Your Lie in April 的演职人员

Your Lie in April



Your Lie in April 的主演阵容

Natsuki Hanae as Kousei Arima (voice)

Natsuki Hanae

Kousei Arima (voice) (23 episodes)
Natsuki Hanae's portrayal of Kousei Arima in the anime "Your Lie in April" is a masterclass in voice acting, capturing the complex emotional journey of a child prodigy pianist grappling with the loss of his mother and his subsequent inability to hear the music he plays. Hanae's performance is nuanced and compelling, seamlessly transitioning from the stoic and detached demeanor of a boy who has shut himself off from the world to the raw vulnerability of one who is slowly being drawn back into the light by the passionate violinist Kaori Miura. His voice work conveys the depth of Kousei's internal struggle, pain, and eventual healing with a sensitivity that resonates deeply with the audience. Hanae's rendition of Kousei's internal monologues and interactions with other characters adds layers to the narrative, making the protagonist's evolution from a life in monochrome to one filled with color a poignant and memorable experience. His ability to express the subtleties of Kousei's emotional state, whether it be through quiet introspection or bursts of teenage angst, is a testament to his range and skill as a voice actor, making the character not just heard but felt.
Ayane Sakura as Tsubaki Sawabe (voice)

Ayane Sakura

Tsubaki Sawabe (voice) (23 episodes)
Ayane Sakura delivered a nuanced and emotionally resonant performance as Tsubaki Sawabe in the poignant anime series "Your Lie in April" (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso). Her voice work beautifully captured the character's internal struggle between her long-standing, sisterly affection for the protagonist, Kousei Arima, and her emerging romantic feelings towards him. Sakura's portrayal of Tsubaki was both tender and fierce, effectively conveying the character's protectiveness and the complexity of her emotions as she navigates the challenges of adolescence and the shifts in her relationships. Her ability to oscillate between moments of playful banter and profound emotional depth added layers to Tsubaki's personality, making her a relatable and empathetic figure. Sakura's performance was a standout element of the series, contributing significantly to the emotional impact of the story and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.
Ryota Osaka as Ryouta Watari (voice)

Ryota Osaka

Ryouta Watari (voice) (23 episodes)
Ryota Osaka's portrayal of Ryouta Watari in the animated series "Your Lie in April" is a standout performance that brings depth and charm to the character. Watari, known for his charismatic and carefree demeanor, is expertly voiced by Osaka, who captures the character's light-hearted nature and underlying complexity. Osaka's voice work is particularly commendable during Watari's interactions with the other main characters, where he effortlessly balances humor with moments of introspection and emotional support. His performance highlights Watari's role as a friend and confidant, providing a stable backdrop to the more turbulent emotional journeys of the protagonists. Osaka's nuanced delivery during pivotal scenes adds layers to Watari's personality, revealing his hidden insecurities and the maturity behind his playful exterior. Overall, Osaka's voice acting contributes significantly to the character's likability and the overall emotional impact of the series, making Ryouta Watari a memorable and beloved character in the hearts of "Your Lie in April" fans.
Saori Hayami as Igawa Emi (voice)

Saori Hayami

Igawa Emi (voice) (22 episodes) , Emi Igawa (voice) (12 episodes)

早见沙织(日语:早見 沙織/はやみ さおり Hayami Saori,1991年5月29日—)是日本女性声优、歌手。毕业于早稻田大学,I'm...

Yuki Kaji as Aiza Takeshi (voice)

Yuki Kaji

Aiza Takeshi (voice) (22 episodes) , Takeshi Aiza (voice) (14 episodes)

梶裕贵(かじ ゆうき,Kaji Yuuki),1985年9月3日出生在东京都,日本男性声优、歌手、演员,所属事务所为VIMS,唱片公司为Lantis。

Ai Kayano as Aiza Nagi (voice)

Ai Kayano

Aiza Nagi (voice) (22 episodes)

茅野爱衣(日语:茅野 愛衣/かやの あい Kayano...

Shizuka Ishigami as Nao Kashiwagi (voice)

Shizuka Ishigami

Nao Kashiwagi (voice) (12 episodes)


Your Lie in April 的配角阵容

Nobuo Tobita as Mr. Kazama (voice)

Nobuo Tobita

Mr. Kazama (voice) (4 episodes)

飞田展男,1959年11月6日生于日本茨城县水户市,声优、舞台剧演员。 可以说是日本男声优中的“变色龙”,他的角色反差极大。 最为夸张的对比就是《安琪莉可》中的水之守护圣卢米埃和《烈火之炎》中的土门,一个美一个丑,一个柔弱一个健壮...

Mamiko Noto as Saki Arima (voice)

Mamiko Noto

Saki Arima (voice) (11 episodes)

能登麻美子(日语:能登 麻美子/のと まみこ Noto...

Inori Minase as Megu (voice)

Inori Minase

Megu (voice) (1 episode) , Koharu Seto (voice) (9 episodes)

水濑祈(真名:清野有沙)是日本的女性声优、演员、歌手,东京都出身,所属声优事务所为AXL-ONE,唱片公司为King Records。 东京都出身。 曾经在チャームキッズ(Charm...

Atsuko Tanaka as Yuriko Ochiai (voice)

Atsuko Tanaka

Yuriko Ochiai (voice) (9 episodes)


Naomi Shindo as Ryouko Miyazono (voice)

Naomi Shindo

Ryouko Miyazono (voice) (4 episodes)


Ai Kayano as Nagi Aiza (voice)

Ai Kayano

Nagi Aiza (voice) (8 episodes)

茅野爱衣(日语:茅野 愛衣/かやの あい Kayano...

Atsuko Yuya as Takeshi's Mother (voice)

Atsuko Yuya

Takeshi's Mother (voice) (1 episode)

汤屋敦子是日本的舞台女演员、女配音员,所属剧团昴。长崎县出身。 代表作有“史密斯夫妇”的珍・史密斯、“名侦探柯南”的佐藤美和子、“急诊室的故事”系列的桃莉丝・皮克曼和“24小时”的蜜雪儿・戴斯勒等等。

Daichi Hayashi as Audience Member (voice)

Daichi Hayashi

Audience Member (voice) (1 episode)

日本的男性声优,群马县出身,所属事务所为Arts Vision。

Ai Kakuma as Clerk (voice)

Ai Kakuma

Clerk (voice) (1 episode) , Girl (voice) (1 episode)

加隈亚衣是日本的女性声优。 以不想给家人添麻烦为理由,而在高中毕业后做了4年的OL,但还是无法放弃成为声优的想法而上京,成为Mausu Promotion附属养成所的第26期生,并于2013年4月开始隶属于Mausu...

Yusuke Kobayashi as Opponent in Soccer Match (voice)

Yusuke Kobayashi

Opponent in Soccer Match (voice) (1 episode) , Contestant (voice) (2 episodes)

小林裕介(こばやし ゆうすけ,Kobayashi Yuusuke),1985年3月25日出生于日本东京都,日本的男性声优,所属事务所为YU-RIN...

Maria Naganawa as Softball Club Member (voice)

Maria Naganawa

Softball Club Member (voice) (1 episode)

长绳麻理亚是日本的女性声优。I'm Enterprise所属。 爱知县出身,毕业于日本播音演技研究所。 成为声优的契机是在国中时代参与呼吁禁烟运动的时候,曾被路上的人称赞...

Rie Takahashi as Audience Member (voice)

Rie Takahashi

Audience Member (voice) (1 episode)


Ayaka Asai as Woman (voice)

Ayaka Asai

Woman (voice) (1 episode)

朝井彩加是日本女性演员、声优,东映摄影所所属,静冈县出身 2013年1月1日起隶属于剧团青年座。同年AMUSEMENT...

Haruki Ishiya as Male Student (voice)

Haruki Ishiya

Male Student (voice) (1 episode) , Audience Member (voice) (1 episode)


You Taichi as Audience Member (voice)

You Taichi

Audience Member (voice) (1 episode)


Yukitoshi Kikuchi as Soccer Club Member (voice)

Yukitoshi Kikuchi

Soccer Club Member (voice) (1 episode)


Marika Kouno as Female Student (voice)

Marika Kouno

Female Student (voice) (1 episode)

高野麻里佳是日本的女性声优。Mausu Promotion所属。东京都出身。声优组合“TEAM OHENRO。”、“EARPHONES”的成员

Ayaka Suwa as Boy (voice)

Ayaka Suwa

Boy (voice) (1 episode)

诹访彩花是日本的女性声优。 爱知县日进市出身,但出生地是爱知县名古屋市。 毕业于日本播音演技研究所 。 2011年,声优出道。 2014年4月,出演电视动画《恶魔的谜语》东兔角兔爷一角,为首次主役角色。

Makoto Furukawa as Male Student (voice)

Makoto Furukawa

Male Student (voice) (1 episode)

日本的男性声优,熊本县出身,所属事务所为Space Craft Entertainment。

Daiki Hamano as Nurse (voice)

Daiki Hamano

Nurse (voice) (1 episode)

滨野大辉(1989年3月30日- )是一名日本的男性声优,东京都出身,所属事务所为Arts Vision。为《名侦探柯南》、《虫师·续章》、《四月是你的谎言》等多部作品中的角色配过音。