The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest 的演职人员

The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest



  然而,一个勇者打败了邪龙,拯救了世界。 此后,已经过了将近200年的时间。

  在众多的迷宫都市之一的马萨特,住着一个被称为「无能」的男人。 他叫劳斯特,职业是治愈师。 由于他的无能,劳斯特受到其他冒险者的蔑视、利用和抛弃。 他的日子就是这样日复一日的重复着。

  某一天,一个少女出现在了劳斯特的面前。 她叫纳尔赛娜,职业是武道家。 纳尔赛娜对刚刚被队伍驱逐的劳斯特说: “哥哥,你愿意和我组队吗?”


The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest 的完整演员阵容

Kaori Maeda as Narsena (voice)

Kaori Maeda

Narsena (voice) (12 episodes)
Kaori Maeda delivers a standout performance as Narsena in the anime adaptation of "The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest," capturing the essence of her character with a blend of warmth, tenacity, and depth. Narsena, a member of the reincarnation party alongside the protagonist, Alec, is portrayed with a nuanced voice that reflects her unwavering loyalty and the inner strength she possesses. Maeda's vocal work is particularly commendable in conveying Narsena's complex emotions, ranging from her fierce determination in battle to her softer, more vulnerable moments of camaraderie and personal growth. Her energetic and spirited delivery adds a vibrant dynamic to the group's interactions, making Narsena a memorable and endearing character. Maeda's performance not only does justice to the character's multifaceted personality but also enhances the overall narrative, as her voice acting helps to drive the story forward and endears Narsena to the audience as a key player in the unfolding tale of redemption and power.
Kensho Ono as Laust (voice)

Kensho Ono

Laust (voice) (12 episodes)
Kensho Ono delivers a remarkably nuanced performance as Laust in "The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest," a fantasy anime series that follows the adventures of a healer named Alec, who is betrayed by his party but later revealed to be incredibly powerful. Laust, a key member of the titular party, is brought to life by Ono's voice acting, which captures the character's complex blend of bravado and vulnerability. Ono's portrayal adds depth to Laust's journey from a hot-headed, impulsive fighter to a more mature and reflective ally. His vocal range and emotional expressiveness shine through, particularly during pivotal moments of camaraderie and conflict, making Laust a standout character in the series. Ono's performance is a testament to his ability to convey the intricacies of a character's inner world, ensuring that Laust's presence is felt long after the screen fades to black.
Yukari Tamura as Ralma (voice)

Yukari Tamura

Ralma (voice) (12 episodes)

田村由香里是日本的女性声优、歌手。1976年2月27日出生于福冈县,所属事务所为Amuleto。 外号田村大魔王、田村油咖喱。 既是偶像歌手,亦是实力派声优。 以拥有可爱的萝莉声线和高强的配音技术而成名,萝莉、御姐、活泼、天真烂...

Shin'ichirō Miki as Ronaldo (voice)

Shin'ichirō Miki

Ronaldo (voice) (12 episodes)

三木真一郎(日语:三木 眞一郎/みき しんいちろう Miki Shin'ichirō,1968年3月18日—),日本男性声优。出身于东京都。81...