Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai 的演职人员

Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai



Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai 的完整演员阵容

Kaito Ishikawa as Sakuta Azusagawa (voice)

Kaito Ishikawa

Sakuta Azusagawa (voice) (14 episodes)
Kaito Ishikawa's performance as Sakuta Azusagawa in 'Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai' stands out as a truly noteworthy portrayal. His compelling voice acting brings Sakuta to life, capturing the character's emotions and varied nuances with impressive finesse. Ishikawa effectively conveys Sakuta's calm and collected demeanor, timing the delivery of dry humor beautifully, and offering exceptional depth in moments of heartfelt sincerity and contemplation. It is his ability to project both strength and vulnerability that builds Sakuta into a captivating character, rendering him relatable to viewers while delivering the emotionally poignant narrative inherent to the anime series.
Asami Seto as Mai Sakurajima (voice)

Asami Seto

Mai Sakurajima (voice) (14 episodes)
Asami Seto's performance as Mai Sakurajima in 'Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai' is nothing short of mesmerizing. Her ability to convey complex emotions with a delicate balance of strength and vulnerability adds depth and realism to the character. Seto's portrayal of Mai's struggles with her own sense of identity and the societal pressures she faces as a former child star is both compelling and poignant. Her vocal nuances perfectly capture Mai's transformation from a seemingly apathetic girl to a character brimming with warmth and empathy, making Seto's performance a standout in this series.
Nao Toyama as Tomoe Koga (voice)

Nao Toyama

Tomoe Koga (voice) (13 episodes)
Nao Toyama's performance as Tomoe Koga in 'Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai' is a brilliant display of her versatility as a voice actress. Toyama captures the character's initial stubbornness and insecurity, while also beautifully portraying her growth and development throughout the series. The nuances in her voice perfectly encapsulate the conflicting emotions that Tomoe experiences, from her fear of change to her desire to be true to herself. Toyama's performance adds depth and authenticity to the character, making her a standout in the show.
Atsumi Tanezaki as Rio Futaba (voice)

Atsumi Tanezaki

Rio Futaba (voice) (13 episodes)
In the compelling drama "Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai," Atsumi Tanezaki delivers a standout performance as the voice of Rio Futaba. Her nuanced portrayal brings the character to life, capturing Rio's intelligence, insecurities, and vulnerabilities with a captivating authenticity. Tanezaki's voice seamlessly conveys Rio's growth throughout the series, allowing viewers to empathize and engage with her emotional journey. The sincerity in Tanezaki's delivery ensures that every interaction and internal conflict experienced by Rio resonates deeply, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.
Maaya Uchida as Nodoka Toyohama (voice)

Maaya Uchida

Nodoka Toyohama (voice) (13 episodes)
Maaya Uchida delivers a compelling performance as Nodoka Toyohama in "Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai." Uchida's portrayal of the character is commendable, effectively capturing Nodoka's initial timid demeanor, which later evolves into a more confident persona. Her vocal range and emotional depth bring out Nodoka's internal struggles and desires, making her character relatable and engaging for the audience. The nuances and subtleties in Uchida's delivery add layers to Nodoka's interactions with other characters, enhancing the show's overall storytelling and contributing to the complex dynamic among its cast.
Inori Minase as Shoko Makinohara (voice)

Inori Minase

Shoko Makinohara (voice) (13 episodes)

水濑祈(真名:清野有沙)是日本的女性声优、演员、歌手,东京都出身,所属声优事务所为AXL-ONE,唱片公司为King Records。 东京都出身。 曾经在チャームキッズ(Charm...

Reina Ueda as Miniskirt Santa (voice)

Reina Ueda

Miniskirt Santa (voice) (1 episode)

上田丽奈是日本女性配音员、歌手。 2011年在第5回81试音选拔中获准优秀奖,并隶属于81Produce。作为声优组合「アニソニア」(Anisoni∀,成员为上田丽奈、高桥李依、林田智惠里与积田加代子)的一员活动。 2014年,在...

Sora Amamiya as Uzuki Hirokawa (voice)

Sora Amamiya

Uzuki Hirokawa (voice) (1 episode)

雨宫天是日本的女性声优。东京都出身。Music Ray'n所属。 憧憬著配音员泽城美雪而向往成为一名声优,在2011年举办的第2回Music Ray'n超级声优试镜中合格,开始声优活动 2015年,与同为Music...

Mao Ichimichi as Woman (voice)

Mao Ichimichi

Woman (voice) (1 episode)

市道真央(1992年2月1日-)出生于日本大阪府,日本女演员、声优,身高158公分,血型O型。她出道以来,以前是大阪堀制作事务所所属女艺人,目前为Yellow Cab...

Miho Okasaki as Kotomi Kano (voice)

Miho Okasaki

Kotomi Kano (voice) (1 episode)

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