A unique story told over two distinct halves, "Summer" follows Sam, a man drawn to a mysterious island off the British coast where he encounters a group of islanders set on preserving their traditions at any cost. "Winter" follows Helen, a strong-willed outsider who comes to the island seeking answers, but whose arrival precipitates a fractious battle to decide its fate.
David Jude Heyworth Law (born 29 December 1972) is an English actor. He has received multiple awards including a BAFT...
See Jude Law's other roles →Katherine Boyer Waterston (born March 3, 1980) is a British-American actress. She made her feature film debut in Mich...
See Katherine Waterston's other roles →Freya Allan (born 6 September 2001) is an English actress, known for her role as Princess Cirilla of Cintra in the Ne...
See Freya Allan's other roles →Mark Lewis Jones is a Welsh film and television actor, born in Rhosllannerchrugog, Wrexham. He began acting as a tee...
See Mark Lewis Jones's other roles →Patrick "Paddy" George Considine (born 5 September 1973) is an English actor, director, screenwriter and frequent col...
See Paddy Considine's other roles →Richard Bremmer was born on January 27, 1953 and is currently 71 years old.
See Richard Bremmer's other roles →Nico Parker is the youngest daughter of Thandie Newton and Ol Parker and is an actor, known for Dumbo (2019).
See Nico Parker's other roles →Paul Kaye is an English comedian and actor. He is known for his portrayals of shock interviewer Dennis Pennis on The ...
See Paul Kaye's other roles →