The story of the Egyptian Pharaoh, one of the most renowned leaders in human history. This ambitious special-event series tells the story of Tut’s rise to power and his struggle to lead Egypt to glory, while his closest advisers, friends and lovers scheme for their own nefarious interests. “Tut” opens up a fascinating window into a world filled with heart-breaking romance, epic battles, political backstabbing, conspiracy, jealousy, and even murder — proving his world was not far removed from our own — and that his reign as the youngest Egyptian king played out as a real-life drama for the ages.
Peter Gadiot was born in Mexico and raised in the UK and he's of Dutch and Mexican descent and he trained at the Dram...
See Peter Gadiot's other roles →Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi ( born 21 November 1965) is a Suda...
See Alexander Siddig's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Silas Carson (born 1965) is an English actor, mostly known for playing Jedi Ma...
See Silas Carson's other roles →Iddo Goldberg (born 5 August 1975) is an English-Israeli actor. Goldberg was born in Haifa, Israel. He has had sever...
See Iddo Goldberg's other roles →Chukwunonso Nwachukwu "Nonso" Anozie is a British actor who has worked on stage, film, and television. He is best kno...
See Nonso Anozie's other roles →UK actor Steve Toussaint first appeared on the big screen in the mid-'90s with supporting roles in movies such as Jud...
See Steve Toussaint's other roles →