RTL Samstag Nacht was a comedy show, which ran from 6 November 1993 to 23 May 1998 on the German TV network RTL. RTL Samstag Nacht was the first major comedy show in German television, created after the example of the long-running American show Saturday Night Live and broadcast late on Saturday night. It helped comedy in German television to a breakthrough and was a model for several later comedy shows. Karl Ranseier was a recurring character featured in fake news reports telling about his death at the end of each episode. The name Karl Ranseier has become a catchphrase in Germany that has led to its own joke category of Ranseiers which are in widespread usage outside of the comedy origin.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Richard John Grieco, Jr. (born March 23, 1965) is an American actor and forme...
Robert Barton Englund (born June 6, 1947) is an American actor and voice-actor, best known for playing the fictional ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Melvin Brooks (né Kaminsky, born June 28, 1926) is an American filmmaker, com...
John Barry Humphries, AO, CBE (17 February 1934 - 22 April 2023) was an Australian comedian, satirist, dadaist, artis...
Iris Berben was born on August 12, 1950 and is currently 74 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michael Winslow (born September 6, 1958) is an American actor and a comedian ...