绿里奇迹 的演职人员


1935年。美国南部惨淡肃杀的冷山监狱。这里有片一英里长的绿地,人们叫它“绿里”。不过,它的居民皆为死囚,在绿地的另一头,便是行刑用的电椅。保罗·艾治科姆(汤姆·汉 克斯饰)是这里的狱监,对于走过“绿里”、继而在电椅上惨叫毙命的死囚行刑程序,他俨然已无动于衷。除了保罗及其爱妻简外,“绿里”上还有凶残的副狱监豪威尔,有施虐倾向 的狱吏佩西,良心未泯的看守海尔和他身患绝症的妻子美琳达,喜用宠物鼠逗狱吏和诸“难友”取乐的德拉克,连环杀人狂威廉,负疚深重的犯人彼特等一干形形色色的人们。他们之 间充满了敌意和不屑。但神秘的约翰·考夫利的到来改变了一切。考夫利因谋杀两名幼女被 判死罪,他相貌恐怖,体形硕大,却出奇地平和、敏感而缄默,天真时甚至像个孩子,同时, 他似乎还具有一种不可名状的神秘力量,令人不由自主地对其产生信任感,这不禁让艾治科姆对其罪行是否属实深怀疑问。 真情无法取代程式,考夫利终要走过“绿里”。在这个貌似粗鲁的男人即将赴死的刹那,“绿里”上的人们以不同以往的形式实现了各自生命的重要跨越。

绿里奇迹 的完整演员阵容

Tom Hanks as Paul Edgecomb

Tom Hanks

Paul Edgecomb
Tom Hanks delivers a profoundly moving performance as Paul Edgecomb in 'The Green Mile'. His portrayal of a death row prison guard is both compassionate and resolute, capturing the moral dilemmas and emotional toll of his character's role. Hanks's ability to convey Edgecomb's inner turmoil and empathy towards the inmates, particularly the enigmatic John Coffey, is truly commendable. His performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor, making Edgecomb a character that resonates deeply with audiences.
James Cromwell as Warden Hal Moores

James Cromwell

Warden Hal Moores
James Cromwell delivers a powerful and nuanced performance as Warden Hal Moores in "The Green Mile." His portrayal of the stoic and principled prison warden is a standout feature of the film. Cromwell masterfully captures the complex inner turmoil of a man caught between his duty to enforce the law and his growing belief in the extraordinary nature of condemned inmate, John Coffey. The quiet intensity and empathy he brings to the role adds a layer of depth to the character and serves as a poignant reminder of the human capacity for compassion, even in the most challenging circumstances.
Graham Greene as Arlen Bitterbuck

Graham Greene

Arlen Bitterbuck

格雷厄姆·格林(Graham Greene,1952 年 6 月 22 日出生)是一位加拿大原住民演员

Doug Hutchison as Percy Wetmore

Doug Hutchison

Percy Wetmore
In the movie 'The Green Mile', Doug Hutchison delivers a chilling and unforgettable performance as Percy Wetmore. As the sadistic and manipulative prison guard, Hutchison masterfully portrays Percy's descent into madness, as he becomes increasingly obsessed with exerting his power over the inmates. His cold, calculating demeanor and merciless actions make him one of the most detestable characters in the film, yet Hutchison's nuanced performance ensures that Percy remains a complex and fascinating character, rather than a one-dimensional villain. Overall, Hutchison's portrayal of Percy Wetmore is a standout performance in a movie filled with exceptional acting.
Barry Pepper as Dean Stanton

Barry Pepper

Dean Stanton

巴里·罗伯特·佩珀(Barry Robert...

Jeffrey DeMunn as Harry Terwilliger

Jeffrey DeMunn

Harry Terwilliger


Patricia Clarkson as Melinda Moores

Patricia Clarkson

Melinda Moores

帕特里夏·戴维斯·克拉克森(Patricia Davies Clarkson,1959年12月29日-),美国女演员。在东海岸学习戏剧后,克拉克森于 1985...

William Sadler as Klaus Detterick

William Sadler

Klaus Detterick

威廉姆·托马斯·萨德勒(William Thomas...

Brent Briscoe as Bill Dodge

Brent Briscoe

Bill Dodge

布伦特·布里斯科(1961 年 5 月 21 日 - 2017 年 10 月 18 日)是美国演员和编剧。

Ewan McGregor

Ewan McGregor

Ewan McGregor's brief yet impactful performance as the condemned murderer, Edward Delacroix, in "The Green Mile" is a testament to his versatility as an actor. Despite his limited screen time, McGregor manages to create a sympathetic and complex character. His portrayal of Delacroix's transformation from a terrified and broken man to one who finds redemption and peace in his final moments is both moving and memorable. McGregor's performance adds a layer of depth to the film, highlighting the humanity of even the most hardened criminals.

绿里奇迹 的制作团队

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