The Untouchables

The Untouchables is an American crime drama series that aired for two seasons in syndication, from January 1993 to May 1994. The series portrayed work of the real life Untouchables federal investigative squad in Prohibition-era Chicago and its efforts against Al Capone's attempts to profit from the market in bootleg liquor.

The series features Tom Amandes as Eliot Ness and William Forsythe as Al Capone, and was based on the 1959 series and 1987 film of the same name.

Full Cast of The Untouchables

Harry Hutchinson

Marc Grapey

Marc Grapey

Marc Grapey was born on April 5, 1964. He is an actor.

Michael Horse as George Steelman

Michael Horse

as George Steelman

Michael Horse was born on December 21, 1951 and is currently 72 years old.

Keone Young

Keone Young

Keone Young was born on September 6, 1947 and is currently 77 years old.

Famke Janssen

Famke Janssen

Famke Beumer Janssen (born c. 1964/1965) is a Dutch actress. She played Xenia Onatopp in GoldenEye (1995), Jean Grey ...

W. Earl Brown

W. Earl Brown

William Earl Brown (born September 7, 1963) is an American actor, screenwriter, producer, musician, and songwriter. H...

Tom Amandes as Eliot Ness

Tom Amandes

as Eliot Ness

Tom Amandes (born March 9, 1959) is an American actor. His best known role to date is that of the role of Dr. Harold ...

John Rhys-Davies as Michael Malone

John Rhys-Davies

as Michael Malone

John Rhys-Davies (born 5 May 1944) is a Welsh actor and vocal artist. He is perhaps best known for playing the charis...

Crew of The Untouchables

Discover the backstage crew of The Untouchables →