Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest 的演职人员

Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest



Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest 的完整演员阵容

Yuuki Kuwahara as ユエ / Yue (voice)

Yuuki Kuwahara

ユエ / Yue (voice) (41 episodes)
Yuuki Kuwahara's portrayal of Yue in the anime series "Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest" is a standout performance that brings depth and nuance to the character. Yue, a vampire with a mysterious past, is initially introduced as a stoic and powerful being who is difficult to relate to due to her aloof demeanor. However, as the series progresses, Kuwahara's voice acting skillfully captures Yue's gradual transformation as she opens up to the protagonist, Hajime Nagumo, and his companions. Kuwahara's delivery of Yue's lines ranges from the chilly, detached tones of a centuries-old vampire to the warmth and vulnerability of a young girl experiencing newfound emotions and relationships. Her performance highlights the complexity of Yue's character, balancing strength and tenderness, and contributing significantly to the emotional resonance of the series. Kuwahara's vocal work ensures that Yue is not just a static character, but one that grows and evolves, endearing herself to the audience and becoming a central figure in the narrative tapestry of "Arifureta."
Yoko Hikasa as ティオ・クラルス / Tio Klarus (voice)

Yoko Hikasa

ティオ・クラルス / Tio Klarus (voice) (41 episodes)
Yoko Hikasa delivers a standout performance as Tio Klarus in the anime adaptation of "Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest," bringing to life the character's complex personality with finesse. Tio, a dragonoid and former magic instructor, is initially introduced as an antagonist with a haughty and sadistic demeanor. Hikasa's voicework beautifully captures Tio's arrogance and cunning, making her early manipulative actions both believable and engaging. However, as the series progresses and Tio's character undergoes significant development, Hikasa skillfully navigates the transition, infusing the role with nuanced layers of vulnerability and warmth. Her portrayal of Tio's transformation into a more compassionate and loyal companion to the protagonist, Hajime Nagumo, is both compelling and emotionally resonant, showcasing Hikasa's range and ability to convey deep emotional shifts. Her performance is a testament to her talent as a voice actress, as she breathes life into Tio's journey from a cold-hearted adversary to a cherished member of Hajime's unconventional family.
Saori Onishi as 白崎 香織 / Kaori Shirasaki (voice)

Saori Onishi

白崎 香織 / Kaori Shirasaki (voice) (41 episodes)
Saori Onishi's portrayal of Kaori Shirasaki in the anime adaptation of "Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest" is a standout performance that brings depth and emotion to the character. As the childhood friend and romantic interest of the protagonist, Hajime Nagumo, Onishi captures the essence of Kaori's unwavering loyalty and gentle nature. Her voice acting conveys the nuanced shift from the innocent and hopeful classmate at the series' beginning to a more resilient and determined character as the story progresses. Onishi's ability to express Kaori's inner turmoil, her longing for Hajime's affection, and her growth into a strong-willed synergist is commendable. Her performance adds a layer of warmth and relatability to the character, making Kaori one of the more endearing characters in the ensemble cast. Saori Onishi's nuanced vocal work ensures that Kaori's presence is felt in every scene, whether she's offering emotional support to her friends or showcasing her combat abilities alongside Hajime, contributing significantly to the emotional core of the series.
Yumiri Hanamori as 八重樫 雫 / Shizuku Yaegashi (voice)

Yumiri Hanamori

八重樫 雫 / Shizuku Yaegashi (voice) (41 episodes)
Yumiri Hanamori delivers a compelling performance as Shizuku Yaegashi in the anime series "Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest," bringing to life the character's multifaceted personality with nuance and depth. As Shizuku, Hanamori captures the essence of a skilled and composed kendo practitioner, exuding confidence and determination. Throughout the series, Hanamori's voice acting highlights Shizuku's growth, from her initial struggle to adapt to the new world to her eventual rise as a formidable member of the group. Hanamori's portrayal is particularly notable during emotional scenes, where she conveys Shizuku's inner turmoil and vulnerabilities with a delicate balance of strength and sensitivity. Her interactions with other characters, particularly her close friend Hajime Nagumo, showcase a dynamic range that adds layers to the narrative. Hanamori's performance is a testament to her ability to embody a character fully, making Shizuku a relatable and endearing figure for the audience.
Ai Kakuma as 畑山 愛子 / Aiko Hatayama (voice)

Ai Kakuma

畑山 愛子 / Aiko Hatayama (voice) (41 episodes)

加隈亚衣是日本的女性声优。 以不想给家人添麻烦为理由,而在高中毕业后做了4年的OL,但还是无法放弃成为声优的想法而上京,成为Mausu Promotion附属养成所的第26期生,并于2013年4月开始隶属于Mausu...

Yui Ogura as Myu (voice)

Yui Ogura

Myu (voice) (12 episodes)

小仓唯是日本的歌手、声优。Just Production(声优事务所)、KING AMUSEMENT CREATIVE(唱片公司)所属。原属剧团东俳的一员

Katsuyuki Konishi as Freid Bagwa (voice)

Katsuyuki Konishi

Freid Bagwa (voice) (12 episodes)

小西克幸(日语:小西 克幸/こにし かつゆき Konishi...

Rina Sato as Nun (voice)

Rina Sato

Nun (voice) (3 episodes) , Noint (voice) (12 episodes)

佐藤利奈,1981年5月2日出生于福冈县北九州市,日本女性声优和歌手,所属事务所为东京俳优生活协同组合。获得第8回声优奖最佳女主角奖。 动画代表作有《圣母在上》武岛茑子(武屿茑子)、《魔法禁书目录》御坂美琴、《某科学的超电磁炮》御坂...

Yu Sasahara as Student (voice)

Yu Sasahara

Student (voice) (1 episode)

篠原侑(4月30日-)是日本的女性声优,熊本县出身。I'm Enterprise所属。 日本播音演技研究所出身。2016年加入I'm Enterprise。

Takuma Terashima as Oscar Orcus (voice)

Takuma Terashima

Oscar Orcus (voice) (1 episode)

寺岛拓笃(日语:寺島 拓篤/てらしま たくま Terashima Takuma,1983年12月20日—)是日本的男性声优和歌手。石川县出身,血型为B型,身高166.9cm,星座 射手座,目前隶属于AXL...

Sayaka Ohara as Mona Haulia (voice)

Sayaka Ohara

Mona Haulia (voice) (1 episode) , Remia (voice) (2 episodes)

大原沙耶香,日本女性声优、播音员,隶属于东京俳优生活协同组合,青山学院大学文学院英语文学系毕业,隶属于贤Production的声优大原崇是亲弟弟。 其演技的幅度很广,主要是出演成人女性角色,也有过客串少年的经历。据说是以在心中想好角...

Chiwa Saito as Meiru Melusine (voice)

Chiwa Saito

Meiru Melusine (voice) (1 episode)

斋藤千和(日语:斎藤 千和,1981年3月12日-),日本女性声优,出生于埼玉县,血型是A型。昵称有“ちわわ”(Chiwawa)和“ちわちわ”(Chiwachiwa)。现在是I'm Enterprise旗下的声优。

Yasuhiro Mamiya as Meld Loggins (voice)

Yasuhiro Mamiya

Meld Loggins (voice) (9 episodes)

间宫康弘(1981年12月7日[1]—),日本男性配音员。出身于千叶县。身高173.5cm。AB型血。Kenyu Office所属。高中毕业后,进入日本工学院专门学校学习2年。

Miyu Tomita as Yuka Sonobe (voice)

Miyu Tomita

Yuka Sonobe (voice) (5 episodes)

富田美忧,日本女性配音员。AMUSE所属。出身于埼玉县 小学时期对电视动画《吸血鬼骑士》担当主演的宫野真守憧憬,而开始对声优产生兴趣。 2014年于第一回“アニ☆たん!”新人征选的总决赛时被经纪公司AMUSE选上,并于同年举办的“...