「怪物刑警」马锡道(马东锡 饰)这次要对抗的是规模最大的网络非法赌博组织首脑.白昌其(金武烈 饰),他是特种部队佣兵出身的恶徒;另外还要对付IT业界出身的天才CEO.张东哲(李东辉 饰)。马锡道将与华丽回归的张夷秀(朴智焕 饰)、广搜队及网络搜查队合作,展开更胜以往的扫荡行动!
犯罪都市4 的完整演员阵容
Ma Dong-seok delivers a commanding performance as Ma Seok-do in 'The Roundup: Punishment'. He brings a unique blend of charisma and physicality to the role, making his character both intimidating and endearing. His comedic timing is impeccable, providing much-needed levity in the midst of high-stakes action sequences. Dong-seok's portrayal of Seok-do is not just about brute force; he also conveys a deep sense of justice and empathy, making his character a true standout in the film.
犯罪都市4 的制作团队
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