Sei bereit, um dein Leben zu rennen!
Eines Tages wacht Thomas in einem Aufzug auf, aber das einzige, woran er sich erinnern kann, ist sein Vorname. Seine gesamten restlichen Erinnerungen sind verschwunden. Er stellt fest, dass er nicht allein ist: Als sich die Aufzugtür öffnet, strömen weitere Kinder auf ihn zu und begrüßen ihn. Der Ort, an dem er angekommen ist, nennt sich „die Lichtung“ und wird von einer großen Steinwand umschlossen. Genau wie Thomas wissen auch die anderen Kinder nicht, warum sie dort sind und wie sie dorthin gelangt sind. Sie wissen nur, dass sich jeden Tag große Türen in der Steinwand zu einem Irrgarten öffnen, der hinter den Mauern liegt. Nachts schließen sich die Türen wieder und alle 30 Tage wird ein neuer Jugendlicher mit dem Aufzug gebracht...
Gesamte Besetzung von Maze Runner - Die Auserwählten im Labyrinth
Kaya Scodelario
Teresa Agnes
Kaya Scodelario delivered a compelling performance as Teresa Agnes in "The Maze Runner," a pivotal character in the film adaptation of James Dashner's young adult dystopian novel. As the only female Glader initially, Teresa's mysterious arrival in the all-male dominated Glade setting immediately brings a dynamic shift to the group's dynamics. Scodelario portrays Teresa with a nuanced blend of vulnerability and inner strength, effectively capturing the character's struggle to understand her role in the enigmatic maze and her connection to the other characters, especially the protagonist, Thomas, played by Dylan O'Brien. Her performance is marked by a palpable chemistry with the cast and an ability to convey deep emotion with subtlety. Scodelario's Teresa is not just a love interest but a key player in the unfolding narrative, showcasing intelligence, determination, and a sense of moral conflict as she navigates the treacherous world they inhabit. Her portrayal adds significant depth to the ensemble, making Teresa a memorable character in the franchise and highlighting Scodelario's range as a young actress.
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Thomas Brodie-Sangster's portrayal of Newt in "The Maze Runner" is a standout performance that brings depth and complexity to the character. As Newt, Brodie-Sangster embodies the role of the second-in-command in the Glade, a makeshift society of boys trapped in a mysterious, ever-changing maze. His character is the heart of the group, often serving as the voice of reason and the emotional anchor for the protagonist, Thomas. Brodie-Sangster captures Newt's internal struggle between hope and despair, as he grapples with the reality of their situation while maintaining a sense of responsibility for his fellow Gladers. His performance is marked by a nuanced balance of warmth, authority, and vulnerability, which endears Newt to the audience and provides a compelling contrast to the more aggressive and survival-driven personalities within the film. Brodie-Sangster's ability to convey Newt's underlying kindness, intelligence, and quiet leadership adds layers to the film's exploration of loyalty, friendship, and resilience in the face of adversity.
Patricia Clarkson
Ava Paige
Patricia Davies Clarkson[1] (* 29. Dezember 1959 in New Orleans, Louisiana) ist eine US-amerikanische...