Rurouni Kenshin 的演职人员

Rurouni Kenshin

るろうに剣心 明治剣客浪漫譚

明治维新时期,敌我双方为了各自的理想和目标而奋勇厮杀。在此期间,名人志士不断涌现:大久保利通、木户孝允、坂本龙马、冲田总司。维新一派为了推动新时代的到来,不惜采取暗杀的手段,而绯村剑心正是众多刺客的中的一员。孤儿出身的绯村师从比古清十郎学习飞天御剑流剑法,年轻气盛的下山参战,在奇兵队中崭露头角。凭借一身的本领,绯村最终成为令幕府一派闻风丧胆的刽子手拔刀斋,同时他也和宿敌壬生狼斋藤一有过无数次对决。   明治政府建立后,绯村收起屠刀,成为一名腰挂逆刃刀的浪人。在流浪途中,他结识了神谷道场的继承人阿薰、东京府士族后代明神弥彦以及原赤报队成员相乐左之助。在一次次的战斗中,他们的友情不断加深,绯村那颗满是血污的心灵也慢慢得到净化……

Rurouni Kenshin 的完整演员阵容

Mika Doi as Megumi Takani (voice)

Mika Doi

Megumi Takani (voice) (94 episodes)
Mika Doi's portrayal of Megumi Takani in the anime television series "Rurouni Kenshin" is a standout performance that brings depth and complexity to the character. As the skilled and independent physician from the village of Aoiya, Megumi is a character who embodies both strength and vulnerability. Doi's voice acting effectively captures Megumi's fiery spirit and sharp intellect, as well as her softer, more nurturing side that emerges in her interactions with the protagonist, Kenshin Himura. Her delivery perfectly complements Megumi's multifaceted personality, from her fierce determination to protect her loved ones to her moments of insecurity and longing. Doi's performance is nuanced, providing the character with a voice that resonates with authenticity, making Megumi Takani one of the most memorable and beloved characters in the "Rurouni Kenshin" series. Her vocal work adds a layer of warmth and humanity to the character, ensuring that Megumi's presence is felt long after the episodes have ended.
Hirotaka Suzuoki as Hajime Saitô (voice)

Hirotaka Suzuoki

Hajime Saitô (voice) (94 episodes)
Hirotaka Suzuoki's portrayal of Hajime Saitō in the anime television series "Rurouni Kenshin" is a standout performance that captures the essence of the stoic and enigmatic character. Suzuoki's deep, resonant voice perfectly embodies Saito's stern demeanor and unwavering sense of duty, lending an air of gravitas to the former Shinsengumi captain. His delivery is precise and measured, reflecting Saito's calculating nature and his strict adherence to his personal code of honor. Suzuoki skillfully conveys Saito's complex personality, from his icy exterior to the rare moments of warmth that hint at his underlying camaraderie and respect for his rival, Kenshin Himura. The nuanced performance adds depth to Saito's interactions, making him a compelling and memorable character in the series. Suzuoki's untimely passing in 2006 left a void in the voice acting industry, but his legacy as Hajime Saitō remains a testament to his exceptional talent and his ability to bring characters to life through his voice.
Tomo Sakurai as Makimachi Misao (voice)

Tomo Sakurai

Makimachi Misao (voice) (94 episodes)


Noriko Hidaka as Sojiro Seta (voice)

Noriko Hidaka

Sojiro Seta (voice) (35 episodes)


Yoku Shioya as Gensai (voice)

Yoku Shioya

Gensai (voice) (94 episodes)


Shozo Iizuka

Shozo Iizuka

饭冢昭三,日本资配音员、演员、旁白。 饭冢从高中时期参加芝居表演起,开始他的个人演艺生涯。于进入日本大学选读艺术学部后,进而组剧团在日本各地举行公演。并在大学毕业之后,伙同组团进行巡回公演。 饭冢除了从事声优工作之外,同时在所属经...

Junko Takeuchi

Junko Takeuchi

日本的女性声优、演员,现属剧团BQ MAP及尾木Pro THE NEXT事务所旗下。埼玉县出身。代表卡通动画作品有《家庭教师HITMAN REBORN》的蓝波、《火影忍者》的漩涡鸣人、《数码宝贝4》的神原拓也、闪电十一人系列的圆堂守等。

Mayumi Tanaka

Mayumi Tanaka


Hochu Otsuka

Hochu Otsuka


Takehito Koyasu

Takehito Koyasu

子安武人(日语:子安 武人/こやす たけひと Koyasu Takehito,1967年5月5日—),日本男性配音员。出身于日本神奈川县横滨市。身高174cm。A型血。所属事务所为T's...

Rurouni Kenshin 的制作团队

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