In the heart of a pristine, uninhabited island, an intelligent and resourceful robot named Roz finds herself stranded after a shipwreck leaves her alone in the wilderness. Roz, whose voice is brought to life by the talented Lupita Nyong'o, must quickly adapt to her new and challenging surroundings. As she navigates the complexities of her environment, her unconventional nature allows her to connect with the island's diverse animal inhabitants, forming bonds that transcend the boundaries between technology and nature. The narrative unfolds as Roz showcases her resilience and ingenuity, learning the intricacies of island life while grappling with her own identity.
One of the central threads of the story revolves around Roz's nurturing spirit. In a poignant turn of events, she encounters an orphaned baby goose, whom she names Brightbill. The emotional depth of their relationship is skillfully portrayed, illustrating how love and care can blossom even in the most unlikely circumstances. As Roz learns the responsibilities of being a guardian, she not only teaches Brightbill essential survival skills but also discovers what it means to be part of a family. Her journey is marked by both challenges and triumphs, as she strives to create a safe and nurturing environment for her newfound companion amidst the island’s unpredictable elements.
Meanwhile, the character of Fink, voiced by Pedro Pascal, adds another layer to the tale. Fink, a clever yet mischievous animal on the island, becomes both an ally and an occasional skeptic of Roz's robotic capabilities. Their dynamic underscores the film's themes of acceptance and cooperation, as Fink and Roz navigate their differences while uniting to protect the vulnerable creatures of the island. Together, they face the trials of nature, push the boundaries of their own identities, and ultimately learn the power of friendship in a world that initially seems devoid of human presence. With its enchanting visuals and heartfelt storytelling, "The Wild Robot" invites audiences to contemplate the meaning of belonging and the profound connections that can form, irrespective of one’s origins.
Lupita Amondi Nyong'o (born 1 March 1983) is a Kenyan-Mexican actress and author. She began her career in Hollywood a...
José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal (born April 2, 1975) is a Chilean-American actor. After nearly two decades of taking smal...
William Francis Nighy (born 12 December 1949) is an English actor. Known for his work on screen and stage, he has rec...
Stephanie Ann Hsu (born November 25, 1990) is an American actress. She originated the theatrical roles of Christine C...
Irving Rameses Rhames (born May 12, 1959) is an American actor. He is known for his supporting roles as IMF Agent Lut...
Mark Richard Hamill (born September 25, 1951) is an American actor, voice artist, producer, director, and writer. Ham...
Catherine Anne O'Hara (born March 4, 1954) is a Canadian-American actress and comedienne. She is well known for her c...
Dee Bradley Baker (born August 31, 1962) is an American voice actor. Noted as his long-running-role as Squilliam Fanc...
Randy has been nominated for fifteen Oscars, an Emmy and a Grammy. He has received two Oscars: one for The Right Stuf...
Keston John was born on August 17, 1984 and is currently 40 years old.
Maxwell Braden "Max" Mittelman (born September 5, 1990) is an American voice actor who has provided voices for Englis...
Piotr Michael is an actor, comedian and voice artist born in Los Angeles, California. He grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, ...