Vinland Saga 的演职人员

Vinland Saga





Vinland Saga 的主演阵容

Naoya Uchida as Askeladd (voice)

Naoya Uchida

Askeladd (voice) (28 episodes)
Naoya Uchida's portrayal of the complex character Askeladd in the anime "Vinland Saga" is nothing short of masterful. His voice work exquisitely captures the nuanced layers of Askeladd's personality, from his cunning and ruthless strategic mind to his hidden vulnerabilities and deeper motivations. Uchida's performance is a study in subtlety and depth, as he navigates the character's duality as both a fearsome Viking warrior and a tormented leader, driven by a personal history that is as tragic as it is compelling. His voice carries the weight of Askeladd's burdens and the sharpness of his intellect, providing a vocal presence that is both commanding and hauntingly melancholic. Uchida's delivery of Askeladd's dialogue, often laced with sarcasm and a dark sense of humor, adds to the character's enigmatic allure, making him one of the most intriguing and memorable characters in the series. The emotional resonance and gravitas that Uchida brings to the role elevate Askeladd beyond the archetypal antagonist, turning him into a character that viewers can't help but be drawn to, despite his morally ambiguous actions. His performance is a testament to the power of voice acting in bringing animated characters to life and has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the legacy of "Vinland Saga."
Kensho Ono as Canute (voice)

Kensho Ono

Canute (voice) (34 episodes)
Kensho Ono delivers a compelling and nuanced performance as Canute in the anime adaptation of "Vinland Saga," a series that delves into themes of revenge, politics, and the search for identity amidst the backdrop of Viking invasions in medieval England. As Canute, Ono manages to capture the complexities of a young prince burdened by expectation and the weight of lineage. His voicework is pivotal in portraying Canute's internal struggle between the gentle, introspective soul longing for peace and the ruthless, strategic leader he must become to survive and ultimately ascend to power. Ono's performance is particularly striking in the moments where Canute's vulnerability peeks through his stoic façade, lending a depth to the character that resonates with the audience, making his evolution from a meek, terror-stricken prince to a formidable king both believable and emotionally engaging. His vocal range and control allow him to convey Canute's transformation with subtlety, making his portrayal of the character one of the highlights of the series.
Hiroki Yasumoto as Bjorn (voice)

Hiroki Yasumoto

Bjorn (voice) (25 episodes)
Hiroki Yasumoto delivers a commanding and emotionally resonant performance as Bjorn in the anime adaptation of "Vinland Saga." His deep, resonant voice perfectly captures the essence of the character, a bear of a man who serves as a loyal retainer to the merciless warrior Askeladd. Yasumoto's Bjorn is a complex figure, balancing the fierce loyalty and dedication of a seasoned Viking warrior with an underlying sense of honor and empathy. His interactions with other characters, particularly his leader Askeladd and the young Thorfinn, are layered with subtext and genuine pathos, revealing a man who is both a formidable fighter and a thoughtful, introspective individual. Yasumoto's nuanced performance is a testament to his ability to convey depth and subtlety, ensuring that Bjorn's presence is felt long after his scenes have ended. His voice work not only does justice to the character's stature in the manga but also adds a rich, human dimension to the epic tale of revenge and redemption that lies at the heart of "Vinland Saga."
Akio Otsuka as Thorkell (voice)

Akio Otsuka

Thorkell (voice) (25 episodes)
Akio Otsuka delivers a commanding and memorable performance as Thorkell in the anime adaptation of "Vinland Saga," a series known for its deep characters and rich historical setting. Otsuka's powerful voice breathes life into Thorkell, a towering and formidable Jomsviking mercenary known for his battle lust and larger-than-life persona. His performance captures the complex nature of Thorkell's character, balancing the fearsome warrior's love for the thrill of combat with his unexpected moments of warmth and camaraderie. Otsuka's portrayal adds depth to Thorkell's interactions, whether he's charging headfirst into the fray with a boisterous laugh or engaging in introspective conversations that reveal the heart beneath his fearsome exterior. His ability to convey Thorkell's nuanced personality—from his roaring battle cries to his contemplative musings— contributes significantly to the character's standing as one of the most captivating figures in "Vinland Saga," earning him praise from fans and critics alike.

Vinland Saga 的配角阵容

Hideaki Tezuka as Ketil (voice)

Hideaki Tezuka

Ketil (voice) (24 episodes) , Ketil (voice) (13 episodes)


Mugihito as Sverkel (voice)


Sverkel (voice) (24 episodes) , Sverkel (voice) (10 episodes)

麦人,日本男性配音演员、舞台演员,出身于东京都武藏野市。目前隶属于Best Position事务所。本名以及旧艺名为“寺田诚(日语:てらだ...

Yoji Ueda as Soldier of the Danish Army (voice)

Yoji Ueda

Soldier of the Danish Army (voice) (1 episode) , English Soldier (voice) (1 episode) , Soldier of the English Army (voice) (1 episode) , Leif Ericson (voice) (17 episodes)


Shizuka Ishigami as Young Thorfinn (voice)

Shizuka Ishigami

Young Thorfinn (voice) (10 episodes)


Reina Kondo as Hordaland (voice)

Reina Kondo

Hordaland (voice) (2 episodes)

近藤玲奈是日本的女性声优、歌手,隶属于Hirata Office。

Kappei Yamaguchi as Jabbathe (voice)

Kappei Yamaguchi

Jabbathe (voice) (1 episode)


Takayuki Sugo as Sweyn (voice)

Takayuki Sugo

Sweyn (voice) (15 episodes)

菅生隆之(日语:菅生 隆之/すごう たかゆき Sugō...

Satoshi Hino as Willibald (voice)

Satoshi Hino

Willibald (voice) (9 episodes)


Riho Sugiyama as Daughter (voice)

Riho Sugiyama

Daughter (voice) (1 episode)

杉山里穗是日本的女性声优。札幌漫画専门学校、动画&声优専门学校卒业。 2013年加入YU-RIN PRO。2018年加入Mausu Promotion。

Kenji Nomura as Commander of Jabbathe's Forces (voice)

Kenji Nomura

Commander of Jabbathe's Forces (voice) (1 episode)

曾就读于仓敷市立茶屋町小学和仓敷市立东阳中学,冈山县立仓敷天城高等学校毕业。昵称是“ノムチン”和“ノムケン”。 大学来到东京,瞒着父母在高桑慎一郎主办的学校学习声优的素养,经过俳协和配音演员工作室后成为AKSENT所属。所属后在映像...

Kaori Motoyama as Woman at the Royal Court (voice)

Kaori Motoyama

Woman at the Royal Court (voice) (1 episode)


Yumi Hara as Anne (voice)

Yumi Hara

Anne (voice) (1 episode)

原由实是日本的女性声优、歌手。 高中毕业后成为国家公务员,在当地的大阪邮局担任日本邮政公社事务员工作的同时还在声优事务所上课,在苦恼选择工作时最终决定进行声优的活动(国家公务员法有禁止兼职的规定),为此辞去邮局工作后上京。此外,由于...

Ikumi Hasegawa as Anne's Brother (voice)

Ikumi Hasegawa

Anne's Brother (voice) (1 episode)


Shinya Hamazoe as Clan Leader (voice)

Shinya Hamazoe

Clan Leader (voice) (1 episode) , Lizard (voice) (1 episode) , Clan Leader (voice) (1 episode) , Member of Askeladd's Mercenaries (voice) (1 episode)

滨添伸也(はまぞえ しんや,Hamazoe Shinya),9月6日出生于日本石川县,男性声优,所属事务所为Across Entertainment。主要作品:2016年参与配音电影《你的名字。》。

Sayaka Ohara as Lydia (voice)

Sayaka Ohara

Lydia (voice) (2 episodes)

大原沙耶香,日本女性声优、播音员,隶属于东京俳优生活协同组合,青山学院大学文学院英语文学系毕业,隶属于贤Production的声优大原崇是亲弟弟。 其演技的幅度很广,主要是出演成人女性角色,也有过客串少年的经历。据说是以在心中想好角...

Nao Toyama as Lotta (voice)

Nao Toyama

Lotta (voice) (1 episode)

东山奈央(日语:東山 奈央/とうやま なお Tōyama...

Shinpachi Tsuji as Ethelred (voice)

Shinpachi Tsuji

Ethelred (voice) (1 episode)


Yasuhiro Mamiya as Wulf (voice)

Yasuhiro Mamiya

Wulf (voice) (9 episodes)

间宫康弘(1981年12月7日[1]—),日本男性配音员。出身于千叶县。身高173.5cm。AB型血。Kenyu Office所属。高中毕业后,进入日本工学院专门学校学习2年。

Chinatsu Akasaki as Estrid (voice)

Chinatsu Akasaki

Estrid (voice) (2 episodes)

赤崎千夏是日本的女性声优。 鹿儿岛县出身。 于鹿儿岛县立锦江湾高等学校,东京学艺大学教育学部演剧専修毕业。 2008年,获得VOICE NewtypeSUMMER AUDITION2008文化化放送赏、81...

Yuuki Wakai as Handmaiden (voice)

Yuuki Wakai

Handmaiden (voice) (1 episode) , Child (voice) (1 episode)

若井友希,日本女性声优、歌手。出身于岐阜县,81 Produce所属

Takuya Masumoto as Gardar (voice)

Takuya Masumoto

Gardar (voice) (5 episodes)

增元拓也 (Takuya Masumoto),日本男性配音演员,出生于广岛县。

Vinland Saga 的制作团队

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