Neues Spiel. Neue Regeln.
Sidney kehrt in ihr Heimatdorf zurück. Zehn Jahre sind vergangen, seitdem sie sich zum letzten Mal mit dem verrückten Maskenmann duellieren musste. Doch unmittelbar nach ihrer Ankunft klingelt wieder das Telefon: Der Killer meldet sich zurück. Und lässt Taten folgen: Sidney, ihre Freunde und die Teenager der Stadt können sich nach ersten Morden nicht mehr sicher fühlen. Und während man mit Debatten über die veränderten Regeln des Horrorfilms dem Modus Operandi des Irren auf die Spur kommen will, geht das Töten unvermindert weiter.
Gesamte Besetzung von Scream 4
Neve Campbell
Sidney Prescott
Neve Campbell's performance as Sidney Prescott in 'Scream 4' is a testament to her versatility and talent as an actress. Despite the decade-long gap since the previous installment, Campbell effortlessly slips back into the role, portraying Sidney's resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Her ability to convey fear, vulnerability, and determination all at once adds depth to her character, making her a relatable and compelling protagonist. Campbell's performance is a standout in the film, proving that she is an integral part of the 'Scream' franchise.
Emma Roberts delivers a standout performance as Jill Roberts in "Scream 4". She expertly portrays the character's complex nature, balancing her role as the seemingly innocent niece of Sidney Prescott with her darker, more sinister side. Roberts's ability to switch between these personas is impressive, making her character both intriguing and unpredictable. Her performance adds a fresh layer to the "Scream" franchise, proving that she is a force to be reckoned with in the horror genre.
Hayden Panettiere
Kirby Reed
In "Scream 4", Hayden Panettiere delivers a standout performance as Kirby Reed, a character who is both intelligent and witty, yet also vulnerable and relatable. Panettiere brings a fresh energy to the role, expertly balancing Kirby's horror movie knowledge and pop culture references with her genuine fear and determination to survive. Her portrayal of Kirby's quick thinking and resourcefulness in the face of danger is particularly impressive, making her a fan favorite in the "Scream" franchise. Overall, Panettiere's performance is a highlight of the film and showcases her versatility as an actress.
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