'My Fault' is a captivating drama that explores the complex relationships between its characters, set against the backdrop of a luxurious mansion. The movie's protagonist, Noah Morgan, is played by the talented Nicole Wallace. After her mother, Rafaela, marries the wealthy William Leister, Noah finds herself having to leave behind her city, her boyfriend, and her friends to move into William's opulent mansion. As a proud and independent 17-year-old, Noah initially resists the idea of living in such a luxurious environment, surrounded by materialistic excesses.
However, Noah's life takes an interesting turn when she meets her new stepbrother, Nick Leister, played by Gabriel Guevara. Nick is the complete opposite of Noah, having grown up in the lap of luxury and accustomed to getting his way. From the moment they meet, their strong personalities clash, leading to a series of dramatic and emotional moments throughout the movie. Despite their differences, Noah and Nick find themselves drawn to each other, leading to a complicated and forbidden relationship that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear.
As the story unfolds, Noah and Nick's relationship becomes the central focus of the movie, with both characters struggling to come to terms with their feelings. Noah, in particular, finds herself torn between her loyalty to her mother and her growing affection for Nick. Meanwhile, Nick is forced to confront his own demons, including his strained relationship with his father and his feelings of inadequacy in the face of Noah's independence and strength. As the two navigate their complicated feelings, they must also deal with the disapproval of those around them, leading to a dramatic and heart-wrenching climax that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
Anastasia Russo was born on October 20, 2011 and is currently 13 years old.