Ellie Linton, a teen from an Australian coastal town, leads her friends on an excursion to a camp deep in the woods, dubbed "Hell." Upon their return, the youths find that their town has been overrun by an enemy army, and their friends and family have been imprisoned. When the hostile invaders become alerted to their presence, Ellie and her friends band together to escape -- and strike back against -- this mysterious enemy.
Caitlin Jean Stasey is an Australian actress who is well known for her roles as Francesca Thomas in The Sleepover Clu...
Phoebe Jane Elizabeth Tonkin (born 12 July 1989) is an Australian actress and model. She is best known for portraying...
Ashleigh Cummings (born 11 November 1992) is an Australian actress. She is known for her roles in the films Tomorrow,...