When Casper's been being friendly lately even when playing with a boy named Jimmy, Kibosh: The King of the Underworld has Casper enrolled into a Scare School headed by the two-headed headmaster Alder and Dash. He befriends Ra, a mummy with unraveling issues and Mantha, a zombie girl who keeps falling apart. When Casper discovers the two-headed headmaster's plot to use a petrification potion to turn Kibosh into stone and take over the Underworld and Deedstown, he and his new friends must stop him.
丹·卡斯泰兰尼塔(Dan Castellaneta,1957 年 10 月 29 日出生)是美国电影、戏剧和电视演员、喜剧演员、配音演员、歌手和电视作家。 他因在《辛普森一家》中长期饰演荷马辛普森而闻名,他为剧中的许多其他常规角色配音。
约翰·卡西尔(John Kassir)是美国演员和喜剧演员。他因在 HBO 的 Tales from the Crypt 系列中担任 Cryptkeeper 的配音而闻名。他还因在非百老汇演出《疯狂冷藏车》及其 2005...