邻居都得死 的演职人员


William Brown, a neurotic, self-absorbed musician determined to finish his prog-rock magnum opus, faces a creative roadblock in the form of a noisy and grotesque neighbor named Vlad. Finally working up the nerve to demand that Vlad keep it down, William inadvertently decapitates him. But, while attempting to cover up one murder, William’s accidental reign of terror causes victims to pile up and become undead corpses who torment and create more bloody detours on his road to prog-rock Valhalla.

邻居都得死 的完整演员阵容

Pete Ploszek as Alec

Pete Ploszek


皮特·普洛泽克(Pete Ploszek)是美国演员。他出生于伊利诺伊州的欣斯代尔,但在新泽西州、缅因州和俄亥俄州长大,然后定居在伊利诺伊州的圣查尔斯。他在普林斯顿大学踢足球,并在南加州大学(12...

Thomas Lennon as Scotty

Thomas Lennon


托马斯·帕特里克·列侬(Thomas Patrick Lennon,1970 年 8 月 9 日出生)是一位美国演员、喜剧演员、作家、导演和制片人,最著名的是 MTV 的 The State 的演员,以及他在 Comedy...

Kumail Nanjiani as Smelting Refinery Guard

Kumail Nanjiani

Smelting Refinery Guard
