Manifest 的演职人员


Jeff Rake执笔﹑David Frankel导演的《命运航班 Manifest》讲述一架飞机「蒙特哥航空828号」在5年前消失得无影无踪,但这被众人以为已坠海的飞机突然再次出现;然而问题是,在旁人眼中这事件已经过了5年,但机上所有人都没察觉此事,犹如穿越了时间一样。Melissa Roxburgh饰演Michaela Stone,事发前她因为一宗意外而苦恼自己是否适合当警察及未婚妻,而神秘失踪后回来的她对生活有了新目标﹑Josh Dallas饰演情报分析员Ben Stone,典型A型人的他正努力处理两个问题 - 儿子的罕见癌症,以及出现在他脑中的神秘声音。J.R. Ramirez饰演警探Jared Williams,尽管他深爱着失踪飞机上的未婚妻,但多年过去后他还是放下了,然而此时未婚妻回归令他陷入两难。Athena Karkanis饰演Grace Stone,在丈夫及儿子失踪多年后,她终于与他们能奇迹般重聚了,并且决定拥抱这新常态;Parveen Kaur饰演研究生兼医学研究人员Saanvi,她失踪多年后发现自己的工作在医学界有了惊人的突破。Luna Blaise饰演Olive,Cal的双胞胎妹妹;过去她的父亲及哥哥一直都走不出失去Olive的阴霾,而当她回来后他们关系仍如旧昔,唯一不同的是双胞胎的岁数不同了。

Manifest 的主演阵容

Melissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone

Melissa Roxburgh

Michaela Stone (62 episodes)
Michaela Stone is a main character in the TV show Manifest. She is a police officer who was on a plane that vanished inexplicably for five and a half years. Upon her return, Michaela struggles to adjust to the new world and the changes in her life, while also grappling with unexplained supernatural abilities.

Quotes from Michaela Stone

  1. 'I'm not drowning. I'm the one trying to save somebody else from drowning.'
  2. 'It's all connected.'
Josh Dallas as Ben Stone

Josh Dallas

Ben Stone (62 episodes)
Ben Stone is a passionate and intelligent man who is determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious flight. He is a devoted father who will stop at nothing to protect his family, and his loyalty to his loved ones is unwavering.

Quotes from Ben Stone

  1. Every question we answer uncovers two more...that's the nature of discovery.
  2. The callings are speaking to us, Michaela.
  3. It's all connected.
Athena Karkanis as Grace Stone

Athena Karkanis

Grace Stone (44 episodes)
Grace Stone is a devoted wife and mother of two, who finds herself in a difficult situation when her husband returns after being missing for five years.

Quotes from Grace Stone

  1. 'We waited five and a half years for my husband. You think I'm going to let him go now?'
  2. 'I have a husband who's back from the dead and a son who's hearing voices. My whole family is changing, but we're still the Stones, and we'll get through it together.'
Matt Long as Zeke Landon

Matt Long

Zeke Landon (51 episodes)
Zeke Landon is a recurring character on the TV show Manifest. He is a drug addict who miraculously survived a near-death experience and gained the ability to see his future death. He becomes involved with one of the main characters and struggles to come to terms with his fate.

Quotes from Zeke Landon

  1. I am determined to live in the moment, embrace life as it comes with an open heart.

Manifest 的配角阵容

Jim True-Frost as Rector Dave Hynes

Jim True-Frost

Rector Dave Hynes (2 episodes)
Rector Dave Hynes is a character in the TV show Manifest. He is a Roman Catholic priest and the rector of St. Michael's parish. He is a compassionate and understanding priest who helps the passengers of Flight 828 deal with their trauma.

Quotes from Rector Dave Hynes

  1. Faith is the backbone that supports us when we're about to break.
  2. Let's pray for the strength to bear our burdens together.
Adriane Lenox as Beverly

Adriane Lenox

Beverly (8 episodes)
Beverly is a passenger on the plane who disappeared for years and returned with the others. She has a keen interest in the science behind the plane's disappearance and the passengers' subsequent return.

Quotes from Beverly

  1. 'Somebody's gotta make up for all that lost time.'
  2. 'The universe just gave us a do-over.'
Mugga as Bethany Collins


Bethany Collins (12 episodes)
Bethany Collins is a minor character in the TV show Manifest. She is portrayed as a loving and supportive mother to her daughter, but also has a mysterious background that is gradually revealed throughout the show.
Daniel Sunjata as Danny

Daniel Sunjata

Danny (4 episodes)
Danny serves as a love interest to one of the main characters and has a complicated past with the others. He is a protective and loyal person who will do anything for those he cares about.

Quotes from Danny

  1. 'People are worth fighting for.'
  2. 'You know me, always chasing the girl.'
Elizabeth Marvel as The Major

Elizabeth Marvel

The Major (8 episodes)
The Major is the main antagonist in the drama series Manifest. She is a ruthless intelligence officer who leads a secret government agency named the Major's Brigade. She is highly skilled in combat and espionage, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

Quotes from The Major

  1. I'm not asking you to sacrifice for your country. I'm asking you to sacrifice for humanity.
  2. People are gonna die, that's a fact. The question is, are you gonna be one of them?
Marc Menchaca as James Griffin

Marc Menchaca

James Griffin (3 episodes)
James Griffin, also known as Cal's friend, is a young and gifted boy who shares Cal's mysterious abilities to see the future. He is kind-hearted, brave, and always eager to help those around him. Despite facing difficult challenges in his young life, James remains optimistic and determined to uncover the truth behind their shared vision.

Quotes from James Griffin

  1. The universe just gave us a puzzle, dad. And I'm not giving up on it. On us.
  2. If we don't help him, he's going to die!
Alexa Swinton as Chloe

Alexa Swinton

Chloe (1 episode)
Chloe is the daughter of Ben and Grace Stone, and the twin sister of Cal. She is a lively and curious girl who is always inquisitive about what is happening around her.

Quotes from Chloe

  1. 'I want to fly in your place, Daddy. I want to make sure you come back.'
  2. 'Mom, are you happy we're all together again?'
Julee Cerda as Agent Hannah Dayton

Julee Cerda

Agent Hannah Dayton (1 episode)
Agent Hannah Dayton is a determined and capable FBI agent who is assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Flight 828.

Quotes from Agent Hannah Dayton

  1. Everything that stands for what I believe in, we're working for it
  2. We're not just looking for a plane, we're looking for people
Will Peltz as Levi

Will Peltz

Levi (3 episodes)
Levi is a minor character in Manifest, portrayed as a helpful and friendly person who always lends a listening ear and gives advice to those in need. He is also known to be a talented artist and often sells his work to support himself.

Quotes from Levi

  1. Life is a little bit like a rollercoaster. It has its ups and downs, but it's your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.
  2. When life gets tough, just remember that you are tougher.
  3. Sometimes the answers we seek are right in front of us.
Kerry Flanagan as Iris

Kerry Flanagan

Iris (1 episode)
Iris is a main character on the television show Manifest. She is a Flight Attendant and is known for her unwavering optimism and adventurous spirit.

Quotes from Iris

  1. 'Can't stop, won't stop.'
  2. 'Let's go somewhere.'
  3. 'I don't do average.'
David Pendleton as Russ Halvorsen

David Pendleton

Russ Halvorsen (2 episodes)
Russ Halvorsen is a former NSA intelligence analyst who now works with the Flight 828 passengers to help solve the mystery of their disappearance.

Quotes from Russ Halvorsen

  1. 'I'm a data guy, not an undercover agent.'
  2. 'Figuring out this mystery is like solving a Rubik's cube, but most of the colors are missing.'

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