与你一起 展翼高飞
小男孩卡尔(Carl Fredricksen)怀揣着对于冒险的热爱偶遇假小子艾丽(Ellie),而艾丽把整个屋子当成一艘大飞船游戏居然使他对这个女孩子有些着迷,相同的爱好最终使两个人成为了一生的爱侣。他们有一个梦想,那就是有朝一日要去南美洲的“仙境瀑布”探险,但直到艾丽去世,这个梦想也未能实现。终于有一天,曾经专卖气球的老人卡尔居然用五颜六色的气球拽着他的房子飞上了天空,他决定要去实现他们未曾实现的梦想。令卡尔始料不及的是,门廊居然搭上了一个自称是“荒野开拓者”的小男孩小罗(Russell),小罗的喋喋不休让卡尔对这个小胖墩格外讨厌。一老一少在飞行中经过了千难万险终于看到了传说中的“仙境瀑布”,在相处过程中卡尔发现小罗其实是个惹人怜爱的孩子。在步行穿越一座森林时,他们遇到了不会飞的大鸟凯文(Kevin)和一只会说话的狗狗逗逗(Dug),让老人惊讶的是他们还遇到了他少年的崇拜偶像——探险家查尔斯·蒙兹(Charles Muntz),而且他发现蒙兹居然是一个为达目的不择手段的坏人。这时,老人离自己的梦想之地只有一步之遥…
飞屋环游记 的完整演员阵容
Ed Asner
Carl Fredricksen (voice)
Ed Asner's voice performance as Carl Fredricksen in Pixar's 'Up' is a masterclass in emotional depth and nuance. As the curmudgeonly widower who embarks on an extraordinary adventure, Asner imbues Carl with a profound sense of loss and longing, while also capturing the character's endearing stubbornness and eventual warmth. His vocal work is both gruff and tender, perfectly complementing the film's visual storytelling. Asner's portrayal resonates with audiences of all ages, as he navigates the gamut of human emotion, from the joy of adventure to the sorrow of unfulfilled dreams and the healing power of newfound friendships. His ability to convey complex feelings without the aid of physical expression is a testament to his talent and is central to the film's heartfelt narrative. Asner's Carl is not just a character; he is a symbol of resilience and the human capacity for change, making 'Up' an unforgettable and poignant cinematic experience.
Delroy Lindo's portrayal of Beta in Pixar's "Up" is a masterclass in voice acting, where he brings depth and warmth to a character that could have easily been one-dimensional. As the loyal and slightly goofy canine companion to the adventurous explorer Charles Muntz, Lindo infuses Beta with a blend of enthusiastic eagerness and a touch of melancholy, reflecting the character's unwavering devotion to his master. Despite being equipped with a high-tech collar that gives him the ability to speak, Beta's dialogue doesn't detract from his canine charm; instead, it enhances the comedic elements of his personality, highlighting his endearing naivety and the unbreakable bond he shares with Muntz. Lindo's voice work is pivotal in making Beta a lovable and memorable character, as he skillfully navigates the line between comedic relief and a poignant representation of a dog's loyalty, contributing significantly to the film's emotional resonance.
飞屋环游记 的制作团队
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