忠厚老实的科尔(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)爱上了神秘莫测的赛迪(安娜·德·阿玛斯 Ana de Armas 饰),却惊诧地发现她是一名秘密特工。在他们决定是否进行第二次约会之前,科尔和赛迪被卷入了一场拯救世界的国际冒险。
神出鬼没 的完整演员阵容
In 'Ghosted', Chris Evans delivers a compelling performance as Cole Turner, a man who finds himself entangled in a world of espionage and danger. Evans brings a sense of charm and charisma to the character, making him instantly likable and relatable. His chemistry with co-star Ana de Armas is palpable, adding depth to their on-screen relationship. Evans also showcases his ability to handle action sequences with ease, making for some thrilling and entertaining moments throughout the film. Overall, his performance as Cole Turner is a testament to his versatility as an actor and adds to the enjoyment of 'Ghosted'.
Ana de Armas delivers a captivating performance as Sadie Rhodes in the movie 'Ghosted'. Her portrayal of the mysterious and alluring character is both compelling and nuanced, showcasing her versatility as an actress. De Armas brings a magnetic presence to the screen, effortlessly drawing viewers into Sadie's complex world. Her chemistry with co-star Chris Evans is palpable, adding depth to their on-screen relationship. Overall, de Armas's performance is a standout in the film, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.
Adrien Brody delivers a captivating performance as Leveque in the movie 'Ghosted'. He brings a unique blend of intensity and charisma to the role, making Leveque an intriguing and complex character. Brody's portrayal is marked by a subtle nuance that reveals the character's hidden depths, while his interactions with the other characters add layers of tension and intrigue to the story. His performance is a standout in the film, and it's a testament to his talent as an actor.
Mike Moh's performance as Wagner in 'Ghosted' is a standout, showcasing his versatility as an actor. He brings a captivating intensity to the role, making Wagner a formidable and intriguing character. Moh's portrayal adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, making the audience question Wagner's true intentions and loyalties. His performance is a testament to his talent and adds significant value to the movie.
Amy Sedaris delivers a delightfully quirky performance as Mom in the movie 'Ghosted'. With her unique comedic timing and eccentric charm, Sedaris effortlessly steals every scene she's in. Her character, the overbearing yet well-meaning mother, adds a touch of humor and warmth to the film. Sedaris's performance is a testament to her versatility as an actress, and her ability to bring depth and authenticity to even the most offbeat characters.
In the movie 'Ghosted', Tate Donovan delivers a compelling performance as the loving yet overprotective father. His character's initial skepticism towards his daughter's new relationship is palpable, as he tries to shield her from potential heartbreak. Donovan's portrayal is nuanced, balancing the fine line between being a concerned parent and an intrusive one. His performance adds depth to the narrative, making the audience empathize with his character's struggles and root for his eventual acceptance of his daughter's choices.
蒂莫西·布莱克·尼尔森(Timothy Blake Nelson,1964年5月11日-),美国演员、剧作家。 他被描述为“现代角色演员”,他的角色包括《兄弟啊,你在哪里?(2000 年)、《少数派报告》(2002...
荷兰演员,出生于荷兰海牙。他于 2008 年开始他的职业生涯,因在 2013 年的电影《狼》中的角色而首次崭露头角,这部电影为他赢得了金牛犊奖最佳男主角奖。自 2016 年以来,他一直主演英语电影,包括《阿拉丁》(2019...
John Cho 是一位韩裔美国演员,最出名的是在 Harold and Kumar 电影系列中扮演 Harold,以及在 2009 年的《星际迷航》中扮演舵手 Hikaru Sulu。
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