Besetzung und Crew von Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht

Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht

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Auf der schroffen Insel Berk, wo seit Generationen eine erbitterte Feindschaft zwischen Wikingern und Drachen wütet, erweist sich Hicks als Außenseiter. Der einfallsreiche, jedoch unterschätzte Sohn von Häuptling Haudrauf widersetzt sich jahrhundertealten Traditionen, als er sich mit dem gefürchteten Nachtschatten-Drachen Ohnezahn anfreundet. Ihre außergewöhnliche Verbindung enthüllt nicht nur die wahre Natur der Drachen – sie stellt die Werteordnung aller Wikinger in Frage. Mit der ehrgeizigen und kämpferischen Astrid und dem schrulligen Waffenschmied Grobian an seiner Seite stellt sich Hicks einer Welt, die von Angst und Missverständnissen zerfressen ist. Als eine alte Bedrohung sowohl Wikinger als auch Drachen in Gefahr bringt, wird seine Freundschaft zu Ohnezahn zum Schlüssel für eine bessere Zukunft.

Gesamte Besetzung von Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht

Gerard Butler as Stoick the Vast

Gerard Butler

Stoick the Vast
Gerard Butler delivers a commanding and heartfelt performance as Stoick the Vast in the animated adventure "How to Train Your Dragon." As the chieftain of the Viking tribe in Berk, Stoick embodies the quintessential leader—strong, fierce, and unyielding in the face of danger, particularly the persistent dragon attacks that plague his village. His booming voice and imposing physique perfectly capture the character's larger-than-life presence. Yet, beneath Stoick's tough exterior, Butler manages to convey a deep tenderness and vulnerability, especially in his interactions with his son, Hiccup. His journey from a warrior set in his ways to a father embracing his son's unconventional wisdom is both compelling and emotionally resonant. Butler's performance highlights the complexity of Stoick's character, balancing the chieftain's duty to his people with his personal growth, ultimately endearing him to audiences as a protective and loving father figure. His portrayal is a testament to his versatility as an actor, capable of bringing depth and humanity to an animated character, making Stoick the Vast one of the most memorable and beloved figures in the film.
Nick Frost as Gobber the Belch

Nick Frost

Gobber the Belch
Nick Frost's portrayal of Gobber the Belch in the animated film "How to Train Your Dragon" is a delightful blend of gruffness and heart, bringing to life a character that is both a seasoned Viking warrior and a mentor to the young protagonist, Hiccup. With his rich, sonorous voice, Frost infuses Gobber with a commanding presence, embodying the tough love that is characteristic of the burly blacksmith. His comedic timing adds a layer of levity to the film, often providing much-needed humor amidst the high-stakes drama of dragon training and Viking lore. Frost's performance is particularly notable in the way he conveys Gobber's softer side, revealing a depth of care and wisdom beneath the rough exterior, which endears the character to the audience and underscores the film's themes of understanding, acceptance, and the unexpected bonds that can form between friends and foes alike.