终极斗士 的演职人员



家道中落,汤姆无奈之下跟随父亲搬到了贫民窟,在这里,残酷的生活等待着他。一名拳击经纪人看上了体格健壮的汤姆并将他介绍给了拳击教练诺亚,没过多久,经验丰富的诺亚就将汤姆训练成为了一名职业拳击手。   首战告捷的诺亚吸引了拳击俱乐部老板何恩的注意,他买下了汤姆父亲所欠下的全部债务,就这样,汤姆成为了何恩赚钱的工具。在拳击场上,汤姆结识了志同道合的好友林肯,两人饰生活中的好伙伴,同时也是赛场上的竞争对手。随着时间的推移,汤姆逐渐看清了何恩贪婪而又残忍的真面目,与此同时,汤姆得知,他的下一个对手,竟然正是林肯。

终极斗士 的完整演员阵容

Robert Loggia as Pappy Jack

Robert Loggia

Pappy Jack
Robert Loggia delivered a commanding performance as Pappy Jack in the epic film "Gladiator," directed by Ridley Scott. Despite his relatively brief screen time, Loggia imbued his character with a rugged gravitas that left an indelible mark on the narrative. Pappy Jack, the seasoned gladiator trainer, is first seen as a hardened figure who initially views Russell Crowe's Maximus with skepticism. Yet, as the story progresses, Loggia's portrayal reveals the depth of Pappy Jack's wisdom, loyalty, and compassion, particularly in his interactions with Maximus and the other gladiators. His gruff exterior belies a paternal warmth and a sharp strategic mind, which are crucial in guiding Maximus through the treacherous world of the arena. Loggia's performance is a testament to his ability to convey complex character dynamics in a nuanced and compelling manner, making Pappy Jack a memorable and pivotal character in the tale of revenge and redemption that is "Gladiator."
Brian Dennehy as Jimmy Horn

Brian Dennehy

Jimmy Horn
Brian Dennehy's portrayal of Jimmy Horn in the 1992 film "Gladiator" is a standout performance that showcases his remarkable ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters. As the gruff, aging boxing trainer, Dennehy embodies the weary wisdom of a man who has spent his life in the rough-and-tumble world of amateur fighting. His performance is imbued with a sense of gravitas and lived experience, capturing the essence of someone who has seen both the triumphs and the pitfalls of the sport. Dennehy's Horn is a complex figure, equal parts mentor and father figure to the film's protagonist, Tommy Riley, played by James Marshall. His gruff exterior and no-nonsense attitude mask a deep-seated compassion and a fierce determination to protect those he cares about. In every scene, Dennehy delivers a powerful and nuanced performance, making Jimmy Horn a character that audiences remember for his integrity and his heart. His interactions with the other characters, particularly with Tommy, are filled with genuine moments of tenderness and tough love, which serve as the emotional anchor of the film. Brian Dennehy's work in "Gladiator" is a testament to his talent for crafting characters that feel real and relatable, making his performance as Jimmy Horn one of the highlights of his distinguished career.
Cara Buono as Dawn

Cara Buono


Cara Buono(1971 年 3 月 1 日出生)是一位美国女演员、编剧和导演,因在 AMC 电视剧《广告狂人》第四季中饰演 Faye Miller 博士、在《黑道家族》第六季中饰演 Kelli Moltisanti、在...

John Heard as John Riley

John Heard

John Riley

小约翰·赫德(1946 年 3 月 7 日 - 2017 年 7 月 21 日)是一位美国演员。他出演了许多成功的电影,包括《心跳》(1980 年)、《刀客之路》(1981 年)、《猫人》(1982 年)、《海滩》(1988...

Jon Seda as Romano

Jon Seda


乔纳森·塞达 (Jonathan Seda) 是一位波多黎各血统的美国演员,最出名的是他在 NBC 的芝加哥警察局中饰演侦探安东尼奥·道森,以及在 NBC...