One Piece 的演职人员

One Piece


拥有财富、名声、势力,拥有整个世界的海贼王 – 哥尔·D·罗杰,他在临刑前的一句话,让人们趋之若鹜奔向大海。“想要我的财宝吗?想要的话可以全部给你,去找吧!我把所有财宝都放在那里。”于是所有男子汉航向伟大的航路追逐梦想,世界开始迎接“大海贼时代”。

One Piece 的主演阵容

Mayumi Tanaka as Monkey D. Luffy (voice)

Mayumi Tanaka

Monkey D. Luffy (voice) (1123 episodes)
Monkey D. Luffy is the main protagonist of the anime and manga series One Piece. He is a cheerful and adventurous young man who sets out on a journey to become the Pirate King and find the ultimate treasure, the One Piece.
Akemi Okamura as Nami (voice)

Akemi Okamura

Nami (voice) (1123 episodes)
Nami is a skilled navigator and thief in the show One Piece. She is also a member of the Straw Hat Pirates and is known for her intelligence and resourcefulness.

Quotes from Nami (voice)

  1. I'm the navigator! I decide which direction we go!
  2. Money is everything!
Kappei Yamaguchi as Usopp (voice)

Kappei Yamaguchi

Usopp (voice) (1123 episodes)
Usopp is a cowardly but creative member of the Straw Hat Pirates in the anime series One Piece. He is incredibly skilled with a slingshot and his wits have saved the crew on multiple occasions.

Quotes from Usopp (voice)

  1. A lie can't defeat another lie!
  2. It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
  3. I have no choice but to bet my life on my inventions!
Hiroaki Hirata as Sanji (voice)

Hiroaki Hirata

Sanji (voice) (1123 episodes)
Vinsmoke Sanji is a charming and skilled cook who serves as one of the main protagonists in the anime series One Piece. He is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates and distinguished by his sharp fashion sense, blond hair and chivalrous attitude towards women.

Quotes from Sanji (voice)

  1. It's not a crime for a pirate to be in love, is it?
  2. There are things you can't see unless you change your standing.
  3. A cook's heart is as fragile as glass.
Ikue Otani as Tony Tony Chopper (voice)

Ikue Otani

Tony Tony Chopper (voice) (1046 episodes)
Tony Tony Chopper is a talking reindeer with a blue nose who is one of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates in the anime show One Piece. He has the ability to transform into different forms thanks to the Human-Human Fruit that he ate, and is the ship's doctor.

Quotes from Tony Tony Chopper (voice)

  1. I'm not food! I'm Tony Tony Chopper!
  2. Cotton candy lover!
  3. I'm Tony Tony Chopper, and I'm a reindeer. I was transformed into a human by the Human-Human Fruit. I have the power to transform into seven different forms.
Yuriko Yamaguchi as Nico Robin (voice)

Yuriko Yamaguchi

Nico Robin (voice) (1032 episodes)
Nico Robin is a former member of Baroque Works and the archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates in the One Piece series. She is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and has the ability to sprout additional limbs and replicate parts of her body.

Quotes from Nico Robin (voice)

  1. Farewell, my cherished comrades.
  2. It is not a crime to seek the truth.
  3. I want to live.
Kazuki Yao as Franky (voice)

Kazuki Yao

Franky (voice) (895 episodes)
Franky is a cyborg who joins the Straw Hat Pirates in the anime show One Piece. He has a rough exterior, but is actually quite kind-hearted and a skilled shipwright.

One Piece 的配角阵容

Tessyo Genda as Kaido (voice)

Tessyo Genda

Kaido (voice) (198 episodes)
Kaido is a powerful and fearsome character in One Piece, known for his immense physical strength and ability to transform into a dragon. He is the leader of the Beasts Pirates and a major antagonist in the series.

Quotes from Kaido (voice)

  1. If someone is weak, it's their own fault; and the world shouldn't have to put up with their complaining.
  2. I don't care about the throne or the power it holds. What I want is a massive, purely joyous war!
  3. I am Kaido, the strongest creature in the world!
Saori Hayami as Yamato (voice)

Saori Hayami

Yamato (voice) (1 episode)

早见沙织(日语:早見 沙織/はやみ さおり Hayami Saori,1991年5月29日—)是日本女性声优、歌手。毕业于早稻田大学,I'm...

Mami Koyama as Big Mom (voice)

Mami Koyama

Big Mom (voice) (74 episodes)

小山茉美(こやま まみ,Koyama Mami)是一名日本女性声优、歌手,1955年1月17日出生于爱知县。青二事务所所属。

Kanae Itou as Carrot (voice)

Kanae Itou

Carrot (voice) (129 episodes)


Ai Orikasa as Kozuki Momonosuke (voice)

Ai Orikasa

Kozuki Momonosuke (voice) (55 episodes)


Takumi Yamazaki as Kanjuurou (voice)

Takumi Yamazaki

Kanjuurou (voice) (55 episodes)

山崎巧为日本男性配音员,本名为山崎功。出身于东京都。Baobab学园(现:Visual space俳优养成所)4期生,加入过Production baobab,现在是T.S.P代表。

Takaya Hashi as Inuarashi (voice)

Takaya Hashi

Inuarashi (voice) (55 episodes)

土师孝也,男,日本资深男性声优,毕业于武藏工业大学附属高等学校与桐朋学园艺术短期大学;以醇正而浑厚的低音而著称,常配稳健的角色,有时也配恶役。 土师孝也代表作品有《纯洁的玛利亚》、《亚尔斯兰战记》、《潮与虎》等。

Shin'ichirō Miki as Pedro (voice)

Shin'ichirō Miki

Pedro (voice) (55 episodes)

三木真一郎(日语:三木 眞一郎/みき しんいちろう Miki Shin'ichirō,1968年3月18日—),日本男性声优。出身于东京都。81...

Misa Watanabe as Vivi / Miss Wednesday (voice)

Misa Watanabe

Vivi / Miss Wednesday (voice) (16 episodes) , Nefertari Vivi (voice) (59 episodes) , Vivi Nefeltari (voice) (2 episodes)

渡边美佐是日本女性配音员,现属青二Production。桐朋学园艺术短期大学演剧学科卒业,过去曾属Production baobab。

Akemi Okamura as Gonbe (voice)

Akemi Okamura

Gonbe (voice) (1 episode)
Gonbe is a small, furry creature with a cheerful and adorable demeanor. He is a faithful companion of the Straw Hat Pirates and often helps them out in their adventures.
Yuriko Yamaguchi as Nico Olvia (voice)

Yuriko Yamaguchi

Nico Olvia (voice) (1 episode) , Nico Oliva (voice) (1 episode)
Nico Olvia is a character in the anime/manga series One Piece. She is an archeologist and mother of the main character, Robin. Nico is a dedicated researcher who is constantly seeking knowledge about the Void Century, a lost period in the world's history.

Quotes from Nico Olvia (voice)

  1. 'I feel like a scholar who has discovered a lost civilization.'
  2. 'The road to the truth is full of obstacles.'
Kazuki Yao as Jango (voice)

Kazuki Yao

Jango (voice) (6 episodes)
Jango is a pirate and a former Marine who serves as a hypnotist for the Black Cat Pirates. He has a distinctive personality and is known for his skill in hypnosis.

Quotes from Jango (voice)

  1. 'The power of suggestion can be quite persuasive.'
  2. 'Remember the name! Jango!'
  3. 'Dance, dance, dance!'
Ryuuzaburou Ootomo as Sir Crocodile / Mr. 0 (voice)

Ryuuzaburou Ootomo

Sir Crocodile / Mr. 0 (voice) (1 episode) , Crocodile (voice) (41 episodes)
Sir Crocodile, also known as Mr. 0, is a notorious pirate and former president of the secret organization known as Baroque Works. He is known for his sand-based Devil Fruit powers and control over the country of Alabasta.

Quotes from Sir Crocodile / Mr. 0 (voice)

  1. Welcome to the desert, my dear pirates.
  2. Don't mistake composure for weakness.
  3. I don't care about justice. I only care about what's in front of me.
Taiki Matsuno

Taiki Matsuno

松野太纪,本名、旧艺名松野达也,日本男性配音员。青二Production所属,东京都出身。 代表作是《金田一少年之事件簿》金田一一。

Chinami Nishimura

Chinami Nishimura

西村千奈美是一名日本女性声优。隶属于81 Produce。出生于千叶县。

Mika Doi as Coby (voice)

Mika Doi

Coby (voice) (4 episodes) , Koby (voice) (9 episodes)
Coby is a young boy who dreams of becoming a Marine like his idol, Admiral Garp. He starts out as a cowardly recruit but gains confidence as he trains under Vice Admiral Garp and later serves under Captain Smoker.

Quotes from Coby (voice)

  1. I want to be a marine. I want to fight for justice!
  2. Don't underestimate me!
  3. I can do it! I'm not a coward anymore!
Noriko Hidaka

Noriko Hidaka

The character $ in the anime TV show One Piece is a notorious pirate and the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is known for his adventurous spirit, determination, and love for food. He possesses the ability to stretch his body like rubber and has a unique fighting style that is entertaining to watch.

Quotes from

  1. Being alone is more painful than getting hurt.
  2. I'm gonna be the Pirate King!
  3. If I die trying, then at least I tried!
Tomoyo Kurosawa as Ulti (voice)

Tomoyo Kurosawa

Ulti (voice) (6 episodes)
Ulti is a notorious pirate in the One Piece series, known for her fierce personality and quick wit. She is a member of the Flying Six, under the leadership of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea.

Quotes from Ulti (voice)

  1. 'I’ll knock you around a bit until you spit out the info I need!'
  2. 'I love anyone who’s amusing!'
  3. 'I don’t think much of people who can’t take care of their own problems.'
  4. 'Too bad we gotta deal with these losers instead of Big Mom!'
Yukimasa Kishino as Higuma the Bear (voice)

Yukimasa Kishino

Higuma the Bear (voice) (1 episode) , (1 episode)
Higuma the Bear is a minor character in the popular anime and manga series One Piece. He is a large, violent bear who acted as the leader of a group of bandits that Luffy encountered early on in his journey. Despite his intimidating size and strength, Higuma proved to be no match for Luffy's incredible abilities.

Quotes from Higuma the Bear (voice)

  1. I'll kill you, you bastard!
  2. Don't touch my booze!
Kenji Nomura as Kuromarimo / Chessmarimo (voice)

Kenji Nomura

Kuromarimo / Chessmarimo (voice) (1 episode) , Uhho - voice (2 episodes)
Kuromarimo, also known as Chessmarimo, is a character in the popular anime series One Piece. He is a tall, bulky man with a helmet that resembles a chess pawn and wields a giant chess piece as a weapon. He has a sneaky and selfish personality, often collaborating with others for his own benefit.

Quotes from Kuromarimo / Chessmarimo (voice)

  1. 'Regardless of the situation, we must keep our composure.'
  2. 'All is fair in war and chess.'
Megumi Urawa as Young Zoro (voice)

Megumi Urawa

Young Zoro (voice) (1 episode)
Young Zoro, voiced by [Actor Name], is a character from the anime show One Piece. He is a skilled swordsman and member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Quotes from Young Zoro (voice)

  1. I refuse to die like this, I’m going to be the world’s greatest swordsman!
  2. I’ll become the world’s greatest swordsman, and that’s a promise!
  3. Sake and swords, that's all I need
Jurota Kosugi as Arlong (voice)

Jurota Kosugi

Arlong (voice) (1 episode)
Arlong is a fish-man with a powerful and intimidating presence in the show One Piece. He is a notorious pirate and a former officer in the Arlong Pirates. Arlong is known for his ruthlessness and his desire to dominate the East Blue.

Quotes from Arlong (voice)

  1. There are two types of beings in this world: the ones who take, and the ones who are taken from. The weak are the ones who are taken from.
  2. You humans are all the same. You think you're superior, but you're nothing but weaklings!
  3. The truth is always cruel. But it's better to be cruel than to be naive.
Wakana Yamazaki as Nojiko (voice)

Wakana Yamazaki

Nojiko (voice) (1 episode)
Nojiko is a character from the popular anime and manga series One Piece. She is a close friend of Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates and has a caring nature towards her friends and family.

Quotes from Nojiko (voice)

  1. Don't worry, I'm always here to protect you.
  2. I won't let anyone hurt my sister again!
  3. Don't give up on hope, it's still worth fighting for!
Koji Yada as Zeff (voice)

Koji Yada

Zeff (voice) (1 episode)


Masaya Onosaka as Spandam, Spandine (voice)

Masaya Onosaka

Spandam, Spandine (voice) (1 episode) , Chew (voice) (1 episode) , Spandine (voice) (1 episode) , Spandine / Spandam (voice) (1 episode) , Spandam / Spandine (voice) (2 episodes) , Sham (voice) (2 episodes) , Spandam (voice) (18 episodes)
Spandam is a high-ranking official in the World Government and a villain in the anime series One Piece. He is the head of the CP9 organization and a ruthless, power-hungry manipulator who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Spandam is known for his cruel and sadistic nature, as well as his arrogance and self-importance.

Quotes from Spandam, Spandine (voice)

  1. With this power, I will become the strongest man in the world!
  2. I am Spandam, the conqueror of heroes and the leader of the CP9!
  3. A true warrior has no need for a heart! All he needs is the strength to fulfill his ambitions!
Shigeru Chiba as Buggy (voice)

Shigeru Chiba

Buggy (voice) (4 episodes)
Buggy is a recurring character in One Piece who is known for his clown-like appearance, cunning personality, and mastery of a devil fruit that allows him to dismember his body and control floating body parts. He is the captain of the Buggy Pirates, and often serves as a comedic foil to the series' more serious characters.

Quotes from Buggy (voice)

  1. Buggy the Clown is always the center of attention! Wherever he goes, everybody loves him!
  2. Ha ha ha! Did you really think that the great Captain Buggy would let himself get caught so easily?
  3. I ain't nobody's puppet!
Toshiyuki Morikawa as Hatchan (voice)

Toshiyuki Morikawa

Hatchan (voice) (2 episodes)
Hatchan is a blue octopus merman who is a recurring character in the show One Piece. He is generally depicted as friendly and helpful to the main characters, but has a criminal past that sometimes gets in the way of his good intentions.
Chikao Ohtsuka as Gold Roger (voice) (as Chikao Ohtsuka)

Chikao Ohtsuka

Gold Roger (voice) (as Chikao Ohtsuka) (2 episodes) , Gold Roger (voice) (26 episodes)
Gold Roger is a legendary pirate from the anime series One Piece. He was the Pirate King and widely considered to be the strongest pirate in the world. He was known for his charisma and his pirate crew's loyalty to him.

Quotes from Gold Roger (voice) (as Chikao Ohtsuka)

  1. Inherited Will, the Destiny of the Age, and the Dreams of its People. These are things that will not be stopped. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, these things will never cease to be!
  2. My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in One Piece.
Kenji Nojima as Pell (voice)

Kenji Nojima

Pell (voice) (4 episodes)
Pell is a loyal and formidable warrior from the One Piece anime. He is a skilled combatant who possesses immense physical strength and is recognized for his courage and bravery.

Quotes from Pell (voice)

  1. Falcon Punch!
  2. I will never give up as long as I have the strength to fight!
  3. With all my might, I will protect this country!
Masaharu Satô as Vice Admiral John Giant (voice)

Masaharu Satô

Vice Admiral John Giant (voice) (2 episodes)
Vice Admiral John Giant is a high-ranking officer in the Marine force of the One Piece world. He is known for his imposing size and voice.

Quotes from Vice Admiral John Giant (voice)

  1. I will destroy you!
  2. Marines are justice.
Kazue Ikura as Sentoumaru (voice)

Kazue Ikura

Sentoumaru (voice) (4 episodes) , (6 episodes)

伊仓一惠,本名相同(日语:伊倉 一恵/いくら かずえ Ikura...

Tomokazu Seki as Rob Lucci, Hattori (voice)

Tomokazu Seki

Rob Lucci, Hattori (voice) (3 episodes) , Rob Lucci (voice) (28 episodes)
Rob Lucci is a member of the secret government agency CP9 and a powerful assassin. He is a ruthless and skilled fighter known for his cat-like agility and his ability to transform into a cheetah-human hybrid.

Quotes from Rob Lucci, Hattori (voice)

  1. Don't run away. Whatever happens, stand your ground.
  2. Justice is not an ideal that can be grasped with reason. It's a feeling. The more people who join together to chase the same feelings... the more likely justice will be done.
  3. Survival of the fittest... it's the law of the jungle. Those powerless souls that are unable to adapt... they lose the right to survive.
Takeshi Kusao as aguar D Saul (voice)

Takeshi Kusao

aguar D Saul (voice) (1 episode) , Jaguar D. Saul (voice) (4 episodes) , Karasu (voice) (3 episodes) , Jaguar D. Saul (voice) (5 episodes)
Jaguar D. Saul is a former Marine Vice Admiral in the show One Piece, who later becomes a member of the Ohara clan. He is a large, burly man with a friendly personality and a love for alcohol. His most notable trait is his distinct laugh that sounds like 'Dereshishishi.'
Takehito Koyasu as Aokiji (voice)

Takehito Koyasu

Aokiji (voice) (4 episodes) , Kuzan "Aokiji" (voice) (3 episodes) , Kuzan (voice) (6 episodes)
Aokiji, also known as Kuzan, is a high-ranking member of the Navy in the One Piece series. He has the power to control ice and is one of the main antagonists of the series.

Quotes from Aokiji (voice)

  1. Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
  2. You can't judge right and wrong on your own! You don't get to decide what justice is!
Shinichiro Ohta as Peepley Lulu (voice)

Shinichiro Ohta

Peepley Lulu (voice) (2 episodes)

太田真一郎(1971年3月20日出生)是来自神奈川县的日本配音演员、人才和叙述者。他隶属于Aoni Production。

Keiichi Sonobe as Igaram, Terracotta (voice)

Keiichi Sonobe

Igaram, Terracotta (voice) (1 episode) , Silvers Rayleigh (voice) (1 episode) , Saint Marcus Mars (voice) (2 episodes) , Vice-Admiral Onigumo (voice) (2 episodes) , Baskerville / Princess (voice) (2 episodes) , (7 episodes)
Terracotta Igaram is a character in the popular anime series One Piece. He is the right-hand man of Vivi, the princess of Alabasta.

Quotes from Igaram, Terracotta (voice)

  1. I am ready to lay down my life for the princess.
  2. My apologies, my princess. I am your loyal servant, Terracotta Igaram.
Naomi Shindo

Naomi Shindo

Monkey D. Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates in the anime and manga series One Piece. He is known for his determination and strong will to become the Pirate King.

Quotes from

  1. I'll never betray my friends!
  2. I'm gonna be the Pirate King!
Shuichi Ikeda as Red-Haired Shanks (voice)

Shuichi Ikeda

Red-Haired Shanks (voice) (1 episode) , Shanks (voice) (2 episodes)

池田秀一是东京都出身的男性声优、演员。隶属于俳协。 前妻是歌手、声优及演员户田惠子。现任妻子是配音员玉川纱己子。 代表作是《机动战士高达》的夏亚·阿兹纳布尔、《浪客剑心》的比古清十郎、《ONE PIECE》的红发杰克、《名侦探柯南》的‘赤井秀一’等。

Fumihiko Tachiki as Don Krieg (voice)

Fumihiko Tachiki

Don Krieg (voice) (1 episode) , Sakazuki (voice) (3 episodes)
Don Krieg is a notorious pirate and a former admiral of the East Blue fleet. He is ruthless, greedy, and willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals.

Quotes from Don Krieg (voice)

  1. I am the strongest man in the East Blue!
  2. Fools! Do you really think you can beat me?
Hiroshi Kamiya as Trafalgar Law (voice)

Hiroshi Kamiya

Trafalgar Law (voice) (4 episodes)


Nobuyuki Hiyama as Mr. 3 (voice)

Nobuyuki Hiyama

Mr. 3 (voice) (1 episode) , Obugyo / Mr. 3 (voice) (1 episode)

桧山修之——日本声优,代表作:《幽☆遊☆白書》——飛影、《B'T-X》——高宮鉄兵、《ONE PIECE》Mr.3,《BLEACH》——斑目一角。MD经典格斗游戏《幽☆遊☆白書 魔強統一戦》——飛影,黄晓明版《新上海滩》——丁力(日语版配音)。

Akio Otsuka as Marshall D. Teach/Blackbeard (voice)

Akio Otsuka

Marshall D. Teach/Blackbeard (voice) (7 episodes)

大塚明夫 《蓝宝石之谜》的尼莫船长、《攻壳机动队》的巴特、《怪医黑杰克》的黑杰克、《亚尔斯兰战记》的国王、

Kozo Shioya as Weevil (voice)

Kozo Shioya

Weevil (voice) (1 episode) , Genzo (voice) (2 episodes)


Naoya Uchida as Doc Q (voice)

Naoya Uchida

Doc Q (voice) (2 episodes)


Miyuki Sawashiro as Charlotte Pudding (voice)

Miyuki Sawashiro

Charlotte Pudding (voice) (1 episode)

泽城美雪太太是日本的女性声优、舞台剧演员,1985年出生于长野县。 在为女性角色配音时声音沙哑,但音质拥有一种高贵的气质(或者说是气场),无论是御姐、女王类角色还是清纯的少女乃至幼女都能够驾驭。有时也为一些男孩子的幼年,甚至为机器人...

Chiwa Saito as Boa Sandersonia (voice)

Chiwa Saito

Boa Sandersonia (voice) (1 episode) , Chimney (voice) (14 episodes)

斋藤千和(日语:斎藤 千和,1981年3月12日-),日本女性声优,出生于埼玉县,血型是A型。昵称有“ちわわ”(Chiwawa)和“ちわちわ”(Chiwachiwa)。现在是I'm Enterprise旗下的声优。

Unsho Ishizuka as Kizaru (voice)

Unsho Ishizuka

Kizaru (voice) (2 episodes)

石冢运升,日本男性配音员、演员、旁白、演出家。青二Production最终所属。出身于福井县胜山市。已婚。身高168cm。A型血。 主办以朗读指导为主的“石冢运升 Reading...

Junko Noda as Cutty Flam / Young Franky (voice)

Junko Noda

Cutty Flam / Young Franky (voice) (1 episode) , Tashigi (voice) (6 episodes)
Cutty Flam, also known as Young Franky, is a cyborg and a member of the Straw Hat Pirates in One Piece. He was originally a carpenter and shipwright who worked on the Going Merry, but after being severely injured, he became a cyborg with incredible strength and durability.

Quotes from Cutty Flam / Young Franky (voice)

  1. Super! Cool! Unbelievable!!!
  2. To live is to suffer, but to survive… that’s to find meaning in the suffering.
  3. I'm not just some crook off the street! I'm a gangster, baby!
Ryotaro Okiayu as Borsalino Kizaru (voice)

Ryotaro Okiayu

Borsalino Kizaru (voice) (1 episode) , Kizaru (voice) (1 episode) , Kaku / Borsalino (voice) (2 episodes) , Kaku (voice) (24 episodes)

置鲇龙太郎,日本男性配音员、旁白、舞台演员。青二Production所属。剧团HEROHERO-Q公司所属。身高170cm。O型血。 妻子是配音员前田爱。前妻为配音员永泽菜教。 代表作(动画):法兰兹·海尼尔(高智能方程式),三井...

Toru Furuya as Sabo (voice)

Toru Furuya

Sabo (voice) (2 episodes)

古谷彻(ふるや とおる,Furuya...

Kenta Miyake as Morley (voice)

Kenta Miyake

Morley (voice) (5 episodes) , Zambai (voice) (9 episodes)

三宅健太(日语:三宅 健太/みやけ けんた Miyake Kenta,1977年8月23日—),日本男性配音员。隶属于81 Produce。出身于冲绳县。身高181cm,体重71kg,血型A型。

Satsuki Yukino as Koala (voice)

Satsuki Yukino

Koala (voice) (4 episodes)


Shiori Mikami as Hibari (voice)

Shiori Mikami

Hibari (voice) (5 episodes)

三上枝织,日本女性配音员。隶属于青二制作。出身于青森县,毕业于专门学校东京广播学院 2007年高中毕业后到东京居住,2009年毕业于东京广播学院放送声优科(相当于五专二技),并在第二回声优奖新人发掘甄选会上同时获得七家声优经纪公司的...

Satoshi Hino as Prince Grus (voice)

Satoshi Hino

Prince Grus (voice) (5 episodes)


Aya Hirano as Lilith (voice)

Aya Hirano

Lilith (voice) (16 episodes)

平野绫是日本的女性声优、演员、歌手。 贫乳,常常因此被某些歌迷和动漫宅吐槽;因为贫乳在国内被称为平胸绫,每年的七夕愿望都是“巨乳”

Kaede Hondo as Atlas (voice)

Kaede Hondo

Atlas (voice) (7 episodes)

本渡枫是日本的女性声优,爱知县名古屋市出身。I'm Enterprise 所属。

Mitsuo Iwata as Emporio Ivankov (voice)

Mitsuo Iwata

Emporio Ivankov (voice) (6 episodes)


Kenichi Ono as Limejuice (voice)

Kenichi Ono

Limejuice (voice) (1 episode) , Dalton (voice) (2 episodes) , Sanjuan Wolf (voice) (4 episodes)

小野健一,日本男性配音员,目前属Rush Style,东京都出身,血型A型。

Yuhko Kaida as Belo Betty (voice)

Yuhko Kaida

Belo Betty (voice) (4 episodes)

甲斐田裕子,日本女性配音员、舞台剧演员,神奈川县川崎市出生。血型O型。 代表作: 吕蒙子明(一骑当千); 玛丽·珍·华生(蜘蛛侠); 月咏(银魂); 玛莉妲·库鲁斯(机动战士高达UC); 木户蕾(阳炎计划)

Bin Shimada as Foxy the Silver Fox (voice)

Bin Shimada

Foxy the Silver Fox (voice) (1 episode) , Wapol (voice) (3 episodes)
Foxy the Silver Fox is a pirate who possesses the power of the Noro Noro no Mi, which allows him to slow down time. He is a cunning and treacherous opponent who uses his Devil Fruit power to gain an advantage in battle.

Quotes from Foxy the Silver Fox (voice)

  1. 'I'm the Silver Fox!'
  2. 'Noro Noro Beam!'
Masaki Terasoma as Caribou (voice)

Masaki Terasoma

Caribou (voice) (1 episode)

寺杣昌纪(1962年5月8日-)是日本的男性声优及演员。生于兵库县西宫市,在大阪府出身。身高178cm,体重74kg。 1984年,桐朋学园演剧科毕业后,加入剧团俳优座,并于同年参与电影《W的悲剧》的演出,以演员身份正式出道。199...

Kotono Mitsuishi as Boa Hancock (voice)

Kotono Mitsuishi

Boa Hancock (voice) (2 episodes) , S-Snake (voice) (4 episodes)

三石琴乃(Mitsuishi Kotono),日本著名女配音员。参与过《高智能方程式》、《美少女战士》、《新世纪福音战士》、《机动战士高达SEED》、《哆啦A梦(水田版)》等多部热卖动画主角的演出。声音既沉稳又热情,配音角色多为实力派的女强人。

Ryoko Shiraishi as Edison (voice)

Ryoko Shiraishi

Edison (voice) (11 episodes)


Mutsumi Tamura as York (voice)

Mutsumi Tamura

York (voice) (8 episodes)

田村睦心,日本的女性声优,青森县出生,所属事务所为I'm Enterprise。代表作有《Battle Spirits...

Kenichi Ogata as Gorousei #4 (voice)

Kenichi Ogata

Gorousei #4 (voice) (2 episodes) , Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro (voice) (3 episodes)
Gorousei #4 is a member of the top decision-making body of the World Government in the anime series One Piece. He is known for his distinctive voice and his enigmatic personality.

Quotes from Gorousei #4 (voice)

  1. We must ensure the stability of the world at all costs.
  2. The balance of power must be carefully maintained.
  3. The fate of the world rests in our hands.
Toshio Furukawa as Portgas D. Ace (voice)

Toshio Furukawa

Portgas D. Ace (voice) (1 episode)


Daisuke Namikawa as Eustass "Captain" Kid (voice)

Daisuke Namikawa

Eustass "Captain" Kid (voice) (3 episodes)


Hiroshi Naka as Monkey D. Garp (voice)

Hiroshi Naka

Monkey D. Garp (voice) (6 episodes)

中博史,本名中村博昭,日本声优,大分县出身,以前待过Baobab学园,是该校第三期学生,多年效力于Production baobab和Media Force,现所属为贤Production。

Kohei Fukuhara as Heat (voice)

Kohei Fukuhara

Heat (voice) (2 episodes)


Nobuhiko Okamoto as Young Kuma (voice)

Nobuhiko Okamoto

Young Kuma (voice) (2 episodes) , S-Bear (voice) (3 episodes)

冈本信彦,1986年10月24日出生于日本东京都,日本男性配音员、歌手,所属事务所为Pro·Fit。代表作品有《魔法禁书目录》一方通行、《我的英雄学院》爆豪胜己、《爆漫王。》新妻英二等。 由于幼时喜欢《灌篮高手》、《勇者斗恶龙》等动...

Nobunaga Shimazaki as Young Shanks (voice)

Nobunaga Shimazaki

Young Shanks (voice) (1 episode) , Shanks (voice) (1 episode)

日本男性声优,宫城县出身,所属事务所为青二Production。 代表作品有《在盛夏等待》雾岛海人、《TARI...

Hikaru Midorikawa as Hongo (voice)

Hikaru Midorikawa

Hongo (voice) (1 episode)


Takayuki Sugo as Shiryu (voice)

Takayuki Sugo

Shiryu (voice) (3 episodes)

菅生隆之(日语:菅生 隆之/すごう たかゆき Sugō...

Marina Inoue as Kujaku (voice)

Marina Inoue

Kujaku (voice) (4 episodes)

井上麻里奈,日本著名女性声优。1985年1月20日出生于东京都武藏野市。 井上麻里奈的名字里,“井上”是艺名,麻里奈是本名。

Taketora as Jiron (voice)


Jiron (voice) (1 episode)


Tomomichi Nishimura as T-Bone (voice)

Tomomichi Nishimura

T-Bone (voice) (1 episode)

西村知道(にしむら ともみち罗马字音:Nishimura Tomomichi),1946年6月2日出生于日本·千叶县。身高:169cm。血型:A型。所属事务所:ARTSVISION(アーツビジョン)。日本的男性声优,代表作有《灌篮高手》安西教练等。

Subaru Kimura as Young Buggy (voice)

Subaru Kimura

Young Buggy (voice) (1 episode)

木村昴,德语名昴·萨穆埃尔·巴契(德语:Subaru Samuel Bartsch),出生于德国萨克森-安哈尔特州布兰肯堡,日本男性声优及演员。隶属Atomic...

Junichi Suwabe as Aramaki "Ryokugyu" (voice)

Junichi Suwabe

Aramaki "Ryokugyu" (voice) (2 episodes)


Kentaro Ito as Fukaboshi (voice)

Kentaro Ito

Fukaboshi (voice) (2 episodes)

伊藤健太郎是一位日本配音演员和歌手。 ヘルシー 太郎是伊藤健太郎在成人内容中的别名。

Yasuhiro Mamiya as Manboshi (voice)

Yasuhiro Mamiya

Manboshi (voice) (2 episodes)

间宫康弘(1981年12月7日[1]—),日本男性配音员。出身于千叶县。身高173.5cm。AB型血。Kenyu Office所属。高中毕业后,进入日本工学院专门学校学习2年。

Megumi Hayashibara as Rebecca (voice)

Megumi Hayashibara

Rebecca (voice) (1 episode)

林原惠美1967年3月30日出生于日本东京都北区,身高156cm,O型血。 日本女性配音员、歌手、广播主持人、作词家(以MEGUMI的名义)、散文家、作家,所属为个人声优事务所"Wood Park...

Junko Takeuchi as Young Sabo (voice)

Junko Takeuchi

Young Sabo (voice) (1 episode)

日本的女性声优、演员,现属剧团BQ MAP及尾木Pro THE NEXT事务所旗下。埼玉县出身。代表卡通动画作品有《家庭教师HITMAN REBORN》的蓝波、《火影忍者》的漩涡鸣人、《数码宝贝4》的神原拓也、闪电十一人系列的圆堂守等。

Kousuke Tanabe as Guard #1 (voice)

Kousuke Tanabe

Guard #1 (voice) (1 episode)

田边幸辅(日语:田邊 幸輔/たなべ こうすけ Tanabe Kōsuke,2月3日)是生于日本东京都的男性声优。青二制作所属。 毕业于Human Holdings综合学院。在学期间出道,并在‘Animelo Summer Live...

Wataru Takagi as Jango (voice)

Wataru Takagi

Jango (voice) (1 episode)


Shinobu Satouchi

Carne (voice) (1 episode)
Carne is a character in One Piece who makes a brief appearance in the show. He is a member of the Foxy Pirates and has the ability to transform into a bull-like creature. Carne is known for his fierce loyalty to his captain and his dedication to make sure his team comes out on top.

Quotes from Carne (voice)

  1. 'Let's make sure we come out on top, guys!'

One Piece 的制作团队

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