"Finding Nemo" is a beloved animated film that tells the heartwarming story of a young clownfish named Nemo, whose adventurous spirit leads him into unforeseen danger. Nemo is unexpectedly captured and transported from the vibrant underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef to a sterile aquarium in a dentist's office in Sydney. His desperate and overprotective father, Marlin, voiced by the talented Albert Brooks, is determined to rescue him. The movie beautifully explores themes of family, courage, and the importance of trust, as Marlin navigates the vast ocean in search of his son.
On his journey, Marlin is joined by the lovable and quirky Dory, voiced by Ellen DeGeneres, who possesses a charming yet comical flaw: her short-term memory loss. Despite her forgetfulness, Dory's cheerful demeanor and unwavering optimism provide a perfect complement to Marlin's anxious personality. Together, they encounter a thrilling array of characters and challenges—including vegetarian sharks who promote friendship over fear, friendly turtle surfers who encourage Marlin to let loose, and a mesmerizing swarm of jellyfish that adds an element of danger to their quest. Each encounter enriches the narrative and showcases the diversity of marine life while highlighting the significance of teamwork and resilience in overcoming obstacles.
As Marlin and Dory navigate through the ocean's wonders and perils, they not only come closer to finding Nemo but also discover valuable lessons about parenting, friendship, and self-discovery. The captivating animation and heartfelt storyline have made "Finding Nemo" a timeless classic for audiences of all ages. The film's endearing characters, combined with its stunning visuals and memorable voice performances, invite viewers on an unforgettable underwater adventure that emphasizes the bond between a father and son, and the power of friendship in the face of adversity.
Full Cast of Finding Nemo
Albert Brooks
as Marlin (voice)
Albert Brooks delivers a standout vocal performance as Marlin in Pixar's "Finding Nemo," masterfully breathing life into the character of an overprotective clownfish father. His voice work is nuanced and emotionally resonant, capturing the essence of a parent consumed by fear and love in equal measure. Brooks imbues Marlin with a mix of neuroticism and determination, making the character both comedic and relatable. His interactions with other characters, particularly his son Nemo and the forgetful blue tang fish Dory, voiced by Ellen DeGeneres, are filled with heartfelt sincerity and warmth. Brooks's performance is a driving force behind the film's emotional depth, providing humor and pathos as Marlin embarks on an epic journey across the ocean to rescue his son. His vocal range and timing perfectly complement the animated expressions of his character, creating a memorable and endearing portrayal that has helped cement "Finding Nemo" as an animated classic.
Ellen DeGeneres
as Dory (voice)
Ellen DeGeneres delivered a standout voice performance as the lovable and forgetful blue tang fish, Dory, in Pixar's 2003 animated classic "Finding Nemo." Her portrayal of the character is marked by an endearing blend of cheerfulness, innocence, and a touch of melancholy, which perfectly captures Dory's endearing nature. DeGeneres's comedic timing and effervescent personality shine through, providing much of the film's humor and heart. Her repetitive yet catchy phrases, such as "Just keep swimming," became iconic and resonated with audiences of all ages. Dory's optimism and resilience, despite her short-term memory loss, offer a poignant commentary on friendship and perseverance, making her a character that viewers root for and remember long after the credits roll. DeGeneres's performance not only stole the show but also played a crucial role in the movie's massive success, leading to a well-deserved spin-off sequel, "Finding Dory," in 2016, where she reprised her role with the same charm and warmth that made the original so beloved.
Alexander Gould
as Nemo (voice)
Alexander Gould's portrayal of Nemo in Pixar's "Finding Nemo" is a standout vocal performance that imbues the young clownfish with a blend of innocence, curiosity, and determination. Gould, who was only ten years old at the time of recording, manages to convey the emotional depth of Nemo's journey, from the excitement of exploring the vast ocean to the fear and confusion of captivity. His voicework is essential in making Nemo a relatable and endearing character, as he captures the essence of a child's adventurous spirit and resilience. Gould's performance is crucial in anchoring the film's heartwarming narrative about family, independence, and the courage to face one's fears. His interactions with the other characters, particularly with Albert Brooks' Marlin, bring a genuine father-son dynamic to the screen, which resonates with audiences of all ages. Alexander Gould's vocal talent in "Finding Nemo" not only helped to create one of Pixar's most beloved characters but also set a high standard for voice acting in animated films.
Willem Dafoe
as Gill (voice)
Willem Dafoe delivered a memorable vocal performance as Gill, the scarred and determined Moorish idol fish in Pixar's beloved animated film "Finding Nemo." Dafoe imbued Gill with a gritty yet charismatic presence, skillfully balancing the character's tough-guy exterior with an underlying sense of empathy and wisdom. His voice work was essential in bringing to life the leader of the Tank Gang, a group of aquarium fish plotting their escape back to the ocean. Gill's rough, husky tones and Dafoe's nuanced inflections conveyed the character's weathered experience and the weight of his leadership role, making him both an authority figure and a sympathetic ally to the young clownfish Nemo. Dafoe's performance was a standout among the film's ensemble cast, providing a depth of character that resonated with audiences of all ages and helped to solidify "Finding Nemo" as an animated classic.
Geoffrey Rush
as Nigel (voice)
Geoffrey Rush delivered a memorable voice performance as Nigel, the pelican, in the beloved Pixar film "Finding Nemo." His vocal work brought a vibrant and endearing character to life, capturing the essence of Nigel's friendly and somewhat pompous personality. Rush's voice conveyed a sense of wisdom and charisma, which was essential for his role as the dental-office bird who befriends Marlin, the clownfish, on his quest to find his son Nemo. Nigel's Australian accent, courtesy of Rush's adept vocal skills, added a layer of authenticity and humor to the character, making him both a comedic and heartwarming presence in the film. Rush's performance was particularly notable in the way he articulated Nigel's complex emotions, ranging from the joy of sharing his knowledge of the ocean to the genuine concern he feels for the well-being of his fish friends. His interactions with the other characters, especially his excited retellings of past adventures and his motivational pep talks, were highlights that showcased Rush's ability to bring depth and warmth to animated storytelling. Geoffrey Rush's portrayal of Nigel was not just voice acting; it was a full-fledged performance that left an indelible mark on the hearts of audiences and contributed significantly to the film's enduring charm.
Brad Garrett
as Bloat (voice)
Brad Garrett's vocal performance as Bloat in Pixar's "Finding Nemo" is a memorable contribution to the film's ensemble cast of sea creatures. Garrett lends his distinctive, gravelly voice to Bloat, a porcupine puffer fish who is part of the Tank Gang, a group of aquarium dwellers that befriend the lost clownfish Nemo. Bloat's character is known for his tendency to inflate when stressed or excited, which Garrett conveys with a mix of anxiety and comedic timing. His delivery adds depth to the character, making Bloat both endearing and amusing, as he grapples with his insecurities and his role in the aquarium community. Garrett's voice work is integral to bringing the loveable, balloon-like character to life, ensuring that Bloat remains a highlight of the film's vibrant cast and a fan favorite, particularly in the iconic "Nemo, are you seeing this?" scene. His performance contributes to the heartwarming and humorous tone of "Finding Nemo," showcasing Garrett's ability to elevate an animated character through voice alone.
Allison Janney
as Peach (voice)
Allison Brooks Janney (born November 19, 1959) is an American actress. In a career spanning three decades, she is kno...
Stephen Root
as Bubbles (voice)
Stephen Root (born November 17, 1951) is an American actor. He has starred as Jimmy James on the NBC sitcom NewsRadio...
Andrew Stanton
as Crush (voice)
Andrew Stanton (born December 3, 1965) is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, and occasional voice act...
LuLu Ebeling
as Darla (voice)
Nicole Miller
as Additional Voices (voice)
Geoff Brooks
as Additional Voices (voice)
Lisa Peers
as Additional Voices (voice)
Leland Grossman
as Additional Voices (voice)
Lili Ishida
as Additional Voices (voice)
Emmett Shoemaker
as Additional Voices (voice)
Oliver Kindred
as Additional Voices (voice)
Ben Stanton
as Additional Voices (voice)
Kali Whitehurst
as Additional Voices (voice)
James S. Baker
as Additional Voices (voice)
Annelise Nolting
as Additional Voices (voice)
Katherine Ringgold
as Additional Voices (voice)
Caroline Kindred
as Additional Voices (voice)
Bradley Trevor Greive
as Additional Voices (voice)
Crew of Finding Nemo
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backstage crew of Finding Nemo →