. 'I can handle it. I'm a big boy. I'm gonna have some juice.'
Kevin Rahm as Tim

Kevin Rahm

as Tim (1 episode)
Tim, portrayed by Michael Clair, is a colleague of Rachel's who works at her office and briefly dates her. He is often seen at Central Perk with the group, and is known for his good looks and charming personality.

Quotes from Tim

  1. 'You know, I don't think I've ever said this to anyone before, but huh, I can see your nipples.'
  2. 'I guess I just realized how weird it is after you've been married a couple years. It's like your things become our things and her things just stay her things.'
Michael Rapaport as Gary

Michael Rapaport

as Gary (4 episodes)
Gary is a character from the TV show Friends. He is a police officer who dates Phoebe. He is shown to be very madly in love with her since the beginning.

Quotes from Gary

  1. I’m just a guy who’s trying to do the right thing here.
  2. Well, we’ll just see about that.
  3. I’m not a monkey, I’m a man!
Andrea Bendewald as Megan Bailey

Andrea Bendewald

as Megan Bailey (1 episode)
Megan Bailey is a minor character from the popular tv show Friends. She is a fashion designer and a former classmate of Rachel Green. Megan is portrayed as manipulative and selfish, often using people to get what she wants.

Quotes from Megan Bailey

  1. 'I mean, sometimes you just have to put the law to the side and live a little.'
  2. 'I want what I want and I don't care who gets hurt.'
Jason George as Fireman

Jason George

as Fireman (1 episode)
The fireman in the show Friends is a minor character who appears in only one episode. He is a kind and gentle person who is called to help when Phoebe gets her toy stuck on the roof.

Quotes from Fireman

  1. Oh, look, a little Bo Peep toy. I'll just put it up here so it doesn't get lost.
  2. There we go. Safe and sound.
  3. I can't get it, I'm not Superman.
Ivana Miličević as Kori Weston

Ivana Miličević

as Kori Weston (1 episode)
Kori Weston is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is a girl that Chandler dates briefly during season 4. She is portrayed as a very outgoing and free spirited person who shares many of Chandler's quirks. Kori is described as a quirky girl who does not like coffee, making things awkward when Chandler tries to share his love of it with her.

Quotes from Kori Weston

  1. I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy...asking him if he wants to eat some drywall.
  2. I'm thinking maybe we could make out for a little bit?
Freddie Prinze Jr. as Sandy

Freddie Prinze Jr.

as Sandy (1 episode)
Sandy is a professional male nanny hired by Ross and Rachel to take care of their daughter Emma. He is energetic, enthusiastic and loves his job. Sandy is a confident and outgoing individual, often seen sporting eccentric clothing choices.

Quotes from Sandy

  1. 'I'm Sandy, this is my brother, the hunky lifeguard'
  2. 'Look at this! A scary basket with scary stuff in it! Oooh!'
Lela Lee as Wedding Guest

Lela Lee

as Wedding Guest (1 episode)
This character is a wedding guest in the TV show Friends. They were invited to attend the wedding of Ross Geller and Emily Waltham.

Quotes from Wedding Guest

  1. Oh, I love weddings!
  2. I can't believe Ross is getting married again!
Molly Hagan as Sarah

Molly Hagan

as Sarah (1 episode)
Sarah is a one-time love interest of Ross in the TV show Friends. She is a lawyer and seems to be highly successful and confident.

Quotes from Sarah

  1. Hi, I'm Sarah, but you already knew that
  2. I'm a lawyer, it's my job to have opinions
Alex Kapp as Stephanie

Alex Kapp

as Stephanie (1 episode)
Stephanie is a recurring character in the TV show Friends, portrayed by Alexandra Holden. She is a friendly and outgoing woman who becomes romantically involved with Joey for a brief period of time.

Quotes from Stephanie

  1. 'Who's hotter - Ross or Joey?' - Stephanie
  2. 'It's like all of my life everyone's always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe!' Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I want to be a purse, you know, or a hat!' - Stephanie
Krista Allen as Mable

Krista Allen

as Mable (1 episode)
Mable is a quirky and energetic character on the hit show Friends. She is known for her eccentric fashion sense and magnetic personality.

Quotes from Mable

  1. Could I BE wearing any more clothes?
  2. Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.
  3. Oh. My. God.
Greg Kinnear as Benjamin Hobart

Greg Kinnear

as Benjamin Hobart (1 episode)
Benjamin Hobart is a minor character in Friends, appearing in only two episodes. He is a professor at NYU who develops a romantic interest in Ross's ex-wife Carol.

Quotes from Benjamin Hobart

  1. I'm Benjamin Hobart, professor at NYU. I was hoping we could chat.
  2. I'm sorry, Ross. I had no idea.
Alison Sweeney as Jessice Ashley

Alison Sweeney

as Jessice Ashley (1 episode)
Jessica Ashley is a minor character in Friends, appearing only in the season 5 episode The One With Joey's Bag. She is a woman who Joey mistakes for his new girlfriend Kathy, but it turns out she is Kathy's smoking hot boss. Jessica is portrayed as confident and flirty.

Quotes from Jessice Ashley

  1. Oh, how cute. He thinks I'm Kathy.
  2. I'm Jessica. I work with Kathy.
Julia Campbell as Whitney

Julia Campbell

as Whitney (1 episode)
Whitney is a recurring character in the show Friends. She is a young, attractive woman who briefly dates Ross before breaking up with him due to his jealousy and possessiveness.

Quotes from Whitney

  1. I don't think we should see each other anymore, Ross.
  2. You're a little too controlling for me, Ross.
Sarah Rush as Nurse #3

Sarah Rush

as Nurse #3 (1 episode)
Nurse #3 is a minor recurring character in Friends. As her name suggests, she is a nurse who works at various hospitals throughout the show's duration.

Quotes from Nurse #3

  1. I don't know anything about you monkeys.
  2. I'm pretty sure I get paid the same whether I answer that question or not.
  3. Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England.
Eva Amurri as Dina

Eva Amurri

as Dina (1 episode)
Dina is a recurring character in the sitcom Friends. She is Rachel's co-worker and friend at the department store, Bloomingdale's.

Quotes from Dina

  1. I want to die.
  2. Oh honey, I killed myself at 30.
  3. I applied for the buyer job, but they gave it to some guy I slept with.
Selma Blair as Wendy

Selma Blair

as Wendy (1 episode)
Wendy is a minor character from the TV show Friends, appearing in season 3, episode 13. She is portrayed as an overly enthusiastic employee at the children's department store where Rachel works, who annoys Rachel with her constant cheerfulness and over-the-top customer service. Wendy is also known for her distinct high-pitched voice.

Quotes from Wendy

  1. 'Hi there, it's Wendy!', 'I'm so excited for you to meet Santa!'
Christopher Darga as Director

Christopher Darga

as Director (1 episode)
Director is a recurring character in the show Friends. He is the director of the TV show that Joey stars in, and often interacts with the group during the filming process.
George Alan as Groom (uncredited)

George Alan

as Groom (uncredited) (1 episode)
The Groom, also known as Barry Farber, is a recurring character in the television sitcom Friends. He is Rachel Green's ex-fiancé and initially works as an orthodontist.

Quotes from Groom (uncredited)

  1. I'm in love with someone else.
  2. I'm sorry, I thought this was the men's room.
Brad Pitt as Will Colbert (uncredited)

Brad Pitt

as Will Colbert (uncredited) (1 episode)
Will Colbert is a former classmate and rival of Ross Geller. He is portrayed as an obnoxious and arrogant individual who always tries to one-up Ross. He is also a member of the 'I Hate Rachel' club, which Ross joins in an attempt to impress him.

Quotes from Will Colbert (uncredited)

  1. We're not looking for a friend. We're looking for a member.
  2. Oh, Ross! Just the guy we wanted to see. Come on in.
  3. Nice one, Geller. I guess we're not the only ones having sex dreams about each other.
Winona Ryder as Melissa Warburton

Winona Ryder

as Melissa Warburton (1 episode)
Melissa Warburton is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as being a woman who is attracted to both genders, as shown when she dates Rachel and then Joey. Melissa is portrayed as being intelligent and successful, as she is a paleontologist.

Quotes from Melissa Warburton

  1. I'm bisexual!
  2. Hey, you wanted it brighter, you got it brighter.
  3. Actually, it's pronounced 'like a mansion for a mouse.'
Stacy Galina as Julie Graff

Stacy Galina

as Julie Graff (1 episode)
Julie Graff is a character from the TV show Friends, portrayed by Lauren Tom. She is a paleontologist who briefly dates Ross during season 2.

Quotes from Julie Graff

  1. I'll let you get back to the woman who's giving birth to your child...
  2. I'm sorry. I thought that since you kissed me and everything...
Missi Pyle as Hillary

Missi Pyle

as Hillary (1 episode)
Hillary is a minor character in the show Friends. She is a woman who works at the Xerox store where Rachel works briefly. She is always seen dressed in a power suit and appears to take her job very seriously.

Quotes from Hillary

  1. You should copy it onto off-white, 20-pound bond paper, single-sided.
  2. That's 9 cents a page. Do you want me to do this?
  3. Uh, you also might want to collate.
Dan Bucatinsky as Waiter

Dan Bucatinsky

as Waiter (1 episode)
The Waiter is a recurring character in the hit TV show Friends. He is a server at the Central Perk coffee house where the group of friends often hang out.

Quotes from Waiter

  1. Can I get you anything else?
  2. Here's your coffee, Miss.
  3. Are you guys ready to order yet?
Jennifer Coolidge as Amanda

Jennifer Coolidge

as Amanda (1 episode)
Amanda Buffamonteezi is a recurring character in Friends who is known for her loud and obnoxious personality. She often makes inappropriate comments and has a tendency to steal the spotlight.

Quotes from Amanda

  1. 'I have lots of ideas. Some of them are even good.'
  2. 'My boyfriend is treating me to a weekend at 'Vail'. It's just like Aspen, but cheaper.'
Jim Piddock as Dennis Phillips

Jim Piddock

as Dennis Phillips (1 episode)
Dennis Phillips is a minor character in Friends, appearing in only one episode in the final season. He's an ex-boyfriend of Rachel's and works in fashion.

Quotes from Dennis Phillips

  1. Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.
Jason Alexander as Earl

Jason Alexander

as Earl (1 episode)
Earl is a recurring character in Friends who appears in the later seasons. He is Phoebe's biological father who abandoned her as a child. Earl is portrayed as a rough and troubled man who struggles with addiction and personal demons.

Quotes from Earl

  1. 'I swear I didn't know she was a prostitute'
  2. 'Phoebe, can you spare a couple of squares?'
  3. 'I'm not asking for your forgiveness'
Elle Macpherson as Janine

Elle Macpherson

as Janine (5 episodes)
Janine Lecroix is a French dancer who becomes Joey's roommate and love interest in season 6 of Friends. She is portrayed as confident, flirtatious, and outgoing.

Quotes from Janine

  1. 'Oh my God, you are so cute, what's your name again?'
  2. 'I mean, you cannot resist me, it is not humanly possible.'
Marisol Nichols as Olivia

Marisol Nichols

as Olivia (1 episode)
Olivia is a recurring character in the show Friends. She is Joey's girlfriend in season 8. She is a socialite and wealthy girl who is used to getting what she wants.

Quotes from Olivia

  1. I don't watch TV, I'm just not interested in seeing the same things every night.
  2. My dad owns a jet skiing company in Monaco, and I've been jet skiing since I was four.
  3. I can have anything that I want because Daddy says no to nothing.
Sasha Alexander as Shelly

Sasha Alexander

as Shelly (1 episode)
Shelly is a supporting character on the TV show Friends. She is a hairstylist who works at a salon near Monica and Rachel's apartment, and she is known for being a little scatterbrained and ditzy.

Quotes from Shelly

  1. Oh, I know! I, uh, I went to high school with Carl...
  2. Oh my God, you did not tell me you got a cat!
  3. I'm sorry, but... what does that mean?
Kyle Gass as Lowell

Kyle Gass

as Lowell (1 episode)
Lowell is a minor character in the show Friends, appearing only in a few episodes as a love interest for Rachel Green. He is portrayed as a friendly, somewhat nerdy guy who works as a computer programmer.

Quotes from Lowell

  1. 'I'm a computer programmer. How about you? What do you do?'
  2. 'Hey Ross, you're a paleontologist, right? What do you think? Do you think dinosaurs ever went to the moon?'
  3. 'I don't believe it! That's incredible! Those are the exact same words I said back in 1987 when my third wife left me.'
Jennifer Aspen as Michelle

Jennifer Aspen

as Michelle (1 episode)
Michelle is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She was Joey's date to Ross's wedding in London. Michelle and Joey had an enjoyable and romantic time together, but it was a short-lived fling as Joey decided to stay with his girlfriend back in the States.

Quotes from Michelle

  1. 'Let's give them something to talk about'
  2. 'Now I know why they call you Joey'
John Kassir as Stanley

John Kassir

as Stanley (1 episode)
Stanley is a grumpy and straightforward salesman who works at Dunder Mifflin in the show Friends. He is known for his monotone voice and his lack of motivation for anything other than work.

Quotes from Stanley

  1. I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little.
  2. Did I stutter?
  3. If you're going for cute, you might want to lose the beard, because it looks like a glued on patch of pubes.
Trudie Styler as Trudie Styler

Trudie Styler

as Trudie Styler (1 episode)
Trudie Styler plays herself in a minor role in the show Friends. She is a real-life friend of Lisa Kudrow, who plays Phoebe on the show. Trudie appears in the episode 'The One with the Fake Party' as a guest at a fake surprise party thrown to cheer up Rachel, who is feeling lonely.
Dermot Mulroney as Gavin Mitchell

Dermot Mulroney

as Gavin Mitchell (3 episodes)
Gavin Mitchell is a recurring character in the TV show Friends played by Dermot Mulroney. He is a professional buyer who frequently works against Rachel for products for Ralph Lauren.

Quotes from Gavin Mitchell

  1. I think I have something in my eye... can you guys excuse me for a second?
  2. Let's circle back.
  3. I don't know, she's got that... quirk thing going on, I guess.
  4. Uh, yeah, we just kind of did it on the floor.
  5. I am pretty much OK with all of it. You know, the neck roping...
Michael Ensign as Dr. Ledbetter

Michael Ensign

as Dr. Ledbetter (3 episodes)
Dr. Ledbetter is a recurring character in Friends who first appears as Rachel's date. He is portrayed as a pompous and arrogant character with an annoyingly bossy disposition. He is a paleontologist who is very passionate about his work.

Quotes from Dr. Ledbetter

  1. I'm sorry, pal, but what's your point?
  2. Do I have a magic wand that I can just wave and erase the past?
  3. I'll be sure to add that to my collection of negative reviews.
Annie Parisse as Sarah

Annie Parisse

as Sarah (1 episode)
Sarah is a minor character in Friends, appearing in a few episodes. She is portrayed as a flirtatious woman who tries to seduce both Joey and Ross.

Quotes from Sarah

  1. 'Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm your neighbor.'
  2. 'So, how do you boys like your pizza?'
Scott Adsit as Director

Scott Adsit

as Director (1 episode)
The director of the soap opera 'Days of Our Lives' on which Joey Tribbiani landed his big break. He is often seen wearing a beret and speaking with a French accent.

Quotes from Director

  1. CUT, CUT, CUT! Where is my crane? My crane? We're on a break, people.
Allisyn Snyder as Leslie

Allisyn Snyder

as Leslie (1 episode)
Leslie Buffay is the identical twin sister of Phoebe Buffay in the TV show, Friends. She is portrayed to have a more stable and sophisticated personality than her sister and is passionate about animal rights.

Quotes from Leslie

  1. Oh my God!
Larry Joe Campbell as Fan

Larry Joe Campbell

as Fan (1 episode)
A passionate Friends fan who is an avid follower of the lives of Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey, and Ross.

Quotes from Fan

  1. Could I be more excited for the Friends reunion?
  2. We were on a break!
  3. The One With All The Thanksgivings is my favorite episode!
Dedee Pfeiffer as Mary Ellen

Dedee Pfeiffer

as Mary Ellen (1 episode)
Mary Ellen Jenkins is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a self-centered woman with a penchant for bragging about her wealth and social status. Despite her negative traits, she is initially well-liked by the main characters due to her charm and attractive appearance.

Quotes from Mary Ellen

  1. I have a cab waiting, so if you don't mind, let's make this quick.
  2. I was at the gym next to Christie Brinkley.
  3. I'm sorry, don't I know you from somewhere?
  4. I just got back from Greece, and my arms are killing me from all the shopping.
Amy Hill as Woman

Amy Hill

as Woman (1 episode)
A main character in the show Friends, played by Jennifer Aniston. She is a fashion-conscious woman who has a close group of friends and works as a waitress at a coffee shop while pursuing an acting career.

Quotes from Woman

  1. It's like all my life everyone's always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe!' Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I want to be a purse, you know, or a hat!
  2. Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.
  3. I'm full, and yet I know if I stop eating this, I'll regret it.
Paul Gleason as Jack

Paul Gleason

as Jack (1 episode)
Jack Gellar is Monica and Ross Gellar's father in Friends. He is a former doctor who often shares his medical knowledge in inappropriate situations, resulting in some comedic moments. He is also shown to be competitive with his son-in-law Chandler Bing, but ultimately cares deeply for his family.

Quotes from Jack

  1. A dinosaur, huh? That's original. Joey, grab a bone and act like you've been here before.
  2. It's a big leap from marrying someone who cleans rabbit cages.
Louis Mandylor as Carl

Louis Mandylor

as Carl (1 episode)
Carl is one of the friends of Joey and Chandler who appear in a few episodes. He is an actor who often struggles to find work, but he remains optimistic and playful. Carl is also known for his cheesy one-liners and attempts to flirt with women.

Quotes from Carl

  1. 'Well, well, well, look who it ain't. How you doin'?'
  2. 'It's like I just went to the dentist and didn't even get the cool toy.'
Alexandra Holden as Elizabeth Stevens

Alexandra Holden

as Elizabeth Stevens (5 episodes)
Elizabeth Stevens is Ross Geller's girlfriend in the TV show Friends. She is a fragile woman who is always looking for assurance especially from her boyfriend Ross. She also has interests in literature and enjoys reading books.

Quotes from Elizabeth Stevens

  1. I'm so bad at breakups. I always wait too long and then they're a disaster.
  2. God, I hate Ross for being right all the time.
  3. I just don't want to miss a moment of this, y'know? This is the part of the relationship that you and I will always remember.
Emily Osment as Lelani Mayolanofavich

Emily Osment

as Lelani Mayolanofavich (1 episode)
Lelani Mayolanofavich is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a woman who doesn't speak much English and is often talked about but not seen on screen. Lelani is known for being the nanny of Ross and Rachel's baby Emma.
Kimberley Davies as Adrienne Turner

Kimberley Davies

as Adrienne Turner (1 episode)
Adrienne Turner is a minor character in the sitcom Friends. She is a female executive who briefly dates Joey in one episode.

Quotes from Adrienne Turner

  1. I'm sorry, I can't deal with this.
  2. I have to go meet some people for drinks, but let's do it again sometime.
Gary Oldman as Richard Crosby

Gary Oldman

as Richard Crosby (1 episode)
Richard Crosby is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a famous actor who stars in a fictional movie called 'Outbreak 2: The Virus Takes Pasadena'. He is portrayed as a smug and arrogant person who enjoys being in the limelight.

Quotes from Richard Crosby

  1. I don't want my fans to think that I've mellowed.
  2. I'm sorry, I don't speak 'loser'.
  3. I'm Richard Crosby and I'm a star!
Christine Taylor as Bonnie

Christine Taylor

as Bonnie (5 episodes)
Bonnie is a hairstylist that Phoebe sets up with Ross. She has a shaved head and tattoos.

Quotes from Bonnie

  1. 'She's my bald-headed babe.'
  2. 'Guess what? I'm still a hairdresser.'
Bruce Willis as Paul Stevens

Bruce Willis

as Paul Stevens (3 episodes)
Paul Stevens is a recurring character in the TV sitcom Friends. He is a wealthy businessman and the father of Elizabeth Stevens, Ross Geller's girlfriend.

Quotes from Paul Stevens

  1. Oh, I'm sorry, is this yours?
  2. Hey buddy, it's Paul!
Richard Penn as Doctor

Richard Penn

as Doctor (1 episode)
The character of Doctor in the show Friends is portrayed by actress Jane Sibbett. She was introduced in Season 2 as the ex-wife of Ross Geller and the mother of his son, Ben. She is described as a determined and passionate woman who is often very competitive with Ross and his current partner, Rachel.

Quotes from Doctor

  1. I'm breezy!
Amber Smith as Maria

Amber Smith

as Maria (2 episodes)
Maria is a supporting character in the show Friends. She is the nanny to Ross and Rachel's daughter Emma.

Quotes from Maria

  1. 'I'm Maria. I will be your baby's jailer.'
  2. 'Oh, you don't know how glad I am to hear that!'
Tom Selleck as Richard Burke

Tom Selleck

as Richard Burke (8 episodes)
Richard Burke is a recurring character in the sitcom Friends. He is an ophthalmologist and an ex-boyfriend of Monica Geller.

Quotes from Richard Burke

  1. Monica, I love you. And not just in a 'friend' way.
  2. I’m going out on a limb here, but you may be the cause of some of your problems.
Aisha Tyler as Charlie Wheeler

Aisha Tyler

as Charlie Wheeler (8 episodes)
Charlie Wheeler is a brilliant and attractive paleontologist who briefly dated both Joey and Ross. She is sweet, charming, and intellectual.

Quotes from Charlie Wheeler

  1. Looks like 'Dr. Geller' just got an F.
  2. I can't imagine dating someone shorter than me.
Thomas Lennon as Randall

Thomas Lennon

as Randall (2 episodes)
Randall is a minor character who appears in the show Friends. He is the manager of the strip club where Chandler works for a short time.

Quotes from Randall

  1. 'Hey, dude, you're smothering me. Can't breathe.'
  2. 'Yo, where's the lap dance? I was told there'd be a lap dance.'
  3. 'You guys only getting sodas?'
Eddie Cahill as Tag

Eddie Cahill

as Tag (7 episodes)
Tag is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. He is a young assistant hired by Rachel to work with her at Ralph Lauren. Tag is known for his good looks and easy-going personality.

Quotes from Tag

  1. I don't want to go to the Tiki Death Punch party, that doesn't sound safe
  2. Rachel? Hey, what a nice surprise! I mean, did you forget something? Like, a paycheck? Or your job?
Michael Vartan as Tim Burke

Michael Vartan

as Tim Burke (1 episode)
Dr. Tim Burke is a character in the popular TV show Friends. He is a paleontologist that briefly dated Monica, which caused some tension between her and Rachel. He is portrayed as intelligent but a bit arrogant.

Quotes from Tim Burke

  1. You can't just give up! Is that what a dinosaur would do?
  2. I am literally the highest authority in all of paleontology.
  3. Science is nobody's bitch.
Gregory Itzin as Theodore Hannigan

Gregory Itzin

as Theodore Hannigan (2 episodes)
Theodore Hannigan, also known as 'Ted', is a quirky and eccentric guy who appears in several episodes of Friends as a love interest of Phoebe. He loves animals and is a self-proclaimed animal doctor, despite not having any formal veterinary qualifications.

Quotes from Theodore Hannigan

  1. I'm not a real doctor, but I am a really good pretend doctor.
  2. Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
  3. The heart wants what it wants.
  4. It's like all of my life everyone's always said, 'you're a shoe! you're a shoe! you're a shoe!'. Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I want to be a purse, you know, or a hat!
  5. What kind of people do you usually date?
  6. I just realized I don't even have your phone number. I don't even know your last name. I don't know anything about you!
Ron Glass as Russell

Ron Glass

as Russell (2 episodes)
Russell is a minor character in Friends. He is an attractive guy who catches the eye of Phoebe and Monica, causing them to compete to win his affections. Russell is charming and flirtatious, but ultimately he is only interested in a casual fling.

Quotes from Russell

  1. You're both so different and yet so beautiful
  2. Hey there, ladies
James Hong as Hoshi

James Hong

as Hoshi (1 episode)
Hoshi is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He appears in the episode 'The One Where Ross Can't Flirt' as a waiter in a Japanese restaurant Joey and Chandler visit. He is seen speaking Japanese and serving the guys food and drinks.

Quotes from Hoshi

  1. 'Here is your coffee. Please drink slowly.'
  2. 'Thank you very much. You are too kind.'
Brenda Vaccaro as Gloria Tribbiani

Brenda Vaccaro

as Gloria Tribbiani (1 episode)
Gloria Tribianni is the sister of Joey Tribianni in Friends. She is a flirtatious and outgoing woman with a sarcastic sense of humor.

Quotes from Gloria Tribbiani

  1. 'Oh honey, I know', 'Come on, I'll buy you a drink', 'That's real nice, sweetie'
Vincent Ventresca as Fun Bobby

Vincent Ventresca

as Fun Bobby (4 episodes)
Fun Bobby, whose real name is Robert, is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. He is known for being the life of the party and always having a good time, often being seen with a drink in hand. However, his heavy drinking causes some concern among his friends.

Quotes from Fun Bobby

  1. I'm Fun Bobby! I'm fun!
  2. I beg to differ, but ok
Morgan Fairchild as Nora Bing

Morgan Fairchild

as Nora Bing (4 episodes)
Nora Bing is the mother of Chandler Bing in the show Friends. She is a famous romance novelist, known for her steamy and explicit writing. Nora is shown to be a very open and progressive woman, unafraid to speak her mind on controversial topics.

Quotes from Nora Bing

  1. Embarrassment passes, but a great orgasm lasts forever.
  2. I just think you're more attractive when I'm drunk.
  3. You are such a disappointment.
Robert Gant as Jason

Robert Gant

as Jason (1 episode)
Jason is a minor character in Friends. He is the son of Mr. Treeger, the superintendent of Monica's building. Jason appears briefly in the show, and is mostly known for accidentally ruining Chandler's laptop.

Quotes from Jason

  1. Oh, by the way, your laptop's broken.
  2. I've never seen anyone do so much damage with so little equipment.
Joan Pringle as Dr. Oberman

Joan Pringle

as Dr. Oberman (1 episode)
Dr. Oberman is a psychiatrist who appears in one episode of Friends. He is portrayed as somewhat eccentric and unconventional, and uses alternative methods to therapy, such as throwing balls at his patients.

Quotes from Dr. Oberman

  1. Now, when I throw this ball at you, I want you to catch it, and then throw it back to me as hard as you can!
  2. I'm a maverick!
Evie Peck as Nurse

Evie Peck

as Nurse (2 episodes)
The nurse in Friends is a recurring character who works at the hospital where many of the characters go for medical treatment. Although she only has brief appearances, she is known for being blunt and to the point.

Quotes from Nurse

  1. I don't know, I'm just the nurse.
  2. Oh honey, what happened to your face?
  3. I'm sorry, I can't give out patient information.
  4. Don't worry sweetie, he'll be okay. He's just missing a toe.
Jenifer Lewis as Paula

Jenifer Lewis

as Paula (1 episode)
Paula is a massage client of Phoebe's who falls asleep and drools all over the massage table.

Quotes from Paula

  1. I don't understand why people aren't nicer to me. Maybe it's because I'm so... boring
  2. Oh no, I drooled on the table again!
Joel Gretsch as Fireman Ed

Joel Gretsch

as Fireman Ed (2 episodes)
Fireman Ed is a recurring character on Friends. He is a firefighter who briefly dates Phoebe in the ninth season.

Quotes from Fireman Ed

  1. Stop staring at my helmet!
  2. I can't go on this ride, I have a bad neck.
  3. I'm a hero, baby.
Clea Lewis as Franny

Clea Lewis

as Franny (1 episode)
Franny is an eccentric and quirky character from the popular TV show Friends. She is the twin sister of Phoebe and is known for her free-spirited personality and carefree attitude.

Quotes from Franny

  1. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!
  2. I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite.
  3. Lather, rinse, repeat!
Kristin Dattilo as Caitlin

Kristin Dattilo

as Caitlin (1 episode)
Caitlin is a minor character in Friends who works as Joey's co-star in a play. She is flirtatious and enjoys making advances towards Joey.

Quotes from Caitlin

  1. 'I can't believe I'm making love with Joey Tribbiani!'
  2. 'Don't worry Joey, I'll be gentle.'
Warren Berlinger as Bob

Warren Berlinger

as Bob (2 episodes)
Bob is a minor character in Friends, who appears in season 2 episode 'The One with the Baby on the Bus'. He is Phoebe's ex-boyfriend and is portrayed as being extremely dull.

Quotes from Bob

  1. I like to be comfortable so I wear a belt.
Dan Gauthier as Chip Matthews

Dan Gauthier

as Chip Matthews (1 episode)
Chip Matthews is a minor character in Friends, portrayed by Dan Gauthier. He is a handsome man who also happens to be the object of Rachel's crush. He is a restaurateur who owns several restaurants.

Quotes from Chip Matthews

  1. Hi! I'm Chip!
  2. Oh my god, Rach, you look fantastic!
  3. Could you maybe push your boobs up a little more?
Arye Gross as Michael

Arye Gross

as Michael (1 episode)
Michael is a minor character in Friends, known for his brief appearance as the director of the play in which Joey stars. He is a highly intense and dramatic director who is not afraid to demand perfection from his cast.

Quotes from Michael

  1. 'I'm sensing nonchalance here.'
  2. 'What you're doing up there is so terrible, I don't even know if 'terrible' covers it.'
Stuart Fratkin as Lowell

Stuart Fratkin

as Lowell (1 episode)
Lowell is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a friendly and laid-back guy who works as a handyman and is often called upon by the main characters to fix things around their apartments.

Quotes from Lowell

  1. I may not be a fancy college boy...or an astronaut...or a cowboy, but I'm pretty darn proud of what I am.
  2. I'll do it for $50, but if you give me $75, I'll do it while I'm wearing pants.
Brooke Shields as Erika Ford

Brooke Shields

as Erika Ford (2 episodes)
Erika Ford is a character in the TV show Friends. She is a young girl who agrees to be a surrogate mother for Monica and Chandler. Erika is portrayed as naive and easily influenced by others, causing some complications during the surrogacy process.

Quotes from Erika Ford

  1. 'I'm Erika, with a K.'
  2. 'I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?'
Peter DeLuise as Carl

Peter DeLuise

as Carl (1 episode)
Carl is a character from the American sitcom Friends, who only appeared in one episode. He is the owner of the house that Joey and Chandler were interested in buying, but Joey accidentally ended up proposing to Carl after mistaking him for his male roommate. Carl is a friendly and laid-back guy.

Quotes from Carl

  1. Sure, I'll marry you.
  2. If you guys don't want the apartment, I know someone who does.
Daniel Hagen as Casting Director

Daniel Hagen

as Casting Director (1 episode)
The Casting Director in Friends is a recurring character who is responsible for casting roles in various projects for Monica, Joey, and other characters throughout the show. She is known for her no-nonsense attitude and sharp wit.

Quotes from Casting Director

  1. You guys really need to get a grip on your personal lives; I mean, we're talking about jobs here.
Jason Brooks as Rick

Jason Brooks

as Rick (2 episodes)
Rick appears briefly in the show Friends as a guy who Rachel mistakenly thinks is interested in her, but he's really hitting on Phoebe. He's portrayed as charismatic and charming, but ultimately not a good match for either of them.

Quotes from Rick

  1. So, do you guys like to party?
  2. Hey, you know, I had a really good time tonight. We should do it again sometime. Just the two of us.
  3. What do you say, Phoebe? You up for a little adventure tonight?
Gretchen Wyler as Mrs. Burkart

Gretchen Wyler

as Mrs. Burkart (1 episode)
Mrs. Burkart is a minor character in the show Friends. She is the mother of Mr. Burkart, who is a client of Chandler's advertising agency. Mrs. Burkart is portrayed as an eccentric person with a unique personality.

Quotes from Mrs. Burkart

  1. 'Orange is such an ugly color'
  2. 'I am Mrs. Burkart, but you can call me Iris'
  3. 'I make my own soap!'
Anna Faris as Erica

Anna Faris

as Erica (4 episodes)
Erica is the biological mother of Chandler and Monica's adopted twins. She is a sweet and kind-hearted woman who becomes close with Monica throughout the adoption process.

Quotes from Erica

  1. I'm Erica. Like e-re-ca, but with a 'K'
  2. I'm carrying two human beings, I'm building bone and tissue, I'm doing all sorts of incredible things inside my uterus, and all you can think about is what you're gonna say to Ross about us not getting married.
Larry Hankin as Mr. Heckles

Larry Hankin

as Mr. Heckles (5 episodes)
Mr. Heckles is a neighbor of the main characters in the TV show Friends who lives downstairs from them. He is characterized by being highly eccentric and always complaining about the noise coming from the apartment above him.

Quotes from Mr. Heckles

  1. You could just move the table three inches to the left.
  2. I could take those hangers upstairs, throw them on the floor and stamp on them.
  3. You're doing it again, aren’t you? You're walking hard.
  4. It’s Mr. Heckles. You know, you could stand to be a little more quiet.
Willie Garson as Steve

Willie Garson

as Steve (1 episode)
Steve is a minor recurring character on Friends. He is an ex-boyfriend of Phoebe's and is portrayed as a highly sensitive and emotional person.

Quotes from Steve

  1. I'm an emotional guy. I cry at the end of casper.
  2. I'm sorry, I just can't take it anymore - I'm an adult, I can't just keep running away from my problems.
Jonathan Silverman as Dr. Franzblau

Jonathan Silverman

as Dr. Franzblau (1 episode)
Dr. Franzblau is a psychiatrist who is seeing Phoebe for the first time in season one of Friends. He tends to overanalyze and overexplain things, which frustrates Phoebe. He is played by actor John Allen Nelson.

Quotes from Dr. Franzblau

  1. It means you're afraid of being happy.
  2. But it's not a contest!
  3. Now, what do you think that means?
Jennifer Milmore as Lauren

Jennifer Milmore

as Lauren (2 episodes)
Lauren was a character from the popular TV show Friends. She was a woman that Joey briefly dated in season 3. She meets Joey at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas and they share a few romantic moments until Joey finds out that she is married.

Quotes from Lauren

  1. 'You're cute, what are you? Some kind of, like, superhero?'
  2. 'Did you just grab my butt?' - Joey: 'Yeah.' - 'What the hell?'
DeeDee Rescher as Record Producer

DeeDee Rescher

as Record Producer (2 episodes)
The record producer in Friends is a successful and arrogant music executive who briefly dates one of the main characters, Phoebe. He is depicted as being self-absorbed and shallow, with little regard for the feelings of others.

Quotes from Record Producer

  1. I like your voice, but I love your ponytail.
  2. How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow?
  3. I'm hip, I'm happening, and I'm bringing it home.
Bess Meyer as Dana Keystone

Bess Meyer

as Dana Keystone (1 episode)
Dana Keystone is a minor character in the show Friends who appeared in the episode 'The One with the Boobies'. She was Joey's aggressive and emotionally unstable co-star in a play that Joey was rehearsing for.

Quotes from Dana Keystone

  1. 'Don't be coy with me, you little bitch!'

Joe Colligan

as Director (1 episode)
The director on Friends is a recurring character who appears in several episodes throughout the series. He is typically a no-nonsense and authoritative figure who is tasked with directing various TV shows and commercials that the characters are involved in.

Quotes from Director

  1. 'Places, everyone!'
  2. 'Quiet on the set!'
Jim Hanna as Man

Jim Hanna

as Man (1 episode)
The Man is a recurring character on the TV sitcom Friends. He is an eccentric, mysterious figure who is often seen lurking around Central Perk, the coffee shop where the Friends hang out. He never speaks and is known for his distinctive laugh.
Susan Ward as Hayley

Susan Ward

as Hayley (1 episode)
Hayley is a recurring character in the show Friends. She is a young woman who works as a waitress at the coffee shop Central Perk, where the main characters often hang out. Hayley is known for being friendly and kind, and always willing to listen to others' problems.

Quotes from Hayley

  1. You know, being a waitress at the coffee house, it's a great job if you're an actress. 'Cause if you're between jobs, you can just go to an audition in the morning, and then you're done by three, and then you can just come here and hang out for four hours, it's like the perfect job.
  2. I'm so sorry Ross, I didn't know you had a thing for librarians with glasses.
Angela Featherstone as Chloe

Angela Featherstone

as Chloe (3 episodes)
Chloe is a character from Friends who appears in the episode 'The One with the Morning After'. She is a stunning woman who catches the eye of Joey and Ross, causing some drama between them and Rachel.

Quotes from Chloe

  1. Oh, you guys are still here?
  2. I'm Chloe... like the first thing in 'Come on Eileen'.
  3. Bye, boys.
  4. Could it be any more obvious?
Lori Alan as Sonya

Lori Alan

as Sonya (1 episode)
Sonya is a minor character in the popular television show Friends. She appears in only one episode, 'The One with Joey's New Brain', as an ex-girlfriend of Joey's who is convinced that he still has feelings for her.

Quotes from Sonya

  1. 'You still have feelings for me, don't you?'
  2. 'Hey, Joey.'
Johnny Messner as Kash

Johnny Messner

as Kash (1 episode)
Kash is a recurring character on the hit show Friends. He is played by actor Bhanu Alley and is the owner of a convenience store located downstairs from Monica's apartment. Kash is known for his friendly, yet slightly awkward personality.

Quotes from Kash

  1. 'Can I take your picture with the beer?'
Arden Myrin as Brenda

Arden Myrin

as Brenda (1 episode)
Brenda is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is a woman who briefly dates Joey but is also interested in his friend, Chandler.

Quotes from Brenda

  1. You know what? I need to go, I have a date with Chandler.
  2. I just find that men are better looking in their 30s and I don't even care about the hair loss, I just mean like, in general.
James Le Gros as Jim Nelson

James Le Gros

as Jim Nelson (1 episode)
Jim Nelson is a recurring character in the sitcom Friends, appearing in six episodes. He is Chandler's boss at the office, and often creates awkward or uncomfortable situations for Chandler.

Quotes from Jim Nelson

  1. I heard you got my message, that's weird 'cause I didn't leave one.
  2. Can I talk to you for a second? I need to know something...
  3. Uh, hey, Chandler. Listen, about the accounts...
Luis Antonio Ramos as Tanning Salon Guy

Luis Antonio Ramos

as Tanning Salon Guy (1 episode)
The Tanning Salon Guy, also known as the Spray Tan Guy, is a minor recurring character in the TV show Friends. He is a salon worker who is responsible for giving Ross an excessively dark spray tan which becomes the butt of many jokes throughout the show.

Quotes from Tanning Salon Guy

  1. It'll take a couple showers for that to come off.
  2. You think you know, but you have no idea.
Kyle Howard as Alan Lewis

Kyle Howard

as Alan Lewis (1 episode)
Alan Lewis is the ex-husband of Rachel's sister, Amy, in the show Friends. He is portrayed to be serious and uptight, constantly worrying about business and finances.

Quotes from Alan Lewis

  1. Do you have any idea what it's like to be named 'Tracy' in the 80s?
  2. You know what? This is a mistake. I should not have come.
  3. I don't like to be touched. Can we not hug?

Eric Rutherford

as Stryker (1 episode)
Tucker Smallwood as Mr. Tyler

Tucker Smallwood

as Mr. Tyler (1 episode)
Mr. Tyler is the father of a set of triplets who were carried by Phoebe as a surrogate. He is a kind and caring parent, always there for his children no matter what.

Quotes from Mr. Tyler

  1. What? Someone's gotta be the fun parent.
  2. We're okay with random
Phill Lewis as Steve

Phill Lewis

as Steve (3 episodes)
Steve is a minor character in Friends. He is a handsome, fit male who catches the attention of Monica and Phoebe, who both try to impress him.

Quotes from Steve

  1. Well, I'm going to get going. My new girlfriend's waiting in the car.
  2. I'm so sorry, guys, I-I thought this was my apartment.
Patrick Bristow as Stage Manager

Patrick Bristow

as Stage Manager (1 episode)
The Stage Manager in Friends, played by Michael Ensign, is a recurring character who is responsible for overseeing all the performances that take place on the show's soundstage.

Quotes from Stage Manager

  1. 'Quiet on the set!'
NiCole Robinson as Smoking Woman

NiCole Robinson

as Smoking Woman (1 episode)
The Smoking Woman in Friends is a minor character who appears a few times throughout the series. She is never given a name and is often seen smoking, hence her nickname. She is known for being rather mysterious and always appearing at unexpected times.

Quotes from Smoking Woman

  1. Ellipsis
  2. I'll be seeing you...
Gabrielle Union as Kirsten Lang

Gabrielle Union

as Kirsten Lang (1 episode)
Kirsten Lang is a guest character in Friends. She is Ross's girlfriend in season 3. Kirsten works as a paleontologist, just like Ross. She appears in a few episodes before breaking up with Ross.

Quotes from Kirsten Lang

  1. Baby kangaroo tribbiani.
  2. I know. I'm sorry. I'm just really tired. It's just that my field assistant fell ill and it ended up being all on me. And I'm just not used to working these kinds of hours.
Kristin Davis as Erin

Kristin Davis

as Erin (1 episode)
Erin is one of the minor characters in Friends, who works as a copy girl at Gavin Mitchell's office. She is portrayed as ditzy and spacey, often making silly mistakes and embarrassing herself.

Quotes from Erin

  1. Today I accidentally wore two different shoes to work. They were the same style, but different colors. No one else noticed, but it's going to be a long day for me.
  2. I can't count how many times I've locked myself out of my own apartment.
Chris Payne Gilbert as Bill

Chris Payne Gilbert

as Bill (1 episode)
Bill is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is the manager of Central Perk, the coffee shop where the main characters frequently meet.

Quotes from Bill

  1. Welcome to Central Perk, how can I help you?
  2. You can't buy tickets to the concert here, this is a coffeehouse.
  3. You know what, Chandler, I'm thinking of starting a tab for you.
Cleo King as Nurse Kitty

Cleo King

as Nurse Kitty (1 episode)
Nurse Kitty is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is a very cheerful and friendly nurse who is responsible for taking care of Carol during her pregnancy. She is always optimistic and provides emotional support to the characters when they need it. She is a great listener and often gives good advice to the characters.

Quotes from Nurse Kitty

  1. 'Okay sweetie, let's get this show on the road.'
  2. 'You'll do great. I've had three kids myself.'
  3. 'Breathe, honey. Just breathe.'
Denise Richards as Cassie

Denise Richards

as Cassie (1 episode)
Cassie Geller is a recurring character on the TV show Friends, played by actress Denise Richards. Cassie is a highly energetic and outgoing character, often portrayed as airheaded and scatterbrained.

Quotes from Cassie

  1. I completely NASA-ed it!
  2. I love the zoo! It's like a park, but with animals!
Brian Dunkleman as Customer

Brian Dunkleman

as Customer (1 episode)
Customer is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. He is portrayed as a gruff and impatient patron of the coffee shop Central Perk, often making demands of the baristas and complaining about the coffee. Despite his abrasive demeanor, Customer is shown to have a softer side, particularly through his interactions with Phoebe.

Quotes from Customer

  1. Bunch of losers sitting around in a coffee house.
  2. I don't want this coffee shop to be like every other coffee shop.
  3. Who ordered the sweet potato pie? That smells amazing!
Tim DeKay as Marc

Tim DeKay

as Marc (1 episode)
Marc is a recurring character in the show Friends. He is a director at a Bloomingdale's department store and dates Ross's ex-wife Carol. He is often depicted as a bit pretentious and self-centered, but also has a dry sense of humor.

Quotes from Marc

  1. You clearly don't know much about Bloomingdale's.
  2. I'm afraid we have a no returns policy. That's on a sign. You wanna take a look?
Susan Yeagley as Woman #1

Susan Yeagley

as Woman #1 (1 episode)
Woman #1 in Friends is a recurring character who appears in various episodes as a background extra or minor role. She is often seen hanging out in Central Perk with her friends or as a guest at events like Ross's wedding or Joey's game show.
Jack Betts as Tom

Jack Betts

as Tom (1 episode)
Tom is a minor character in Friends, appearing in the eighth season. He is a successful businessman who takes an interest in Rachel Green and goes on a few dates with her. However, their relationship doesn't work out due to Rachel's lingering feelings for Ross.

Quotes from Tom

  1. 'I have unlimited range.'
  2. 'You should have tried my pumpkin pie. It's legendary.'
Steffani Brass as Melinda

Steffani Brass

as Melinda (1 episode)
Melinda is a minor character in Friends. She appears in the episode 'The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie'. She is portrayed as a woman who Joey dates, but mistakenly thinks Chandler is dragging his feet getting him ready for their double date. She is a loyal and honest friend to Joey.

Quotes from Melinda

  1. Joey: 'Melinda, would you step outside for just a moment?'
  2. Melinda: 'Oh, you mean you need the apartment?'
June Gable as Nurse

June Gable

as Nurse (1 episode) , Estelle Leonard (9 episodes)
The Nurse is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. She is a nurse at the hospital where many of the characters go for medical treatment. She is known for being kind, caring, and a good listener.

Quotes from Nurse

  1. How you doin'?
  2. Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
Josh Coxx as Eldad

Josh Coxx

as Eldad (1 episode)
Eldad is a minor character in the show Friends. He is a patient of Dr. Long, who Ross recommends to Chandler when he's having trouble with commitment.
Ellen Pompeo as Missy Goldberg

Ellen Pompeo

as Missy Goldberg (1 episode)
Missy Goldberg is Chandler Bing's old high school crush. She appears in two episodes of Friends with Chandler trying to impress her.

Quotes from Missy Goldberg

  1. You and I have nothing in common, Chandler Bing.
  2. It's not like I have some magical power over you, okay? I can't just snap my fingers and have you do whatever I want.
Jane Lynch as Ellen

Jane Lynch

as Ellen (1 episode)

Jane Marie Lynch (born July 14, 1960) is an American actress, comedian, and author. Lynch is known for starring as Su...

Dakota Fanning as Mackenzie

Dakota Fanning

as Mackenzie (1 episode)

Hannah Dakota Fanning (born February 23, 1994) is an American actress. She rose to prominence at the age of seven for...

Merrin Dungey as Museum Official

Merrin Dungey

as Museum Official (1 episode)
The Museum Official in the show Friends is a strict and serious person who is in charge of the Ross' museum. He is often seen enforcing museum rules and regulations and takes his job very seriously.

Quotes from Museum Official

  1. 'Please do not touch the exhibits'
  2. 'No running, no food, no drinks, no touching, and definitely no flash photography.'
Camille Saviola as Horrible Woman

Camille Saviola

as Horrible Woman (1 episode)
She is an unpleasant and rude woman who appears in a few episodes of Friends. She often belittles and insults the other characters.

Quotes from Horrible Woman

  1. I don't need friends, they disappoint me.
  2. I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Cristine Rose as Bitsy Hannigan

Cristine Rose

as Bitsy Hannigan (2 episodes)
Bitsy Hannigan is a recurring character in the sitcom Friends. She is portrayed as an elderly, wealthy woman who is Chandler Bing's boss for a time.

Quotes from Bitsy Hannigan

  1. Oh, I see. You're one of those 'free spirits.' You do what you want, when you want!
  2. You millennials and your 'deep thoughts'. I mean, what do they mean??
Kathleen Turner as Helena

Kathleen Turner

as Helena (2 episodes)
Charles Bing, also known as Helena Handbasket, is the estranged father of Chandler Bing. He is a drag queen and performer, with a flamboyant personality and a sometimes strained relationship with his son.

Quotes from Helena

  1. 'Could I be wearing any more clothes?'
  2. 'Oh. My. God.'
Mae Whitman as Sarah Tuttle

Mae Whitman

as Sarah Tuttle (2 episodes)
Sarah Tuttle is a recurring character in Friends. She is portrayed as a younger, attractive woman who Joey falls in love with at first sight.

Quotes from Sarah Tuttle

  1. I'm really sorry, I just don't remember you.
  2. Oh my God, you're so sweet!
Patrick Kerr as Restaurant Manager

Patrick Kerr

as Restaurant Manager (2 episodes)
The restaurant manager in the show Friends is a recurring character named Gunther who has a crush on Rachel and works at Central Perk cafe.

Quotes from Restaurant Manager

  1. Can you order any louder? People in Sweden heard them.
  2. Welcome to Central Perk!
Laraine Newman as Mrs. Buffay

Laraine Newman

as Mrs. Buffay (1 episode)
Mrs. Buffay is the mother of Phoebe and Ursula Buffay in the show Friends. She is portrayed as a quirky and eccentric character who is often clueless but well-meaning. She usually appears in a few episodes throughout the series.

Quotes from Mrs. Buffay

  1. Oh honey, you don't have to feel embarrassed. We're family, we don't judge each other.
  2. Oh I just love a good salt lick.
Chrissie Hynde as Stephanie Schiffer

Chrissie Hynde

as Stephanie Schiffer (1 episode)
Stephanie Schiffer is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a shy and quirky woman who briefly dates Joey and later Ross.

Quotes from Stephanie Schiffer

  1. I'm sorry, I can't. It's my turn to rotate the compost.
  2. I'm not so good with jokes.
Jay Leno as Jay Leno (uncredited)

Jay Leno

as Jay Leno (uncredited) (1 episode)
Jay Leno is a real-life comedian and talk show host who played himself on Friends. In the show, he is the guest on an episode of Joey's talk show where he shares his love for cars and gives Joey some advice on his career.

Quotes from Jay Leno (uncredited)

  1. If you love cars so much, why don't you marry them?
  2. What's the deal with airline food?
Hank Azaria as David

Hank Azaria

as David (6 episodes)
David is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends. He is a physicist who first appears in the show as a love interest for Phoebe. David is smart and goofy, often getting wrapped up in his own thoughts and ideas. He has a kind personality and values his relationships with his friends.

Quotes from David

  1. 'I have a surprise for you. I'm not wearing any pants.'
  2. 'I don't deserve you.'
  3. 'Sometimes I wish I was a bird... so I could fly over certain people and poop on their heads.'
Chris Isaak as Rob Donnen

Chris Isaak

as Rob Donnen (2 episodes)
Rob Donnen is a minor character on Friends, appearing in only one episode. He is a co-worker of Chandler's and is known for constantly saying the word 'vulgarity' as a way to avoid swearing.

Quotes from Rob Donnen

  1. 'Vulgarity!' - Rob Donnen
  2. 'I'm not swearing, I'm using vulgarity. Vulgarity's a crutch for the inarticulate.' - Rob Donnen
  3. 'I like the cut of your jib, vulgarian.' - Rob Donnen
Mimi Lieber as Mary Therese

Mimi Lieber

as Mary Therese (1 episode)
Mary Therese is a friend of Phoebe's who used to work with her at a massage parlor in Season 2. She is portrayed as being laid back and free-spirited, much like Phoebe. She also has a son named Stuart.

Quotes from Mary Therese

  1. 'Oh my God, I am so high right now.'
  2. 'They sell condoms at the drugstore, I thought they just gave 'em to ya!'
Paxton Whitehead as Mr. Waltham

Paxton Whitehead

as Mr. Waltham (2 episodes)
Mr. Waltham is a British businessman who becomes involved with Rachel Green during her time working at Ralph Lauren. He is initially charming and suave, but later reveals a snobbish side.

Quotes from Mr. Waltham

  1. 'I don't do laundry, I have a person who does that.'
  2. 'I'm sorry, I don't speak geek.'
  3. 'I know how to spell thorough.'
Sam Pancake as Waiter

Sam Pancake

as Waiter (2 episodes)
The Waiter is a recurring character in Friends who works at Central Perk, the coffeehouse where the show's characters often hang out. He is usually seen taking orders and serving the group, but occasionally gets involved in their conversations and offers his own insights.

Quotes from Waiter

  1. Can I get you anything else? More coffee? Tea? Water? Hydrogen peroxide?
  2. Okay, don't tell anyone I told you this, but the woman - she is not Rachel's sister.
  3. Here's your pizza. Oh, and extra anchovies for the lady with the large ...
  4. Hey Ross, did you know that the Central Perk muffin recipe has almost 25 grams of fat?
Cosimo Fusco as Paolo

Cosimo Fusco

as Paolo (4 episodes)
Paolo was a handsome Italian man who briefly dated Rachel. He was a womanizer and not very faithful in their relationship.

Quotes from Paolo

  1. 'I don't understand. How can you be mad at me for this?'
  2. 'Ciao, bella!'
  3. 'You know, Rachel, you are so beautiful.'
Barry Diamond as Phone Guy

Barry Diamond

as Phone Guy (1 episode)
Phone Guy, also known as Steve, is a recurring character on the hit television show Friends. He is a cast member of a popular phone-in show on Joey's network and often appears on the show in various roles.

Quotes from Phone Guy

  1. 'We're on the air'
  2. 'How many people do you think are watching right now?'
  3. 'Can you hold please?'
Shelley Berman as Mr. Kaplan Jr.

Shelley Berman

as Mr. Kaplan Jr. (3 episodes)
Mr. Kaplan Jr. is the father of Rachel's boss, Mr. Kaplan Sr. He has a tendency to judge people quickly based on their appearance or occupation which leads to some funny misunderstandings.

Quotes from Mr. Kaplan Jr.

  1. 'I don't need any help from a guy whose job description includes the word 'and'.'
  2. 'Oh, and by the way, it seems that you are slightly older than my dad.'
Sean Penn as Eric

Sean Penn

as Eric (2 episodes)
Eric was a minor character appearing in the ninth season of the TV show Friends. He was portrayed as an attractive male nanny who Phoebe hired to take care of her brother's triplets. Eric and Phoebe start dating despite their age gap, but their relationship ends when Eric gets a job in Minsk.

Quotes from Eric

  1. 'Hey man', 'This is awkward'
Donny Osmond as Donny Osmond

Donny Osmond

as Donny Osmond (1 episode)
Donny Osmond is a guest character on the popular sitcom Friends. He plays himself and is a famous singer and actor.

Quotes from Donny Osmond

  1. I'm flattered, I really am. But I'm also married
  2. You know what they say: 'Whoever has the most birthdays live the longest.'
Samantha Smith as Window Woman

Samantha Smith

as Window Woman (1 episode)
The Window Woman in the show Friends is a minor character who appears in the episode 'The One with the Joke.' She lives in the apartment directly across from Ross' and Chandler's and is constantly seen looking out of her window, often catching the guys doing something embarrassing.

Quotes from Window Woman

  1. I saw that! I saw everything!
  2. You boys just keep doing what you're doing!
Jim Pirri as Sergei

Jim Pirri

as Sergei (2 episodes)
Sergei is a Russian hunk who dates Phoebe for a short while. He works as a translator and is often seen speaking Russian with Phoebe's help. Sergei is portrayed as a sweet and caring person who is deeply in love with Phoebe.

Quotes from Sergei

  1. Phoebe good, babushka bad.
  2. I am Sergei, lover of Phoebe.
Lee Garlington as Ronni

Lee Garlington

as Ronni (1 episode)
Ronni is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. She briefly dated Ross before realizing her feelings for Chandler. Ronni is portrayed as a confident and independent woman who speaks her mind.

Quotes from Ronni

  1. 'I am woman, hear me roar!'
  2. 'You're going to end up at Central Park with a shopping cart full of squirrels'
Geoffrey Lower as Alan

Geoffrey Lower

as Alan (1 episode) , Alan (1 episode)
Alan is a minor character in the show Friends. He is the ex-husband of Rachel's sister, Amy. He appears in a few episodes, mainly as a means of creating tension between the two sisters.

Quotes from Alan

  1. It’s alright to be mad.
  2. Well I'm not a doctor, but I think those aren't supposed to come out
  3. No. You know what? No, no actually I'm not okay, okay? I'm not okay with the fact that you got to go to a game tonight with my wife, okay?
Khalil Kain as Cal

Khalil Kain

as Cal (1 episode)
Cal is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. He's a wealthy and influential man who works in the fashion industry. Cal is known for his eccentric personality and his love for unique experiences and adventures.

Quotes from Cal

  1. I prefer the term 'bohemian'.
  2. I once took a Capoeira class and accidentally kicked my instructor in the face.
  3. I haven't had a drink for a year. Or a job.
Ken Weiler as Peter

Ken Weiler

as Peter (1 episode)
Peter is a man who briefly dated Monica Geller in the TV show Friends. He's an ophthalmologist with a quirky sense of humor and a love for animals.

Quotes from Peter

  1. 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. It's my fault.'
  2. 'I really want to be a person who plays sports, but I think you have to have a certain body type.'
Markus Flanagan as Robert

Markus Flanagan

as Robert (1 episode)
Robert is a minor character in the television show Friends, who is briefly dating one of the main characters, Monica. He is portrayed as being physically fit and attractive, but also somewhat arrogant and self-centered.

Quotes from Robert

  1. Look, I have a Porsche.
  2. I'm an amazing dancer, too.
  3. I just hope this isn't one of those on-again, off-again things.
Sofia Milos as Aurora

Sofia Milos

as Aurora (1 episode)
Aurora is Joey's attractive yet ditzy girlfriend in the show Friends. She is a soap opera actress.

Quotes from Aurora

  1. 'Excuse me, but I think I'm gonna go yack now.'
  2. 'Who knew that combining body wash and conditioner was like a time-saver?'
Rebecca Romijn as Cheryl

Rebecca Romijn

as Cheryl (1 episode)
Cheryl is a former girlfriend of Ross and a paleontologist at the museum where he works. She is a smart and independent woman who values her career but also enjoys spending time with Ross.

Quotes from Cheryl

  1. 'I don't know what I'm going to do now. My partner and I were supposed to get married. Her husband and I were supposed to start a catering business.'
  2. 'Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.'
Gregory Sporleder as Larry

Gregory Sporleder

as Larry (1 episode)
Larry is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is the bald manager at the restaurant where Monica works. Larry is portrayed as an uptight, strict boss who often makes excessive demands of his employees.

Quotes from Larry

  1. I need this report done by 3 o'clock sharp!
  2. This is not a buffet, it's a sit-down restaurant!
Brian Chenoweth as Ken

Brian Chenoweth

as Ken (2 episodes)
Ken is a minor character in Friends, appearing only in a few episodes. He is known for dating Rachel briefly and being extremely religious. He is constantly making references to his faith and encouraging others to attend church.

Quotes from Ken

  1. 'Praise the Lord'
  2. 'God bless you'
Sherilyn Fenn as Ginger

Sherilyn Fenn

as Ginger (2 episodes)
Ginger is a woman who briefly dates Ross in Friends. She is described as being very attractive, but also somewhat quirky and offbeat. She has a unique sense of style and a passion for animal rights.

Quotes from Ginger

  1. I hope you're not going to make a big deal out of this like you did when I forgot to recycle.
  2. I can't go. I'm crazy.
Mary Pat Gleason as Nurse Sizemore

Mary Pat Gleason

as Nurse Sizemore (1 episode)
Nurse Sizemore is a character in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as an efficient and no-nonsense nurse who works at the hospital where Rachel works.

Quotes from Nurse Sizemore

  1. Nurse Sizemore, at your service
  2. Don't mess with me, I have a needle and I'm not afraid to use it
Alison La Placa as Joanna

Alison La Placa

as Joanna (4 episodes)
Joanna is a minor character in the sitcom Friends, appearing in five episodes across seasons 4 and 5. She is a high-powered executive at Bloomingdale's, with whom Rachel works in season 4. Joanna is shown to be a tough but fair boss, with a sharp mind for business and a no-nonsense attitude.

Quotes from Joanna

  1. That's exactly what someone with a small penis would say.
  2. Don't worry, darling. It's just a penis.
Hira Ambrosino as Nurse

Hira Ambrosino

as Nurse (1 episode)
Nurse is a recurring character on the television show Friends. She works as a nurse at the hospital where Rachel works as a waitress. She is often seen interacting with the main characters and providing medical advice and assistance.

Quotes from Nurse

  1. Oh, honey, that's just the smell of the hospital.
  2. Ooh, somebody's got a low white blood cell count.
  3. Now that is a really healthy attitude. You should bottle it up and sell it.
  4. You're gonna be fine. Just try and think of things that make you happy, like... shoes.
Penn Jillette as Salesman

Penn Jillette

as Salesman (2 episodes)
The salesman on Friends has a recurring minor role in the series as an employee at various department stores. He is typically seen trying to make sales or persuading customers to purchase products.

Quotes from Salesman

  1. 'These are going fast!'
  2. 'Did someone say 'floor model?''
Larry Poindexter as Fireman Dave

Larry Poindexter

as Fireman Dave (2 episodes)
Fireman Dave is a love interest of Phoebe in the TV show Friends. He is a kind and supportive friend and a skilled firefighter.

Quotes from Fireman Dave

  1. I'm a firefighter. That basically makes me the first line of defense against all sorts of demons and monsters that threaten our fair city.
  2. I need to borrow a doll for reasons that I won't bore you with.
Teri Garr as Phoebe Sr.

Teri Garr

as Phoebe Sr. (3 episodes)
Phoebe Abbott Sr. is the mother of Phoebe Buffay and Ursula Buffay. She abandoned Phoebe and her twin sister Ursula when they were young and went on to live a wild life before eventually reconnecting with Phoebe as an adult.

Quotes from Phoebe Sr.

  1. I’m Phoebe, and you’re Phoebe, 'cause she’s dead.
  2. It’s like my mom used to say - two wrongs make a husband.
Tembi Locke as Karin

Tembi Locke

as Karin (1 episode)
Karin is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She briefly dated Ross and was his first kiss in high school. However, they did not reconnect until years later when Ross inadvertently contacted her while trying to reach his pizza place.

Quotes from Karin

  1. I just got something in my eye.
Antoinette Spolar as Woman #1

Antoinette Spolar

as Woman #1 (1 episode)
Woman #1 in the show Friends is a minor character who appears in a few episodes. She is usually seen hanging out with other extras in the background of scenes and has no significant impact on the plot.
Kyle Lowder as Kyle Lowder

Kyle Lowder

as Kyle Lowder (1 episode)
Kyle Lowder played an unnamed character in the season 2 episode of Friends titled 'The One with the Sonogram at the End'. He portrayed a man who takes Rachel out on a date.

Quotes from Kyle Lowder

  1. 'Can I get you a beer?', 'Or a hand grenade?'
  2. 'You sure you're not hungry? You barely touched your black and tans.'
Vince Vieluf as Ned Morse

Vince Vieluf

as Ned Morse (1 episode)
Ned Morse is a minor character in Friends. He is a highly successful businessman who once offered Chandler a job, but Chandler turned him down because the job was in Tulsa.
Lyn Alicia Henderson as Ticket Agent

Lyn Alicia Henderson

as Ticket Agent (1 episode)
The Ticket Agent in Friends is a minor character who mostly appears in the background of the show. The Ticket Agent is responsible for selling tickets to Ross and Chandler for their trip to Atlantic City.
Kevin Brief as Bartender

Kevin Brief

as Bartender (1 episode)
The Bartender is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends. The Bartender works at the Central Perk coffee house, which is a common hangout spot for the show's main characters.

Quotes from Bartender

  1. Can I get you anything else, Mr. Tribbiani?
  2. How YOU doin'?
  3. Oh no, it's the duck!
Aloma Wright as Saleswoman

Aloma Wright

as Saleswoman (1 episode)
The Saleswoman is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends. She is portrayed as an overly enthusiastic salesperson, who tries to sell anything to anyone that crosses her path. She often irritates the main characters with her pushy attitude and exaggerated claims about her products.

Quotes from Saleswoman

  1. Oh, honey! That's the most fantastic night cream you'll ever use!
  2. It's four thousand dollars, but your skin will thank you!
Jackie Debatin as Hooker

Jackie Debatin

as Hooker (1 episode)
Hooker, played by Matthew Mullany, is a minor character in the television show Friends. He is a male nurse who works at the hospital where Rachel gives birth to Emma.

Quotes from Hooker

  1. 'And the beautiful bouncing baby...girl.'
  2. 'Your baby's head came out of your vagina.'
Lauren Tom as Julie

Lauren Tom

as Julie (8 episodes)
Julie was a love interest of Ross in the second season of Friends. She worked as a paleontologist and was portrayed as smart and kind.

Quotes from Julie

  1. 'You know what else I like? Indian food.'
  2. 'I've been dating Ross, and I think he's amazing.'
John Stamos as Zack

John Stamos

as Zack (1 episode)
Zack is a recurring character on the television show Friends. He is known for being charming but not very intelligent. He is often used as a love interest for some of the female characters on the show.

Quotes from Zack

  1. But for what it's worth, I think she's as pretty as the Queen of England.
  2. I don't want to sound stupid, but what's food?
Jeff Goldblum as Leonard Hayes

Jeff Goldblum

as Leonard Hayes (1 episode)
Leonard Hayes is a minor character on Friends. He is a man that Rachel and Monica meet on a ski trip and they both try to win his affection. He ultimately chooses Rachel and invites her to a weekend trip with him, but he ends up getting back together with his ex-girlfriend and cancels on Rachel.

Quotes from Leonard Hayes

  1. 'Hey you, come here often?'
  2. 'I got a little something-something for ya.'
Jon Favreau as Pete Becker

Jon Favreau

as Pete Becker (6 episodes)
Pete Becker, played by Jon Favreau, is a wealthy businessman who becomes romantically involved with Monica. He is kind-hearted and ambitious, but can be overly competitive at times. He also has a love for competitive sports and martial arts.

Quotes from Pete Becker

  1. 'Money doesn't make people happy.' - Pete
  2. 'I have 12 houses, I bought Madonna's old house. She's from Michigan too, so it was cool. Michigan Madness! Woohoo!' - Pete
Myra Turley as Nurse

Myra Turley

as Nurse (1 episode)
The Nurse in Friends is a recurring character who works at the hospital where many main characters are treated or work. She is portrayed as a caring and friendly person who often provides emotional support and advice to the characters.

Quotes from Nurse

  1. Oh honey, I've seen it all.
  2. Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay.
  3. I've got a feeling about you two, you're gonna make it.
Anne Dudek as Precious

Anne Dudek

as Precious (1 episode)
Precious is a cute, fluffy white-furred dog owned by Rachel and later given to Ross in the TV show Friends. She is beloved by the Friends characters and often appears in episodes, stealing hearts with her adorable demeanor.
Mailon Rivera as Waiter

Mailon Rivera

as Waiter (1 episode)
The Waiter is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends. He is a friendly and efficient server who works at the Central Perk coffeehouse.

Quotes from Waiter

  1. Here you go!
  2. Can I get you anything else?
  3. Enjoy your meal.
David Sutcliffe as Kyle

David Sutcliffe

as Kyle (1 episode)
Kyle is a minor character on Friends. He briefly dates Phoebe and is a fireman.

Quotes from Kyle

  1. I'm Kyle. I'm sorry.
  2. I can let go of the rope now
  3. You just lost $200 dollars.

Brad Koepenick

as Producer (1 episode)
Ernie Grunwald as Tom Gordon

Ernie Grunwald

as Tom Gordon (1 episode)
Tom Gordon is a recurring character on the TV show Friends, appearing in seasons 9 and 10. He is a wealthy businessman and a colleague of Chandler Bing's.

Quotes from Tom Gordon

  1. Bold move, I like it. Cup my bag?
  2. Oh man, that is so funny. That's just what I needed today.
  3. It's like chicken's involved, and then there's the dance.
Joyce Guy as Supervisor

Joyce Guy

as Supervisor (1 episode)
The Supervisor is a minor character in the television show Friends. He is the supervisor of Chandler Bing and his colleagues at their corporate job. He is typically portrayed as a no-nonsense, strict boss who expects high levels of productivity from his employees.

Quotes from Supervisor

  1. I expect you to be *this* productive every day.
  2. I need to see you in my office. Now.
Marla Sokoloff as Dina Tribbiani

Marla Sokoloff

as Dina Tribbiani (1 episode)
Dina Tribianni is the older sister of Joey Tribianni in the show Friends. She is a promiscuous woman who is not afraid to speak her mind.

Quotes from Dina Tribbiani

  1. I'm an Italian woman. I schlep everything.
  2. Oh, honey, that would be like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles!
Shawn Christian as Dr. Schiff

Shawn Christian

as Dr. Schiff (1 episode)
Dr. Schiff is a recurring character in Friends, portrayed by Fred Willard. He is a slightly eccentric yet friendly and knowledgeable doctor who treats the main characters on various occasions throughout the series.

Quotes from Dr. Schiff

  1. Oh, and by the way, congratulations on bearing that big, beautiful prostate of yours.
  2. It's not really a question for a doctor. It's more of, uh, a philosophical question, really.
  3. Well, let's take a look at that prostate.
Rena Sofer as Katie

Rena Sofer

as Katie (1 episode)
Katie is a woman who briefly dates Joey in the show Friends. She is initially interested in Joey due to his fame as Dr. Drake Ramoray, but later realizes she genuinely likes him. She is fun-loving and free-spirited.

Quotes from Katie

  1. What's the matter, don't you like free stuff?
  2. I'm a gust of wind that blew in late last night, and hasn't stopped since!
Iris Bahr as Glenda

Iris Bahr

as Glenda (1 episode)
Glenda is one of Phoebe's massage clients on Friends. She is often seen flirting with Chandler and is portrayed as a bit ditzy and scatterbrained.

Quotes from Glenda

  1. Oh my God, did I say that out loud?
  2. Well, you can't call me a liar.
George Stults as Fredrick

George Stults

as Fredrick (1 episode)
Frederick is the son of Ross and Carol from the show Friends. He is portrayed as a cute and intelligent child.

Quotes from Fredrick

  1. I know all the states and their capitals!
  2. How come Mr. Geller gets to sit on the big-boy couch?
Oliver Muirhead as Jeweller

Oliver Muirhead

as Jeweller (1 episode)
The Jeweller is a recurring character on the TV show Friends who owns a jewelry store. He is portrayed as an awkward and nervous man who often struggles with social interactions.

Quotes from Jeweller

  1. Okay. Keep your voice down. You wanna bring the whole world in here?
  2. Oh my God!
Steve Hytner as Mr. Thompson

Steve Hytner

as Mr. Thompson (1 episode)
Mr. Thompson is a minor character in the show Friends. He is the boss of Chandler Bing for a brief period of time at a data processing company.

Quotes from Mr. Thompson

  1. 'Why don't you run along and get me some coffee, honey?'
Evan Handler as Director

Evan Handler

as Director (1 episode)
The director in Friends is a recurring character who often works with Joey and Chandler on their acting projects. He is portrayed as a typical Hollywood director, always rushing around and being very focused on his work.
Teresa Parente as Woman at Wedding

Teresa Parente

as Woman at Wedding (1 episode)
The Woman at the Wedding is an unnamed character who appears briefly in the episode 'The One With Ross's Wedding' of the popular sitcom 'Friends'. She is a guest at Ross's wedding to Emily and catches Rachel's eye while dancing with Joey.

Quotes from Woman at Wedding

  1. 'I see you've met my friend, Joey!'
Joanna Gleason as Kim Clozzi

Joanna Gleason

as Kim Clozzi (3 episodes)
Kim Clozzi is a supporting character in the TV show Friends. She is an attractive woman who works as a personal shopper at Bloomingdale's. Kim is known for her confident and flirtatious personality, as well as her good taste in fashion.

Quotes from Kim Clozzi

  1. Guys, it's Kim with a K!
  2. I'm pretty sure I could sell anything to anyone.
Maurice Godin as Sid

Maurice Godin

as Sid (1 episode)
Sid is a minor character in Friends, appearing in just one episode in season 8. He is a furniture mover who is hired by Rachel and Joey to move a couch into their new apartment when Ross refuses to help. Sid is a friendly guy who strikes up a conversation with Phoebe and seems to be enjoying his job.

Quotes from Sid

  1. Whoa, these are really nice pictures!
  2. You guys are a good team. You know, like a little team.
Terry Rhoads as Maitre D'

Terry Rhoads

as Maitre D' (1 episode)
The Maitre D' is a recurring character in the sitcom Friends. He is the head waiter at a fancy restaurant where the main characters often go to dine and have important conversations.

Quotes from Maitre D'

  1. Table or booth?
  2. Right this way, sir/madam.
  3. Welcome to Allesandro's!

Richard Roat

as Burt (1 episode)
Burt is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. He is the father of Chandler's ex-girlfriend, Janice, and often appears to cause mischief and embarrassment for the main characters.

Quotes from Burt

  1. Could I BE wearing any more clothes?
  2. OH MY GOD!
Suzanne Lanza as Woman

Suzanne Lanza

as Woman (1 episode)
One of the six main characters on the popular sitcom Friends, the woman is a young, attractive woman with a great sense of humor and a kind heart. She is known for her on-again, off-again relationship with Ross and her iconic haircuts.

Quotes from Woman

  1. Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.
  2. It's like all of my life everyone's always said, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe!' Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I want to be a purse, you know, or a hat!
  3. We were on a break!
Caryn Ward as Waitress

Caryn Ward

as Waitress (1 episode)
The Waitress is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. She is a waitress at the coffee shop where the main characters often hang out.

Quotes from Waitress

  1. I'm sorry, we're out of the special today
  2. Can I get anyone anything else? Some more coffee? Dessert? A cyanide pill?
Michael D. Roberts as Head Librarian

Michael D. Roberts

as Head Librarian (1 episode)
The Head Librarian in Friends is a strict, no-nonsense woman who takes her job very seriously. She appears in several episodes of the show.
Todd Glass as Airplane Guy

Todd Glass

as Airplane Guy (1 episode)
Airplane Guy, whose real name is identified as Ron, is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a passenger sitting next to Rachel on a flight, and she pretends to be interested in him to get over Ross. Ron is a businessman and a frequent traveller, and he flirts with Rachel during their conversation.

Quotes from Airplane Guy

  1. It's funny, I was just thinking the same thing. Maybe it means something
  2. Looks like we both landed in the right place
Dante Pastula as Frank Jr. Jr.

Dante Pastula

as Frank Jr. Jr. (1 episode)
Frank Buffay Jr. Jr. is the half-brother of Phoebe Buffay. He is a quirky and odd character, often displaying eccentric behavior. He is a free spirit and enjoys exploring the world and living life to the fullest.

Quotes from Frank Jr. Jr.

  1. Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
  2. I'm a child of love!
Jim O'Heir as Adoption Agency Worker

Jim O'Heir

as Adoption Agency Worker (1 episode)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jim O'Heir (born February 4, 1962) is an American actor. He was active in the ...

Brent Spiner as James Campbell

Brent Spiner

as James Campbell (1 episode)
James Campbell, also known as 'Jimmy', is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is portrayed as an impatient and uptight director who works with Joey in a play called 'Boxing Day'

Quotes from James Campbell

  1. 'Cut, cut, cut, cut!'
  2. 'Listen, if you don't get it together, you're out!'
Ron Leibman as Leonard Green

Ron Leibman

as Leonard Green (4 episodes)
Leonard Green is Rachel's father in Friends. He is a wealthy, awkward, and overbearing father who tries to control his daughter's life. He is a workaholic, has a short temper, and has a difficult time connecting with his daughter and her friends.

Quotes from Leonard Green

  1. I mean, why why why would you break up with my daughter over a fight? I mean uh, did...did you expect life to be all skipping through meadows and eating rainbow stew?
  2. I'm a businessman. I am here to do business. And the important thing isn't whether you like me or not, it's whether your daughter likes me or not. Because I can assure you, sir, that I will be loving Rachel long after she's stopped finding that charming.
Obba Babatundé as Director

Obba Babatundé

as Director (1 episode)
The Director in Friends is an eccentric and often demanding film director who hires Joey for a small role in his new movie. He is portrayed as being passionate about his work and having high expectations for his actors.
Eddie McClintock as Cliff Burnett

Eddie McClintock

as Cliff Burnett (1 episode)
Cliff Burnett is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends. He is Monica's ex-boyfriend who she broke up with because of his obsession with cleanliness. Cliff owns a cleaning company and is always seen cleaning or promoting his business. He is portrayed as a somewhat quirky and overly neat individual.

Quotes from Cliff Burnett

  1. 'Everything's got to be spick and span!'
  2. 'My work is never done!'
  3. 'You know what they say, cleanliness is next to...'
Steven M. Porter as Security Guard

Steven M. Porter

as Security Guard (2 episodes)
The security guard in Friends is a minor character who appears in a few episodes. He is responsible for the safety of the characters at their workplace.

Quotes from Security Guard

  1. Hey, hey, hey, what is going on here?
  2. Stop right there, criminal scum!
Cole Sprouse as Ben Geller

Cole Sprouse

as Ben Geller (7 episodes)
Ben Geller is the son of Ross Geller and Carol Willick. He is a precocious and adorable child who often steals the show with his witty one-liners and cute antics. Despite the challenges of having divorced parents, Ben is a happy and well-adjusted kid who brings joy to his family and friends.

Quotes from Ben Geller

  1. Can I watch cartoons now?
  2. My dad's a scientist. He's gonna fix everything!
Catherine Bell as Robin

Catherine Bell

as Robin (1 episode)

Tall and athletic actress Catherine Bell was born in London, England, but moved to Los Angeles with her mother when s...

Matt Battaglia as Vince

Matt Battaglia

as Vince (1 episode)
Vince is a minor character in the television show Friends. He is a handsome, muscular actor who auditions for Joey's part as Dr. Drake Ramoray in the soap opera Days of Our Lives and eventually lands the role. Despite being talented and successful, Vince is portrayed as a kind and humble guy who gets along well with the other characters.

Quotes from Vince

  1. 'How you doin'?'
  2. 'Did you see me kiss that girl?'
Wendy Schaal as Jeannine

Wendy Schaal

as Jeannine (2 episodes)
Jeannine is a short-lived love interest of Joey's in the show Friends. She is a sweet and friendly person who initially doesn't know much about Joey or his friends, but soon becomes drawn into their group dynamic.

Quotes from Jeannine

  1. 'I guess I like how you always look like you're having fun'
  2. 'Our babies would be smart and good-looking'
Mindy Sterling as Wedding Planner

Mindy Sterling

as Wedding Planner (1 episode)
The wedding planner in Friends is a skilled and efficient professional who helps Monica and Chandler plan their dream wedding.

Quotes from Wedding Planner

  1. Here come the groomsmen, all 15 of them. May the Lord have mercy on us all.
  2. Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.
Jennifer Rhodes as Mrs. Lynch

Jennifer Rhodes

as Mrs. Lynch (1 episode)
Mrs. Lynch is a strict but caring principal of the school where Ross teaches. She takes her job very seriously and is often seen disciplining students.

Quotes from Mrs. Lynch

  1. 'I don't care if you're in a gang, a cult, a fraternity, or the cast of Friends.'
  2. 'You may be students at this school, but you still have rights!'

Candace Gingrich-Jones

as Minister (1 episode)
Fred Stoller as Stu

Fred Stoller

as Stu (2 episodes) , The Waiter (1 episode)
The Waiter is a recurring character on Friends who works at Central Perk, the coffee shop where the gang frequently hangs out. He is often seen serving coffee and snacks to the main characters and sometimes even joins in on their conversations.

Quotes from Stu

  1. Can I get anyone anything else? Anybody?!
  2. I think we have a winner!
Robert Costanzo as Joey Tribbiani Sr.

Robert Costanzo

as Joey Tribbiani Sr. (1 episode)
Joey Tribianni Sr. is the father of Joey Tribianni, one of the main characters in the show Friends. He is a former soldier and has a gruff and no-nonsense personality. He appears in a few episodes throughout the series, usually as a source of conflict or embarrassment for his son.

Quotes from Joey Tribbiani Sr.

  1. 'Cut your meat', 'What?
  2. 'In the war, we had to cut our meat with our teeth.'
Melissa George as Molly

Melissa George

as Molly (2 episodes)
Molly is a minor character in the TV show Friends, appearing in just one episode. She is a waitress at the Moondance Diner, where Rachel gets a job. Molly is a friendly and helpful co-worker who offers Rachel advice on how to deal with her boss.
Gina Hecht as Richard's Date

Gina Hecht

as Richard's Date (1 episode)
Richard's Date is a minor character from the popular TV show Friends. She appears in the episode 'The One with the Flashback' as Richard's blind date.
Richard Fancy as Mr. Posner

Richard Fancy

as Mr. Posner (2 episodes)
Mr. Posner is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. He is the superintendent of the building where Monica and Rachel's apartment is located.

Quotes from Mr. Posner

  1. It's just a thing. It's not like you went out and got a Slinky or something.
  2. You're it.
Harry Shearer as Dr. Baldharar

Harry Shearer

as Dr. Baldharar (1 episode)
Dr. Baldharar is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He appears in one episode, 'The One With The Tea Leaves', as a fortune teller that Phoebe visits. Dr. Baldharar tells her she will die before her next birthday, but in the end, it turns out that he misread his tea leaves and she is actually going to live a long, happy life.

Quotes from Dr. Baldharar

  1. 'I'm sorry, my dear. The leaves say you're going to die before your next birthday.'
Jon Lovitz as Steve

Jon Lovitz

as Steve (2 episodes)
Steve is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a man who works as an animal control officer and appeared in the season 2 episode titled, 'The One with the Monkey.' He has a brief interaction with Ross Geller when he takes Ross' monkey away from him.

Quotes from Steve

  1. You can't just have an illegal monkey.
  2. I'm from animal control.
  3. We've seen this time after time.
Danny Dayton as Buddy Doyle

Danny Dayton

as Buddy Doyle (1 episode)
Buddy Doyle is Joey's best friend from high school who has a tendency to borrow things without asking and complain about his ex-wife.

Quotes from Buddy Doyle

  1. Hey, can I borrow your drill?
  2. My ex-wife is taking me back to court, again!
Alex Meneses as Cookie

Alex Meneses

as Cookie (1 episode)
Cookie is a minor character on the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a tough and no-nonsense woman who runs the children's department at Bloomingdale's where Rachel gets a job. Despite her tough exterior, she develops a friendly relationship with Rachel.

Quotes from Cookie

  1. Don't get me wrong, I like kids. I'm just not rude enough to ever have one of my own.
  2. Go kick some serious Bloomingdale's butt!
  3. You're good with people. And I love your haircut, by the way. So you got the job!
Monique Edwards as Claudia

Monique Edwards

as Claudia (2 episodes)
Claudia is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. She is an old friend of Monica and Ross from high school, and they meet her again at their 10 year high school reunion.
Fritzi Burr as Ms. Tedlock

Fritzi Burr

as Ms. Tedlock (1 episode) , Mrs. Weinberg (1 episode)
Ms. Tedlock is Chandler's boss at his job in advertising. She is portrayed as highly demanding and critical, often causing stress for Chandler and his colleagues.

Quotes from Ms. Tedlock

  1. Can you be more specific?
Megan Ward as Nancy

Megan Ward

as Nancy (2 episodes)
Nancy is a woman who briefly dated Ross during season 2 of Friends. She is portrayed as being very attractive and flirtatious.

Quotes from Nancy

  1. 'Should I just wear this tonight? Or do you think that's too much?'
  2. 'Oh my God, I had the weirdest dream last night. I was playing football with my cousins, but their skin was made of paper, so I was afraid to tackle them.'
Reg Rogers as Director

Reg Rogers

as Director (3 episodes)
Director in the TV show Friends was played by various actors throughout the series. Directors are responsible for overseeing the production and direction of each episode.

Quotes from Director

  1. Lights, camera, action!
  2. Cut! Let's do that again.
Laura Dean as Sophie

Laura Dean

as Sophie (7 episodes)
Sophie is a quirky and outgoing woman who works as a waitress at the Central Perk coffeehouse. She's known for her fun-loving personality and her love of pop culture references.

Quotes from Sophie

  1. I'm ready to mingle with the singles
  2. Damn it, Chandler, shut up!
Marissa Ribisi as Betsy

Marissa Ribisi

as Betsy (1 episode)
Betsy is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a ditzy, flirtatious young woman who repeatedly mistakes Joey for someone named 'Hans Ramoray'. She appears in the episodes 'The One With Joey's Crush' and 'The One With Rachel's Crush'.

Quotes from Betsy

  1. 'Oh, right, you're Hans Ramoray.'
  2. 'You're cute. Thanks for helping me.'
Dan Castellaneta as Zoo Keeper

Dan Castellaneta

as Zoo Keeper (2 episodes)
The Zoo Keeper is a minor character in the popular TV show Friends. He appears briefly in season 3, when Joey gets a job at the zoo. The Zoo Keeper is responsible for supervising Joey and ensuring that he knows how to properly care for the animals. He is portrayed as a friendly and helpful person, who takes his job seriously.

Quotes from Zoo Keeper

  1. The monkeys name is Marcel. Hes a bit of a troublemaker, but we love him anyway.
  2. Dont try to pet the animals.
  3. Always lock the cages before you leave.
Jay Acovone as Fireman Charlie

Jay Acovone

as Fireman Charlie (2 episodes)
Fireman Charlie is a minor recurring character in the show Friends. He is a handsome firefighter who Rachel briefly dates in season 7.

Quotes from Fireman Charlie

  1. Oh, that would be great, I love getting my picture taken with small, frightened children.
  2. You know, it's too bad you're not a little older.
  3. Hey there, little guy!
McKenzie Westmore as Presenter

McKenzie Westmore

as Presenter (1 episode)
Presenter is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. He hosts a TV show called 'Science Guy' and often appears as an interviewer in the show. He is portrayed as a nerdy and enthusiastic presenter who is passionate about science and technology. He interacts with the main characters in various episodes.

Quotes from Presenter

  1. 'Science is fun, it's curiosity and wonderment. It's a exploration of the unknown.'
  2. 'Science Boy rules!'
  3. 'The answer to all your problems is in this little test tube - hydrogen peroxide.'
  4. 'I'm loving this, can we do this for another hour?'
John Apicella as Mr. Bowmont

John Apicella

as Mr. Bowmont (1 episode)
Mr. Bowmont is a minor character in Friends who was Phoebe's massage client. He is portrayed as an uptight and demanding person.

Quotes from Mr. Bowmont

  1. Can you just go deeper?
  2. I need you to focus on the knot
Phil Abrams as Anxious Wedding Guest

Phil Abrams

as Anxious Wedding Guest (1 episode)
The Anxious Wedding Guest, played by actress Mindy Sterling, appeared in the episode 'The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress' on Friends. She is a highly energetic, anxious woman who attends Monica's bridal sale in search of a wedding dress. She is constantly flustered and frantic throughout the episode, adding to the comedic relief of the show.

Quotes from Anxious Wedding Guest

  1. I think I gotta sit down... or lie down... or lie down and then sit down.
Lex Medlin as Tall Guy

Lex Medlin

as Tall Guy (1 episode)
The tall guy in Friends is Gunther, who works at the Central Perk coffee shop where the show's characters frequently hang out. He is known for his unrequited love for Rachel and his bleached blonde hair.

Quotes from Tall Guy

  1. 'Hey, can I get you anything? Cup of coffee, maybe?'
  2. 'Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.'
Matthew Ashford as Matthew Ashford

Matthew Ashford

as Matthew Ashford (1 episode)
Matthew Ashford played the role of Joey's self-absorbed and dim-witted roommate, also named Joey, in the show Friends. He is an aspiring actor who often leans on Joey for financial support.

Quotes from Matthew Ashford

  1. How you doin'?
  2. Joey doesn't share food!
Chris Parnell as Bob

Chris Parnell

as Bob (1 episode)
Bob is a minor character in Friends, appearing in a couple of episodes. He works as a technician on the sets of Joey's soap opera and Phoebe's music video, where he has a brief fling with Phoebe. He is known for his charming, laid-back personality and his love for music.

Quotes from Bob

  1. I once made a guitar out of a cereal box. It did not sound good.
  2. Hey, it's Bob!
Susan Sarandon as Jessica Lockhart

Susan Sarandon

as Jessica Lockhart (1 episode)
Jessica Lockhart is a veteran actress who starred in plays and movies, and later appeared in Chandler's soap opera on Friends as his co-star. She was known for her diva attitude and quirky personality.

Quotes from Jessica Lockhart

  1. I'm sorry, we cannot continue until my nipples are pert.
  2. I have no good news.
  3. And just so you know, it's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it IS a big deal!
Rick Fitts as Professor

Rick Fitts

as Professor (1 episode)

Rick Fitts is an American film and television actor. He is known for playing the role of the ruthless businessman "Ma...

Tim Maculan as Food Critic

Tim Maculan

as Food Critic (1 episode)
The Food Critic is a minor character in the TV show 'Friends'. He appears in season 3, episode 11. He is a harsh critic who reviews restaurants, including the one where Monica is head chef.

Quotes from Food Critic

  1. This salmon mousse is unforgivable!
  2. I'm sorry, I can't continue with this meal.
Kristian Alfonso as Hope Brady

Kristian Alfonso

as Hope Brady (1 episode)
Hope Brady is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a professional and successful soap opera actress who hires Joey Tribbiani as her co-star. She is kind-hearted and empathetic, often serving as a confidant for her friends.

Quotes from Hope Brady

  1. I mean it, Joey. You're a wonderful actor and a wonderful friend.
  2. Oh, Joey. You're so sweet.
  3. I'll be there for you.
Debi Mazar as Evil Bitch

Debi Mazar

as Evil Bitch (1 episode)
Evil Bitch is a recurring character in the popular sitcom Friends. She is an unnamed woman who is often rude and aggressive towards the main characters, particularly Rachel and Monica.

Quotes from Evil Bitch

  1. Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.
  2. I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Susan Slome as Prospective Nanny

Susan Slome

as Prospective Nanny (1 episode)
The Prospective Nanny is a character in the popular sitcom, Friends. She is portrayed as a young women in her early 20s who applies for the Nanny position to take care of Ross and Rachel's baby, Emma. Despite seeming very qualified and responsible, Ross has a hard time hiring her because he finds her attractive.

Quotes from Prospective Nanny

  1. I'm sorry, I'm totally overstepping my bounds here, but... do you still need a nanny?
  2. Well, I'm sure you'll make the right decision, you seem like an attentive father.

Chuck Martinez

as Policeman #2 (1 episode)
Cheryl Hines as Woman #2

Cheryl Hines

as Woman #2 (1 episode)
Woman #2 is a minor character in the show Friends. She appears in several episodes as an extra, typically in the background of scenes.
Suzanne Ford as Female Producer

Suzanne Ford

as Female Producer (1 episode)
The female producer in the TV show Friends is a hardworking, independent woman who is passionate about her job. She is confident and assertive, often coming up with innovative ideas for the show.

Quotes from Female Producer

  1. 'I don't need a partner, I need a wife.'
  2. 'Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.'
E.J. Callahan as Mr. Simon

E.J. Callahan

as Mr. Simon (3 episodes) , Mr. Simon (1 episode) , Al Zebooker (1 episode)
Mr. Simon was a client of Chandler Bing's advertising agency, who was known for being extremely indecisive and unsure about everything. He had a very timid personality and often relied heavily on Chandler's opinions and suggestions.

Quotes from Mr. Simon

  1. That's a good point, Chandler.
  2. I don't know.
Daryl Sabara as Owen

Daryl Sabara

as Owen (1 episode)

Daryl Sabara (born June 14, 1992) is an American film and television actor, best known for playing Juni Cortez in the...

David Warshofsky as Fireman #2

David Warshofsky

as Fireman #2 (1 episode)
Fireman #2 is a minor character in Friends. He is a fireman who appears a few times throughout the series.

Quotes from Fireman #2

  1. I'm sorry, did my back hurt your knife?
  2. My buddies call me 'Scooter'
Mark Lutz as Mona's Date

Mark Lutz

as Mona's Date (1 episode)
Mona's Date is a minor character in the popular television sitcom Friends. He appears in the episode 'The One After the Superbowl: Part 1' (Season 2, Episode 12) and is portrayed as a handsome and charming man who asks out Rachel, but ultimately ends up going on a date with Mona instead.
Andy Umberger as Dr. Connelly

Andy Umberger

as Dr. Connelly (1 episode)
Dr. Connelly is a minor character in the sitcom Friends. He is portrayed as a strict and no-nonsense doctor and is often called upon for medical advice by main characters Chandler and Monica.

Quotes from Dr. Connelly

  1. What seems to be the problem?
  2. I'm afraid you have a severe case of hypochondria.
Tammy Townsend as Teacher

Tammy Townsend

as Teacher (1 episode)
A stereotypical tough but caring high school teacher who is passionate about educating and shaping the futures of her students. She is known for her strict discipline and her tendency to use sarcasm and humor to engage with her students.

Quotes from Teacher

  1. Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.
  2. I don't expect you to be a rocket scientist, but I do expect you to be on time.
  3. Whoa, whoa, whoa, people. Let's not forget our morals and our values just because we're angry.
Elaine Hendrix as Sally

Elaine Hendrix

as Sally (1 episode)
Sally is a minor character appearing in two episodes of Friends. She is Joey's agent who seems to care more about her commission than her clients' careers. Sally is portrayed as manipulative and pushy, often forcing Joey to take jobs he doesn't want.

Quotes from Sally

  1. 'It's called acting, sweetie.'
  2. 'I'm just trying to make you a rich man, Joey.'
Mo Gaffney as Casting Director

Mo Gaffney

as Casting Director (1 episode)
The casting director in the show Friends is a minor recurring character, portrayed as a no-nonsense professional who is often impatient with the main characters.

Quotes from Casting Director

  1. Let's get this over with.
  2. This is a waste of my time.
Maria Pitillo as Laura

Maria Pitillo

as Laura (1 episode)
Laura is a woman who dated Joey briefly before Chandler took an interest in her. She is portrayed as a friendly and outgoing person.

Quotes from Laura

  1. Hey, can I talk to you? I've got a genetic question.
  2. I just thought we were having a good time. I didn't think I was gonna have to do a naval exercise.
  3. You ever look at women's calves?
Craig Robinson as Clerk

Craig Robinson

as Clerk (1 episode)
The clerk in the show Friends works at Central Perk, a coffeehouse where the main characters often hang out. He is known for being sarcastic and having a dry sense of humor.

Quotes from Clerk

  1. Hey, it's not my job to make sure that your kids are raised right. That's your responsibility.
  2. Can I get you anything else? How about a salad or a vegetable?
Leslie Charleson as Leslie Charleson

Leslie Charleson

as Leslie Charleson (1 episode)
Leslie Charleson is not a character on Friends, but rather an actress known for her role as Monica Quartermaine on the soap opera General Hospital.
Ilia Volok as Dry Cleaner

Ilia Volok

as Dry Cleaner (1 episode)
The Dry Cleaner is a recurring character in the popular 90s sitcom Friends. He is the owner of a dry cleaning business and interacts with several of the show's main characters throughout the series.

Quotes from Dry Cleaner

  1. Okay, okay, no need to raise your voice. I have your suit, it will be ready on Tuesday.
  2. I'm sorry, I don't speak-a English
Kyla Pratt as Charla Nichols

Kyla Pratt

as Charla Nichols (2 episodes)
Charla Nichols is a recurring character on Friends, appearing in three episodes. She is a former sorority sister of Rachel's and her behavior is often seen as ditzy and superficial. Charla is portrayed as bubbly and outgoing, often talking about her love of fashion and shopping.

Quotes from Charla Nichols

  1. 'Isn't Rachael's dress just darling?'
  2. 'Oh God, I hate her!' (referring to Janice)
  3. 'Oh, I'm such a scatterbrain. I forgot to shave my legs!'
Reese Witherspoon as Jill Green

Reese Witherspoon

as Jill Green (2 episodes)
Jill Green is the younger sister of Rachel Green and appears in a few episodes of Friends. She is portrayed as spoiled and self-centered, often using her family's wealth to get what she wants.

Quotes from Jill Green

  1. This is all his stuff? I don't want to die alone.
  2. Do you think he's dreamy?
  3. I don't want to fight with Rachel anymore. I just want to go home.
  4. Oh my God, don't you just love this pizza?
Marlo Thomas as Sandra Green

Marlo Thomas

as Sandra Green (3 episodes)
Sandra Green is Rachel's mother on the TV show Friends. She is a fashionable and glamorous woman who loves to show off her wealth and status. Despite her tendency to be a bit overbearing, she is fiercely protective of her daughter and genuinely cares about her well-being.

Quotes from Sandra Green

  1. I'm Sandra, Rachel's mother.
  2. I raised her to be responsible and caring, and the next thing I know she's living with some guy she barely knows.
  3. Oh, Rachel, I just love this soup. What is it?
Michael Winters as Doctor

Michael Winters

as Doctor (1 episode)
The Doctor is a minor character in Friends and is known for dating both Phoebe and Rachel. He is portrayed as a somewhat serious and awkward character, but with a good sense of humor.

Quotes from Doctor

  1. You know, I have a feeling that with you and I, the fun is just getting started.
  2. I should really go, I've got a... big... doctor... meeting. Bye-bye!
Leah Remini as Lydia

Leah Remini

as Lydia (1 episode)
Lydia is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is a woman who Joey meets at a diner and goes on a date with.
Fred Willard as Mr. Lipson

Fred Willard

as Mr. Lipson (2 episodes)
Mr. Lipson is a minor character in the show Friends, portraying the headmaster of the high school where Ross teaches. He is generally portrayed as an uptight and by-the-book administrator who often clashes with the more liberal and carefree teaching styles of Ross.

Quotes from Mr. Lipson

  1. I don't believe I said 'case dismissed.'
  2. Miss Geller, I have an appointment with the school psychologist.
  3. Let me know if there is a problem, and I'll fix it. *clicks pen*
  4. Mr. Geller, our school has several arbor rules.
  5. I wouldn't expect an outsider to understand the dynamics of this school.
Nancy Cassaro as Shelley

Nancy Cassaro

as Shelley (1 episode)
Shelley is a quirky and ditzy girl who briefly dated Joey on the show Friends. She is known for her high-pitched voice and bubbly personality.

Quotes from Shelley

  1. Oh my God, this is like total destiny!
  2. You're so funny, Joey!
Matt Winston as Charity Clerk

Matt Winston

as Charity Clerk (1 episode)
Charity Clerk is a one-time character in Friends. She is portrayed by actress Kathleen Turner. She is a female executive who visits Chandler's office looking for his boss, who is never around. She eventually ends up sleeping with Chandler.

Quotes from Charity Clerk

  1. I have a demon's seed, and I know how to use it.
  2. I want you to make me scream like your boss does!
Tim Bohn as Jonathan

Tim Bohn

as Jonathan (2 episodes)
Jonathan is a recurring character on 'Friends', appearing in a total of 6 episodes throughout the series. He is portrayed as an ex-boyfriend of Chandler Bing and a former member of his college fraternity. Jonathan works as a doctor and is shown to be somewhat competitive with Chandler, but otherwise friendly.

Quotes from Jonathan

  1. 'That was the best sex I've ever had'
  2. 'I'm not a kind of give up guy. There are four basic business strategies: defensive, offensive, desperate and stupid. I tend to go defensive... and sometimes stupid.'
Richard Gant as Rhodes

Richard Gant

as Rhodes (1 episode)
Dr. Michael Mitchell Bobby Rhodes, M.D. is a recurring character on the television show Friends. He is a handsome, intelligent and confident doctor who briefly dates Rachel Green.

Quotes from Rhodes

  1. 'No, no, no way man, that’s like giving a monkey a gun.'
  2. 'This is a hospital, people actually die here.'
  3. 'I think the bigger question is - why do you have a copy of our key?'
Penny Santon as Nonna

Penny Santon

as Nonna (1 episode)
Nonna is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. She is the grandmother of Paolo and speaks very little English. She is often seen cooking or celebrating holidays with her family.

Quotes from Nonna

  1. Mangia!
  2. 'Nonna Italiano!'
Natasha Pearce as Zoe

Natasha Pearce

as Zoe (1 episode)
Zoe is a guest character in the sitcom Friends. She is a professional dancer and meets Ross at Central Perk. She goes on a date with him, but their relationship ends because she's too intense.

Quotes from Zoe

  1. I am right here!
  2. I like winners, not quitters.

Alex Craig Mann

as Casting Assistant (1 episode)
The Casting Assistant in Friends is a recurring, unnamed character who appears throughout the series as a professional who helps to cast actors for various roles.

Quotes from Casting Assistant

  1. I gotta take this, I'm sorry.
  2. Oh, I'm sorry, she just went down to the coffee house.
Paul Logan as Soap Actor

Paul Logan

as Soap Actor (1 episode)
Soap is a fictional character from the television series Friends, played by David Schwimmer. He is an actor who is hired to play the character of Dr. Drake Ramoray on a fictional daytime soap opera also called Days of Our Lives. Initially pompous and self-important, he later becomes more sympathetic as he interacts with the other friends on the show.

Quotes from Soap Actor

  1. I don't want to be known as 'the attractive guy' forever. I want people to know me for my work.
  2. I'm an actor. I can remember anything.
Dan Desmond as Professor Sherman

Dan Desmond

as Professor Sherman (1 episode)
Professor Sherman was a paleontology professor at New York University and was involved in a romantic relationship with Ross's ex-wife, Carol. He had a bit of a self-absorbed personality and often talked about himself.

Quotes from Professor Sherman

  1. I have a question. Are we done? Are we through?
  2. I'm not here to give you closure, Ross.
  3. I am a scientist, not a fortune teller.
Ken Lerner as Professor Spafford

Ken Lerner

as Professor Spafford (1 episode)
Professor Spafford is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. He is a paleontologist at Ross' university and briefly dates Rachel. He is portrayed as an intelligent and dedicated scientist but also socially awkward and lacking in emotional intelligence.

Quotes from Professor Spafford

  1. We have a dinosaur expert here!
  2. I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
  3. I'm not wearing a tie. What am I, the pope?

Daniel Wayne Smith

as Boy in the Cape (1 episode)
Geoff Pierson as Mr. Franklin

Geoff Pierson

as Mr. Franklin (1 episode)
Mr. Franklin is a wealthy but eccentric older man who appears in season 3 of Friends. He hires Joey as his personal assistant and has an affinity for exotic fruit.

Quotes from Mr. Franklin

  1. 'That's why they call it the game of life, and not the game of 'what-if's'
  2. 'I'm sorry, I thought I was paying you to cater to my needs, not the other way around.'
Ming Lo as Dr. Li

Ming Lo

as Dr. Li (1 episode)
Dr. Li is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends. She is a paleontologist who works at the museum alongside Ross. She is portrayed as being very professional and is often seen with her lab coat on.

Quotes from Dr. Li

  1. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
  2. I will not be getting a goodbye hug.
  3. I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat it?
  4. It's a museum standard climate control system.
  5. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Mark Consuelos as Policeman #1

Mark Consuelos

as Policeman #1 (1 episode)
Policeman #1 is a recurring character in the television show Friends. He is a police officer who occasionally interacts with the main characters.

Quotes from Policeman #1

  1. 'Listen, I know it's a tough economy, but I did have a job interview before this.'
  2. 'Hey, I recognize that jacket. That's my jacket! Give it back!'
Maury Ginsberg as Isaac

Maury Ginsberg

as Isaac (3 episodes)

Maury Ginsberg is an actor.

Kevin Spirtas as Dr. Wesley

Kevin Spirtas

as Dr. Wesley (1 episode)
Dr. Wesley is a minor character in Friends, appearing only in a few episodes. He is portrayed as a rather serious man who works at the fertility clinic where Chandler and Monica go to get tested. He is known for his strict policies and dry sense of humor.

Quotes from Dr. Wesley

  1. I can assure you, Mr. Bing, that nothing about that exam was enjoyable.
  2. Yes, I usually try to avoid that, but these are too tight.
David Moreland as Mel

David Moreland

as Mel (1 episode)
Mel is a short-tempered and controlling woman who is the boss of Rachel when she works at the department store. She is known for being particular about things being done in a certain way and can be quite difficult to work for.

Quotes from Mel

  1. I'm not happy, and when Mel Fisher's not happy, people die!
  2. Do I look like I'm in the mood for humor?
Giovanni Ribisi as Condom Boy (uncredited)

Giovanni Ribisi

as Condom Boy (uncredited) (1 episode) , Frank Jr. (8 episodes)
Condom Boy is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is known for appearing in a commercial for condoms that Joey auditions for.

Quotes from Condom Boy (uncredited)

  1. 'Is there a problem, officer?'
John Eric Bentley as Waiter #2

John Eric Bentley

as Waiter #2 (1 episode)
Waiter #2 is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends, played by different actors. He is usually seen working at the Central Perk coffeehouse where the Friends gang hang out.

Quotes from Waiter #2

  1. Hey guys, what can I get you?
  2. Do you want another muffin?
  3. Here's your coffee, enjoy!
Gregory Jbara as Gene

Gregory Jbara

as Gene (1 episode)
Gene is the baby of Ross and Rachel on the show Friends. He is cute, cuddly and adored by all his family. He was born in season 10 and appears in the later episodes of the show.

Quotes from Gene

  1. No quotes available for Gene.
Charlton Heston as Charlton Heston

Charlton Heston

as Charlton Heston (1 episode)

Charlton Heston was an American actor of film, theatre and television. Heston is known for heroic roles in films such...

Susie Park as Dry Cleaner's Wife

Susie Park

as Dry Cleaner's Wife (1 episode)
The Dry Cleaner's Wife was briefly mentioned in the TV Show Friends, in multiple episodes. She is the wife of a dry cleaner who was really interested in Chandler.

Quotes from Dry Cleaner's Wife

  1. You know, he's in a very powerful position. We should really appreciate it when he lets us snoop around in his office, you know?
  2. Oh! I love a good sock joke.
  3. So, Chandler, how do you like being a data processor?
Tate Donovan as Joshua Burgin

Tate Donovan

as Joshua Burgin (7 episodes)
Joshua Burgin is a fictional character from the popular TV show Friends. He is an attractive customer at Bloomingdale's who Rachel is attracted to and dates briefly.

Quotes from Joshua Burgin

  1. I'm in such trouble here...
  2. Hi, Rachel. How are you?
Romy Rosemont as Troop Leader

Romy Rosemont

as Troop Leader (2 episodes)
The unnamed Troop Leader appears in one episode of Friends, where he leads a group of boy scouts on a camping trip with Ross and Chandler. He is portrayed as being strict and no-nonsense, but also somewhat clueless.

Quotes from Troop Leader

  1. You boys might as well clear out, 'cause we're not leaving here till we catch a fish big enough to choke on.
  2. Stop whining, you sound like a dog with a chew toy in its mouth.
Hope Allen as Karen Lambert

Hope Allen

as Karen Lambert (2 episodes)
Karen Lambert is a supporting character in the TV series Friends. She was Ross's girlfriend, who he cheated on with Rachel. Karen is portrayed as having a tough exterior, but is vulnerable when it comes to love.

Quotes from Karen Lambert

  1. 'I don't wear my boots to bed, do I?'
  2. 'You know, Ross, three divorces, that's not so bad.'
Pat Finn as Dr. Roger

Pat Finn

as Dr. Roger (1 episode)
Dr. Roger is a recurring character on the show Friends, appearing in 5 episodes throughout the series. He is a gynecologist and obstetrician, who Rachel and Phoebe both go to see at different points in the show. He is portrayed as friendly and knowledgeable, but somewhat scatterbrained and forgetful.

Quotes from Dr. Roger

  1. 'No baby yet'
  2. 'What seems to be the problem?'
Carole Goldman as Woman

Carole Goldman

as Woman (1 episode)
Mrs. Becker is the mother of Chandler Bing's ex-girlfriend, Janice, who appears in several episodes of Friends. She is portrayed as a quirky and talkative woman, often making sarcastic comments and inappropriate jokes. She is also known for her high-pitched laugh and distinctive voice.

Quotes from Woman

  1. Why are you wearing a sweater? It's like a hundred degrees in here.
  2. Oh, my!
  3. Well, aren't you sweet?
Ethel Ayler as Hospital Administrator

Ethel Ayler

as Hospital Administrator (1 episode)
The Hospital Administrator on Friends is a strict and no-nonsense woman who often clashes with the main characters. She is usually seen in scenes involving the hospital where Rachel works.

Quotes from Hospital Administrator

  1. I'm sorry, I can't just let you slip in here whenever you feel like it.
  2. No one is above the rules, Rachel.
Phil Leeds as Mr. Adelman

Phil Leeds

as Mr. Adelman (1 episode)
Mr. Adelman is a strict and no-nonsense teacher who taught Monica, Rachel, and Ross in high school. He was known for his tough grading and strict classroom management.

Quotes from Mr. Adelman

  1. I suggest you spend less time working on your suntan and more time working on your math skills.
  2. You can't just coast through life on your hair and your good looks, okay?
Victor Raider-Wexler as Doctor

Victor Raider-Wexler

as Doctor (1 episode)
Dr. Karl is a recurring character in the TV show Friends, who is introduced as a love interest of Rachel's. He is an Australian man, who works as a paleontologist at the Museum of Natural History in New York.
Joe O'Connor as Stevens

Joe O'Connor

as Stevens (1 episode)
Stevens is a handsome and charming doctor who briefly dated Rachel Green on the show Friends. He is portrayed as confident and smooth, but ultimately not a good match for Rachel.

Quotes from Stevens

  1. I'm not a love machine, okay? I'm just a guy trying to do some good in this world.
  2. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna take you out for a burger and make you watch me eat it.
Holly Gagnier as Mary Angela

Holly Gagnier

as Mary Angela (1 episode)
Mary Angela is the girlfriend of Joey Tribbiani in the TV show Friends. She is a sweet and fun-loving girl who always tries to see the good in people. She has a great sense of humor and is always up for a good time.

Quotes from Mary Angela

  1. 'I gave him my heart, he gave me a pen.'
  2. 'It's like all my life everyone's always asked me, 'What do you want to do?' Well, I don't know, okay? I don't have a specific dream.'
  3. 'How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow?'

Claudia Shear

as Fake Monica (1 episode)
Audrey Wasilewski as Sarah

Audrey Wasilewski

as Sarah (1 episode)
Sarah is a woman who briefly dated Joey in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a nice and friendly person who shares Joey's love for sandwiches.

Quotes from Sarah

  1. I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her... Oops, wrong scene.
  2. Do you wanna split a sandwich?
Jonathan Slavin as Manny

Jonathan Slavin

as Manny (1 episode)
Manny is a minor character in the sitcom Friends who works as a seller at a luxury department store. He first appears in the season 9 and is portrayed by comedian and actor, Paulo Costanzo. Manny is shown as a friendly and helpful employee who assists Rachel with her job interview and also tries to sell Joey a ridiculously expensive leather pants.

Quotes from Manny

  1. You have great taste, but our prices are firm.
  2. Oh no, these pants aren't just pants, they are 'you' 。
  3. Why don't you tell me your budget, and we'll see what we can do?
  4. How may I assist you, ma'am?
Jim Meskimen as Bill

Jim Meskimen

as Bill (1 episode)
Bill is a minor character from the TV show Friends. He appears in the episode titled 'The One with the Screamer'. Bill is portrayed as a colleague of Chandler's who is occasionally mentioned throughout the series. In this particular episode, Chandler pretends to be Bill so that he can break up with his girlfriend.

Quotes from Bill

  1. I could swear you were a guy when I met you.
  2. I can't go out with you anymore. Because, I'm a gay man. I'm a gay man. I'm a gay man.
Alex Borstein as Bitter Woman on Stage

Alex Borstein

as Bitter Woman on Stage (1 episode)
The Bitter Woman on Stage is a character in the popular TV show Friends. She is known for her pessimistic attitude and sharp tongue.

Quotes from Bitter Woman on Stage

  1. And yet, somehow, I go on living.
  2. Life's a bitch then you die.
Jacqueline Schultz as Lisa

Jacqueline Schultz

as Lisa (1 episode)
Lisa Kudrow played Phoebe Buffay in Friends, a quirky and free-spirited masseuse who often provided comic relief.

Quotes from Lisa

  1. My eyes, my eyes!
  2. Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
  3. Regina Phalange at your service.
Rachael Harris as Julie

Rachael Harris

as Julie (1 episode)
Julie is a recurring character on the television show Friends. She first appears in season two as a love interest for Ross, who has just broken up with Rachel. Julie is a sweet and intelligent woman who works as a paleontologist.

Quotes from Julie

  1. You're so pretty.
  2. Oh, Ross. I'd forgotten how clingy you can be.
  3. So I'm a shoe?
Tim Rhoze as Director

Tim Rhoze

as Director (1 episode)
The Director on Friends is a recurring character who is responsible for overseeing the production of Joey's television show. He is often shown as being strict and no-nonsense on set.

Quotes from Director

  1. Cut! That was terrible.
  2. Let's take it from the top.
  3. We don't have all day, people!

Steve Susskind

as Priest (1 episode) , Priest (1 episode)
The Priest in Friends is a recurring character throughout the show. He is portrayed as a kind and gentle man who is always willing to lend an ear and offer advice to the main cast of friends.

Quotes from Priest

  1. May your life be filled with blessings.
  2. God is love.
  3. I believe in forgiveness. I believe in trying to make it work. And I believe that even if it doesn't work, it's still worth the shot.
Danny DeVito as Roy

Danny DeVito

as Roy (1 episode)
Roy is a minor character in the show Friends, appearing in only one episode. He is Phoebe's former boyfriend, and is portrayed as a somewhat demeaning and oblivious person.

Quotes from Roy

  1. Come on babes, let's hug it out
  2. Hey, they're just boobs. Every chick has 'em
Peter Dennis as Sherman Whitfield

Peter Dennis

as Sherman Whitfield (2 episodes)
Sherman Whitfield is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a wealthy businessman who works for Ralph Lauren and is introduced in the episode 'The One Where Ross Can't Flirt'. He is portrayed as wealthy and pompous, and his interactions with the main characters are brief.

Karla Tamburrelli

as Teacher (1 episode)
Ben Stiller as Tommy

Ben Stiller

as Tommy (1 episode)
Tommy is a brief love interest of Rachel's in the show Friends. He is a charming and handsome man with a good sense of humor.

Quotes from Tommy

  1. 'Hi, who's this? Oh, Fun Bobby!'
  2. 'It's like all of my life everyone's always left, and now if somebody wants to stay, I'm like, how much?
Ethan Erickson as Dirk

Ethan Erickson

as Dirk (1 episode)
Dirk is a handsome young man who briefly dated Rachel Green in the TV show Friends. He is portrayed as being an actor and is known to be a bit full of himself.

Quotes from Dirk

  1. 'Wow, Rachel, you're really stacked.'
  2. 'Look at you, you're gorgeous!'
Kellie Waymire as Colleen

Kellie Waymire

as Colleen (1 episode)
Colleen is a minor character in the TV series Friends. She is a friend of Ross and Chandler from college who Chandler hooked up with once. She appears in the episode 'The One with Chandler's List' in season 4.

Quotes from Colleen

  1. 'Til next time, Chandler Bing. I'll be seeing you in my dreams.'
Bonnie Somerville as Mona

Bonnie Somerville

as Mona (7 episodes)
Mona is a recurring character in the television show Friends. She is a woman that Ross dates in the eighth and ninth seasons of the show. Mona is portrayed as intelligent, mature, and caring.

Quotes from Mona

  1. I'm sorry, I just can't do this anymore.
  2. I love you too Ross, but I think we want different things.
  3. Can we just stay here forever?
Cheryl Francis Harrington as Interviewer

Cheryl Francis Harrington

as Interviewer (2 episodes)
The interviewer is a minor character in Friends who is seen in a few episodes. He is portrayed as a professional and serious journalist who interviews the main characters about their personal lives and careers.

Quotes from Interviewer

  1. Rachel, your sister tells me that you used to be quite the troublemaker when you were younger. Care to comment?
  2. So, tell us Joey, how do you really feel about the cancellation of your show?
Laura Cayouette as Cailin

Laura Cayouette

as Cailin (1 episode)
Cailin is a minor recurring character in the TV show Friends. She is a young woman who is known for being Charlie's assistant.

Quotes from Cailin

  1. I'm Cailin, Charlie's assistant.
  2. I'll take that back to Charlie.
Robin Williams as Tomas (uncredited)

Robin Williams

as Tomas (uncredited) (1 episode)
Tomas is a minor character who appears in the Friends episode 'The One with Joey's New Brain'. He is a renowned surgeon from a foreign country who performs a brain transplant on Joey's character on the show. He is portrayed as very focused on his work and has a somber demeanor.

Quotes from Tomas (uncredited)

  1. I can do it
  2. We'll fix him

Mark Daniel Cade

as Doctor (1 episode)

Rachel Snow

as Gert (1 episode)
Gert is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is an elderly man who is a resident in the same building as Monica and Rachel.

Quotes from Gert

  1. That's my chair!

Mary-Margaret Lewis

as Rita (1 episode)
Tahj Mowry as Little Boy

Tahj Mowry

as Little Boy (1 episode)
Kid is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is an unnamed boy who lives in Monica's and Chandler's new house.

Quotes from Little Boy

  1. Hi, mister!
Billy Crystal as Tim (uncredited)

Billy Crystal

as Tim (uncredited) (1 episode)
Tim was a co-worker of Rachel's at Ralph Lauren. He was known for his good looks and charm, and briefly dated Rachel.

Quotes from Tim (uncredited)

  1. I was really sad when I heard you guys weren't gonna be friends anymore
  2. I've got a big weekend ahead of me. First I'm gonna hit the gym, then take that shower that I was talking about. And then, you know, I don't know, probably just do a lot of staring at myself naked

Sierra Marcoux

as Chandler (1 episode)

Jo Nell Kennedy

as Nurse #1 (1 episode)
Alex Ball as Ralph Lauren Employee

Alex Ball

as Ralph Lauren Employee (1 episode)
The Ralph Lauren employee in Friends is a fictional character who works at the fashion company and is responsible for managing the production of clothing lines for the company. He is portrayed as being a professional and stylishly dressed person who is dedicated to his work and takes a keen interest in his subordinates.

Quotes from Ralph Lauren Employee

  1. So you like fashion, huh?
  2. I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name. [pause] I didn't ask for it.
  3. I love my job.
Henriette Mantel as Nurse #2

Henriette Mantel

as Nurse #2 (1 episode)
Nurse #2 is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends. She is a nurse at the hospital where some of the characters work or go for medical treatment. Although she doesn't have a big role in the show, she is often seen assisting the doctors or taking care of patients, and sometimes interacts with the main characters.
Laura Margolis as Woman Giving Birth

Laura Margolis

as Woman Giving Birth (1 episode)
The woman giving birth in the show Friends is named Carol Willick. She is Ross Geller's ex-wife and the mother of his son Ben. Carol is portrayed as a strong and capable woman who handles childbirth with humor and grace.

Quotes from Woman Giving Birth

  1. Ross, she's crowning!
  2. I'm gonna be a mom!
  3. I don't know if I can get through this.
Lawrence Mandley as Security Guard

Lawrence Mandley

as Security Guard (2 episodes) , Security Guard (1 episode)
The Security Guard in Friends is a recurring character who is responsible for keeping the peace and security in a variety of locations, including the Central Perk coffeehouse and Ross's workplace.

Quotes from Security Guard

  1. If coffee was illegal, I'd be a pusher.
  2. Hey, no food in the museum!
  3. I may have to bribe someone just to get my hands on one of these.
Marianne Hagan as Joanne

Marianne Hagan

as Joanne (1 episode)
Joanne is a minor character on Friends. She is Chandler's boss girlfriend in Season 1. She constantly flirts with Chandler which creates an uncomfortable work environment for him.
Charlie Sheen as Ryan

Charlie Sheen

as Ryan (1 episode)
Ryan is a minor character on Friends who appears briefly as a love interest for Phoebe. He is a musician and is initially drawn to Phoebe's unique style and personality. However, things quickly fizzle out when Phoebe realizes he's not as interesting as she thought.

Quotes from Ryan

  1. I memorized all the states in like a week and a half when I was a kid
  2. I'm a musician
Leesa Zelkin as Leslie

Leesa Zelkin

as Leslie (1 episode)
Leslie is a minor character in Friends. She briefly dates Ross and is portrayed as a highly emotional and dramatic person.

Quotes from Leslie

  1. I was humiliated! And it was in public!
  2. I can't believe I have to drink alone now.
Mary-Pat Green as Jeannie

Mary-Pat Green

as Jeannie (1 episode)
Jeannie is a minor character in the popular TV show Friends. She is played by actress Elena Wohl and appears in Season 6, Episode 13, titled 'The One with Rachel's Sister.' Jeannie is Rachel's sister's best friend and joins the group for dinner at Monica's apartment. She is portrayed as a bit ditzy and self-absorbed.

Quotes from Jeannie

  1. Oh my God, you do know me!
  2. You're so great, I love you!

Susanna Midnight

as Margha (1 episode)
Jean-Claude Van Damme as Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme

as Jean-Claude Van Damme (1 episode) , Jean-Claude Van Damme (1 episode)
Jean-Claude Van Damme guest stars in season 2 episode 13 of Friends as himself. He portrays a romantic interest of Monica's and also a co-star in an action film who struggles with his emotions.

Quotes from Jean-Claude Van Damme

  1. I'm Jean-Claude Van Damme
  2. Monica, I've had my eyes on you since the moment I laid them on you – in a purely professional sense, of course.
Janet Hubert as Ms. McKenna

Janet Hubert

as Ms. McKenna (1 episode)
Ms. McKenna is a recurring character in the television show Friends. She is the manager of the fancy department store Bloomingdale's, where Rachel Green works during seasons three and four.

Quotes from Ms. McKenna

  1. You can't return an item if you've worn it.
  2. If you have any complaints, I'd be more than happy to ignore them. Enjoy your day!
Sean Whalen as Pizza Guy

Sean Whalen

as Pizza Guy (1 episode)
The Pizza Guy is a minor character in the hit television show Friends. He is typically seen delivering pizzas to the main characters' apartments and often becomes involved in their antics and conversations.

Quotes from Pizza Guy

  1. Here's your pizza! That'll be $19.95.
  2. So who ordered the Joey Special with extra anchovies?
  3. Wow, three beautiful women. You must be three very important people.

Chris Kennedy

as Patrick (1 episode)
Alexis Arquette as Waiter in Drag

Alexis Arquette

as Waiter in Drag (1 episode) , Customer (1 episode)
The Waiter in Drag is a minor recurring character in the sitcom Friends. He is a waiter who works at the restaurant Central Perk and sometimes appears dressed in women's clothing as part of the coffee shop's entertainment. He is known for his flamboyant personality and over-the-top performances.

Quotes from Waiter in Drag

  1. Welcome to Central Perk, what can I get for you?
  2. Ooooh, somebody's got a hot plate!
John Balma as Professor Oberblau

John Balma

as Professor Oberblau (1 episode)
Jarvis Oberblau is a wealthy and eccentric billionaire who hires Joey as his personal butler for a short period of time. He lives in a stunning mansion and enjoys throwing elaborate parties.

Quotes from Professor Oberblau

  1. I have a question. Do you like my butler outfit? I'm being Joey today!
  2. I'm Jarvis. I'm very wealthy, but I'm a decent human being. I don't mind telling you, I worked very hard for what I have.
Julia Roberts as Susie Moss

Julia Roberts

as Susie Moss (1 episode) , Susie (1 episode)
Susie Moss is a guest character in the hit TV show Friends. She is portrayed as an attractive and flirtatious woman who catches the eye of Chandler Bing. She also has a bit of a vengeful streak and seeks revenge on Chandler after he embarrasses her.

Quotes from Susie Moss

  1. You just humiliated me in front of everyone I know and now you want me to go out with you?
  2. Oh, and by the way, it's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it IS a big deal!
  3. It's funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.
Steve Park as Scott

Steve Park

as Scott (1 episode) , Phil (2 episodes)
Scott Alexander is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a friend of Chandler and Ross who works in the same office building as Chandler. He appears in a few episodes throughout the series.

Quotes from Scott

  1. That's what I'm talkin' about!
  2. Hey, Ross, Chandler, how you doin'?
Sarah Murdoch as Woman

Sarah Murdoch

as Woman (1 episode)

Sarah Murdoch was born on May 31, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.

Benjamin Caya

as Bratty Boy (1 episode)
Laura Interval as Amanda

Laura Interval

as Amanda (1 episode)
Amanda is a guest character on Friends, appearing in the episode 'The One with Ross's Tan'. She is portrayed as a snobbish and condescending woman who judges Ross for his bad tan job.

Quotes from Amanda

  1. 'It's like looking at the sun!'
  2. 'Oh, Ross. What happened to you?'
Jeanette Miller as Elderly Woman

Jeanette Miller

as Elderly Woman (1 episode)
The Elderly Woman in the show Friends is a minor character who appears in a few episodes throughout the series. She is a sweet and wise old lady who becomes friends with the main characters, particularly Joey and Chandler. She is often seen in Central Perk café, enjoying a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. She offers advice and wisdom to the group when they need it most.

Quotes from Elderly Woman

  1. Oh, I remember the days when I could eat a whole cheesecake.
  2. Life is short, but true love is ever shorter.
Robert Alan Beuth as Professor Klarik

Robert Alan Beuth

as Professor Klarik (1 episode)
Professor Klarik is a recurring character in Friends, portrayed as an intelligent yet strict professor of paleontology at NYU, who often intimidates his students. He appears in 7 episodes throughout the series.

Quotes from Professor Klarik

  1. 'It's not a purse, it's a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.'
  2. 'Oh, paleontology's not for the faint of heart.'
Conchata Ferrell as Judge

Conchata Ferrell

as Judge (1 episode)
Judge is a recurring character in the TV series Friends, portrayed by Ron Glass. Judge is a wise and kind-hearted man who presides over various cases, often involving the main characters. He is respected by his colleagues and always tries to do what is right and just.

Quotes from Judge

  1. All rise for the honorable Judge
  2. The most important thing in life is the people in this room.
  3. One thoughtful act a day, that's all it takes to make someone's day.
Merrill Markoe as Marsha

Merrill Markoe

as Marsha (1 episode)
Marsha is a woman who briefly dated Joey in the show Friends. She is depicted as being very possessive towards Joey and always wanting to spend every moment with him.

Quotes from Marsha

  1. 'You're not going to be here for me. You're going to be here for her.'
  2. 'You promised me you wouldn't go out with her again.'
Kim Gillingham as Angela

Kim Gillingham

as Angela (1 episode)
Angela is a supporting character in Friends. She is portrayed as a humorless woman who works in the One Millionth Customer Department of an electronics store where Rachel works briefly. She was also a date for Joey during the time that Ross was dating Emily, inspiring a little bit of jealousy. Angelas character was only shown in a handful of episodes of the series.

Quotes from Angela

  1. Youve been twelve for three years now.
  2. I don’t gossip, especially with customers.
Marcy Goldman as Nurse

Marcy Goldman

as Nurse (1 episode)
The Nurse on Friends is an occasionally recurring character in the later seasons of the show, portrayed by a few different actresses. She often appears in hospital scenes and is known for being blunt and sarcastic.

Quotes from Nurse

  1. I don't know how you people sleep at night.
  2. Dude, I'm just here for the paycheck.
  3. Here's the thing, sweetie - I don't care.
  4. Bad news, your insurance stinks and you're broke.

Alison Shanks

as Nancy Oberblau (1 episode)
Jennifer Grant as Nina Bookbinder

Jennifer Grant

as Nina Bookbinder (1 episode)
Nina Bookbinder is a minor character in the popular TV show Friends. She is a businesswoman who works with Ross and gradually develops a romantic interest. She appears in the ninth season of the show.

Quotes from Nina Bookbinder

  1. I'm interested in this work you do with dead animals.
  2. Ross, if you want to have dinner, just ask me.
Kevin Ruf as Porsche Owner

Kevin Ruf

as Porsche Owner (1 episode)
The Porsche Owner is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is the owner of a Porsche that Ross is obsessed with and tries to buy from him in order to impress his girlfriend. The Porsche Owner is portrayed as a wealthy and arrogant man who takes great pride in his expensive car.

Quotes from Porsche Owner

  1. I don't think so.
Fisher Stevens as Roger

Fisher Stevens

as Roger (2 episodes)

Fisher Stevens is an American stage and screen actor, director, writer and producer. In 2010, he was honoured with an...

Joeanna Sayler as Woman at the Table

Joeanna Sayler

as Woman at the Table (1 episode)
Woman at the Table is a minor recurring character in Friends who appears in a few episodes. She is often seen sitting at the coffee shop table alongside the main cast. Her demeanor is generally calm and she seems content with just observing the conversations happening around her.
Elizabeth Daily as Leslie

Elizabeth Daily

as Leslie (1 episode)
Leslie is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is a co-worker of Rachel's at Bloomingdale's. Leslie is known for being a bit of a know-it-all and is often seen correcting others.

Quotes from Leslie

  1. It's espresso, not expresso!
  2. Actually, it's Whom.

Christopher Miranda

as Bobby (1 episode) , Robbie (1 episode)
Jack Armstrong as Bob

Jack Armstrong

as Bob (1 episode)
Bob is a minor character in Friends who is portrayed as a rude and arrogant person. He is known for being a salesman who specializes in selling computers and enjoys playing golf.

Quotes from Bob

  1. Can I interest you in a computer?
  2. You dont have a computer? What do you do? Write letters?

Larry Cox

as Arthur (1 episode)
Helen Hunt as Jamie Buchman

Helen Hunt

as Jamie Buchman (1 episode)
Jamie Buchman is a recurring character in the TV Show Friends. She is married to Paul Buchman and is a member of the Buchman family. She is known for her quirky personality and fashion sense.

Quotes from Jamie Buchman

  1. If it's not too much trouble, can you just take this one back, and then bring me the one that's not moist?
  2. So, is there really no chance that if I stood here long enough that maybe – by accident – we’d kiss again?
  3. I love you, but you have clothes that are coming back in style.
Nikita Ager as Hayley's Roommate

Nikita Ager

as Hayley's Roommate (1 episode)
Poppy is the eccentric and passionate Italian restaurant owner in the show Friends. He has an outgoing and boisterous personality, and takes pride in his culinary creations. He often makes inappropriate comments and gestures, but means well.

Quotes from Hayley's Roommate

  1. 'I don't see no doorbell here, you gotta bang the door, hit it with something.'
  2. 'I gotta make you something special, right off the menu. Something that say's 'Poppy, he cares about ya.' How bout I make you pasta... but I put meat on it?'
  3. 'Sometimes I put a little kick in the sauce. Just a smidge. Not enough to blow your head off but enough to make you say 'Hey Pop, what's the occasion?'
Wayne Pére as Max

Wayne Pére

as Max (1 episode)
Max is a young, attractive guy who briefly dates Joey's girlfriend, Kathy. He is extremely confident and flirtatious, often using his charm to get what he wants.

Quotes from Max

  1. You're a nice guy, Joey. And I lik-liked kissing you. But that's all it was. So if you think that you and me... sorry.
  2. Hey, I know what you're thinking. But I figured since we made out the other night, I could let myself in.
  3. I gotta hand it to you, this smoke alarm debacle was a pretty ballsy move.
Irene White as Chandler's Assistant

Irene White

as Chandler's Assistant (1 episode)
Chandler's assistant in Friends is a young woman named Janice Hosenstein. She has a distinctive, nasal laugh and a unique sense of fashion. Janice is known for her on-off relationship with Chandler and her frequent appearances throughout the show's run.

Quotes from Chandler's Assistant

  1. Chandler Bing, you are the king of romance. You should wear a cape!
  2. Oh. My. God!
Amanda Carlin as Dr. Long

Amanda Carlin

as Dr. Long (5 episodes)
Dr. Long is a recurring character in Friends. He is a paleontologist who works at the Museum of Natural History and appears in various episodes advising Ross on his career or love life. He is often seen wearing a lab coat and displaying a dry sense of humor.

Quotes from Dr. Long

  1. I'm sorry, you seem to have mistaken me for a man who would enjoy that.
  2. I'm going to guess loneliness, desperation... and maybe a little tea?
Greg Wrangler as Fireman #1

Greg Wrangler

as Fireman #1 (1 episode)
Fireman #1 is a recurring character in the television show Friends. He is a New York City firefighter. He appears in several episodes, usually in uniform.

Quotes from Fireman #1

  1. No matter how many times I see Joey in his underwear, I’m never prepared.
  2. Did you hear about the fire at the circus? It was in tents!
Mitchell Whitfield as Barry Farber

Mitchell Whitfield

as Barry Farber (5 episodes)
Barry Farber is an orthodontist and the ex-fiancé of Rachel Green in the show Friends. He is portrayed as a self-centered and shallow person, who is only interested in himself and his own needs. He appears in a few episodes of the first season.

Quotes from Barry Farber

  1. 'I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. It meant nothing to me.'
  2. 'I'm a doctor. I know what I'm doing.'
George Clooney as Michael Mitchell

George Clooney

as Michael Mitchell (1 episode)
Michael Mitchell, also known as Mike, is a recurring character on Friends. He is portrayed as a kind-hearted and loving person who often puts others before himself. Mike is a musician who later becomes a lawyer. He is introduced as Phoebe's boyfriend and the two eventually get married.

Quotes from Michael Mitchell

  1. 'You're my lobster.'
  2. 'I say more dumb things before 9 a.m. than most people say all day.'
  3. 'Yeah, I'm like a spider, you know?'
Sarah MacDonnell as Sandy

Sarah MacDonnell

as Sandy (1 episode)
Sandy is a guest character in 'Friends', appearing in season 3. Sandy is a male character who is a professional male nanny and is hired by Ross and Rachel to take care of their daughter Emma. Sandy's personality is portrayed as sensitive, caring, and emotional.

Quotes from Sandy

  1. 'I've got news for you, Ross', 'Dr. Gellar, Mr. Treager, back of the line!'
  2. 'I'll be changing some diapers. Just never you mind where.'
Noah Wyle as Jeffrey Rosen

Noah Wyle

as Jeffrey Rosen (1 episode)
Jeffrey Rosen is a lawyer who dated Rachel on the show Friends. He is a charming and successful professional, but also very self-centered and arrogant. He has a tendency to talk about himself a lot and often refers to his achievements in a boastful manner.

Quotes from Jeffrey Rosen

  1. 'I've got the magic touch, baby'
  2. 'That's a Jeffrey Rosen scarf. Four hundred dollars.'
Michael Kagan as Terry

Michael Kagan

as Terry (1 episode)
Terry is a minor character in the TV show Friends, appearing in only one episode. He is portrayed as a tough, no-nonsense bouncer who works at a nightclub.

Quotes from Terry

  1. Excuse me, I need to check your bag.
  2. I don't want any trouble here, okay?
Alaina Reed Hall as Admissions Woman

Alaina Reed Hall

as Admissions Woman (1 episode)

Alaina Reed Hall (November 10, 1946 – December 17, 2009) was an American actress and singer

Heather Medway as Kristen

Heather Medway

as Kristen (1 episode)
Kristen is a guest character in the show Friends. She appears in season 7 as a love interest for Ross. Kristen is portrayed as a smart, sophisticated paleontologist who shares Ross's love for dinosaurs. She is a feminist who fights for women's rights and often challenges Ross's views on gender roles and relationships.

Quotes from Kristen

  1. Why does everyone keep calling me a feminist?
  2. You're trying to stay awake by talking about boring things like dinosaurs? That is so cute.
  3. You, like, wept openly in my office.
Caroline Keenan as Melissa

Caroline Keenan

as Melissa (1 episode)
Melissa is a woman who Joey dates briefly in the TV show Friends. She is quirky and a bit odd, often making offbeat jokes and references.

Quotes from Melissa

  1. 'I'm Melissa, with a 'Me' and two 'S's, because I don't believe one 'S' is enough.'
  2. 'The salt is rough and coarse, and it gets everywhere.'
Megan Cavanagh as Luisa Gianetti

Megan Cavanagh

as Luisa Gianetti (1 episode)
Luisa Gianetti is a recurring character in Friends, serving as an important love interest for Joey. She is a talented and successful production assistant and is known for her direct and confident demeanor.

Quotes from Luisa Gianetti

  1. I want to get together now, without any games or tricks or weird challenges. Just you and me, face to face. Do you think you can handle that?
  2. I know how to handle difficult men, it's in the job description.

Barry Wiggins

as Man (1 episode)

Barry Wiggins was born on August 28, 1954 and is currently 70 years old.

Michele Lamar Richards as Lamaze Teacher

Michele Lamar Richards

as Lamaze Teacher (1 episode)
The Lamaze Teacher on Friends is a recurring character who is responsible for preparing Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe for childbirth. She is a patient and knowledgeable teacher who provides much-needed support and advice to the expectant mothers.

Quotes from Lamaze Teacher

  1. Now, let's do it again, but this time, try not to wake the neighbors.
  2. Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!
Leila Kenzle as Fran Devanow

Leila Kenzle

as Fran Devanow (1 episode)
Fran Devanow is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a smart, independent woman who is initially Ross's girlfriend and later his ex-girlfriend's nanny.

Quotes from Fran Devanow

  1. You're never too old for a spanking.
  2. I can make you feel all sorts of things.
Angela Visser as Samantha

Angela Visser

as Samantha (1 episode)
Samantha is a girlfriend of Joey who appears in only one episode of Friends. She is portrayed as a ditzy and shallow woman who likes Joey but is not interested in building a meaningful relationship with him.

Quotes from Samantha

  1. You're cute, you wanna dance?
  2. I don't really wanna get to know you.
Elisabeth Sjoli as Tia

Elisabeth Sjoli

as Tia (1 episode)
Tia is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is the girlfriend of Joey's friend Tim, who Chandler accidentally kisses. Tia is a very flirty and outgoing person who enjoys flirting with Chandler and making Tim jealous.

Quotes from Tia

  1. You are so funny, Chandler!
  2. Oh my god, are you joking?
  3. You don't have to worry about Timmy, he'll be here soon.
  4. Hey, I'm Tia!
Lynn Clark as Danielle

Lynn Clark

as Danielle (1 episode)
Danielle is a minor recurring character on the television sitcom Friends. She is a nanny who originally works for Ross and Rachel, but later becomes the nanny for Joey's children.

Quotes from Danielle

  1. I can handle them, I am a professional nanny.
  2. Don't worry, I've dealt with crying babies before.
Soleil Moon Frye as Katie

Soleil Moon Frye

as Katie (1 episode)
Katie is a woman who briefly dates Joey in season 9 of Friends. She is portrayed as a bubbly and friendly person.

Quotes from Katie

  1. This is so exciting!
  2. Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening!
Greta Sesheta as Receptionist

Greta Sesheta

as Receptionist (1 episode)
The Receptionist in Friends is a minor character who appears in a few episodes throughout the show. She works at the front desk of Monica and Chandler's apartment building and is often seen interacting with the main characters.

Quotes from Receptionist

  1. 'Rachel, can I ask you something? Are you going to be Ross’ girlfriend again?'
  2. 'Oh no, I’m getting fired again!'
Tom Dugan as Maitre D'

Tom Dugan

as Maitre D' (1 episode)
The Maitre D' is a recurring character on the popular TV show, Friends. He is the head maître d' at a fancy restaurant where the characters often go to eat.

Quotes from Maitre D'

  1. Welcome to Allesandro's, may I help you?
  2. Ah, right this way, please.
  3. Very good, sir. Your table's ready.
Tommy Blaze as Carl

Tommy Blaze

as Carl (1 episode)
Carl is a guest character in the hit television show Friends, who makes an appearance in Season 3. He is portrayed as a handsome and charming yet slightly dim-witted paramedic, who is rumored to have a fixation with imaginary creatures such as unicorns and leprechauns.

Quotes from Carl

  1. Ross, who is Emily?
  2. What is your damage, little boy?
  3. I must have a hard head, I've been hit so many times with a softball!

Kerrie Clark

as Flight Representative (1 episode)
The Flight Representative is a recurring character in the hit sitcom Friends. She is portrayed as an efficient and no-nonsense airline employee who always follows the rules, much to the frustration of the main characters.

Quotes from Flight Representative

  1. I'm afraid all the hotels are booked. You'll have to make other arrangements.
  2. I understand that you're upset, but there's nothing I can do about it.
  3. I'm sorry, but your flight has been cancelled due to weather conditions.
Buck Kartalian as Frankie

Buck Kartalian

as Frankie (1 episode)
Frankie is a recurring character in the show Friends. She is portrayed as an eccentric and quirky woman who dates Joey briefly. She is portrayed as being very outgoing and impulsive, and tends to say whatever comes into her mind.

Quotes from Frankie

  1. Is it too soon to say I love you?
  2. I'm a little cuckoo right now.
  3. Who wants to hold hands and jump?
Joel Beeson as Hombre Man

Joel Beeson

as Hombre Man (1 episode)
Hombre Man, also known as The Hombre Guy, is a minor character in the sitcom Friends. He appears in the episode The One Where Ross Can't Flirt as a man whom Ross mistakes for a male prostitute.

Quotes from Hombre Man

  1. Sorry, I don't do that.
  2. Do you always talk like that?
  3. Hola, señor!

Janice Davies

as Woman on Bench (1 episode)
The Woman on Bench is a minor character in the popular sitcom Friends. She is often seen in the background of Central Perk, reading a book or drinking coffee on the famous orange sofa. She is known for her brief interactions with the main characters, particularly Rachel, who once mistook her for a homeless person.

Quotes from Woman on Bench

  1. Are you okay, sweetie? You look like you need to talk to someone.
  2. Oh, honey, I don't want your money. I'm just resting my eyes.
Chris Young as Steven Fishman

Chris Young

as Steven Fishman (1 episode)
Steven Fishman is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. He is the ex-husband of Phoebe Buffay, a free-spirited musician. Steven is a mild-mannered scientist who is often in awe of Phoebe's unconventional way of life. Despite their differences, he and Phoebe maintain a friendly relationship and are committed to co-parenting their triplets.

Quotes from Steven Fishman

  1. I brought the condoms!
  2. I am so sorry. I'll be on my way. You guys have a good time!
  3. Well, technically, it's one blink for yes, two blinks for no.
Hugh Dane as Jim

Hugh Dane

as Jim (1 episode)
Jim, also known as Jimmy, is a minor character in Friends who first appears in season one. He is the owner of the famous sandwich shop that Monica is desperate to cater for. He is portrayed as a friendly and easy-going person who loves his sandwiches.

Quotes from Jim

  1. Monica, you're supposed to be making sandwiches, not out there romance-ing my customers!
  2. Oh, I remember you! You're that girl who was so excited about a job that you didn't get!
  3. Hey, how're you doing?
  4. You gotta try my sandwiches, they're the best in the city!
Jennifer Sommerfeld as Becky

Jennifer Sommerfeld

as Becky (1 episode)
Becky is a minor character in Friends. She appears in the episode 'The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie'. She is a woman that Chandler tries to break up with by pretending that he is moving to Yemen.

Quotes from Becky

  1. Do you have a phone in Yemen?
  2. I don't think I've ever met a Chandler before.
Symba as Chrissy


as Chrissy (1 episode)
Chrissy was a minor character on the show Friends who only appeared in one episode. She was portrayed as a flirtatious woman who Joey meets at Central Perk and asks out on a date. However, Joey quickly realizes that he can't keep up with her high maintenance lifestyle.

Quotes from Chrissy

  1. 'I like guys with nice butts.'
  2. 'I like this place. It's small, like me.'
Lea DeLaria as Woman

Lea DeLaria

as Woman (1 episode)
The woman in the TV show Friends is one of the six main characters, Rachel Green. She starts off as a spoiled, self-centered fashion enthusiast but eventually learns to become more independent and responsible.

Quotes from Woman

  1. I'm full, and yet I know if I stop eating this, I'll regret it.
  2. No, you weren't supposed to put beef in the trifle. It did not taste good.
Sean Masterson as Monkeyshine Guy

Sean Masterson

as Monkeyshine Guy (1 episode)
Monkeyshine Guy, also known as Marcel, is a capuchin monkey owned by Ross Geller in the TV show Friends. Marcel is mischievous and often causes trouble for Ross and the other characters on the show.

Quotes from Monkeyshine Guy

  1. Marcel! No humping! Bad monkey!
  2. Eeek eeek! Ooo ooo!
D. Elliot Woods as Waiter

D. Elliot Woods

as Waiter (1 episode)
The Waiter on Friends is a recurring character who works at the coffee shop Central Perk. He is often seen serving coffee or food to the Friends gang and occasionally joining in on their conversations. He is kind and friendly, and always up for a quick chat with the regulars.

Quotes from Waiter

  1. What can I get for you?
  2. Coming right up!
Jackie Bright as Mr. Weinberg

Jackie Bright

as Mr. Weinberg (1 episode) , Janitor (1 episode)
Mr. Weinberg is a supporting character in the hit TV show Friends. He is the superintendent of the building where Monica and Rachel live.

Quotes from Mr. Weinberg

  1. I'm Mr. Weinberg, I'm the super.
  2. I'm just glad I wasn't the only one.
  3. You know what, just this once, I'm gonna let that slide. But next time, it's coming out of your security deposit. (laughs)
Michael Bower as Roy Gublik

Michael Bower

as Roy Gublik (1 episode)
Roy Gublik is a recurring character in Friends who dated Rachel briefly. He is portrayed as a rude and insensitive person, who constantly belittles others and lacks basic manners.

Quotes from Roy Gublik

  1. 'I'll keep my opinions to myself from now on. Because apparently, everyone's sensitive.'
  2. 'I mean, come on Ross, what do you know about women? You have a three divorces under your belt, and you're what, like 30?'

Lou Thornton

as Gail (1 episode)
Audrie Neenan as Emily

Audrie Neenan

as Emily (1 episode)
Emily Waltham is a British woman who Ross meets in London while he is still in love with Rachel. They quickly get engaged and marry, but their relationship is tumultuous due to Ross still having feelings for Rachel.

Quotes from Emily

  1. Ross, look at me, does it look like I'm happy?
  2. It's all so magical.

Josie DiVincenzo

as Tattoo Artist (1 episode)

Stephen Samuels

as Arik (1 episode)
Linda Lutz as Horrible Woman

Linda Lutz

as Horrible Woman (1 episode)
The Horrible Woman from Friends is an unpleasant character who is known for her rude behavior and cruel words.

Quotes from Horrible Woman

  1. I was just telling my friend here how much I love charity.
  2. You could lose a little weight, but if you just took better care of yourself, you'd feel better, and you'd look better, too.
Roark Critchlow as Mike Horton

Roark Critchlow

as Mike Horton (3 episodes)
Mike Horton is a recurring character in the television show Friends. He is portrayed as a caring and supportive boyfriend to Phoebe Buffay. Mike is a soft-spoken character who is often level-headed and calm, providing a contrast to the quirky personalities of the other friends on the show.

Quotes from Mike Horton

  1. 'We were on a break!'
  2. 'I love you, Phoebe'
  3. 'I can't even get a woman to look at me, let alone date me'
Mary Gallagher as Tilly

Mary Gallagher

as Tilly (1 episode)
Tilly is a cute little dog that belongs to Phoebe Buffay, one of the main characters of the show Friends. Tilly is often seen accompanying Phoebe and is loved by all of the other friends.

Quotes from Tilly

  1. Bark bark!
  2. Woof woof!
Vanessa Sandin as Amber

Vanessa Sandin

as Amber (1 episode)
Amber is Joey's girlfriend in the TV show Friends. She is a big fan of Dr. Drake Ramoray, Joey's character on the show Days of Our Lives.

Quotes from Amber

  1. 'Is it true that you're playing a woman again in Days of Our Lives?'
  2. 'I like you better in your white coat.'
Brian Posehn as Messenger

Brian Posehn

as Messenger (1 episode)
The Messenger in Friends is a recurring character who works for a delivery company that often brings packages to the show's main characters. The Messenger is known for being enthusiastic, talkative, and occasionally inappropriate.

Quotes from Messenger

  1. All right, all right, calm down, Joe Stalin.
  2. Hellooo, package for Ms. Chanandler Bong!
  3. So, I see you're making a pornography?
Lisa Roberts Gillan as Cathy

Lisa Roberts Gillan

as Cathy (1 episode) , Cathy (1 episode)
Cathy is a recurring character in the popular TV show Friends. She is an actress who briefly becomes Joey's girlfriend. Cathy is portrayed as confident, outgoing, and sometimes manipulative.

Quotes from Cathy

  1. 'Isn't Ross kind of a weirdo?'
  2. 'I have a boyfriend!'
  3. 'You know what I noticed? Sometimes you say 'come' when you want me to stay.'

James E. Reilly

as Writer (1 episode)
Nancy Rubin as Guest

Nancy Rubin

as Guest (1 episode)
Guest is a recurring character in the TV show Friends, played by many different actors and actresses. They are typically portrayed as a minor character, often appearing in background scenes or serving as a one-time love interest for another character. Despite their limited role, Guest is a fan favorite due to their quirky mannerisms and memorable lines.

Quotes from Guest

  1. I have a very exclusive hairdresser who only speaks French and dolphin, so I have to get my messages second hand.
  2. I'm sorry, I'm not good with names. How do you spell it?
  3. Oh God, this is it. This is how it all ends.
Lewis Dix Jr. as Man

Lewis Dix Jr.

as Man (1 episode)
The Man, also known as The Ugly Naked Guy, is a recurring character in the TV show Friends who lives in the apartment across the street from Monica and Rachel's apartment. He is known for being naked and often seen through his window.

Quotes from Man

  1. (No quotes available)
Peter Spears as Joel

Peter Spears

as Joel (1 episode)
Joel is a young man who Rachel dates briefly in Friends. He is portrayed as being overly sensitive and emotional.

Quotes from Joel

  1. I loooooove playing with clay!
  2. I'm sorry, I just have really strong feelings about pottery.

Edo Azran

as Young Ross (1 episode)

Sierra Dawn Hill

as Young Monica (1 episode)

Christy L. Medrano

as Waitress (1 episode)
The Waitress is a recurring character in the hit TV show Friends. She works at the coffee shop where the main characters frequently hang out. She is known for her no-nonsense attitude and dry wit.

Quotes from Waitress

  1. I don't need your sarcasm right now, I'm pregnant.
  2. You're not married, you're just weird.
  3. I don't even have time to tell you how wrong you are. Actually, it's going to bug me if I don't: Joey: Hey Pheebs, you wanna help? Phoebe: Sure! Joey: What are you doing? Phoebe: Helping!
Mark Cohen as Mattress King

Mark Cohen

as Mattress King (1 episode)
Mattress King is a recurring character on the sitcom Friends. He is the owner of a chain of mattress stores and often brags about his success and wealth. He is portrayed as arrogant and condescending towards others.

Quotes from Mattress King

  1. If you need a better night's sleep, come to the Mattress King!
  2. I don't measure success by money. I measure it by how many mattresses I sell.
  3. My mattresses are so comfortable, once you try them out, you'll never wanna get up!

Andre Rosey Brown

as Delivery Man (1 episode)
The Delivery Man is a minor character in the TV show Friends, played by actor Larry Hankin. He is a delivery man who often appears at Central Perk or in the gang's apartments in various episodes throughout the show's 10 seasons.

Quotes from Delivery Man

  1. That's two knives in two minutes!
  2. Hey, I got a flower delivery for a Buttafuoco?
  3. I have a pizza for George Stephanopoulos!
Simon Harvey as Jester

Simon Harvey

as Jester (1 episode)
Jester is a minor character in the TV series Friends, appearing in only one episode. He is a clown hired by Monica and Chandler for their wedding to entertain the guests. He is known for his colorful outfit and juggling skills.

Quotes from Jester

  1. Who wants to learn how to juggle?
  2. Hey, look at me, I'm a clown!

Shashi Bhatia

as Acting Student #1 (1 episode)
Sandra Gould as Old Woman (voice)

Sandra Gould

as Old Woman (voice) (1 episode)
The Old Woman (voice) in the show Friends was an unseen character who is only heard making inappropriate comments to the character Chandler through the wall of his apartment. She was known for her blunt and risqué remarks that often left Chandler flustered and embarrassed.

Quotes from Old Woman (voice)

  1. I can hear you through the wall, and I'm really bored. If you're going to do it, just do it.
  2. I'm 84, I've earned the right to say whatever I want.
K.J. Steinberg as Gina

K.J. Steinberg

as Gina (1 episode)
Gina is Joey's sister in the show Friends, and is portrayed as a bit of a free spirit. She is outgoing, flirtatious, and often makes bold and impulsive decisions without thinking about the consequences. Despite this, she has a good heart and cares deeply for her brother and friends.

Quotes from Gina

  1. 'I'm a lover not a fighter.'
  2. 'I'm always up for an adventure.'
  3. 'Whoa baby,'
Lisa Melilli as Dina

Lisa Melilli

as Dina (1 episode)
Dina is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. She is the abrasive and blunt manager of Central Perk, where the friends regularly hang out.

Quotes from Dina

  1. This isn't your living room. People come here to study, play chess, and use drugs!
Carlos Gómez as Julio

Carlos Gómez

as Julio (1 episode)
Julio is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a young attractive man who works as a model and dates Rachel briefly.

Quotes from Julio

  1. 'I'm Julio, by the way.'
  2. 'If you're not busy, we could go out sometime. Get to know each other.'
Hillary Matthews as Nancy

Hillary Matthews

as Nancy (1 episode)
Nancy is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is the woman Joey accidentally gives a job interview to, mistaking her for his interviewer.

Quotes from Nancy

  1. Good luck with everything!
  2. Oh, I'm not actually interviewing you, but I feel like a silly goose now so I'll ask you a question—why would you say you were fluent in Swedish when, just moments ago, you were speaking almost exclusively in Norwegian?
Stephen Kearney as Mischa

Stephen Kearney

as Mischa (1 episode)
Mischa is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. He is a Russian immigrant and is known for his quirky personality and broken English.

Quotes from Mischa

  1. I cannot be leave the size of this place.
  2. I show you my heart. Okay, not my heart, my liver. Okay not my liver, my kidney. Okay not my kidney.
  3. I have good sex.
Cynthia Mann as Jasmine

Cynthia Mann

as Jasmine (4 episodes)
Jasmine is a temporary girlfriend of Ross who he meets at a coffee shop. She seems to be connected to a mystical world as she practices alternative spirituality and gives Ross a strange dream catcher. However, she ultimately turns out to be a manipulative and deceitful person.

Quotes from Jasmine

  1. You seem like a very nice guy, but I just don't date guys who are going through divorces.
  2. You have angered the gods, Ross. Beware the ides of March.
Marta Kauffman as Hypnosis Tape (voice) (uncredited)

Marta Kauffman

as Hypnosis Tape (voice) (uncredited) (1 episode)
Hypnosis Tape is a minor character on the TV show Friends. Rather than being an actual person, it is a recording of someone's voice used for hypnotizing Chandler Bing to quit smoking.

Quotes from Hypnosis Tape (voice) (uncredited)

  1. You're getting sleepy...
  2. You will quit smoking.
  3. You feel like a new man.

Brian Smith

as Josh (1 episode)
Elliott Gould as Jack Geller

Elliott Gould

as Jack Geller (19 episodes)
Jack Geller is Ross and Monica's father in the show Friends. He is a retired physician who can sometimes be overbearing and judgmental. He is shown to have a great sense of humor and loves to joke around with his family.

Quotes from Jack Geller

  1. 'Here's where I came in.')
  2. 'Chandler, for God's sake, pick a card.'
  3. 'What? I'm trying to dance with my daughter!'
Sarah Peterson as Elizabeth Hornswoggle

Sarah Peterson

as Elizabeth Hornswoggle (1 episode)
Elizabeth Hornswoggle is a minor character in Friends. She is the mother of Ross's girlfriend, who is also named Elizabeth. Elizabeth Hornswoggle is portrayed as an eccentric, bohemian artist who is very protective of her daughter and skeptical of Ross.

Quotes from Elizabeth Hornswoggle

  1. 'You seem awfully nice. I'm gonna make you something.'
  2. 'And I would talk to you, but I'm kind of afraid of your girlfriend's dad.'
Mike Hagerty as Mr. Treeger

Mike Hagerty

as Mr. Treeger (5 episodes)
Mr. Treeger is the superintendent of Monica's building in Friends. He is often gruff and tough on the tenants, but deep down he cares about them. He has a thick New York accent and a no-nonsense attitude.

Quotes from Mr. Treeger

  1. This is not a hotel, people! It's time to clean up your acts!
  2. I got you cornered now, ya little weasel!
Adam Goldberg as Eddie Menuek

Adam Goldberg

as Eddie Menuek (4 episodes)
Eddie Menuek is a quirky and eccentric character who appears in season 2 of Friends. He is Chandler's temporary roommate and is often seen obsessing over little things like his goldfish and his chair. He has a hard time understanding social cues and can be quite creepy at times.

Quotes from Eddie Menuek

  1. 'You smell like my Mom's closet'
  2. 'The chair is part of me now, I am one with the chair'
Steven Eckholdt as Mark Robinson

Steven Eckholdt

as Mark Robinson (7 episodes)
Mark Robinson is a recurring character in Friends, portrayed by Steven Eckholdt. Mark was a co-worker of Rachel's at Bloomingdale's and briefly became her love interest, causing some jealousy from Ross.

Quotes from Mark Robinson

  1. I hope you don't mind, I ordered for both of us. I know what you like.
  2. It's getting pretty serious between us. We're thinking about going to London next year.
Cali Sheldon as Emma Geller-Green (uncredited)

Cali Sheldon

as Emma Geller-Green (uncredited) (10 episodes)
Emma Geller-Green is the daughter of Ross Geller and Rachel Green in the hit TV show Friends. Although uncredited, she appeared in several episodes as a baby. She is known for being adorable and bringing joy to her parents' lives.
Noelle Sheldon as Emma Geller-Green (uncredited)

Noelle Sheldon

as Emma Geller-Green (uncredited) (10 episodes)
Emma Geller-Green is the daughter of Ross Geller and Rachel Green in the popular TV show Friends. She is portrayed by several actresses throughout the series and is known for being a sweet and adorable child.
Peter Bonerz as Theater Patron (uncredited)

Peter Bonerz

as Theater Patron (uncredited) (1 episode)
This character is never actually named and only appears as an uncredited extra in the show Friends. They are portrayed as a regular theater patron who attends plays and performances at the same theater as the main characters.
Bruce Buffer as Announcer

Bruce Buffer

as Announcer (1 episode)
The Announcer in the show Friends is a voice-over character that introduces each episode. The Announcer is never shown on screen, but helps set the scene and tone for each episode with their brief introduction.

Quotes from Announcer

  1. And now, the one where...
  2. The one with...
John McCarthy as Referee

John McCarthy

as Referee (1 episode)
The Referee is a minor recurring character on the TV show Friends. He is a strict and by-the-book referee who is often assigned to officiate games involving the characters. He takes his job very seriously and doesn't hesitate to make tough calls, even if it means angering the players.

Quotes from Referee

  1. No arguing with the referee! Back to the game!
  2. I've made my decision, and it's final.
  3. I will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike conduct.
Matt Kaminsky as Tony

Matt Kaminsky

as Tony (1 episode)
Tony is a recurring character in the hit show Friends. He is a sophisticated gentleman who is always dressed impeccably. Tony is the owner of his own restaurant, which is frequently visited by the main characters.

Quotes from Tony

  1. I hear you, if I had an assistant who could pick my pants up off the floor in the morning, that would be life-changing.
  2. Well, let me tell you something, you'd be surprised how much business you can lose by having a bad hostess. I mean, she could have at least waited until the end of the day to kill herself.
Marc Unger as Thief

Marc Unger

as Thief (1 episode)
The Thief is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. He is a petty criminal who steals from the main characters' apartments. He is known for his distinctive blend of humorous charisma and cunning, making him an entertaining and somewhat sympathetic antagonist.

Quotes from Thief

  1. I'm sorry, Ross. I didn't know where else to go!
  2. It's just stuff, stuff, stuff! You go out and you buy some stuff, and you do some things, and you get some more stuff, and uh, that's gotta be it for a while.
  3. Oh, don't take my word for it. Ask Ross. He has a Ph.D. in GET-THEM-OUT!
  4. I'm sorry. I have a problem. I'm working on it.
Rhoda Gemignani as Mrs. Potter

Rhoda Gemignani

as Mrs. Potter (1 episode)
Mrs. Potter is the mother of Monica's boyfriend Chandler in Friends. She is portrayed as a heavy smoker who's constantly coughing.

Quotes from Mrs. Potter

  1. I don't need a stick to wave in their faces anymore. Now I've got a plane.
  2. Could somebody BE any more obsessed with Friends?
  3. I've got a plane, too. Does this mean we fly together?
Brien Perry as Gym Employee

Brien Perry

as Gym Employee (1 episode)
The Gym Employee is a minor character in the television series Friends. He works at the gym that the main characters frequently visit. He is often seen enforcing gym rules and offering unsolicited advice to the characters.

Quotes from Gym Employee

  1. 'I'm sorry, I can't let you do that.'
  2. 'Excuse me, sir, but you're sitting on my towel.'
Lisa Maris as Tina Tribbiani (uncredited)

Lisa Maris

as Tina Tribbiani (uncredited) (1 episode)
Tina Tribbiani is a minor recurring character in the hit show Friends. She is the daughter of Joeys sister Gina and is often portrayed as a naive and innocent young girl. Tina is known for her sweet personality and her love for her Uncle Joey who she looks up to as a role model.

Quotes from Tina Tribbiani (uncredited)

  1. How you doin?
  2. Joey, youre the best Uncle ever!
Jamie Kaler as Mike

Jamie Kaler

as Mike (1 episode)
Mike is a fictional character from the television sitcom Friends. He is portrayed by actor Paul Rudd and he is Phoebe's love interest. He is a laid back and easygoing guy who plays the guitar and enjoys rafting. Mike is also a responsible and caring person, who is supportive of Phoebe's quirks and eccentricities, and ultimately wins her heart.

Quotes from Mike

  1. 'I love you lollipop.'
  2. 'You went to Yale? That's so cool. Because I don't know if you know this, but I went to Vassar.'
  3. 'Feels like an Arby's night.'
Ira Ungerleider as Noisy Upstairs Neighbour (voice) (uncredited)

Ira Ungerleider

as Noisy Upstairs Neighbour (voice) (uncredited) (1 episode)
The Noisy Upstairs Neighbour is an unnamed minor character who appears in the show Friends. They live in the apartment directly above Monica's and Chandler's and can often be heard making various loud noises.
Micheal DiMaggio as Drew

Micheal DiMaggio

as Drew (1 episode)
Drew is a recurring character in the show Friends. He is played by the actor, John Christopher Allen. He is the manager of the coffee shop, Central Perk, where the characters often hang out.

Quotes from Drew

  1. Hey, do you guys want to see the pelvic thrust?
  2. Welcome to our little land of make-believe.
  3. Do you want your regular coffee, or do you want me to pretend to be a British butler and bring it to you on a silver tray?
Shannon Maureen Brown as Woman on the Train

Shannon Maureen Brown

as Woman on the Train (1 episode)
The Woman on the Train is a minor character in Friends. She is an attractive woman whom Ross flirts with while on a train ride. She is portrayed as flirtatious and confident.

Quotes from Woman on the Train

  1. 'Don't stop.'
  2. 'Anything you want.'
Amy Smallman as Kitchen Worker

Amy Smallman

as Kitchen Worker (1 episode)
The Kitchen Worker from Friends is a minor character who is often seen working at Central Perk. He is known for his distinctive hat and apron, and for occasionally interacting with the main characters.

Quotes from Kitchen Worker

  1. Sorry, we don't have any more muffins.
  2. I'm just here to make coffee, not friends.
Yasemin Baytok as Poughkeepsie Woman

Yasemin Baytok

as Poughkeepsie Woman (1 episode)
The Poughkeepsie Woman is a mysterious woman mentioned by Chandler in Friends. He claims to have broken up with her because she kept using a fake southern drawl, but his friends suspect he is lying.

Quotes from Poughkeepsie Woman

  1. Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Vic Helford

as Conductor (1 episode)
The Conductor, played by Jim Meskimen in the TV sitcom Friends, is a minor recurring character who is employed as a Conductor on the New York Subway. He is known for his distinctive voice, witty one-liners, and his love for trains.

Quotes from Conductor

  1. Don't forget to bring your sense of whimsy!
  2. All aboard the age train!
  3. Next stop on this train: Disappointmentville, population: you!
Sherri Shepherd as Tour Guide

Sherri Shepherd

as Tour Guide (1 episode)
Rhonda is a tour guide in the famous television show Friends. She is known for being very enthusiastic about her job and loves to show tourists the many sights and sounds of New York City. Rhonda is friendly, witty and always has a smile on her face.

Quotes from Tour Guide

  1. 'Oh, this statue is the most photographed statue in the world. Except for the one of the guy getting kissed when the war was over.'
  2. 'Congratulations, you've made it to the Museum of Natural History. Home to a number of stuffed animals and ancient artifacts, all of which are dead.'
Paget Brewster as Kathy

Paget Brewster

as Kathy (6 episodes)
Kathy is a beautiful and charming woman who became Joey's girlfriend in the later seasons of Friends. She is an aspiring actress and also works as a shopper for Bloomingdale's.

Quotes from Kathy

  1. I don't know about you, but I don't want to have somebody sniffing my panties...unless I'm really serious about them.
  2. Could I be wearing any more clothes?
Miles Marsico as Smart Kid

Miles Marsico

as Smart Kid (1 episode)
The smart kid in Friends is a young boy named Ben who is the son of Ross, one of the main characters in the show. Ben is often shown as being intelligent and well-behaved, but also sometimes mischievous and playful.

Quotes from Smart Kid

  1. 'I'm gonna go tell my mommy on you!'
Jack Ong as Older Scientist

Jack Ong

as Older Scientist (1 episode)
The older scientist in Friends is Dr. Ross Geller, a paleontologist who works at a museum and is known for his intelligence and passion for his field. He is also a loyal friend and a loving brother.
Chip Chinery as Another Scientist

Chip Chinery

as Another Scientist (1 episode)
This scientist is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. They are often seen alongside Ross and are portrayed as a fellow academic.

Quotes from Another Scientist

  1. I could be holed up in my apartment with my cats and my stuff, but instead, I decided to honour the memory of good old Nancy Sinatra and knock boots in a Las Vegas wedding chapel.
  2. I'm a scientist, not a doctor.
Cindy Katz as Dr. Zane

Cindy Katz

as Dr. Zane (1 episode)
Dr. Zane is a minor character in Friends, appearing in two episodes. He is a doctor who treats Rachel when she sprains her ankle and later goes on a date with her. He is portrayed as handsome and charming, but ultimately doesn't make much of an impact on the show.
Carlos Lacámara as A.D.

Carlos Lacámara

as A.D. (1 episode)
A.D. is a strict and uptight woman who is in charge of the soap opera 'Days of Our Lives' that Joey Tribbiani is cast in. She is often exasperated by Joey's antics and struggles to keep him in line on set.

Quotes from A.D.

  1. 'What the hell was that?'
  2. 'You can be replaced by a small monkey with a tambourine.'
Rocky McMurray as Cigarette Guy

Rocky McMurray

as Cigarette Guy (1 episode)
The Cigarette Guy, also known as Mr. Heckles, is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. He lives in the apartment below Monica and Rachel and is known for his grumpy and eccentric behavior.

Quotes from Cigarette Guy

  1. I could be a drug dealer!
  2. I could die any minute. I could get kicked by a horse. I don't give a damn.
  3. You're disturbing my oboe practice.
Maggie Wheeler as Janice

Maggie Wheeler

as Janice (18 episodes)
Janice is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. She is known for her distinctive voice, high-pitched laugh, and for being Chandler's on-again, off-again girlfriend throughout the series. Janice is portrayed as fun-loving, easy-going, and with a heart of gold, but her constant presence and clinginess often irritates the other characters.

Quotes from Janice

  1. Chandler Bing. You bad boy!
  2. Oh. My. God!
Mark McCullough Thomas as Liam

Mark McCullough Thomas

as Liam (1 episode)
Liam is a minor character in Friends. He is an Irish guy who is briefly seen dating Rachel while she worked at Central Perk. He is known for his heavy Irish accent and his friendly demeanor.

Quotes from Liam

  1. Top of the mornin' to ya!
  2. Cheers, love!
Adamo Palladino as Devon

Adamo Palladino

as Devon (1 episode)
Devon is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a stripper who performs at Phoebe's bachelorette party. He is handsome and friendly, but not very bright.

Quotes from Devon

  1. 'I'm gonna get naked!'
  2. 'I have to go perform at another bachelorette party now, but you are all beautiful, inside and out.'
Robin McDonald as Ticket Counter Attendant

Robin McDonald

as Ticket Counter Attendant (1 episode)
The Ticket Counter Attendant in Friends is the employee who works at the ticket counter in the New York City Museum of Natural History. He appears in 'The One With Ross's Teeth' (season 6, episode 8), where he accidentally ended up going on a date with a woman believed to be Rachel.

Quotes from Ticket Counter Attendant

  1. You have to give me the number of the woman in the photograph. There are lives at stake.
  2. That's right, I stepped up. She's my friend and she needed help. And if I have to, I'd pee on any one of you.
  3. I'm supposed to be at the theater and instead, I'm here with you guys, doing chin-ups on the undercarriage of 'Rehearsal for Death'.
Shirley Jordan as Doctor

Shirley Jordan

as Doctor (1 episode)
The Doctor (played by George Clooney) is a recurring character on the hit TV show Friends. He appears in Season 1 Episode 17 'The One with Two Parts'. The Doctor is a handsome and charming man who catches the eye of both Rachel and Monica when they visit him at the hospital.

Quotes from Doctor

  1. Dr. Green: Name?
  2. Dr. Green: Okay.
  3. Monica: Geller. But with a 'G' at the beginning, and an 'E-R' at the end and only one 'L' but it's still pronounced like 'Geller'.
John Bennett Perry as Mr. Burgin

John Bennett Perry

as Mr. Burgin (1 episode)
Mr. Burgin is a minor character in the popular TV show Friends. He is the boss of Chandler Bing for a brief period of time in season four of the show.

Quotes from Mr. Burgin

  1. I quit! I'm never watching store again!
  2. You can't come in! The store is closed!
  3. Unbelievable. One more stupid question and I'm calling security.
Pat Crowley as Mrs. Burgin

Pat Crowley

as Mrs. Burgin (1 episode)

Pat Crowley was born on September 17, 1933 and is currently 91 years old.

Jessica Hecht as Susan Bunch

Jessica Hecht

as Susan Bunch (12 episodes)
Susan Bunch is a recurring character on the popular TV show Friends. She is Ross's ex-wife and the mother of his son, Ben.

Quotes from Susan Bunch

  1. Hey, I'm very easy to break up with, just don't pay attention to me!
  2. I point out that you're wearing a sweater vest.
Jane Sibbett as Carol Willick

Jane Sibbett

as Carol Willick (14 episodes)
Carol Willick is Ross Geller's ex-wife and the mother of his son, Ben. She is a strong, independent woman who is unapologetic about her sexuality.

Quotes from Carol Willick

  1. We can still be friends, right?
  2. I know what I want, and I'm gonna get it.
Michal Connor as Singing Man

Michal Connor

as Singing Man (1 episode)
The Singing Man, also known as the Singing Troubadour, is a recurring character in the television show Friends. He is a street performer who often appears outside Central Perk, where the main characters frequently hang out. He is known for his unique style of singing and playing guitar, and for his quirky and humorous song lyrics.

Quotes from Singing Man

  1. They're still the pre-eminent themes of our times: love... and death.
  2. Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, what are they feeding you?
Christina Moore as Marjorie

Christina Moore

as Marjorie (1 episode)
Marjorie is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She only appears in one episode, 'The One with Ross's New Girlfriend'. Marjorie is a masseuse at a hotel spa, where Ross goes to get a massage. She flirts with him during the session, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Quotes from Marjorie

  1. 'You're very tense. Take off your shirt.'
  2. 'You wanna help me with my flow?'
Anne Betancourt as Saleslady

Anne Betancourt

as Saleslady (1 episode)
The Saleslady in Friends is a one-time character who appears in 'The One with the Blackout'. She is a friendly and helpful employee at a department store who guides the group to safety during a power outage.

Quotes from Saleslady

  1. 'Follow me, I know the way out.'
  2. 'Okay, I'm gonna guess you guys are all here together.'
Thea Mann as Sleep Clinic Worker

Thea Mann

as Sleep Clinic Worker (1 episode)
The Sleep Clinic Worker only appears briefly in the episode of 'Friends' titled 'The One with the Boobies'. He is a medical professional who helps Ross overcome his insomnia.

Quotes from Sleep Clinic Worker

  1. 'Congratulations, Dr. Geller. You're cured.'
Lisa Rotondi as Stripper

Lisa Rotondi

as Stripper (1 episode)
The stripper in the show Friends is a professional dancer who works at a club that Chandler and Joey frequent. She is portrayed as a friendly and good-natured person who enjoys talking with the club's patrons.

Quotes from Stripper

  1. I'm gonna take my break. By the way, you're a little scrunchy.
  2. I'm sorry I'm late, I was busy having sex with your best friend's husband.
Robert M. Koch as Doctor

Robert M. Koch

as Doctor (1 episode)
The Doctor is a recurring character in Friends. He is played by Jon Favreau and first appears in the Season 3 episode, 'The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion.' He is a rich and successful doctor who dates Monica briefly.

Quotes from Doctor

  1. It's like all my life everyone's always said, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe!' Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I want to be a purse, you know, or a hat!
  2. Welcome to the real world. It sucks! You're gonna love it.
  3. That was the doctor. Apparently, my white cell count is too high. That either means I have a minor infection or a body full of cancer.
  4. I'm playing the field. I'm like a farm team that feeds into the major leagues.
Sarah Ferguson as Sarah, The Duchess of York

Sarah Ferguson

as Sarah, The Duchess of York (1 episode)
Sarah, The Duchess of York is a minor character in the show Friends. She is portrayed as a friend of Joey's who he met on the plane to London. She is a real-life British public figure and member of the royal family.
Janelle Pierzina as Patron in Coffee Shop

Janelle Pierzina

as Patron in Coffee Shop (1 episode)
Patron in Coffee Shop is a minor character in the TV show Friends. The character does not have any significant role but appears occasionally in the background. The character is portrayed as a regular customer of Central Perk.
Richard Branson as Vendor

Richard Branson

as Vendor (1 episode)
The Vendor in Friends is a minor character who appears in multiple episodes as the owner of the coffee shop where Rachel works during her brief stint as a waitress. He is a friendly and jovial man who often engages in playful banter with Rachel and other customers.

Quotes from Vendor

  1. Here's your change, Miss Chanandler Bong
  2. You want to hear something ironic? I can't even stand the taste of coffee.
  3. It's not on the menu
Hugh Laurie as Gentleman on the Plane

Hugh Laurie

as Gentleman on the Plane (1 episode)
The Gentleman on the Plane is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He appears briefly on a flight taken by Ross and Rachel, and strikes up a conversation with Ross. He has a cultured, refined air about him and is rather formal in his speech.

Quotes from Gentleman on the Plane

  1. I haven't had a first class seatmate in years. It's such a treat to converse with a cultured gentleman
  2. I'd like to think I'm the man you want to spend your layover with
June Whitfield as Housekeeper

June Whitfield

as Housekeeper (1 episode)
The Housekeeper in Friends is a recurring character who appears in a few episodes. She is a strict but kind housekeeper, who is often seen cleaning and organizing Monicas apartment.

Quotes from Housekeeper

  1. I make no judgment.
  2. I find things Im not supposed to find.
  3. I work hard for my money.
Olivia Williams as Felicity

Olivia Williams

as Felicity (1 episode)
Felicity is a minor recurring character in Friends. She is the daughter of Rachel's boss at Ralph Lauren and dates Ross briefly. She is known for her quirky personality and fashion sense.

Quotes from Felicity

  1. I just have one of those faces, I guess.
  2. Sometimes my mouth has a mind of its own.
Jane Carr as Ticket Agent

Jane Carr

as Ticket Agent (1 episode)
The Ticket Agent in Friends is a minor character who works at the ticket counter in the airport. He has a brief interaction with the main cast when they are traveling to various destinations throughout the series.

Quotes from Ticket Agent

  1. 'Second door on the left.'
  2. 'You are holding up the plane.'
Daniel Caltagirone as Waiter

Daniel Caltagirone

as Waiter (1 episode)
The Waiter is a recurring character in Friends who works at the Central Perk coffeehouse. He is always friendly and accommodating to the gang, especially Rachel who he harbors a crush on.

Quotes from Waiter

  1. 'Welcome to Central Perk!'
  2. 'Could I be wearing any more clothes?'
Heathcote Williams as Older Guest

Heathcote Williams

as Older Guest (1 episode)
The Older Guest is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is an elderly man who visits Central Perk and enjoys engaging in conversation with the main characters. He often offers humorous anecdotes and witty commentary.

Quotes from Older Guest

  1. 'Yeah, I just saw him over by the lake. He was reading a book... upside down.'
  2. 'I'm 82 years old. I don't have time for this.'
Sam Anderson as Dr. Harad

Sam Anderson

as Dr. Harad (1 episode)
Dr. Harad is a recurring character in the show Friends. He is an obstetrician and gynecologist at the hospital where Rachel gives birth.

Quotes from Dr. Harad

  1. Push, Push, Push!
Jeff Brooks as Male Patron

Jeff Brooks

as Male Patron (1 episode) , Stage Manager (1 episode) , Trent (1 episode)

Jeff Brooks was born on April 7, 1950 and is currently 74 years old.

Patrick Fabian as Dan

Patrick Fabian

as Dan (1 episode)
Dan is a minor character in Friends, appearing in one episode of the show. He is an assistant district attorney who goes on a date with Phoebe. He is level-headed, smart, and professional, but also a bit serious.

Quotes from Dan

  1. I'm an attorney. And I would think that a woman in your position would have quite a few opinions over some of the legal implications of your work.
  2. Honey, you sound like well-done steak.
Iqbal Theba as Joey's Doctor

Iqbal Theba

as Joey's Doctor (1 episode)
Joey's doctor in Friends is an obstetrician who gives Joey and Chandler some awkward moments with his personal questions and comments.

Quotes from Joey's Doctor

  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not pick on the Mercedes, okay? That's German engineering at its finest. Which is what we should be doing.
  2. Hey, what's the secret to your hair? Is it mousse or gel or is it just (kisses his fingertips) God-given?
T.J. Thyne as Dr. Oberman

T.J. Thyne

as Dr. Oberman (1 episode)
Dr. Oberman is a psychiatrist who was hired by Chandler and Monica to find out whether they were mentally fit to raise a child. He is seen as a professional and caring individual who is determined to perform his job well.

Quotes from Dr. Oberman

  1. 'I'm sorry, I didn't realize people could actually live like that.'
  2. 'So that brings us to the end of our sessions. You guys seem like you're going to be great parents.'
Jennifer Saunders as Andrea Waltham

Jennifer Saunders

as Andrea Waltham (2 episodes)
Andrea Waltham is a supporting character from the TV show Friends. She is introduced as the wife of Ross' ex-wife, Carol's, lesbian partner Susan. Andrea is a sophisticated and uptight British woman.

Quotes from Andrea Waltham

  1. I can't believe I'm stuck in a room with the divorced kindergarten teacher and the guy who used to be fat.
Tom Conti as Steven Waltham

Tom Conti

as Steven Waltham (2 episodes)

Tom Conti (born 22 November 1941) is a Scottish actor, theatre director and novelist.

Debra Jo Rupp as Alice Knight

Debra Jo Rupp

as Alice Knight (6 episodes)
Alice Knight Buffay is the half-sister of Phoebe Buffay and a professional masseuse. She is portrayed as kind, caring, and slightly neurotic.

Quotes from Alice Knight

  1. Oh, I'm sorry, but this is my client list, and I can't let you see it... 'Cause it's mine, and it tells me who to massage, and when, and where, and how much they pay me... And you're not me.
Peter Eyre as Registrar

Peter Eyre

as Registrar (2 episodes)
The Registrar on Friends is a minor character who appears in a few episodes throughout the series. She is highly bureaucratic, strict, and often grumpy. Her role is to provide administrative assistance to the university staff and students, such as handling transcripts and paperwork. She is often at odds with the main characters, particularly Ross, due to his lack of organization and foresight.

Quotes from Registrar

  1. Next case!
  2. I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do
  3. This is not my problem
Brenda Isaacs Booth as Nurse

Brenda Isaacs Booth

as Nurse (1 episode)
The Nurse is a recurring character in the TV show Friends. She is portrayed as a friendly and professional healthcare worker who provides medical support to the main characters on several occasions.

Quotes from Nurse

  1. Don't worry honey, it's not pretty, but I've seen worse.
  2. Lucky for you, I'm a nurse, not a lawyer.
Gary Collins as Gary Collins

Gary Collins

as Gary Collins (1 episode)
Gary Collins is a character from the show Friends. He is Phoebe's massage client who unintentionally makes her feel uncomfortable. He is known for his awkward conversation and inappropriate behavior.

Quotes from Gary Collins

  1. 'I'm just a guy. I'm not trying to be creepy.'
  2. 'You smell different when you're awake.'
Dorien Wilson as Mr. Kogen

Dorien Wilson

as Mr. Kogen (1 episode) , Mr. Douglas (2 episodes)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dorien Wilson (born July 5, 1963) is an American television actor. Descripti...

Helen Baxendale as Emily Waltham

Helen Baxendale

as Emily Waltham (15 episodes)
Emily Waltham is a recurring character in the sitcom Friends, portrayed by Helen Baxendale. She is a smart and independent woman from England, with a charming personality and beautiful looks. Emily is introduced as Ross's love interest, and they eventually get married in London. However, their marriage is short-lived due to Ross's infamous slip of the tongue during their vows.

Quotes from Emily Waltham

  1. Just when I thought you couldn't be any more like your mother
  2. It's Emily, with an E
Christina Pickles as Judy Geller

Christina Pickles

as Judy Geller (17 episodes)

Christina Pickles (born February 17, 1935) is an English actress, best known for role of Nurse Helen Rosenthal in the...

Sandra Thigpen as Stage Manager

Sandra Thigpen

as Stage Manager (1 episode)
The Stage Manager in Friends is a minor character who works backstage on Joey's play and later on Phoebe's. They are responsible for coordinating the set changes and making sure everything runs smoothly during the rehearsals and performances.

Quotes from Stage Manager

  1. Quiet on the set!
  2. Let's take it from the top!

John R. McLaughlin

as PBS Volunteer (1 episode)

Brooke Boisse

as Potential Roommate (1 episode)
The Potential Roommate is an unseen character in the show Friends who was briefly mentioned by the gang. He was a potential roommate that Joey and Chandler interviewed, but ultimately declined to live with because he kept pacing in their apartment and staring at them.
Doug Benson as Tom

Doug Benson

as Tom (1 episode)
Tom was a minor character in Friends, portrayed as Rachel's boyfriend in season 1. He was the epitome of a 'mama's boy' with his mother's opinion being the most important to him.

Quotes from Tom

  1. Dinner! Can't you see that we're making love here?
  2. That's offensive, my family's motto is 'Rectus Ensis' which is Latin for 'right sword'
  3. You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!
Alec Mapa as Housekeeper

Alec Mapa

as Housekeeper (1 episode)
The Housekeeper is a supporting character in the TV show Friends, who is hired by Monica to clean her apartment. She is portrayed as a serious and straightforward person who takes her job very seriously.

Quotes from Housekeeper

  1. I'm not better than you. I just have a different job.
  2. I can't clean this.
Joshua Duvall Preston as Young Chandler

Joshua Duvall Preston

as Young Chandler (1 episode)
Young Chandler is the college version of Chandler Bing, one of the main characters on Friends. He is sarcastic and enjoys making witty jokes, but struggles with finding his place in the world.

Quotes from Young Chandler

  1. Okay, you can all go to hell, and I will see you there.
  2. So, you got a little somethin'-somethin' on the side. That don't make you a bad person.
  3. Could this report BE any more highlighted?
Scott Mosenson as Teacher

Scott Mosenson

as Teacher (1 episode)
The Teacher in Friends is portrayed as a stern and strict educator who is passionate about her work. She often appears in the show as a disciplinarian, but ultimately cares about her students and works hard to inspire them.

Quotes from Teacher

  1. I demand excellence from my students, I demand excellence from myself.
  2. The bell doesn't dismiss you, I dismiss you.
Jennette Robbins as Cynthia

Jennette Robbins

as Cynthia (1 episode)
Cynthia is a minor character in the TV show Friends. She is Ross Geller's ex-wife, and the mother of their son, Ben.

Quotes from Cynthia

  1. We're obviously not horrible people.
  2. I can't believe Ben is going to be in pictures!

Alexia Roberts

as Female Student (1 episode)
Julie Lauren as Krista

Julie Lauren

as Krista (1 episode)
Krista is a minor character in Friends, appearing in season 7. She is a co-worker of Chandler's and is known for being very attractive.

Quotes from Krista

  1. I guess I'm just gonna have to live the rest of my life with the knowledge that I nearly slept with Chandler Bing.
  2. Hey Chandler, could you faboozle me a cup of that coffee?
Tom Bailey as Bob

Tom Bailey

as Bob (1 episode)
Bob is a minor character in Friends, played by actor Vincent Ventresca. He is a process server who delivers divorce papers to Ross in season 1, and later appears as Phoebe's love interest in season 2. Bob is portrayed as friendly and kind-hearted, but somewhat naive.

Quotes from Bob

  1. 'Guys, it's Bob!'
  2. 'Hi, Phoebe!'
Lee Arenberg as Man

Lee Arenberg

as Man (1 episode)
The Man is a recurring character in Friends, played by actor Paxton Whitehead. He is a mysterious figure who is never given an official name and is referred to only as 'The Man'. He is often seen in the background of scenes, silently observing the characters and events around him. Despite his enigmatic nature, The Man is a beloved character among fans for his memorable appearances and quirky personality.

Quotes from Man

  1. 'Tell her about the twine, Frank.'
  2. 'Do you enjoy the music of Miss Stephanie Mills?'
  3. 'Well, I'm off to stare at things in the park'
George Newbern as Danny

George Newbern

as Danny (3 episodes)
Danny is a minor character in the TV show Friends. He is a yet-to-be successful actor who only appears in a few episodes. He is known for his good looks and his rather quirky behavior.

Quotes from Danny

  1. That's my sandwich!
  2. Can you see me?
Robyn Pedretti as Ginger

Robyn Pedretti

as Ginger (1 episode)
Ginger is a woman who briefly dates Chandler in the TV show Friends. She has a rather peculiar trait of having a fake leg which she uses to tease Chandler.

Quotes from Ginger

  1. You know what they say about me? I'm quite the handful... because I have tiny little doll hands.
  2. I don't really need the leg to hobble around. I do it 'cause it freaks people out.
Lise Simms as Kara

Lise Simms

as Kara (1 episode)
Kara was a minor character in the popular TV show Friends. She appeared in Season 6, Episode 4 as a woman who Joey met during a night out.

Quotes from Kara

  1. 'Nice to meet you, Joey.'
  2. 'So Joey what do you do?'
Sam McMurray as Doug

Sam McMurray

as Doug (3 episodes)
Doug is a minor character in Friends who works as a colleague of Chandler's. He is often portrayed as clumsy and awkward in his interactions with the main cast.

Quotes from Doug

  1. I'm a doctor not a magician, I can't make your girlfriend reappear.
  2. Hey, can we get some extra napkins here? I got some chili on my pants.
  3. You guys are great, there's nothing I like more than hanging out with my ex-girlfriend and her incredibly dorky new boyfriend.
David Dalton as Guest #1

David Dalton

as Guest #1 (1 episode)
Guest #1 is a minor character who appears in the popular TV sitcom 'Friends'. As a guest, the character is often seen during parties, gatherings, or events held by the main cast of the show.

Quotes from Guest #1

  1. I got an MBA at Pepperdine, and what I really want to do is act.
  2. I'll tell you, if you guys were in prison, you'd be like, somebody's bitch.
  3. I'm a big fan of yours. I've been following you since the eighties.
Linde Gibb as Guest #2

Linde Gibb

as Guest #2 (1 episode)
Guest #2 is a minor character in the popular TV show Friends. As the name suggests, this character doesn't have a significant role and appears as a minor guest in one or two episodes.
Stephon Fuller as Guest #3

Stephon Fuller

as Guest #3 (1 episode)
Guest #3 is a minor character in the sitcom Friends. Not much is known about this character, as they only made a brief appearance without any significant lines or actions.
Mark Fite as Salesman

Mark Fite

as Salesman (1 episode)
The Salesman is a recurring character on the TV show Friends. He is a pushy and persistent salesman who often annoys Ross and Chandler.

Quotes from Salesman

  1. I'm sorry, I'm not getting a 'yes' vibe from you.
  2. Could it BE any more obvious?
Steve Ireland as Mr. Zelner

Steve Ireland

as Mr. Zelner (6 episodes)
Mr. Zelner is the boss of Rachel when she starts working at Fortunata Fashions. He appears to be laid-back and easy-going but he is also professional and demands the best from his employees.

Quotes from Mr. Zelner

  1. Hey, don't mess with my margarita mixer.
  2. I like my drinks like I like my women - clean and clear.
  3. Let's get in there and make some fashion history, people!

Marc Goldsmith

as Man (1 episode)
Devyn LaBella as Little Girl

Devyn LaBella

as Little Girl (1 episode)
The Little Girl, also known as Emma Geller-Green, is the daughter of Ross and Rachel. She is a sweet and adorable child who brings joy to the lives of her parents and their friends.

Quotes from Little Girl

  1. 'No more falafel!' (when refusing to eat her food)
  2. 'Gleba!' (her attempt to say 'umbrella')
Ralph Manza as Old Man

Ralph Manza

as Old Man (1 episode)
The Old Man is a minor character in Friends who appears in Season 2. He is known to be a grumpy, old man who resides in Joey and Chandler's building. He is often seen complaining about various things, such as the noise level in the building and the behavior of the other tenants.

Quotes from Old Man

  1. If I wanted to see a ghost, I'd watch Casper.
  2. I hate cats.
Judy Kain as Casting Director

Judy Kain

as Casting Director (1 episode)
The Casting Director in Friends is a minor character who is responsible for casting the actors in the show's fictional TV series. She appears in a few episodes, usually in meetings with the show's producers and writers.

Quotes from Casting Director

  1. I have a lot of auditions today, people!
  2. Can we get some focus here, people?
Jim Wise as Kyle

Jim Wise

as Kyle (1 episode)
Kyle is a minor character in Friends who appears in one episode 'The One With Ross' New Girlfriend'. He is a waiter at the same restaurant where Monica is head chef and is a bit of a flirt. He tries to hit on both Monica and Phoebe during their dinner at the restaurant.
Matt Weinberg as Raymond

Matt Weinberg

as Raymond (1 episode)
Raymond is a minor character in the show Friends. He works at the coffee shop 'Central Perk' where the main characters often hang out. He is shown to be friendly and helpful to the customers.

Quotes from Raymond

  1. Hey guys! The coffee house is closed
  2. Here's your latte, Rachel!
Jack Allen as Ben

Jack Allen

as Ben (5 episodes)
Ben Geller is the son of Ross Geller and Carol Willick, who appears in the later seasons of Friends. He is initially portrayed as a young child, but as the show progresses, he grows up and becomes a teenager. He is portrayed as smart, kind, and witty, with a love for science and dinosaurs.

Quotes from Ben

  1. 'I've been going to school for a very long time. I know my way around.'
  2. 'Excuse me, my dad's famous. He's Dr. Geller.'
Carolyn Lowery as Andrea

Carolyn Lowery

as Andrea (1 episode)
Andrea is a minor character in Friends. She briefly dated Joey, but is mostly known for accidentally puking on Chandler's shoes at a conference.

Quotes from Andrea

  1. 'I puked on myself, I puked on you, and I think I even puked on Phoebe'
  2. 'Oh, I'm sorry, the phrase you're looking for is 'thank you'
Bill Stevenson as Rick

Bill Stevenson

as Rick (1 episode)
Rick is a minor character in the show Friends. He is a bald, middle-aged man who briefly dated Phoebe. He is portrayed as socially awkward and often makes inappropriate comments.

Quotes from Rick

  1. I guess the question should be what shouldn't we do?
  2. Well, here I am. Talk to me. What do you want to know?
Ralph Lauren as Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren

as Ralph Lauren (1 episode)
Himself is a recurring character in the television show Friends. He is portrayed as a celebrity who often interacts with the main characters.

Quotes from Ralph Lauren

  1. 'I'm not Greg.'
  2. 'I wish I could, but I don't want to.'
  3. 'It's like all of my life everyone has always been trying to protect me from stuff. And here you are willing to expose me to certain death in the middle of the ocean.'

J.D. Lewis

as Customer (1 episode)

Scott Paetty

as Sebastian (1 episode)
Sebastian is a minor character in Friends. He is a handsome and charming man who catches the eye of Rachel Green at a high-end department store where he works as a perfume salesman.

Quotes from Sebastian

  1. 'Your door was open so I let myself in.'
Jean St. James as Hilda

Jean St. James

as Hilda (1 episode)

Jean St. James was born on August 18, 1956 and is currently 68 years old.

Cody Tucker

as Kathy (1 episode)
Mark Roberts as Director

Mark Roberts

as Director (1 episode)

Mark Roberts (born January 19, 1961) is an Americanproducer, screenwriter, playwrighter, actor and comedian, best kn...

Peter James Smith as Assistant Director

Peter James Smith

as Assistant Director (1 episode)

Peter James Smith was born on February 20, 1971 and is currently 53 years old.

Dane Anthony

as Bandleader (1 episode)

Reggie Jordan

as Front Desk Clerk (1 episode)

Anita Dashiell

as Front Desk Clerk (1 episode)

Gene Crane

as Christmas Tree Customer (1 episode)

Sean Corvelle

as Salesman (1 episode)
Dale Raoul as Mrs. Verhoeven

Dale Raoul

as Mrs. Verhoeven (1 episode)

Dale Raoul was born on August 16, 1956 and is currently 68 years old.

Martin Yu

as Waiter (1 episode)

Ashley Clark

as Roger (1 episode) , Man (1 episode)
Douglas Looper as Paramedic

Douglas Looper

as Paramedic (1 episode) , Fireman (1 episode) , Vampire (1 episode)
The Paramedic on Friends is a minor character who appears in a few episodes. He is a professional who rushes in to help when people need medical assistance.

Quotes from Paramedic

  1. You okay there, buddy?
  2. We got a live one here!
Marilyn Tokuda as Nurse

Marilyn Tokuda

as Nurse (1 episode)

Marilyn Tokuda was born on January 7, 1953 and is currently 71 years old.

Jo Jean Pagano

as Customer (1 episode)

Brian Buckner

as Officer Worker #2 (1 episode)

Richard Lyons

as Man (1 episode)

Lou Wills

as Customer (1 episode)

Spencer Cherashore

as Waiter (1 episode)

Marcus D. Jacques

as Waiter (1 episode)

Scott Stewart

as Waiter (1 episode)

Seth Isler

as Monkey Trainer (1 episode)

Barry Heins

as Pie in the Hood Man (1 episode)

Tim Hutchinson

as Supervisor (1 episode)

Heidi Beck

as Delivery Room Nurse (1 episode)
Matthew Mullany as Patron

Matthew Mullany

as Patron (1 episode) , Waiter (1 episode) , Stage Manager (1 episode)
The Patron is a recurring character in the show Friends. He is often seen in Central Perk, the coffee shop where the main characters hang out. He is known for being a loud and opinionated regular customer.

Quotes from Patron

  1. I tell ya, if they want to drink coffee, they should go to Seattle. This is a place for the people who sit and chat.
  2. I mean, are we done with the scone crisis? Can I go home now?

John C. McDonnell

as Grip (1 episode)
Rick Pasqualone as Croupier

Rick Pasqualone

as Croupier (2 episodes)

Rick Pasqualone is an American actor.

Baillie Gerstein

as Tourist (1 episode)

Rojai Holloway

as Security Guard (1 episode)

Gabi Simson

as Woman Dealer (1 episode)

Charity Nicole James

as Woman (1 episode)

Steve Pierce

as Passerby (1 episode)

Cacey Kirshner

as Nurse (1 episode)

Jill Matson

as Receptionist (1 episode)

Ron Recasner

as Doctor (1 episode)

Janet S. Blake

as Jeweler #2 (1 episode)

Hunter Cochran

as Dorm Guy #2 (1 episode) , Guy #1 (1 episode)

Tony Nichols

as Maitre D' (1 episode)

Renee Rogers

as Nurse #2 (1 episode)

Andy Brewster

as Guy in Library (1 episode)

Nicholas Thomas

as Guy Student (1 episode)

Jessica A O'Sullivan

as Girl Student (1 episode)

Robyn Donny

as Frannie (1 episode)

Wendee Cole

as Marge (1 episode)

Wayne Edward Sherwood

as Man in Sportscar (1 episode)

Troy Norton

as Jake (2 episodes)

Michelle Haury

as Waitress (1 episode)

Rachel David

as Ballerina (1 episode)

Ivy Malone

as Cowgirl (1 episode)

Marc Rose

as Bobby (1 episode)

Terence Paul Winter

as Waiter #2 (1 episode)

Terence Paul Winter is a American television writer and producer. He also made some guest appearances on screen.

Kat Sawyer-Young as Catherine

Kat Sawyer-Young

as Catherine (1 episode)

Kat Sawyer-Young was born on March 14, 1952 and is currently 72 years old.

John C. Moskoff

as Uncle Dan (1 episode)

Tim Silva

as Male Guest (1 episode)

Scott Richards

as Acting Teacher (1 episode)

Karin Co

as Woman with Mild Contractions (1 episode)
Jimmy Palumbo as Sick Bastard

Jimmy Palumbo

as Sick Bastard (1 episode)

With over 65 TV and film credits, Jimmy Palumbo has been acting for over 25 years. His recent credits are Taken 3 and...

Angee Hughes

as Nurse (1 episode)

Logan Hudson

as Boy in Doctor's Office (1 episode)

Alan F. Smith

as Kevin (1 episode)

Heather Sims

as Female Extra #2 (1 episode)

Cheryl Kennard

as Heather (1 episode)
Kristen Ariza as Receptionist

Kristen Ariza

as Receptionist (1 episode)

Kristen Ariza is an American stage, film and television actress. She holds a BA in Theatre from Florida State Univers...

DeAnna Steele

as Woman (1 episode)

Megan Linder

as Woman #2 (1 episode)

Blake Reed

as Chase (1 episode)

Shayne Anderson

as Customer #1 (1 episode)

Cynthia Newman

as Jeanette (1 episode)
John Rubinstein as Doctor

John Rubinstein

as Doctor (1 episode)

John Rubinstein (born December 8, 1946) is an American actor, composer and director.

Jim Rash as Nervous Male Passenger

Jim Rash

as Nervous Male Passenger (1 episode)

Jim Rash was born in Charlotte, North Carolina and is an American actor, comedian and screenwriter. His most noticea...

Carole Gutierrez as Nurse

Carole Gutierrez

as Nurse (1 episode)

Carole Gutierrez is an actress.

Jason Kravits as Man in Cab

Jason Kravits

as Man in Cab (1 episode)

Jason Kravits is an American actor. His film credits include The Stepford Wives and Sweet November. Kravits has serve...

Manao DeMuth

as Ticket Agent (1 episode)

Michelle Pereira

as Female Passenger (1 episode)

Vincent Boyle

as Another Passenger (1 episode)

Crew of Friends

Discover the backstage crew of Friends →