Struggling actor John Person agrees to drive a blue suitcase from Los Angeles to the small town of Baker, Calif., and hand it over to a mysterious cowboy in return for having his credit card debt of $27,000 paid off. Upon his arrival, John can't find the cowboy but receives an ominously head-shaped package he's supposed to hang onto. While waiting, John gets close to Ruthie, whose psychotic boyfriend, Randy, keeps threatening to kill him.
Jonathan Kolia Favreau (/ˈfævroʊ/; born October 19, 1966) is an American actor, director, producer and...
Daryl Hannah was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. She attend the University of Southern California (USC) and...
Allen Kelsey Grammer (born February 21, 1955) is an American actor. He gained fame for his role as psychiatrist Dr....
Shaun Mark Bean (born 17 April 1959) is an English actor. After graduating from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art,...
Melora Walters (born October 21, 1959) is an American actress. She is best known for her starring roles as Wanda...
An American actor, writer and director. He is known for his role in Napoleon Dynamite as Uncle Rico, and more...
Adam Ruebin Beach (born November 11, 1972) is a Canadian Saulteaux actor. He is best known for his roles as Tommy on...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Brent Briscoe (May 21, 1961 – October 18, 2017) was an American actor and...
Dan Trejo (born May 16, 1944) is an American actor who has appeared in numerous Hollywood films, often as...