讲述超级大坏蛋(Megamind)要保护城市,对付强大的对手。而为了做到,他必须保持伪装,“行为像反派,思路像超级英雄”。 梅格玛(超级大坏蛋 Megamind)的前反派团队“毁灭联盟”回来了。我们新加冕的蓝色英雄现在必须保持邪恶的外表,直到他能召集他的朋友(罗克珊 Roxanne,老朋友 Ol' Chum和桂子 Keiko)阻止他的前恶棍队友将大都市发射到月球。
超级大坏蛋大战末日集团 的完整演员阵容
Josh Brener
OI' Chum (voice)
Josh Brener's performance as OI' Chum in 'Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate' is a delightful addition to the animated film. With his unique vocal inflections and comedic timing, Brener brings life to the character, making him both endearing and hilarious. OI' Chum's quirky personality shines through, and Brener's delivery of the character's lines adds an extra layer of humor to the movie. Overall, Brener's performance as OI' Chum is a standout, contributing to the film's overall entertainment value.