El hombre ha hecho su elección, ahora es su problema.
A principios del siglo XXI, la Tyrell Corporation desarrolló un nuevo tipo de robot llamado Nexus, un ser virtualmente idéntico al hombre y conocido como Replicante. Los Replicantes Nexus-6 eran superiores en fuerza y agilidad, y al menos iguales en inteligencia, a los ingenieros de genética que los crearon. En el espacio exterior, los Replicantes fueron usados como trabajadores esclavos en la arriesgada exploración y colonización de otros planetas. Después de la sangrienta rebelión de un equipo de combate de Nexus-6 en una colonia sideral, los Replicantes fueron declarados proscritos en la Tierra bajo pena de muerte. Brigadas de policías especiales, con el nombre de Unidades de Blade Runners, tenían órdenes de tirar a matar al ver a cualquier Replicante invasor. A esto no se le llamó ejecución, se le llamó retiro.
Cast completo de Blade Runner
Harrison Ford's portrayal of Rick Deckard in 'Blade Runner' is a masterclass in subtlety and depth. His performance is layered with a quiet intensity that perfectly captures the moral ambiguity of his character. Ford's Deckard is a weary, cynical man, worn down by the harsh realities of his job as a Blade Runner, yet he also reveals glimpses of empathy and vulnerability that humanize him. His interactions with the replicants, particularly Rutger Hauer's Roy Batty, are some of the most poignant and thought-provoking moments in the film, largely due to Ford's nuanced acting. His performance is a key factor in making 'Blade Runner' not just a visually stunning film, but also a deeply philosophical one.
Edward James Olmos's portrayal of Gaff in 'Blade Runner' is nothing short of captivating. With a minimal screen time, Olmos manages to create a character that is both enigmatic and intriguing. His use of a unique, self-invented language, a blend of English, French, German, Hungarian, Chinese, and Japanese, adds an extra layer of mystery to his character. Olmos's performance is subtle yet powerful, his eyes conveying a depth of emotion that speaks volumes. His final scene, where he leaves an origami unicorn for Deckard, is a testament to his ability to convey complex emotions with simple gestures. Olmos's performance as Gaff is a standout in a film filled with memorable characters.
Daryl Hannah's portrayal of Pris in 'Blade Runner' is nothing short of mesmerizing. Her ability to embody the complexities of a replicant, a bioengineered being, is truly commendable. Hannah brings a sense of vulnerability and danger to the character, making Pris both alluring and unsettling. Her physicality in the role, particularly in the intense fight scene with Harrison Ford's character, is a testament to her dedication and skill. Overall, Hannah's performance as Pris is a standout in the film, adding depth to the narrative and leaving a lasting impression on viewers.
William Sanderson
William Sanderson actor recordado por su papel de creador de juguetes robots, J.F. Sebastian en la película de culto...