My Happy Marriage 的演职人员

My Happy Marriage



My Happy Marriage 的主演阵容

Reina Ueda as Miyo Saimori (voice)

Reina Ueda

Miyo Saimori (voice) (25 episodes)
Reina Ueda delivers a captivating performance as Miyo Saimori in 'My Happy Marriage'. Her voice masterfully captures the essence of Miyo's character, a woman navigating the complexities of a marriage arranged for political reasons. Ueda's portrayal is nuanced, reflecting Miyo's inner turmoil, her resilience, and her gradual transformation. The depth and emotion she brings to the role make Miyo a relatable and endearing character, enhancing the overall viewing experience of this thought-provoking series.
Kaito Ishikawa as Kiyoka Kudo (voice)

Kaito Ishikawa

Kiyoka Kudo (voice) (25 episodes)
Kaito Ishikawa delivers a nuanced and emotionally resonant performance as Kiyoka Kudo in the television series "My Happy Marriage." His voice work effectively captures the complexity of Kiyoka's character, a young man who finds himself in an arranged marriage during the Meiji era. Ishikawa's portrayal is marked by a subtle balance of strength and vulnerability, bringing to life Kiyoka's internal struggles and his growth throughout the series. His interactions with the other characters, particularly with his wife Miyo, are highlighted by a warm and genuine tone that endears him to the audience. Ishikawa's performance is a testament to his ability to convey deep emotion and the intricacies of human relationships through his voice, making Kiyoka Kudo a memorable and relatable character in the rich tapestry of "My Happy Marriage."
Hiro Shimono as Yoshito Godo (voice)

Hiro Shimono

Yoshito Godo (voice) (25 episodes)
Hiro Shimono delivers a captivating performance as Yoshito Godo in 'My Happy Marriage'. His nuanced voice acting brings out the complexities of Yoshito's character, effectively portraying his inner turmoil and emotional growth throughout the series. Shimono's ability to convey a wide range of emotions with subtlety and depth adds layers to Yoshito's persona, making him a relatable and intriguing character. His performance is a testament to his talent and dedication, making 'My Happy Marriage' a must-watch for fans of Hiro Shimono and quality voice acting.
Ayane Sakura as Kaya Saimori (voice)

Ayane Sakura

Kaya Saimori (voice) (25 episodes)
Ayane Sakura delivers a standout performance as Kaya Saimori in 'My Happy Marriage'. Her voice acting is nuanced and emotive, capturing the essence of Kaya's character with remarkable precision. Sakura's ability to convey a range of emotions, from Kaya's initial timidity to her growing confidence and love, adds depth and authenticity to the character. Her performance is a testament to her talent and versatility as a voice actor, making Kaya a relatable and endearing character that viewers can't help but root for.

My Happy Marriage 的配角阵容

Akira Ishida as Takaihito (voice)

Akira Ishida

Takaihito (voice) (12 episodes) , Takaihito (voice) (7 episodes)

石田彰为日本男性配音员。2009年3月前效力于Mausu Promotion,4月开始是自由身。目前所属于PEERLESS...

Kana Ueda as Kanoko Saimori (voice)

Kana Ueda

Kanoko Saimori (voice) (5 episodes)

植田佳奈,日本的女性声优、歌手,奈良县生驹市出生,所属事务所为I'm Enterprise

Mamiko Noto as Hana Kanao (voice)

Mamiko Noto

Hana Kanao (voice) (2 episodes)

能登麻美子(日语:能登 麻美子/のと まみこ Noto...

Noriko Hidaka as Sumi Usuba (voice)

Noriko Hidaka

Sumi Usuba (voice) (4 episodes)


Takayuki Sugo as Emperor (voice)

Takayuki Sugo

Emperor (voice) (3 episodes)

菅生隆之(日语:菅生 隆之/すごう たかゆき Sugō...

Yoko Hikasa as Hazuki Kudo (voice)

Yoko Hikasa

Hazuki Kudo (voice) (10 episodes)

日笠阳子(日语:日笠 陽子/ひかさ ようこ Hikasa Yōko,1985年7月16日—)是日本女性声优、旁白、歌手,神奈川县出身。身高157cm,血型O型。曾为I'm...

Kenta Miyake as Masashi Okaito (voice)

Kenta Miyake

Masashi Okaito (voice) (11 episodes)

三宅健太(日语:三宅 健太/みやけ けんた Miyake Kenta,1977年8月23日—),日本男性配音员。隶属于81 Produce。出身于冲绳县。身高181cm,体重71kg,血型A型。

Kousuke Tanabe as Special Anti-Grotesquerie Unit member (voice)

Kousuke Tanabe

Special Anti-Grotesquerie Unit member (voice) (1 episode)

田边幸辅(日语:田邊 幸輔/たなべ こうすけ Tanabe Kōsuke,2月3日)是生于日本东京都的男性声优。青二制作所属。 毕业于Human Holdings综合学院。在学期间出道,并在‘Animelo Summer Live...

Ayane Sakura as Kaya Saimori (voice)

Ayane Sakura

Kaya Saimori (voice) (8 episodes)

佐仓绫音(さくら あやね)(生于1994年1月29日)是日本青二事务所旗下的女性声优。出生及成长于日本东京都。主要出演角色包括《悠哉日常大王》(又译...

Ryotaro Okiayu as Tadakiyo Kudo (voice)

Ryotaro Okiayu

Tadakiyo Kudo (voice) (4 episodes)

置鲇龙太郎,日本男性配音员、旁白、舞台演员。青二Production所属。剧团HEROHERO-Q公司所属。身高170cm。O型血。 妻子是配音员前田爱。前妻为配音员永泽菜教。 代表作(动画):法兰兹·海尼尔(高智能方程式),三井...

Kikuko Inoue as Fuyu Kudo (voice)

Kikuko Inoue

Fuyu Kudo (voice) (3 episodes)

井上喜久子(Inoue Kikuko)是日本的女性声优、解说员和歌手。她是Office Anemone事务所的创始人和经理。喜久子通常在剧集中扮演“完美女友”或“妈妈”类型的角色,但也扮演过一些撩人和挑逗系的角色。

Yuuya Uchida as Naoshi Usui (voice)

Yuuya Uchida

Naoshi Usui (voice) (5 episodes)

日本的声优、演员、剧团演员座所属。 出生于埼玉县北葛饰郡三乡町(现:三乡市)。毕业于桐朋学园大学短期大学部戏剧系。 起初动画配音比较少参与,在《二十面相少女》为二十面相角色作配音,从而有更多机会参与动画的配音。 主要是海外吹替剧...

Tomoaki Maeno as Mukadeyama (voice)

Tomoaki Maeno

Mukadeyama (voice) (3 episodes)

前野智昭(1982年5月26日-)是日本男性声优,出身于茨城县下妻市。目前所属事务所是ARTSVISION。 前野智昭小时候与姐姐一起看七龙珠,两人都立志成为声优。姐姐先报读了某声优专门学校,他自己随后也报读AMUSEMENT...