Something wicked this way hops.
Jetzt ist das skurrile Duo endlich zurück. Wallace – zerstreuter Erfinder und Käsefreund, der für ein Stück seiner Lieblingssorte Wensleydale alles um sich vergisst, und sein vierbeiniger Freund Gromit, der ständig dafür sorgen muss, dass nichts außer Kontrolle gerät, jagen ein furchtbares Ungeheuer. Nacht für Nacht verschwinden die schönsten Gewächse aus den Gemüsebeeten der Stadt. Das ist umso schlimmer, weil die prächtigsten Gartenfrüchte doch beim jährlichen Gemüsewettbewerb prämiert werden sollen. Die Jagd auf das diebische Monster beginnt …
Gesamte Besetzung von Wallace & Gromit - Auf der Jagd nach dem Riesenkaninchen
Ralph Fiennes
Victor Quartermaine (voice)
Ralph Fiennes delivered a deliciously dastardly performance as the voice of Victor Quartermaine in the stop-motion animated film "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit." His portrayal of the pompous and scheming aristocrat added a layer of sophistication and wit to the character, whose name itself is a play on "vulture." Fiennes's vocal work was both smooth and menacing, capturing the essence of Victor's ruthless ambition to win the annual Giant Vegetable Competition and his willingness to eliminate any competition—even if it means destroying Wallace's humane pest control business. His performance was a highlight of the film, providing a charismatic and memorable villain, perfectly complementing the quirky and endearing duo of Wallace and Gromit. Fiennes's ability to blend suaveness with underlying malice made Victor Quartermaine a character that audiences loved to hate, further cementing the actor's versatility and his ability to excel in roles that require both depth and comedic timing.
Helena Bonham Carter
Lady Campanula Tottington (voice)
Helena Bonham Carter brought her unique vocal talents to the role of Lady Campanula Tottington in the delightful stop-motion animated film "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit." As the object of Wallace's affection, Carter infused Lady Tottington with a charming blend of aristocratic poise and endearing vulnerability. Her performance captured the character's gentle spirit and genuine kindness, making her an instantly lovable figure within the quirky world of Wallace and Gromit. Carter's voicework was both expressive and nuanced, highlighting Lady Tottington's intelligence and determination, especially as she navigated the peculiar circumstances surrounding the garden-ravaging were-rabbit. Her interactions with Wallace, voiced by Peter Sallis, were delivered with a chemistry that was both humorous and heartfelt, contributing to the film's whimsical charm and the enduring appeal of the Wallace & Gromit franchise. Carter's rendition of Lady Tottington remains a testament to her ability to craft a memorable and engaging character using nothing more than her voice, enhancing the film's magic and enchanting audiences of all ages.
Crew von Wallace & Gromit - Auf der Jagd nach dem Riesenkaninchen
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