老牌喜剧明星威尔·法瑞尔和约翰·C·赖利将再次联手,加盟索尼喜剧新片《福尔摩斯与华生》。法瑞尔和赖利分饰大侦探福尔摩斯与福尔摩斯的助手华生。 法瑞尔主演的《狱前教育》导演伊坦·柯亨,他将担任《福尔摩斯&华生》的导演。该片剧本受阿瑟·柯南·道尔的福尔摩斯系列小说启发,是一部PG-13的喜剧。索尼最初买下剧本时,本来想让法瑞尔和萨莎·拜伦·科恩(《塔拉迪加之夜:瑞奇鲍比的民谣》)主演,但后来没了下文。
福尔摩斯与华生 的完整演员阵容
Will Ferrell
Sherlock Holmes
In the comedic adaptation "Holmes & Watson", Will Ferrell brilliantly reimagines the iconic character of Sherlock Holmes in his own unique style. Infusing the legendary detective with his trademark humor, Ferrell delivers a performance that is as hilarious as it is unexpected. He masterfully portrays Holmes as a bumbling genius, turning the character's renowned deductive skills into a series of absurd yet amusing logic leaps. Ferrell's comedic timing and charisma bring a fresh and entertaining perspective to the classic Sherlock Holmes, making his portrayal a standout in the film.
Kelly Macdonald
Mrs. Martha Hudson
In the comedy film "Holmes & Watson," Kelly Macdonald delivers a delightful performance as Mrs. Martha Hudson, the lovable and slightly eccentric landlady of the famed detective duo. Macdonald brings a refreshing warmth and humor to the character, showcasing her impeccable comedic timing and ability to effortlessly switch between subtle and overt humor. Her unique portrayal of Mrs. Hudson as a quirky, lovestruck woman pining for the oblivious Sherlock Holmes (Will Ferrell) adds a layer of amusement to the overall narrative. Macdonald's performance stands out in the film as she injects her character with an endearing charm that leaves a lasting impression on the viewers.
比利·赞恩(Billy Zane),全名小威廉·乔治·泽恩(William George Zane...
福尔摩斯与华生 的制作团队
完整的幕后团队名单 →