Under Suspicion is an American television police drama set in Portland, Oregon. It was created by Jacqueline Zambrano. Its episodes were broadcast on the CBS network from September 16, 1994 to March 10, 1995. Though short-lived, the show premiered to fairly strong reviews, which praised lead Karen Sillas's performance and observed that the show functioned as a kind of Americanized Prime Suspect.
Filming occurred in Portland, with views of the South Park Blocks and Willamette River.
Rosa María Perez (born September 6, 1964) is an American actress, community activist, talk show host, author, dancer,...
Amber Laura Heard (born April 22, 1986) is an American film and television actress. After a series of small roles in ...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Michael Anthony Beach (born October 30, 1963) is an American actor.
Zoe McLellan (born November 6, 1974) is an American actress.
Philip Casnoff is an actor and director.
Katherine LaNasa (born December 1, 1966) is an American actress, former ballet dancer and choreographer. She starred ...
Paul McCrane (born January 19, 1961) is an American actor, director and singer.