Gravity Falls 的演职人员

Gravity Falls

暑假到了,双胞胎姐弟俩梅宝(克里斯汀·沙尔 Kristen Schaal 配音)和迪普(杰森·雷特 Jason Ritter 配音)被爸妈赶到一个偏僻小镇“重力泉”过暑假,在这里,他们的斯坦叔公经营着一家专门敲诈游客的旅游景点“神秘小屋”,其中有着各种各样稀奇古怪的东西。然而更让人感到毛骨悚然的,则是这个怪诞小镇里的森林。为人慎重、头脑聪明的迪普觉察到森林的异样,继而发现了一本埋在地下的神秘笔记本,里面记载着存在于神秘小镇的不为人知的秘密。乐天派的梅宝和机智的迪普,结识了神秘小屋的店员温蒂和苏斯,还遇到各种奇妙的小镇居民。在怪诞小镇重力泉,他们经历了一系列奇异事件,小矮人,湖怪,蜡像,通灵者,他们这个暑假注定不平凡。

Gravity Falls 的主演阵容

Jason Ritter as Dipper Pines (voice)

Jason Ritter

Dipper Pines (voice) (40 episodes)
Jason Ritter's performance as Dipper Pines in the animated series 'Gravity Falls' is truly commendable. His vocal prowess breathes life into the character, making Dipper a relatable and endearing protagonist. Ritter effectively captures the essence of a twelve-year-old boy dealing with the complexities of adolescence, while also unraveling the mysteries of a peculiar town. The nuances in his voice expertly convey Dipper's intelligence, curiosity, insecurities, and bravery, providing a rich layer of depth to his character, and ultimately contributing to the charm and popularity of the show.
Kristen Schaal as Mabel Pines (voice)

Kristen Schaal

Mabel Pines (voice) (40 episodes)
Kristen Schaal brilliantly brings to life the character of Mabel Pines in the animated television series, "Gravity Falls." Mabel's infectious enthusiasm, optimism, and quirky humor are all perfectly encapsulated by Schaal's endearing vocal performance. Her ability to portray a wide range of emotions, from Mabel's unyielding devotion to her twin brother Dipper, to her unwavering courage in the face of supernatural mysteries, truly makes Mabel one of the most endearing and memorable characters in the series. Schaal's performance as Mabel serves to anchor the show's comedic elements, while also providing warmth and heart to this captivating, fantasy adventure series.
Linda Cardellini as Wendy Corduroy (voice)

Linda Cardellini

Wendy Corduroy (voice) (40 episodes)
Linda Cardellini's portrayal of Wendy Corduroy in the animated TV series "Gravity Falls" is nothing short of exceptional. Her voice acting breathes life into the character, perfectly balancing Wendy's nonchalant, cool demeanor with her underlying vulnerability and kindness. Cardellini's delivery adds an authentic layer to Wendy's teenage experience, making her relatable and endearing to viewers of all ages. Her performance not only enriches the character of Wendy but also enhances the overall charm and depth of the show, making her an integral part of the "Gravity Falls" universe.

Gravity Falls 的配角阵容

Will Forte as Tyler Cutebiker (voice)

Will Forte

Tyler Cutebiker (voice) (13 episodes)
Will Forte's performance as Tyler Cutebiker (voice) in the TV show 'Gravity Falls' adds a delightful layer of humor and eccentricity to the supernatural comedy-drama. Forte's distinctive voice lends itself perfectly to the character of Cutebiker, a member of the town's quirky community, infusing the character with an amusing blend of politeness, enthusiasm, and mild-mannered oddity. The comedic timing in Forte's delivery highlights Cutebiker's unintentional humor and fits seamlessly within the show's signature brand of humor.
Jennifer Coolidge as Lazy Susan / Additional Voices (voice)

Jennifer Coolidge

Lazy Susan / Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode) , Lazy Susan (voice) (14 episodes) , Lazy Susan (voice) / Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode)

出生于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,为美国女演员。 1961年,库里奇出生于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,母亲格雷琴,父亲保罗·康斯坦科·柯立芝,是一家塑料制品厂家老板。 库里奇成长于马萨诸塞州普利茅斯县,还有她妹妹苏珊娜也一样。库里奇曾就读于N...

Jason Ritter as Charlie (voice)

Jason Ritter

Charlie (voice) (1 episode) , Tyrone (voice) / Dipper Clones (voice) (1 episode)

杰森·摩根·里特(Jason Morgan Ritter,1980年2月17日-),美国演员、制片人。他因在电视连续剧《阿卡迪亚的贞德》中饰演凯文·吉拉尔迪、在《班级》中饰演伊桑·哈斯、在 NBC...

J.K. Simmons as Stanford Pines (voice)

J.K. Simmons

Stanford Pines (voice) (8 episodes)

乔纳森·金布尔·“J. K.”·西蒙斯(英语:Jonathan Kimble "J. K." Simmons,1955年1月9日-)是一位美国男演员,知名角色包括NBC电视剧《法律与秩序》里的Dr. Emil...

Nick Offerman as Agent Powers (voice)

Nick Offerman

Agent Powers (voice) (4 episodes)

尼克·奥弗曼,1970年6月26日出生于美国伊利诺伊州乔利埃特,演员,主要作品有《冒牌家庭》 、《以眼杀人》、《所有美好之物》等。 2023年,参演的HBO游戏改编真人剧版《最后生还者》上线。

Paul Scheer as Gary (voice)

Paul Scheer

Gary (voice) (1 episode)

保罗·克里斯蒂安·谢尔(Paul Christian Scheer)美国演员

Patton Oswalt as Franz (voice)

Patton Oswalt

Franz (voice) (1 episode)

帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特(Patton Oswalt),1969年1月27日出生于美国弗吉尼亚州朴次茅斯,美国男演员、编剧、制片人、配音演员。

Neil deGrasse Tyson as Waddles' Machine (voice)

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Waddles' Machine (voice) (1 episode)

尼尔·德格拉塞·泰森(Neil deGrasse...

Peter Serafinowicz as Blind Ivan (voice)

Peter Serafinowicz

Blind Ivan (voice) (1 episode)

Peter Szymon Serafinowicz(1972年7月10日-)是一位英国演员、喜剧演员、作家、作曲家、配音艺术家和临时导演。

Diedrich Bader as Dundgren (voice)

Diedrich Bader

Dundgren (voice) (2 episodes)

卡尔·迪德里希·巴德(Karl Diedrich Bader,1966 年 12 月 24 日出生),更广为人知的名字是迪德里希·巴德,是一位美国演员、配音演员和喜剧演员。

Kyle MacLachlan as Bus Driver (voice)

Kyle MacLachlan

Bus Driver (voice) (1 episode)

凯尔·梅里特·麦克拉克兰(Kyle Merritt...

Clancy Brown as British Dog Man (voice)

Clancy Brown

British Dog Man (voice) (1 episode)

克兰西·布朗 (Clancy Brown) ,男,1959年01月05日出生于美国俄亥俄州厄巴纳,美国影视演员,出演过《肖申克的救赎》《约翰最后死了》、《新猛鬼街》、《牛仔和外星人》、《星河战队...

Chris Parnell as Host (voice)

Chris Parnell

Host (voice) (1 episode) , Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode)

托马斯·克里斯托弗·帕内尔(Thomas Christopher “Chris” Parnell,1967 年 2 月 5 日出生)是一位美国喜剧演员

Chris Wylde as Additional Voices (voice)

Chris Wylde

Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode)

克里斯·怀尔德(Chris Wylde)是一位在新泽西州出生和长大的美国演员。

Tara Strong as Sue / Additional Voices (voice)

Tara Strong

Sue / Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode) , Additional Voices (voice) (2 episodes)

塔拉·林恩·查伦多夫-斯特朗(Tara Lyn Charendoff-Strong,1973 年 2 月 12...

Daryl Sabara as Son on Pier (voice)

Daryl Sabara

Son on Pier (voice) (1 episode)

达里尔·萨巴拉(Daryl Sabara,1992 年 6 月 14 日出生)是美国电影和电视演员

Fred Tatasciore as Hank (voice)

Fred Tatasciore

Hank (voice) (1 episode) , Ogre (voice) / Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode) , The Gremloblin (voice) (1 episode) , Pituitaur (voice) / Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode) , Additional Voices (voice) (2 episodes)

弗雷德·塔特西奥 (Fred Tatasciore) 是一位美国配音演员,曾为动画和真人电影、电视节目和视频游戏配音。他因在各种漫威媒体中为浩克、沃尔斯塔格和野兽配音以及在各种 DC 媒体中为所罗门·格伦迪配音而闻名。

Eric Bauza as Ernesto (voice)

Eric Bauza

Ernesto (voice) (1 episode) , Additional Voices (voice) (2 episodes)

埃里克·鲍扎(Eric Bauza)是加拿大裔美国配音演员和喜剧演员。

Justin Roiland as Additional Voices (voice)

Justin Roiland

Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode) , Bobby Renzobbi (voice) (1 episode) , Bobby Renzobbi (voice) / Additional Voices (voice) (1 episode) , Blendin Blandin (voice) (4 episodes)


Jillian Bell as Melody (voice)

Jillian Bell

Melody (voice) (2 episodes)

吉莉安·贝尔(Jillian Bell,1984年4月25日-),美国喜剧演员、女演员、编剧。Jillian 在内华达州拉斯维加斯长大,八岁开始学习即兴表演。她于 2002 年从 Bishop Gorman...

T.J. Miller as Robbie Valentino (voice) / Additional Voices (voice)

T.J. Miller

Robbie Valentino (voice) / Additional Voices (voice) (3 episodes) , Robbie Valentino / Additional Voices (voice) (3 episodes) , Robbie Valentino (voice) (10 episodes)

托德·约瑟夫“T.J.”米勒(生于1981年6月4日)是一位美国演员和单口喜剧演员。 大学毕业后,米勒搬到了芝加哥,开始表演即兴表演和单口喜剧。他和第二城市巡演了两年。2008年,他被《综艺》杂志评为“十大值得关注的漫画人物”之一。...

Jonathan Banks as Filbrick Pines (voice)

Jonathan Banks

Filbrick Pines (voice) (1 episode)

乔纳森·班克斯,1947年1月31日出生于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,演员,以扮演邪恶的类型或恶棍为主。 代表角色是《绝命毒师》中的Mike以及《特警4587》(Wiseguy)中的Frank...

Alfred Molina as Multi-Bear (voice)

Alfred Molina

Multi-Bear (voice) (3 episodes)

(Alfred Molina,1953年5月24日-),英裔美国演员。他在伦敦西区的舞台上声名鹊起,也出现在百老汇的许多角色中。他以《夺宝奇兵》、《蜘蛛侠 2》和《教育》等电影而闻名。

Nathan Fillion as Preston Northwest (voice)

Nathan Fillion

Preston Northwest (voice) (4 episodes)

内森·菲利安(Nathan Fillion ):加拿大演员 ,1971年3月27日出生于加拿大阿尔伯达省,父母是中学老师,他自己小时的理想也是成为教师。上大学时偶然的他萌发了对表演的兴趣,内森早年曾在《Blast from the...

Gravity Falls 的制作团队

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