Cast of
The Visitor

About The Visitor

  • Released on May 10, 2007
  • Drama

When Tom travels across the country to locate the Daughter he never knew, undeniable questions of consequence rise to the surface when he offers a ride to stranded young woman.

Full Cast of The Visitor

Laura Mennell
plays Teacher

Laura Mennell as Teacher

Laura Mennell was born on April 18, 1980 and is currently 44 years old.

See Laura Mennell's other roles

Aaron Douglas
plays Police Officer

Aaron Douglas as Police Officer

Aaron Douglas was born on August 23, 1971 and is currently 52 years old.

See Aaron Douglas's other roles

Anthony Shim
plays Stockroom Kid

Kathryn Kirkpatrick
plays Cashier

Dena Ashbaugh
plays Amy's Mother

Ryan Robbins
plays Tom

Ryan Robbins as Tom

Ryan Robbins (born November 26) is a Canadian actor. He was married to the actress Rebecca Reichert (separated in 201...

See Ryan Robbins's other roles

Crew of The Visitor

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