ZOS: Zone of Separation is a Canadian television drama mini-series, co-executive produced by Paul Gross. It is an eight-part Canadian original drama mini-series about the life and death struggle to enforce a U.N.-brokered ceasefire in the fictional, Sarajevo-like town of Jadac.
Colm J. Meaney (born 30 May 1953) is an Irish actor widely known for playing Miles O'Brien in Star Trek: The Next Gen...
See Colm Meaney's other roles →Lolita Davidovich (born July 15, 1961) is a Canadian film and television actress, best known for portraying Blaze Sta...
See Lolita Davidovich's other roles →Mena Alexandra Suvari (born February 13, 1979) is an American actress, producer, fashion designer and model. After be...
See Mena Suvari's other roles →