Star Trek 的演职人员

Star Trek

  Star Trek动画版为唯一在中国大陆地区播出的Star Trek“剧集”,译名《星际迷航》。


  《星际迷航:动画版》是一部发生在星际迷航时空的科幻动画电视剧集。当初它在美国播出的时候叫做Star Trek,不过它在西方普遍被称为Star Trek: The Animated Series(星际迷航:动画版,缩写为ST:TAS或TAS)这个较长的名字,以和最初的真人演出的《TOS》作为区别。有时候(例如在官网上)它也被叫做“动画历险”(The Animated Adventures)。

  动画版由飞美逊(Filmation)公司制作,总共播出了两季,1973年和1974年,一共播出了22集,每集半小时。它找来了大部分《TOS》的演员来为他们当初所饰演的角色配音,唯一的例外是帕佛·契可夫(Pavel Chekov,由华特·科宁格(Walter Koenig)饰演),因为预算不足以负担全体演员的片酬,所以没请他参与配音工作。他的角色被其他两个配角所取代:艾瑞克斯(Arex)上尉,他属于一个有三只手与三只脚的种族;以及穆瑞丝(M'Ress)上尉,她是一个像猫的女性外星人。詹姆斯·督汉和玛婕尔·巴瑞特除了为他们所扮演的角色,蒙哥马利·史考特(Montgomery Scott)和克莉丝汀·查培尔(Christine Chapel)配音外,也分别为艾瑞克斯和穆瑞丝配音。


Star Trek 的完整演员阵容

William Shatner as James T. Kirk (voice)

William Shatner

James T. Kirk (voice) (22 episodes)
William Shatner's portrayal of James T. Kirk in the iconic television series "Star Trek" is nothing short of legendary. As the charismatic and fearless captain of the USS Enterprise, Shatner brought a unique blend of authority, passion, and humanity to the role that would forever define the character for generations of fans. His performance was characterized by a dynamic range of emotions, from the stern command of his ship to the tender moments shared with his crew, showcasing Kirk's complex nature as both a bold leader and a sensitive, introspective explorer. Shatner's distinctive vocal inflections and dramatic pauses became trademarks of Captain Kirk, infusing the character with a distinctive swagger and an undeniable presence that commanded attention on the bridge and beyond. His embodiment of Kirk's adventurous spirit and moral compass set the standard for future Starfleet captains and solidified Shatner's place in the annals of science fiction history.
Leonard Nimoy as Spock (voice)

Leonard Nimoy

Spock (voice) (22 episodes)
Leonard Nimoy's portrayal of the character Spock in the original "Star Trek" series, which aired from 1966 to 1969, became an iconic fixture in the science fiction genre, known for his stoic demeanor, logical reasoning, and distinctive pointed ears. Nimoy brought a depth and nuance to the half-Vulcan, half-human science officer of the USS Enterprise, masterfully navigating the character's internal struggle between his emotional human side and his logical Vulcan upbringing. His measured performance, characterized by a calm and collected voice, helped to establish the character as the moral compass of the show, often serving as a counterbalance to the more passionate and impulsive Captain James T. Kirk. Nimoy's Spock was not only a touchstone for the series but also a cultural phenomenon, influencing perceptions of intellect, rationality, and the exploration of the final frontier. His ability to convey profound emotion with the subtlest of expressions or the slightest inflection in his voice made his performance as Spock both memorable and deeply resonant for generations of viewers.
Nichelle Nichols as Uhura (voice)

Nichelle Nichols

Uhura (voice) (22 episodes)
Nichelle Nichols' portrayal of Lieutenant Nyota Uhura in the original "Star Trek" television series, which premiered in 1966, was a groundbreaking achievement in the realm of television and science fiction. As the communications officer aboard the USS Enterprise, Nichols brought a poised, intelligent, and composed presence to the role, delivering her lines with a calm authority that belied the era's stereotypical portrayals of women and people of color. Her performance was not only a beacon of representation, featuring an African American woman in a position of competence and leadership during a time of significant civil rights strides, but it also paved the way for future generations of actors and actresses. Nichols' voice as Uhura was distinctive, characterized by a clear, resonant tone that conveyed confidence and capability, whether she was crisply reporting to Captain Kirk or engaging in the occasional light-hearted banter with her fellow crew members. Her iconic delivery of lines like "Hailing frequencies open, sir" became an indelible part of the show's legacy. Nichols' performance went beyond the screen, inspiring many young viewers, including women and minorities, to envision themselves in roles of influence and expertise, making her not just a character on a show, but a symbol of progress and possibility.
Quentin Tarantino as The Rapist

Quentin Tarantino

The Rapist

昆汀·杰罗姆·塔伦蒂诺(英语:Quentin Jerome...

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