TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You 的演职人员

TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You



TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You 的主演阵容

Akari Kito as Tsukasa Yuzaki (voice)

Akari Kito

Tsukasa Yuzaki (voice) (31 episodes)
Akari Kito delivers an enchanting performance as Tsukasa Yuzaki in "TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You". Her nuanced voice acting beautifully captures the character's calm and composed demeanor, while also subtly hinting at the deep affection and vulnerability hidden beneath Tsukasa's soft-spoken exterior. The chemistry between Tsukasa and Nasa, the main protagonist, is brought to life with authenticity and warmth, largely due to Kito's ability to showcase Tsukasa's growth as a character and her burgeoning feelings for her new husband. Kito's portrayal of Tsukasa is a testament to her voice acting prowess, ensuring that viewers will fall in love with the mysterious yet caring heroine.
Konomi Kohara as Chitose Kaginoji (voice)

Konomi Kohara

Chitose Kaginoji (voice) (26 episodes)
Konomi Kohara delivers a remarkable performance as Chitose Kaginoji in 'TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You'. Her voice work masterfully captures the character's multifaceted personality, effortlessly switching between Chitose's adorable, childlike innocence and her fierce, feisty nature. Kohara's ability to consistently deliver a compelling performance, filled with emotion and wit, greatly contributes to making Chitose one of the standout characters in the series, making viewers laugh, gasp, and even shed a tear or two.

TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You 的配角阵容

Shiori Mikami as Ouka Nakiri (voice)

Shiori Mikami

Ouka Nakiri (voice) (12 episodes)

三上枝织,日本女性配音员。隶属于青二制作。出身于青森县,毕业于专门学校东京广播学院 2007年高中毕业后到东京居住,2009年毕业于东京广播学院放送声优科(相当于五专二技),并在第二回声优奖新人发掘甄选会上同时获得七家声优经纪公司的...

Misaki Kuno as Kyuuma Kagami (voice)

Misaki Kuno

Kyuuma Kagami (voice) (12 episodes)

久野美咲(1993年1月19日-)是日本声优、舞台女演员。东京都出身。身高150cm,血型为A型。大泽事务所所属。 作为声优的代表作有《世界征服~谋略之星~》(星宫凯特)、《七大罪》(霍克)、《3月的狮子》(川本桃)等。 作为童星...

Kanae Itou as Naoko Yanagi (voice)

Kanae Itou

Naoko Yanagi (voice) (6 episodes)


Kenta Miyake as Ward office staff (voice)

Kenta Miyake

Ward office staff (voice) (1 episode)

三宅健太(日语:三宅 健太/みやけ けんた Miyake Kenta,1977年8月23日—),日本男性配音员。隶属于81 Produce。出身于冲绳县。身高181cm,体重71kg,血型A型。

Umeka Shouji as Nasa Yuzaki (young) (voice)

Umeka Shouji

Nasa Yuzaki (young) (voice) (1 episode)


Aya Yamane as Reporter (voice)

Aya Yamane

Reporter (voice) (1 episode)


Kousuke Tanabe as Announcer (voice)

Kousuke Tanabe

Announcer (voice) (1 episode)

田边幸辅(日语:田邊 幸輔/たなべ こうすけ Tanabe Kōsuke,2月3日)是生于日本东京都的男性声优。青二制作所属。 毕业于Human Holdings综合学院。在学期间出道,并在‘Animelo Summer Live...

Hitomi Ueda as Clerk (voice)

Hitomi Ueda

Clerk (voice) (1 episode)


Bin Shimada as Shopkeeper (voice)

Bin Shimada

Shopkeeper (voice) (1 episode)

岛田敏是日本的男声优,新潟县新潟市出身,血型B型。从属于青二Production,以前所属Theatre Echo。

Marina Inoue as Landlord (voice)

Marina Inoue

Landlord (voice) (1 episode)

井上麻里奈,日本著名女性声优。1985年1月20日出生于东京都武藏野市。 井上麻里奈的名字里,“井上”是艺名,麻里奈是本名。

Aya Hisakawa as Arisugawa's mother (voice)

Aya Hisakawa

Arisugawa's mother (voice) (3 episodes)


Minami Tsuda as Girl (voice)

Minami Tsuda

Girl (voice) (1 episode)

津田美波,日本女性配音员。隶属于青二Production。出身于神奈川县。 小时候希望将来能成为声优。因为姐姐的梦想是成为作画,自己想为姐姐做的动画配音。 因为很喜欢唱歌,从小四到高三一直在参加儿童合唱团。中学、高中参加的社团都是...

TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You 的制作团队

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