In the critically acclaimed 2013 film, "The World's End," viewers are introduced to a colorful cast of characters led by the inimitable Simon Pegg as Gary King, and his longtime pal, Nick Frost, who portrays Andrew Knightley. Gary King is the group's charismatic, albeit somewhat misguided, leader. He is a man stuck in the past, holding onto a bygone era where life seemed more carefree and the possibilities endless. His loyal friend Andrew Knightley, on the other hand, has moved on from their youthful escapades, choosing instead the stability of a more mature life. Accompanying these two central figures are three additional friends, creating a diverse ensemble that brings humor and camaraderie to the screen.
Together, these five friends embark on a quest to recreate a fabled pub crawl they had attempted 20 years prior. Their goal: to conquer the "Golden Mile," a nearly 12-kilometer stretch through their hometown of Newton Haven, featuring twelve distinct pubs. The crawl was left incomplete during their first endeavor, and Gary King, still haunted by this perceived failure, convinces his reluctant friends to join him in this bid for redemption. Little do they know that their night of harmless fun will soon transcend into a battle for human survival.
As they make their way through the various pubs, they realize that something sinister lurks beneath the surface of their quaint, idyllic hometown. The people they encounter seem oddly robotic, and it soon becomes apparent that something is not right. Without giving away any spoilers, the friends find themselves unwittingly thrust into the role of humanity's last line of defense against a dark, otherworldly force. "The World's End" is a humorous and action-packed adventure that combines elements of science fiction, comedy, and drama, making it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys a well-crafted story with unforgettable characters.
Simon John Pegg (born 14 February 1970) is an English actor, comedian, screenwriter, and producer. He came to public ...
Nicholas John "Nick" Frost (born 28 March 1972) is an English actor, comedian and screenwriter. He is best known for ...
Martin John Christopher Freeman is an English actor. Among other accolades, he has won an Emmy Award, a BAFTA Award a...
Patrick "Paddy" George Considine (born 5 September 1973) is an English actor, director, screenwriter and frequent col...
Edward Maurice Charles Marsan (born 9 June 1968) is an English actor. He won the London Film Critics Circle Award and...
Rosamund Mary Ellen Pike (born January 27, 1979) is a British actress. She has received various accolades, including...
Pierce Brendan Brosnan, OBE (16 May 1953) is an Irish actor, film producer and environmentalist who holds Irish and A...
David Bradley is an English character actor. He has recently become known for playing the caretaker of Hogwarts, Argu...
Michael Smiley (born 1963) is a Northern Irish comedian and actor. He is perhaps best known for his roles in the film...
Steve Oram was born on August 25, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Reeson Wayne "Reece" Shearsmith (born 27 August 1969 in Hull) is an English...
Nicholas Burns was born on January 1, 1977 and is currently 48 years old.
William Francis Nighy (born 12 December 1949) is an English actor. Known for his work on screen and stage, he has rec...
Jonathan Aris is a British stage, film and television actor, trained at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Richard Graham (born May 10 1960 in Farnborough, Kent, United Kingdom) is an ...
Mark was born in Horne, Surrey to farmer and amateur entertainer Bernard Kempner, and former land-girl Mary Kempner. ...
Ricky Champ was born on July 1, 1980 and is currently 44 years old.
Ken Bones is an English actor. He is a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Peter Szymon Serafinowicz (born 10 July 1972) is an English actor, comedian, ...