热辣滚烫 的演职人员



自甘堕落的乐莹(贾玲 饰)每天宅在父母家中,因与妹妹发生矛盾,遂离开家寻求独立生活。在经历了种种波折和伤害后,慢慢发觉,拳击这项运动貌似能给她的人生带来些许变化……

热辣滚烫 的完整演员阵容

Yang Zi as Doudou

Yang Zi

Yang Zi delivers a captivating performance as Doudou in the movie 'Yolo'. Her portrayal of the character is both heartfelt and engaging, as she skillfully navigates the complexities of Doudou's emotional journey. Yang Zi's ability to convey a wide range of emotions with subtlety and nuance adds depth to the character, making her relatable and endearing to the audience. Her on-screen chemistry with her co-stars further enhances her performance, creating a memorable and impactful viewing experience.