Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 的演职人员

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End



Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 的主演阵容

Atsumi Tanezaki as Frieren (voice)

Atsumi Tanezaki

Frieren (voice) (30 episodes)
Atsumi Tanezaki's performance as Frieren in 'Frieren: Beyond Journey's End' is nothing short of exceptional. Her ability to convey the character's complex emotions, from quiet introspection to moments of profound sadness, is truly commendable. Tanezaki's voice acting adds depth to Frieren's character, making her more relatable and human, despite her elven origins. Her delivery is nuanced, capturing the subtle changes in Frieren's personality as she grapples with the weight of immortality and the loss of her mortal friends. Tanezaki's performance is a testament to her talent and is a significant contribution to the overall quality of the anime.
Kana Ichinose as Fern (voice)

Kana Ichinose

Fern (voice) (28 episodes)
Kana Ichinose delivers a nuanced and emotive performance as Fern in the anime television series "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End," a fantasy adventure that explores themes of friendship, time, and the bittersweet passage of life. Ichinose's voice acting brings to life the character's quiet strength and the profound depth of her emotions, seamlessly transitioning between the stoic determination of a seasoned warrior and the subtle vulnerability that comes with her reflections on the past. Her interactions with the other characters, particularly the protagonist Frieren, are portrayed with a delicate touch, highlighting the bonds forged through shared experiences and the melancholy of watching time leave indelible marks on companions. Ichinose's performance is a testament to her range and ability to convey complex feelings without the need for grandiose displays, making Fern a memorable and relatable character within the rich tapestry of "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End."
Nobuhiko Okamoto as Himmel (voice)

Nobuhiko Okamoto

Himmel (voice) (30 episodes)
Nobuhiko Okamoto delivers a nuanced and compelling performance as Himmel in the anime adaptation of "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End." His voice work beautifully captures the character's stoic yet sensitive nature, bringing depth to Himmel's quiet strength and underlying vulnerability. Okamoto's ability to convey a range of emotions, from the subtle warmth in Himmel's interactions with his friends to the profound sorrow and regret that occasionally surface, adds layers to the character's personality. His performance is particularly commendable during the more introspective moments of the series, where the weight of Himmel's past actions and the complexities of his relationships are explored. Okamoto's voice acting not only honors the essence of Himmel as depicted in the manga but also enriches the character's presence on screen, making him a standout in the ensemble cast and a memorable figure in the world of "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End."
Hiroki Touchi as Heiter (voice)

Hiroki Touchi

Heiter (voice) (30 episodes)
Hiroki Touchi's performance as Heiter in the TV series "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" is a standout aspect of the show's immersive storytelling. Touchi brings a nuanced and captivating voice to Heiter, imbuing the character with a depth that resonates with the themes of the series. His portrayal perfectly encapsulates the sage's wisdom and gentle demeanor, while also conveying the underlying melancholy and sense of loss that defines Heiter's past. Touchi's vocal nuances highlight the character's empathy and the subtle emotional shifts that occur as Heiter interacts with the other protagonists, guiding them on their journey. The warmth and gravitas in his voice acting help to anchor some of the series' most poignant moments, making Heiter a memorable and endearing character to the audience. Touchi's performance is not just voice acting; it is a masterclass in how to bring a character to life, ensuring that Heiter's presence is felt long after the credits roll.
Yoji Ueda as Eisen (voice)

Yoji Ueda

Eisen (voice) (30 episodes)
Yoji Ueda delivers a nuanced and poignant performance as Eisen in the anime adaptation of "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End." His voice work breathes life into the stoic and introspective mage, capturing the character's emotional depth and quiet strength. Ueda's portrayal is particularly compelling in the way he conveys Eisen's internal struggles and his sense of isolation, despite being part of a close-knit group of adventurers. His measured tone and deliberate pacing of dialogue underscore the character's reflective nature, allowing viewers to empathize with Eisen's personal journey as he grapples with the passage of time and the bonds of friendship. Ueda's voice acting is a highlight of the series, contributing to the show's introspective atmosphere and helping to elevate "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" as a thoughtful exploration of companionship and the human condition.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 的配角阵容

Atsuko Tanaka as Flamme (voice)

Atsuko Tanaka

Flamme (voice) (5 episodes)


Hiroki Yasumoto as Qual (voice)

Hiroki Yasumoto

Qual (voice) (1 episode)

安元洋贵,日本的男性配音员,山口县出身,所属事务所为Sigma Seven。代表作有《死神》茶渡泰虎、《黑执事》阿格尼、《黑塔利亚》德/国(路德维希·贝什米特)、《鬼灯的冷彻》鬼灯、《超级弹丸论破2》二大猫丸 等。

Keiichi Sonobe as Old Man with Straw Hat (voice)

Keiichi Sonobe

Old Man with Straw Hat (voice) (1 episode)

园部启一(そのべ けいいち),于1960年9月16日出生于日本东京,日本男性声优,代表作有《我的裘可妹妹》、《海贼王》、《宇宙海盗大冒险》 等

Mika Doi as Villager (voice)

Mika Doi

Villager (voice) (1 episode)

土井美加,1956年8月4日出生于宫城县仙台市,日本女性声优。代表作有《超时空要塞》(早瀬未沙)、《浪客剑心》(高荷惠)等。 土井美加出道作:美国电影(少棒闯天下),主要活跃于1980年代,曾经是日本剧团“剧团昴”的成员,1982年...

Arisa Kiyoto as Stark as a Child (voice)

Arisa Kiyoto

Stark as a Child (voice) (2 episodes)


Shunsuke Sakuya as Graf Granat (voice)

Shunsuke Sakuya

Graf Granat (voice) (4 episodes)

咲野俊介,日本声优,隶属于Seinenza Theater Company。出生于宫崎县,身高177厘米,体重61公斤,血型A型。

Junichi Suwabe as Lügner (voice)

Junichi Suwabe

Lügner (voice) (4 episodes)


Manaka Iwami as Linie (voice)

Manaka Iwami

Linie (voice) (3 episodes)

石见舞菜香是日本的女性声优,埼玉县出身。Pro-Fit准所属。Pro-Fit声优养成所毕业 兴趣是散步、读书、特技是低音号、动耳朵。 因被未闻花名中茅野爱衣的演技感动,决定成为声优。 知晓声优这个职业的契机是《无头骑士异闻录...

Ayana Taketatsu as Aura (voice)

Ayana Taketatsu

Aura (voice) (3 episodes)

竹达彩奈是日本的女性声优,隶属Link Plan。 埼玉县出身,曾在籍于I'm...

Takehito Koyasu as Kraft (voice)

Takehito Koyasu

Kraft (voice) (2 episodes)

子安武人(日语:子安 武人/こやす たけひと Koyasu Takehito,1967年5月5日—),日本男性配音员。出身于日本神奈川县横滨市。身高174cm。A型血。所属事务所为T's...

Yuichi Nakamura as Sein (voice)

Yuichi Nakamura

Sein (voice) (5 episodes)


Takuya Eguchi as Stoltz (voice)

Takuya Eguchi

Stoltz (voice) (1 episode)

江口拓也(日语:江口 拓也/えぐち たくや Eguchi Takuya,1987年5月22日—)是日本男性声优、歌手,属81 Produce,茨城县出身。身高189cm(自称187cm),血型为B型。

Konomi Kohara as Chief of the Village of the Sword (voice)

Konomi Kohara

Chief of the Village of the Sword (voice) (1 episode)


Yuuya Uchida as Lord Orden (voice)

Yuuya Uchida

Lord Orden (voice) (1 episode)

日本的声优、演员、剧团演员座所属。 出生于埼玉县北葛饰郡三乡町(现:三乡市)。毕业于桐朋学园大学短期大学部戏剧系。 起初动画配音比较少参与,在《二十面相少女》为二十面相角色作配音,从而有更多机会参与动画的配音。 主要是海外吹替剧...

Azumi Waki as Kanne (voice)

Azumi Waki

Kanne (voice) (8 episodes)


Sayumi Suzushiro as Lawine (voice)

Sayumi Suzushiro

Lawine (voice) (10 episodes)


Ikumi Hasegawa as Übel (voice)

Ikumi Hasegawa

Übel (voice) (8 episodes)


Tarusuke Shingaki as Genau (voice)

Tarusuke Shingaki

Genau (voice) (5 episodes)

新垣樽助,日本男性配音员。隶属于Mausu Promotion。出身于冲绳县岛尻郡久米岛町。血型B型。原名和旧艺名是新垣正明。

Takako Tanaka as Receptionist (voice)

Takako Tanaka

Receptionist (voice) (2 episodes)

田中贵子(日语:田中 貴子/たなか たかこ Tanaka Takako,1994年10月5日—)是日本的女性声优,福井县出身。Mausu...

Kisho Taniyama as Wirbel (voice)

Kisho Taniyama

Wirbel (voice) (7 episodes)


Shizuka Ishigami as Laufen (voice)

Shizuka Ishigami

Laufen (voice) (8 episodes)


Tomoyo Kurosawa as Edel (voice)

Tomoyo Kurosawa

Edel (voice) (3 episodes)

黑泽朋世是日本埼玉县出身的女性演员、声优、歌手,事务所为Mausu Promotion。

Kanae Itou as Ehre (voice)

Kanae Itou

Ehre (voice) (5 episodes)


Mariya Ise as Serie (voice)

Mariya Ise

Serie (voice) (4 episodes)

伊濑茉莉也(日语:伊瀬 茉莉也、本名同、1988年9月25日-),是日本神奈川县出身的女性声优。身高154公分。血型A型。代表作有ミシェル・キューイック(鲁邦三世)、春日野丽(Yes!...

Shinji Kawada as Lecker (voice)

Shinji Kawada

Lecker (voice) (1 episode)

川田绅司(かわだ しんじ),1971年10月6日出生于日本栃木县,是日本的男性声优,所属事务所为贤Production。代表作品有《火影忍者》油女志乃、《校园迷糊大王》花井春树。

Reina Ueda as Methode (voice)

Reina Ueda

Methode (voice) (5 episodes)

上田丽奈是日本女性配音员、歌手。 2011年在第5回81试音选拔中获准优秀奖,并隶属于81Produce。作为声优组合「アニソニア」(Anisoni∀,成员为上田丽奈、高桥李依、林田智惠里与积田加代子)的一员活动。 2014年,在...

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