Death Note 的演职人员

Death Note

  "名字被写在这个笔记本上的人会死"——死神流克拥有这样的死亡笔记,却将它遗失在人间。天才高中生夜神月捡到这本笔记本,本以为是恶作剧的他,在笔记本上写下了电视中播放的罪犯的名字,确认了笔记本能力的真实性。厌倦腐朽世界的夜神月使用笔记本的力量,开始杀死犯罪者,以此希望建立一个没有犯罪的美好理想世界,而自己成为“新世界的神”。   连续罪犯死亡事件,吸引了全世界警察的目光,更吸引了世界第一名侦探L的注意,L能否将被崇拜者称为“基拉”的夜神月逮捕?   一本死神的笔记本,拉开了天才与天才之间卓越巅峰的头脑战争的序幕。本已对人间失去兴趣的流克,在旁观惊心动魄的斗智过程中感叹“人类,真有趣。”

Death Note 的完整演员阵容

Mamoru Miyano as Light Yagami (voice)

Mamoru Miyano

Light Yagami (voice) (37 episodes)
Mamoru Miyano delivers an exceptional performance as the voice of Light Yagami in the TV series, 'Death Note'. His vocal range and depth brilliantly capture the character's transformation from a brilliant yet bored high school student to a ruthless vigilante manipulated by power. Miyano's enchanting voice, coupled with precise timing and tone changes, creates a gripping narrative that keeps viewers engaged and captivated. The sharpness and passion in his voice beautifully underscore each scene, making Light's complex personality resonate deeply with the audience. Miyano's performance is a testament to his prowess as a voice actor, further elevating the overall impact of 'Death Note' as a show.
Shido Nakamura as Ryuk (voice)

Shido Nakamura

Ryuk (voice) (37 episodes) , Ryuk (voice) (37 episodes)
Shido Nakamura's portrayal of Ryuk, the chaotic and mischievous Shinigami in 'Death Note', is nothing short of captivating. His deep, resonant voice perfectly encapsulates the character's otherworldly nature, while the subtle nuances he adds to his performance inject a sense of amusement and intrigue into the series. Nakamura's Ryuk strikes the perfect balance between being terrifying and fascinating, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats as they follow his dark, mysterious journey alongside protagonist Light Yagami.
Aya Hirano as Misa Amane (voice)

Aya Hirano

Misa Amane (voice) (37 episodes)
Aya Hirano delivers a captivating performance as Misa Amane in the anime series 'Death Note,' bringing the iconic character to life with her exceptional voice acting skills. Hirano's portrayal effectively conveys Misa's complex personality - her initial bubbly, cheerful disposition as a pop idol is balanced by her intense, unwavering love and devotion to Light Yagami, the series' protagonist. As the story unfolds, Hirano showcases Misa's emotional range and depth, deftly navigating her character's growth and transformation. Her performance, accentuated by distinct inflections and nuances, adds layers of authenticity to Misa's interactions and contributes to the overall intrigue and tension of the anime.
Kappei Yamaguchi as L (voice)

Kappei Yamaguchi

L (voice) (37 episodes)
Kappei Yamaguchi's performance as the enigmatic detective L in the anime series 'Death Note' is nothing short of phenomenal. His voice acting brings to life the character's brilliant, eccentric, and often unpredictable personality, creating a captivating contrast to Light Yagami's cunning and ruthless character. Yamaguchi's ability to convey a broad range of emotions, from L's calm and calculated demeanor to moments of intense frustration and suspicion, adds depth to the character and greatly contributes to the overall suspense and thrill of the series. His performance is a testament to his talent as a voice actor and has undoubtedly played a significant role in making L one of the most beloved and iconic characters in anime history.
Naoya Uchida as Soichiro Yagami (voice)

Naoya Uchida

Soichiro Yagami (voice) (37 episodes) , Soichiro Yagami (voice) (16 episodes)
Naoya Uchida's performance as Soichiro Yagami in 'Death Note' is nothing short of exceptional, bringing depth and realism to the character of a determined police chief. Uchida masterfully conveys Soichiro's unwavering resolve to uphold justice, as well as his internal struggles and heartache as he navigates the unfolding mystery of the Death Note. His voice acting adds a layer of emotional intensity to the narrative, making the character of Soichiro Yagami truly memorable and impactful in this gripping anime series.
Kiyoshi Kobayashi as Watari (voice)

Kiyoshi Kobayashi

Watari (voice) (6 episodes)


Keiji Fujiwara as Shuichi Aizawa (voice)

Keiji Fujiwara

Shuichi Aizawa (voice) (37 episodes) , Shuuichi Aizawa (voice) (9 episodes)

藤原启治,日本男配音员,AIR AGENCY代表董事。出生于东京都,血型A型。身高175公分,体重68公斤。 代表作有《蜡笔小新》、《钢之炼金术师》、《交响诗篇》等。

Noriko Hidaka as Near (voice)

Noriko Hidaka

Near (voice) (37 episodes)


Nozomu Sasaki as Mello (voice)

Nozomu Sasaki

Mello (voice) (37 episodes)

佐佐木望,日本男性配音员、歌手。出身于广岛县广岛市。INSPIRE所属、Dana Works业务提携。身高160cm。O型血。

Haruka Kudou as Sayu Yagami (voice)

Haruka Kudou

Sayu Yagami (voice) (9 episodes)


Ami Koshimizu as Yuri (voice)

Ami Koshimizu

Yuri (voice) (1 episode)


Naoko Matsui as Naomi Misora (voice)

Naoko Matsui

Naomi Misora (voice) (3 episodes)

松井菜樱子(Naoko Matsui),声优,曾配音《乱马1/2》中的白鸟梓,《名侦探柯南》中的铃木园子。

Kenichi Matsuyama as Geius (voice)

Kenichi Matsuyama

Geius (voice) (1 episode) , Rem (voice) (1 episode)

(松山ケンイチ,松山健一,1985年3月5日-),日本演员。他以对奇怪角色的亲和力而闻名,他最出名的是 2006 年电影《死亡笔记》、《死亡笔记 2:姓氏》和 2008 年的《L:改变世界》,以及在《死亡笔记》动画改编中为...

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