我的见鬼女友 的演职人员


오싹한 연애

When her scariest secret revealed, you will be.

  偶然的机会,街头魔术师马兆邱(李民基 饰)结识了面带忧郁和惆怅女子姜予丽(孙艺珍 饰)。予丽的神情给了他无限启发,他邀请予丽与之合作,共同编排的鬼魂表演引起巨大的轰动,整个团队都热情高涨。但是予丽从不参加团队的庆功宴,好不容易参加还大量酗酒,胡言乱语,闹得场面分外尴尬。   在此之后,兆邱反而对予丽更加感兴趣,他尝试走入予丽的家中,却发现这个女孩身边却充满了可以看到的鬼魂。更可怕的是,鬼魂也跟在了兆邱的身边。以此为契机,两个完全有着不同人生的人彼此渐渐了解,兆邱也开始了解予丽悲惨的过去……

我的见鬼女友 的完整演员阵容

Park Cheol-min as Pil-dong

Park Cheol-min

Park Cheol-min delivers a captivating performance as Pil-dong in the South Korean film 'Spellbound', imbuing the character with a blend of charm and enigma that becomes the heartbeat of the movie's supernatural romance. Pil-dong is a street magician with a mysterious past, and Park portrays him with a magnetic allure, drawing the audience into his world of illusion and hidden depths. His ability to convey the character's inner turmoil and longing for connection, despite the spectral curse that prevents him from having physical contact, adds a layer of poignancy to his interactions with the film's protagonist, played by Son Ye-jin. Park's nuanced performance is a delicate dance between the character's swagger as a confident showman and his vulnerability as someone yearning for genuine human touch and affection, making Pil-dong a memorable and multifaceted character that resonates with viewers long after the credits roll.