巴比伦 的演职人员



20世纪20年代的美国好莱坞,声色犬马,光怪陆离,醉生梦死。你方唱罢我登场,梦里寻欢,不知归处。默片时代造就了杰克·柯那德(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)和华裔女演员朱菲(李丽君 饰)这样风华绝代的明星,也吸引着如墨西哥裔曼尼·托瑞斯(迭戈·卡尔瓦 Diego Calva 饰)、金发女孩内莉·拉罗伊(玛格特·罗比 Margot Robbie 饰)、黑人小号手西德尼·帕尔默(约翰·艾德坡 Jovan Adepo 饰)争先恐后趋向这个物欲横流的名利场。默片时代的最后一抹余晖敛去,有声时代造就了一批批的新星,也在逐渐淘汰如杰克乃至内莉这样一度如日中天的名宿。

巴比伦 的完整演员阵容

Brad Pitt as Jack Conrad

Brad Pitt

Jack Conrad
Brad Pitt delivers a captivating performance as Jack Conrad in 'Babylon'. His portrayal of the charismatic and enigmatic silent film star is both engaging and nuanced. Pitt effortlessly captures the essence of the era, exuding an air of glamour and sophistication that is synonymous with the golden age of Hollywood. His on-screen presence is magnetic, drawing viewers into the world of 'Babylon' and making them invested in Conrad's journey. Pitt's performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor, showcasing his ability to embody a character with depth and authenticity.
Margot Robbie as Nellie LaRoy

Margot Robbie

Nellie LaRoy
Margot Robbie delivers a captivating performance as Nellie LaRoy in the movie 'Babylon'. Her portrayal of the ambitious and unpredictable aspiring actress is nothing short of mesmerizing. Robbie's ability to convey Nellie's raw emotions and unwavering determination is truly commendable. She brings a certain level of authenticity to the character, making it easy for viewers to become invested in Nellie's journey. Overall, Robbie's performance is a standout feature of the film, showcasing her versatility and talent as an actress.
Flea as Bob Levine


Bob Levine
In the movie 'Babylon', Flea delivers a captivating performance as Bob Levine, a character that adds a layer of complexity to the film's narrative. As a musician-turned-actor, Flea brings a unique energy to the role, imbuing Bob Levine with a sense of authenticity and depth. His portrayal of the character's struggles and triumphs is both relatable and engaging, making Bob Levine a standout character in the ensemble cast. Flea's performance is a testament to his versatility as an artist and his ability to bring a fresh perspective to the world of cinema.
Jovan Adepo as Sidney Palmer

Jovan Adepo

Sidney Palmer
Jovan Adepo delivers a captivating performance as Sidney Palmer in the movie 'Babylon'. His portrayal of the ambitious and talented jazz musician is both nuanced and powerful. Adepo's ability to convey the character's passion for music and his struggles in the face of racial prejudice is truly commendable. His on-screen presence is magnetic, and his chemistry with the rest of the cast is palpable, making his performance a standout in the film.
Hansford Prince as Joe Holiday

Hansford Prince

Joe Holiday

汉斯福德·普林斯以《模仿者》(1995 年)、《巴比伦》(2022 年)和《纳什·布里奇斯》(1996 年)而闻名。

Olivia Wilde as Ina Conrad

Olivia Wilde

Ina Conrad

奥利维亚·简·科伯恩(Olivia Jane Cockburn,1984 年 3 月 10...

Patrick Fugit as Officer Elwood

Patrick Fugit

Officer Elwood

帕特里克·雷蒙德·福吉特(Patrick Raymond Fugit,1982 年 10 月 27 日出生)是一位美国演员

Eric Roberts as Robert Roy

Eric Roberts

Robert Roy


Samara Weaving as Constance Moore

Samara Weaving

Constance Moore

Samara Weaving(1992年2月23日-)是澳大利亚女演员和模特。她在澳大利亚制作的 BBC 电视连续剧《Out of the Blue》中饰演 Kirsten Mulroney 的角色,并在澳大利亚肥皂剧《Home...

Sean O'Bryan as Studio Executive (Billy)

Sean O'Bryan

Studio Executive (Billy)

肖恩·迈克尔·奥布莱恩(Sean Michael O'Bryan,1963年9月10日-),美国影视演员。他与威廉·拉格斯代尔(William Ragsdale)共同主演了短命系列《兄弟的守护者》(Brother's...

David Ury as Fan (Autograph)

David Ury

Fan (Autograph)

大卫·布莱恩·尤里(David Brian Ury,1973 年 9 月 30 日出生)是美国演员、单口喜剧演员、YouTuber 和日语翻译专家。 Ury...

Frederick Koehler as D.P. Bill (1st Day of Sound)

Frederick Koehler

D.P. Bill (1st Day of Sound)

弗雷德里克·科勒(Frederick Koehler,1975 年 6 月 16 日出生)是一位美国演员,以在《凯特和艾莉》中饰演奇普以及在 HBO 电视剧《绿野仙踪》中饰演安德鲁·席林格而闻名。

Taylor Nichols as Wealthy Man

Taylor Nichols

Wealthy Man

塞西尔·泰勒·尼科尔斯(Cecil Taylor Nichols,1959 年 3 月 3 日出生于密歇根州兰辛)是一位美国演员

Todd Giebenhain as Prop Master (Kinoscope)

Todd Giebenhain

Prop Master (Kinoscope)

托德是一名演员,他在 1996 年后在巡回赛中崭露头角,他甚至出现在 Hemi 广告中。在《Raising Hope》中,他与女演员香农·伍德沃德(Shannon Woodward)和演员加勒特·迪拉亨特(Garrett...

Pete Ploszek as Young Actor (Jack's Beach Set)

Pete Ploszek

Young Actor (Jack's Beach Set)

皮特·普洛泽克(Pete Ploszek)是美国演员。他出生于伊利诺伊州的欣斯代尔,但在新泽西州、缅因州和俄亥俄州长大,然后定居在伊利诺伊州的圣查尔斯。他在普林斯顿大学踢足球,并在南加州大学(12...

Tobey Maguire as James McKay

Tobey Maguire

James McKay


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