变身吉妹 的演职人员


 腼腆害羞的16岁少女露比·吉尔曼(拉娜·康多 配音)很想融入海岸高中的生活,但是她却总是觉得其他同学都把她当成隐形人视而不见。她正在替她暗恋的滑板少年(雅布其·杨-怀特 配音)补习数学,但是他似乎只是佩服她的功课很好,而且她那护女心切的虎妈(托妮·科莱特 配音)不但禁止她和学校的酷同学一起去海滩玩,甚至还严格规定她永远都不准下水游泳。但是当她违反了她妈妈的头号禁忌,露比发现自己是海妖女王战士的直系后代,而且天生注定就要继承她霸气十足的外婆(简·芳达 配音),也就是七海女王战士的王位。海妖一族发誓要捍卫这个世界和所有的海洋,而且从古到今都一直在对抗虚荣浮夸、渴望权力的美人鱼一族。但是露比却遇到一个既严重又迫切的问题:学校新来的转学生切尔西(安妮·墨菲 配音)不但长得漂亮又受欢迎,又刚好是一只美人鱼。如果露比想要保护她最爱的人,就必须勇敢接受她真正的身份,茁壮成长。

变身吉妹 的完整演员阵容

Annie Murphy as Chelsea Van Der Zee (voice)

Annie Murphy

Chelsea Van Der Zee (voice)
Annie Murphy's performance as Chelsea Van Der Zee in 'Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken' is a delightful addition to the film. Her voice acting brings to life the character's snarky and self-centered personality, making Chelsea a memorable antagonist. Murphy's comedic timing and ability to infuse her lines with a touch of sarcasm make Chelsea's interactions with the other characters all the more entertaining. Overall, Murphy's performance adds a layer of fun and humor to the movie.
Sam Richardson as Uncle Brill (voice)

Sam Richardson

Uncle Brill (voice)
{start article} Sam Richardson delivers a delightful performance as Uncle Brill in 'Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken'. His character, a charming and eccentric octopus, adds a touch of humor and warmth to the film. Richardson's voice acting is top-notch, effortlessly capturing Uncle Brill's quirky personality and making him a lovable and memorable character. His performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor and contributes significantly to the overall enjoyment of the movie. {stop article}
Liza Koshy as Margo (voice)

Liza Koshy

Margo (voice)
Liza Koshy's performance as Margo in 'Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken' is a delightful addition to the film. As the voice of Ruby's confident and popular cousin, Koshy brings a lively and energetic presence to the character. Her comedic timing and expressive delivery perfectly capture Margo's outgoing personality, making her a standout in the ensemble cast. Despite her character's seemingly shallow exterior, Koshy's performance adds depth and nuance to Margo, making her a relatable and endearing character in this fun and heartwarming adventure.
Will Forte as Gordon Lighthouse (voice)

Will Forte

Gordon Lighthouse (voice)
Will Forte delivers a delightful performance as Gordon Lighthouse in 'Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken'. Forte's comedic timing and unique voice acting abilities bring the eccentric and lovable character to life. As the quirky marine biologist, Forte infuses Gordon with a genuine sense of warmth and enthusiasm, making him an endearing and memorable character in this animated adventure. His performance adds a touch of humor and charm to the movie, enhancing the overall viewing experience.
Ramona Young as Bliss (voice)

Ramona Young

Bliss (voice)

Ramona Young 是一位女演员和作家,以《圣克拉丽塔饮食》(2017 年)、《阻挡者》(2018 年)和《真正的奥尼尔斯》(2016 年)而闻名。

Nicole Byer as Janice (voice)

Nicole Byer

Janice (voice)

妮可·拜尔 (Nicole Byer) 是美国喜剧演员、女演员、作家、电视节目主持人和播客。她被称为 Netflix 喜剧真人秀烘焙系列节目 Nailed It! 的主持人,并因此获得了黄金时段艾美奖提名。拜尔因在评论系列《Girl...

Echo Kellum as Doug (voice)

Echo Kellum

Doug (voice)

Echo Kellum 是美国演员和喜剧演员。他最出名的是在美国情景喜剧《本和凯特》中扮演汤米的主要角色。他目前还在 NBC 的 Sean Saves the World 中扮演 Hunter...

Randy Thom as Confetti Cannon (voice)

Randy Thom

Confetti Cannon (voice)

兰迪曾获得十五项奥斯卡奖、艾美奖和格莱美奖提名。他获得了两项奥斯卡奖:一项是《正确的东西》,一项是《超人总动员》。Randy 于 2010 年获得 C.A.S. 职业成就奖,并于 2014 年获得 MPSE 职业成就奖。1975...

变身吉妹 的制作团队

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