热爱爵士乐的中学音乐教师乔伊·高纳(杰米·福克斯 配)不懈地追逐梦想,最终获得梦寐以求的登台演奏机会。可因为一次意外事故,乔伊的肉体几近死亡,而灵魂却误入了一个人类经验之外的奇幻之境——“生之来处”。原来,“生之来处”是所有灵魂先于地球之前而存在的独特空间。在这里,人类的自我意识在生命诞生之前先在地被赋予,每个灵魂只有觅得自身的“火花”,才能投身于地球。也是在这里,决心重返地球的乔伊遇见了一个孤僻、早熟而厌世的灵魂“22”(蒂娜·菲 配),后者由于迟迟未能找寻到自身的“火花”,而长时间游荡停留于此。一次阴差阳错的经历,乔伊和“22”的命运互相牵连,两人重返地球,共同体验了一段诡谲而奇妙的生命旅程,并开始重构自身存在的价值与意义…
心灵奇旅 的完整演员阵容
Jamie Foxx
Joe Gardner (voice)
Jamie Foxx delivers a captivating performance as Joe Gardner in the animated film 'Soul'. His voice acting brings the character to life, infusing Joe's passion for music and his existential journey with authenticity and emotion. Foxx's portrayal is nuanced and heartfelt, allowing viewers to connect with Joe's struggles and triumphs as he navigates the realms of life and the afterlife. The performance adds depth to the character and contributes significantly to the film's exploration of purpose and meaning.
Tina Fey's performance as 22 in the movie 'Soul' is a delightful blend of humor and heart. As a soul who's reluctant to live, her character's sarcasm and wit provide a stark contrast to the earnestness of Jamie Foxx's Joe. Fey's comedic timing is impeccable, making every line delivery a laugh-out-loud moment. Yet, beneath the humor, she also manages to convey a sense of vulnerability and fear that makes 22 a relatable and endearing character. Her performance adds a unique charm to the film, making it an unforgettable experience.
Alice Braga
Counselor Jerry (voice)
Alice Braga delivers a captivating performance as Counselor Jerry in the movie 'Soul'. Her voice acting is both soothing and authoritative, perfectly embodying the character's role as a mentor to the protagonist. Braga's delivery is nuanced and expressive, adding depth to the philosophical themes of the film. Her performance is a standout, contributing to the overall charm and impact of 'Soul'.
Richard Ayoade
Counselor Jerry (voice)
Richard Ayoade's performance as Counselor Jerry (voice) in the movie 'Soul' is a standout. His distinctively dry and witty delivery brings a unique charm to the character, making Jerry both entertaining and endearing. Ayoade's comedic timing and ability to convey a wide range of emotions through his voice alone add depth to the character, making him a memorable part of the film.
心灵奇旅 的制作团队
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