"Your Name." is a captivating and imaginative animated film that tells the story of two high schoolers, Mitsuha Miyamizu, voiced by Mone Kamishiraishi, and Taki Tachibana, played by Ryunosuke Kamiki, who lead vastly different lives but find themselves inexplicably switching places. Mitsuha is a small-town girl living in the rural countryside, longing for the excitement and hustle and bustle of city life. Taki, on the other hand, is a young man living in Tokyo, where he attends high school and works part-time at an architectural firm.
The film begins with Mitsuha and Taki waking up in each other's bodies, a bewildering and disorienting experience that they must quickly adapt to as they navigate their daily lives. Mitsuha, now in Taki's body, must learn to navigate the complexities of city life, including attending school and interacting with Taki's friends and coworkers. Meanwhile, Taki, who finds himself in Mitsuha's body, must adjust to life in the countryside, where he helps his family with their shrine and participates in traditional festivals.
As the film progresses, Mitsuha and Taki begin to communicate with each other, leaving messages in each other's phones and trying to understand the rules of their strange predicament. Despite the bizarre circumstances, they form a deep connection, and the film becomes a poignant exploration of love, fate, and the human experience. With stunning animation, engaging characters, and a thought-provoking story, "Your Name." is a must-watch for fans of animated films and anyone looking for a heartwarming and memorable cinematic experience.
Kanon Tani played the role of young Meiko Honma in Fuji Television's live-action adaptation of Ano Hi Mita Hana no Na...
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Chafurin was born on December 4, 1961 and is currently 63 years old.
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Kana Hanazawa is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with the Office Osawa talent agency. In 2012 she made her debut ...
Nagasawa Masami is a Japanese actress under Toho Entertainment. She has performed in many famous movies and televisio...
Ichihara Etsuko was born January 24, 1936 in Chiba, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. She is a veteran actress and voice actre...
Yuka Terasaki (寺崎 裕香, Terasaki Yuka, August 4, 1983) is a Japanese voice actress, actress and singer from Kumamoto. S...
Takashi Onozuka was born on February 1, 1974 and is currently 50 years old.
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Shinjirō Gōda (合田 慎 二郎, Gōda Shinjirō, October 14) is a Japanese voice actor (seiyuu) from Chiba Prefecture. He is af...
Yasuhiro Kikuchi was born on September 29, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.
Nozomi Yamane (山根 希美, Yamane Nozomi, June 23) is a Japanese voice actress from Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. Sh...
Yuuki Shin (新 祐樹, Shin Yūki, March 6, 1994) is a Japanese male voice actor. He is affiliated with Ken Production. Bor...
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Miho Morisaki (森嵜 美穂, Morisaki Miho, born October 10, 1987) is a Japanese voice actress from Yamanashi Prefecture. Sh...
Tomohiro Yamaguchi was born on December 26, 1987 and is currently 36 years old.
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