超能查派 的演职人员


I am consciousness. I am alive. I am Chappie.

本片灵感来自布隆坎普2004年的短片《Tetra Vaal》。故事讲述本该成为机器人巡警的人工智能小机器人“查皮”(Chappie)刚刚诞生没多久就被两个犯罪分子绑架,他们想改造它来做坏事,但却和查皮组成了一个非传统的临时家庭。查皮有着超乎寻常的天赋,是一个天才,只是碰巧投胎成为了一个机器人。

超能查派 的完整演员阵容

Hugh Jackman as Vincent Moore

Hugh Jackman

Vincent Moore
Hugh Jackman delivers a captivating performance as Vincent Moore in 'Chappie'. As a ruthless and ambitious engineer, he masterfully portrays the character's desperation and jealousy, driven by his desire to outshine the revolutionary robot, Chappie. Jackman's intense portrayal adds a layer of complexity to the film, making his character a formidable antagonist and creating a thrilling dynamic with the other characters. His performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor and leaves a lasting impression on viewers.
Sigourney Weaver as Michelle Bradley

Sigourney Weaver

Michelle Bradley
Sigourney Weaver delivers a commanding performance as Michelle Bradley in the movie 'Chappie'. As the ruthless CEO of a weapons manufacturing company, Weaver brings a sense of authority and intimidation to the role. Her character's cold and calculating demeanor is balanced by her sharp intellect and quick wit, making her a formidable adversary for the film's protagonists. Weaver's portrayal of Michelle Bradley is a testament to her versatility as an actress and her ability to bring depth and nuance to even the most seemingly one-dimensional characters.
Jose Pablo Cantillo as Yankie (Amerika)

Jose Pablo Cantillo

Yankie (Amerika)

何塞·巴勃罗·坎蒂略(Jose Pablo Cantillo,1979年3月30日-),哥斯达黎加裔美国演员。何塞·巴勃罗·坎蒂洛(Jose Pablo...

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