人过中年的检察官韩明(雷佳音 饰)早已没了往日的锋芒,每日里柴米油盐,鸡毛蒜皮,尽快从挂职转正是他最为关心的问题。在此期间,康村村民王永强(潘斌龙 饰)为保护哑巴妻子(赵丽颖 饰)捅伤村霸刘文经(阿如那 饰)的案件甚嚣尘上,刘的家人纠集村匪恶霸上访闹事,要求判处王死刑,韩明的初恋女友——女检察官吕玲玲(高叶 饰)顶住各方压力,执意要找到关系案件走向的重要证据;另一方面,韩的儿子韩雨辰(刘耀文 饰)为制止校园霸凌将学校张主任(张译 饰)儿子打伤,关于是否应该道歉,双方展开了拉锯战。为了左右案件走向,康村人试图强迫王的妻子就范,矛盾逐渐升级…
第二十条 的完整演员阵容
Zhao Liying delivers a captivating performance as in the movie 'Article 20'. Her portrayal of a determined and resilient woman is both powerful and moving. Zhao Liying's ability to convey a range of emotions, from fear and vulnerability to strength and determination, is truly impressive. Her chemistry with her co-stars is palpable, and she brings a depth and nuance to her character that is truly unforgettable. Overall, Zhao Liying's performance is a standout in 'Article 20' and a testament to her talent as an actress.